Thursday, October 3, 2013

Never Waste Opportunities

Capitol Shooting Started When Woman’s Vehicle Rammed White House Gate

Sources tell WNEW Senior Correspondent Mark Segraves that the suspect, an unarmed 34-year-old Connecticut woman, was shot and killed by police.

Dine says a child was also in the car. Segraves says the child was between 12 and 18 months old and was injured, though the extent of the injuries are unknown.

US Capitol shooting: Police kill woman after she rams WH barricades, no weapon found

The suspect has a history of mental illness issues, according to WUSA. The chase began, CNN noted, when the woman fled an altercation with officers 12 blocks away from the final crash site.

Car chase ends in gunfire near U.S. Capitol

Witness Travis Gilbert said several police cars chased the black sedan at high speed toward the Capitol.

"They ran all the red lights. It was a very dangerous situation," Gilbert said.

All the shooting appears to have been done by police; law enforcement sources said the suspect did not shoot a gun and there is no indication that she had one.

A U.S. official said there was no apparent connection to terrorism.

Note: The Police escorted her with lights so that there was no chance her trip could be interupted.

Woman rams White House barrier; shots fired at Capitol after high-speed chase

Reps. Gerald Connolly and Matthew Cartwright were having a conversation on the balcony outside the House chamber when they heard two bursts of about seven or eight rounds.

Note: No gun found no shots returned. Gee fella's you had to discharge some of that government bought billion rounds. This is good training for other women and babies you'll be shooting soon enough.  Like Ducks in a barrel huh boys?




  1. As the government cheese is being doled out ala Barry and the Congressional Rats, this comes from the remnants of SANDY HOAX and the U-CON mind controllers. This woman was obviously sent there on an MK-Ultra trigger and the NARRATIVE will begin.

    As with the Full Spectrum Electrmagnetic Visual Audio Network, the MSM and EVAN teams will likely fabricate some pathetically lame Obamaspin.

    Congress of course a the most afraid group in the country and they will likely scream for full lockdown of DC, NYC and other high profile dotgov's. We will have to look at this as a possible immediate trend for some real MK gunplay directed at Congress, WH or Government Facilities.

  2. 6:21 p.m.: Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, following a security briefing, said the driver is believed to have been a 34-year-old African American woman with a possible history of mental illness.

    VIDEO and timeline


  3. Poster marked 10/3/2012 by mistake

  4. You're very cynical, Puddy. {hee haw}.

    I don't believe you've noted this recent assassination, a very high profile kill --

    I listened to the following interview, and noted the glaring omissions, deceptions, and distractions by a former Senator who was in some key positions during and after 9/11. Once a Liar, always a Liar I'd say. And this is supposed to be him "coming clean" on issues...WTF?! Essentially, he's still covering up the cover ups. .

  5. Ran across this tongue-in-cheek video linked to on one of Kirwan's recent pieces -- "Make No Mistake!" Decoding Nero's Lies --

  6. Are you aware of this?


  7. Yea, it's another DRILL with "role playing victims" !!! Whodathunkit?

    Capital Shield 2014: First Responders train in Nation's Capital

    September 30, 2013

    By Mr. George Markfelder (JFHQNCRMDW)

    Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Battalion Chief Paul Ruwe discusses the first day activities with mission leaders from the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, II Marine Expeditionary Force during the opening day of Capital Shield 14, at the Lorton Va. emergency training site, Sept. 30, 2013. The Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region is the coordinating agency of the training which features more than 38 participating organizations from DOD and Capital region response agencies. The organizations will perform mock mass casualty rescues, Defense Support to civil agency technical rescues and law enforcement tactical responses. The goal of the exercise is to ensure government agencies at every level are prepared to coordinate action to protect the public in the event of an actual disaster in the National Capital Region.
    • Chief Warrant Officer 4, Frank Pater, Battalion Senior CBRN Officer explains the days training events to role-playing "victims" at the Lorton Va. emergency training site, Sept. 30, 2013. The Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region is the coordinating agency of the training which features more than 38 participating organizations from DOD and Capital region response agencies. The organizations will perform mock mass casualty rescues, Defense Support to civil agency technical rescues and law enforcement tactical responses. The goal of the exercise is to ensure government agencies at every level are prepared to coordinate action to protect the public in the event of an actual disaster in the National Capital Region.

    Related Links

    Capital Shield website
    Chemical Biological Incident Response Force II Marine Expeditionary Force
    Joint Force Headquarters -- National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington

    WASHINGTON (Sept. 30, 2013) -- Emergency vehicles and first responders are once again in action in the National Capital Region and will be thru Oct. 3. They are participating in "Capital Shield 2014."

    CS 14 is a joint training exercise in the NCR that is hosted by the Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region. It brings federal, state, local and municipal agencies together to realistically test interagency operability during a crisis impacting the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. It also trains and prepares the Department of Defense to provide defense support to civil authorities and employ appropriate force protection measures as requested.

    "Because we are all regional partners it's nice to be able to pick up the Phone and KNOW the other person on the end of the line when you are in need of some help," said Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Battalion Chief Paul Ruwe. "It's a lesson learned from 9/11. We had good regional contact with the FBI Washington office, and that really helped after the attack on the Pentagon."

    Ruwe is the Incident commander at the Lorton Training site, Lorton Va., and said the training site will be very busy over the next few days.

    More than 38 participating agencies from DOD and Capital region response agencies will perform mock mass casualty rescues, Defense Support to civil agency technical rescues and law enforcement tactical responses. The goal of the exercise is to ensure government agencies at every level are prepared to coordinate action to protect the public in the event of an actual disaster in the National Capital Region.

    FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please visit the Capital Shield 2014 website at

  8. "Fake DC Police Car Crash ‘scene’ — like a scene from a movie"

    This cop drives straight through the Obvious barriers in front of him? Why would he do that?

    Quote from following video:
    “that was supposed to be pretty close, but he wasn’t supposed to run in..”

    From --

    The second video at the link points out visually -- "Stop barriers suddenly appear strung across the entire crosswalk area AFTER the police car races through intersection".

    Infowars has lots of soup on the stove about this one. The comments are interesting...

  9. I have seen this at another blog and it 's a bit odd in that the bankers & [core committee] which is now known to be aided by putin is after the collapse of the economy and martial law.
    Those who are trying to hold it together are france & germany. (paperclip)The stakes for Syria corridors and AFRICOM are red team/blue team. National sovereighnty is meaningless.

    Holding the M.I.C.(congressional complex) together is now becoming a splintered group with NATO and the UN vs NORTHCOM.

    I think the Government Shootdown and shutdown are mainly targeted to wrench the red team. The Benghazi blue team assault came after the red team Syria Egypt affair and Morsi coup. Another blue team [Queens move]

    MI6 can run the game but they are dealing with splinters in every aspect of CIA - NSA, Interpol and Mossad. Now you can add the KGB(or FSB) red team. There is no central governance left in this country in either the Judicial, Executive, Legislative, financial or military.

    The looting is clear from WHALE to LIBOR to Main Street are just last bits of conversion by the capos to launder real assets offshore before they bail. And as I have said a hundred times, "we will be on our own"

    Whether MAD MAX or HUNGER GAMES (pick your landscape) you will live to see it. What exactly happens at this point forward is exemplified by the lack of effort they are spending on each and every ponzi, fraud and staging. They are only watching out for those who are really out to get them. Every detail confirms they are ultimately IN LEAGUE, SAFE FROM EACH OTHER and PROTECTED BY COMMITTEE. It's a game of 3D chess and two of the boards are RISK and MONOPOLY.

    We are the terrorists, we are Al-qaeda, the war on terror focus and the only remaining threat in the way of their objective and goal. They, as two teams (less some splinter rogue opportunists) are merely playing for high stakes in the match.

    Our greatest enemy will be ourselves, under the influence of the complex assaults, mystery science, lack of truth, timeline of event horizon and our own fears. We will do the job of depopulating the planet on our own and they will return to transform society into the proverbial "Uno Orden Mundial" With no fear, we can prepare for techno-events that will astound. I'll be in the front rows near an aisle.

  10. What's it like to know that at some point we will all snap? That is unless we decide to drink the cocktails and join the ranks of brain dead OBorg.

    How transparent he was. (No lie there) Change we can believe in? We see it. We see those who believe in it. Can anything really shock us anymore?

    Not if you see it in bluebeam and COTO. It's been here since the oldest of us have been here and it's origin before the first bird shit. Now it's just all noise and annoying light.

    something else

  11. There's a reason for Nuclear to be of such conCERN for the master architects. It's not about nuclear "WEAPONS" , projectiles, missiles, extreme dirty bombs or delivery, but about facilitation. They do not want their earth contaminated. They do not want semi refined energy forms in power plants or other vessels, PERIOD. Fukushima and Nagasaki/Hiroshima prove out that a WMD is a facility.

    Many countries do not need nuclear weapons as they already have them providing High XRay power to light their homes. It's a doomsday weapon to a dozen countries like Russia, US, UK, France, Japan or Germany, China etc.

    You don't need to fire them off to destroy the world. Iran working on one for power is "NOT ACCEPTABLE" and they know it and we know it. We let the cat out of the bag with North Korea, Pakistan and Iraq, though Iraqs were destroyed as they were research facilities. But the plan is to shut down theirs and/or control it.

    If the NWO has one fear, it's that Pakistan or North Korea could pretty much destroy the world on their own. SUICIDE? Yes, but those who know the plan for a new world order and have no fear would certainly find that the Globalists will cater to them in this regard. While Pakistan, North Korea and Iran continue their efforts, the program is to clip their wings in the nuclear development.

    Iran will never have a 1000mWe facility...ever. They iwill kill their scientists and Israel will assure it with US assistance. The Dimonah Doomsday Grp and Israel were the reasons for WWII-Hiroshima/Nagasaki and Fukushima. It's a warning.
