Wednesday, September 4th, 2013.
[Tony nails it again with his impeccable, painstaking research to bring home and prove the premeditated perfidy and detailed imperialist designs of the bloodthirsty western powers. May the world get this information. - Zen]
Tony Cartalucci / ActivistPost
- NBC News’ report, “‘The great tragedy of this century’: More than 2 million refugees forced out of Syria,” stated:
More than 2 million Syrians have poured into neighboring countries as refugees, the United Nations revealed on Tuesday.
Around 5,000 people per day are fleeing the three-year conflict, which the U.N. says has already claimed over 100,000 lives.
“Syria has become the great tragedy of this century — a disgraceful humanitarian calamity with suffering and displacement unparalleled in recent history,” said António Guterres, the U.N.’s high commissioner responsible for refugees.
But, while the UN and nations across the West feign shock over the growing humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in and around Syria, the goal of a violent sectarian conflict and its predictable, catastrophic results along with calls to literally “bleed” Syria have been the underlying strategy of special interests in the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their regional partners since at least 2007.
A Timeline: How the Syrian Conflict Really Unfolded
Western media networks have ensured that a singular narrative of “pro-democracy” uprisings turning violent in the face of brutal oppression by the Syrian government after the so-called “Arab Spring” is disseminated across the public. In reality, “pro-democracy” protesters served as a tenuous smokescreen behind which armed foreign-backed extremists took to the streets and countrysides of Syria to execute a sectarian bloodbath years in the making. Here is a timeline that illuminates the true cause of Syria’s current conflict and the foreign interests, not the Syrian government, responsible for the tens of thousands dead and millions displaced during the conflict.
1991: Paul Wolfowitz, then Undersecretary of Defense, tells US Army General Wesley Clark that the US has 5-10 years to “clean up those old Soviet client regimes, Syria, Iran, Iraq, before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us.” Fora.TV: Wesley Clark at the Commonwealth Club of California, October 3, 2007.
2001: A classified plot is revealed to US Army General Wesley Clark that the US plans to attack and destroy the governments of 7 nations: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Fora.TV: Wesley Clark at the Commonwealth Club of California, October 3, 2007.
2002: US Under Secretary of State John Bolton declares Syria a member of the “Axis of Evil” and warned that “the US would take action.” BBC: “US Expands ‘Axis of Evil’” May 6, 2002.
2005: US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy organizes and implements the “Cedar Revolution” in Lebanon directly aimed at undermining Syrian-Iranian influence in Lebanon in favor of Western-backed proxies, most notably Saad Hariri’s political faction. Counterpunch: “Faking the Case Against Syria,” by Trish Schuh November 19-20, 2005.
Image: Via Color Revolutions and Geopolitics: “As illustrated by the images above, Lebanon’s so-called [2005] Cedar Revolution was an expensive, highly-professional production.” (click image to enlarge)
2005: Ziad Abdel Nour, an associate of Bush Administration advisers, policy makers, and media including Neo-Conservatives Paula Dobriansky, James Woolsey, Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, Joseph Farah (World Net Daily), Clifford May, and Daniel Nassif of US State Department-funded Al Hurra and Radio Sawa, admits: “Both the Syrian and Lebanese regimes will be changed- whether they like it or not- whether it’s going to be a military coup or something else… and we are working on it. We know already exactly who’s going to be the replacements. We’re working on it with the Bush administration.” Counterpunch: “Faking the Case Against Syria,” by Trish Schuh November 19-20, 2005.
2006: Israel attempts, and fails, to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon after a prolonged aerial bombard that resulted in thousands of civilian deaths. CNN: “UN: Hezbollah and Israel agree on Monday cease-fire,” August 13, 2006.
2007: Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker reveals that US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Hariri in Lebanon as well as the Syrian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood were assembling, arming, training, and heavily funding a sectarian extremists front, many of whom had direct ties to Al Qaeda, to unleash in both Lebanon and Syria. The goal was to create and exploit a sectarian divide between Sunni and Shi’ia Muslims. Hersh interviewed intelligence officers who expressed concerns over the “cataclysmic conflict” that would result, and the need to protect ethnic minorities from sectarian atrocities. The report indicated that extremists would be logistically staged in northern Lebanon where they would be able to cross back and forth into Syria. New Yorker: “The Redirection,” by Seymour Hersh, March 5, 2007.
2008: The US State Department begins training, funding, networking, and equipping “activists” through its “Alliance for Youth Movements” where the future protest leaders of the “Arab Spring,” including Egypt’s “April 6 Movement” were brought to New York, London, and Mexico, before being trained by US-funded CANVAS in Serbia, and then returning home to begin preparations for 2011. Land Destroyer: “2011 – Year of the Dupe,” December 24, 2011.
Which Path to Persia?
2009: The Brookings Institution published a report titled, “Which Path to Persia?” (.pdf), which admits that the Bush Administration “evicted” Syria from Lebanon without building up a strong Lebanese government to replace it (p. 34), that Israel struck a “nascent” Syrian nuclear program, and states the importance of neutralizing Syrian influence before any attack on Iran can be carried out (p. 109). The report then goes on to describe in detail the use of listed terrorist organizations against the government of Iran, in particular the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) (p. 126) and Baluch insurgents in Pakistan (p.132). Brookings Institution: “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran,” June 2009.
Following Video from Zero Hedge & Infowars:
This is great. I wish he had added the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline issue and the Islamic (friendship) Pipeline. It's really at the core of R.O.W. in this scam.
ReplyDeletehe Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline was constructed with American help so as to create an energy transport corridor bypassing Russia. Well timed and completed, it has been delivering oil since 2006. Russia has been affected and weakened by this project.
[This tri-partite gas pipeline project has two different names. Iran and Iraq's governments have dubbed it the “friendship pipeline”, while some Western media sources call it the "Islamic pipeline”. This double naming belies two different interpretations of the project. From an Iranian perspective, this gas pipeline represents a first step towards a new energy road. From some Western perspectives, this project represents an enlargement in Iran’s sphere of influence.]
Now you know why the LEFT-RIGHT scumbags will play this farce like they REALLY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE SYRIAN PEOPLE. Dead kids are their breakfast.
ReplyDeleteSyria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern
ReplyDeleteMassacres of civilians are being exploited for narrow geopolitical competition to control Mideast oil, gas pipelines
[It would seem that contradictory self-serving Saudi and Qatari oil interests are pulling the strings of an equally self-serving oil-focused US policy in Syria, if not the wider region. It is this - the problem of establishing a pliable opposition which the US and its oil allies feel confident will play ball, pipeline-style, in a post-Assad Syria - that will determine the nature of any prospective intervention: not concern for Syrian life.]
Yes, Yes, Yes!!!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the WORLD is Waking Up a little to the LIES & DECEPTION? At least COTO has.
The Meme is never about The People, except in how to kill them, slave them, profit off of them, or any other opportunity leads to profits & power for the psychopaths. Why would it be anything other than these types of Obvious motives? Once an individual comprehends that the Controllers are psychopaths, and understands the implications of this diagnosis, then a whole new pair of colored glasses reveals things you just never saw before, because they weren't within your spectrum of "seeing".
It is NEVER about humanitarianism with politics, the MIC, corporations, and the media. It will be, and ALWAYS IS about Profits & Power.
Ask yourself -- How many "poor" people do you see in positions of "power" in politics? "Yeah, but they're Public Servants?" Shut Up and pay attention!
How many? If they're poor, they won't have any position or power. If they have money & power, 99% of the time they got them by selling out the poor people all around them, whom they're supposed to represent (which of course they don't).
See, We're dealing with World Class Hypocrites, who deceive with every breath they take. Look around. THIS -- is the World THEY have created. They've been building their own personal power & profits nest eggs for some time now right in front of the World's faces.
We must realize that they can only "tell the Truth" when it serves to provide cover for them, or serves to "set up" a situation which they hope to profit off of for money or power. Its what They Do. There is nothing else. Don't attribute to them normal human "anything". They are mutant killers without remorse. Just keep watching how this Syria Staging progresses, watch what they "do", listen to their words, and compare. Don't be hypnotized. They are snakes.
Here's a good one. Boots on the ground Al-CIAda fighter being transported. More killers from Benghazi?
Libya Officials at Tripoli International Airport (HLLT/TIP) reported that the facility will close for maintenance on 6 September 2013. The airport closure will begin at 0000 local time (2200 UTC on 5 September) and will last until 1800 local time. Some airlines are rescheduling flights in light of the closure, while others will divert to Tripoli's Mitiga International Airport (HLLM/MJI).
EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon may be involved in chemical attack in Syria, US intelligence colonel hacked mail reflect
ReplyDelete[In the message August 22 Eugene Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to Wasington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria. From the Anthony’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence.]
Just off the wire,US Senate approves Syria attack. Rubber stamp,Mcain and Graham celebrate with bagels and Maneshewitz. John Hagee releases 10,000 cubic feet of hot-air in a sigh of relief.
ReplyDeleteHORMUZing for the committee. Hot fun in the summertime.
ReplyDeletemissed link above
ReplyDeleteIT'S ALIVE !!!!!
There is a paradigm shift happening. Don't ask me what form it will take, or if it will take any form at all, but the sales job on this rouse isn't working.
ReplyDeleteTo me it all comes down to the military. Are there enough that will stand-down, or up as may be the case, and finally turn on this murderous crew of criminals?
On the street they're asking how can we not send the military to save Americans in Benghazi, but send them to save al-Qeada in Syria? The military has to see this to, as evidence of the latest Internet protest with active military with their signs echoing the same sentiments.
They need to come-out from behind the signs. One of the reasons the Vietnam war came to an end is because a lot of soldiers we're telling them to GFT.
I've located a plan that was supposedly leaked about the military's plan to arrest all the banksters. But I'm not so sure it isn't a rouse itself. I'd like for you guys to pursue it, it's some 91-pages long, if I can figure out how to publish it on here.
Anyhow, I still see this as a rouse, as in Congress will deny and most likely the public outrage will get to a point that Obama will fain the reluctant warrior and back down to the will of the people. Then he'll come roaring back with a vengeance, when his false-flag attack at the end of September happens, and he condemns all those appeasers as dangerous to "national security." Then the real fun will start.
Unless the military grows some balls. Not that I'm happy with a military takeover, but I just don't see anything else happening. So far I haven't seen people getting out from in front of whatever screen is captivating them and getting mad enough to do what needs to be done. I hear and see that they're mad and waking-up, but that jump-up and do something about it hasn't happened, and I don't know if it will.
I'm just at the point now that if these inbreed cretins want a war, I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be one we have here and now. Screw Syria.
LOL ... it's really amassing how bad Kerry looks lately. I kept thinking he's like "A Weekend at Kerry's" That he died some time right after being appointed and they've stuffed him like a mannequin and he's really a robot. He looks that bad.
ReplyDeleteJust as former Senator John Tower and his daughter were among 23 persons murdered on April 5, 1991 when the twin-engine commuter plane they were aboard crashed while trying to land at an airport in Brunswick, GA–and the death of Senator John Heinz and six other people were killed on the previous day of April 4, 1991.
John Tower and John Heinz both Senate banking and finance committee members unhappy with Bush admin and Federal Reserve. Both killed on consecutive days in aircraft wellstoning along with 26 other innocent people.
Tower was rejected as GHWB’s Sec of Defense. Dick Cheney Representative from Wyoming and the House minority whip, was later confirmed as secretary of defense.
Theresa Heinz inherited the wealth and paid her silence by marrying Skull and Bones Kerry like Laura Welch (sociopath) did Bush the junior. Kerry is the most powerful Bonesman next to Bush the elder and a definite psychopath.
Time to watch "Seven Days In May" John Frankenheimer and screenplay by Rod Serling
ReplyDeleteMount Weather and COG. What do lunatics care?
"Attack on Russian Embassy in Damascus Barbaric Act" - Moscow
ReplyDeleteBoehner refuses to meet with Russian delegation on Syria
US lied about absence of Al Qaeda in Syria - President Putin
Counter-Intelligence: Part III - The Strategy of Tension
As I contemplate the Gross Treason being committed by the Zionist NWO organisms embedded within the U.S. infrastructure, I visualize this Wiener "Cock Fight". The ultra-low quality of the the kosher dogs served the American populace boggles the mind. From Chertoff, to Napolitano, to Feinstein and Frankenstein we see an infiltration of zionist Manchurian Candidates waiting for their chance to "blow up" everything decent still standing in the rubble of the republic of America.
Vote "NO" on the putz's.
M, he does look uglier day by day. It's as if the character of their soul is manifested on their face. Look at all of them...same thing. They are scary as hell.
ReplyDeleteEverything old is new again. It's not only Iraq redux but the "Cuban Missle Crisis" all over again.
ReplyDeleteTestify Abby !
Happy Rosh Hashanah... Yom Kippur coming up next week... it's time the zionists atoned for their REAL sins.
ReplyDeleteThat was Excellent, JG! The hypocrite murderers have stuck their necks out on this Syrious issue.
The following video depicts a truly disgusting display of the use of brute "power" for "No Reason Whatsoever", and when "Not Threatened" in the least. This is the Ugly arm of "power" (Yeah, "Power Rangers of the Park") encircling a Veteran, a female Veteran at that -- and brutalizing her because she is giving voice in opposition to...the proposed killing and brutalizing of the Syrian People.
"Busted for Playing Banjo on Independence Mall
Park Rangers Brutally Arrest Iraq War Vet at Anti-Syria Bombing Demo"
Dave Lindorff reporting at
It is almost unbelievable that TPTB have brought ALL of US to the brink of this deadly crisis. We wish it weren't so, but Here We Are!
ReplyDeleteHow serious is it? It is not just one country, Syria, and its people threatened. Now, with Russia, China, Iran and other powers standing opposite the tri-part "Defenders of Freedom" world-wide -- USA, Israel, & France -- We must understand the dire straits We are being drug into...again, based on Lies.
Serious "probing" is going on beyond humanity's ability to "know" what the hell is going on -- "Russian expert says Mideast made narrow escape from major war Tuesday" .
The following piece covers current events of a strange nature. Near the end of the video, the "timing" of the warning for the E3 block in the NE, and current military training exercises and FEMA orders, coupled with the events being pushed along simultaneously in the ME, is suspiciously odd.
Yes, it is becoming Obvious.
ReplyDeleteWhen the World Power Heavyweights converge in a middle eastern "theater", bristling with weapons and rhetoric, rest assured -- it is definitely NOT a brouhaha over desert dwellers being killed any which way. Predator Psychopaths go to War for Power & Profits.
Once again, humanity (and in particular, the propaganda heavy Americans) are sold trite trinkets of warm fuzzies as the reasons for mobilizing trillions of dollars of military might.
Do WE not know by now, that the World Leaders don't care one whit about human life?! So, every time they trot out another line of bullshit, We should smell the stench before even seeing the steaming pile of Lies shot out the orifices of the MSM. I hope that gives you a good visual of how this all really works. So, Wake Up!
Ahhh yes, The City of Brotherly Love... my hometown. They hate banjo players there with a passion as you can see. Especially when they show up in INDEPENDENCE PARK !!! Quick, somebody warn Steve Martin.
ReplyDeleteYes, I remember it well.. Was it really that long ago ? Don't taze me bro !!! Look how far we've come since then. Bros tazing bros & sistahs all over da place. AND then there's FrankenKerry who has since developed into the perfect dictator in waiting. Makes me so proud I just wanna sing... go for it Toby you asshole ! I'm proud to be an Amerikan where at least I know I'm free !!
Now for something completely different... I haven't watched Jon Stewart since before his hair turned all white. But I have to admit I love his "fuck you" song immensely <3
Yes, the timing is everything. I covered this same info in my GridEx post. I suspect something wicked this way comes with all these drills and especially the power shutdown coming with Ison.
Strange things are going to happen come end of Sept into November it seems...I didn't get what that guy was pushing at the end of the video. We are supposed to swim around our oppressors when they come for us like a school of fish and not make a sound so that when they shoot/attack us they will hear our human suffering thereby making them feel human? wtf? NO
LOL :)
ReplyDelete[Senator Lindsay Graham has warned South Carolinians about the threat of a ‘terrorist nuclear attack’ on the same day that our exclusive high level military intel revealed to us that nuclear warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major Texas airforce base under an ‘off the record’ black ops transfer.]
Jones is cashing in on disinfo~
For $80.00 to Chertoff you can get your quick check pass at airport.
ReplyDeleteTSA's quicker Pre-Check coming to 60 more airports via @USATODAY
Gaddafi was going to unite the ME and Africa and force the IMF and Committee out. Chavez was going to join the act. This has been a priority and it was undoubtedly the first thing Bush Cheney told the incoming Barry Seal Soetoro.
ReplyDeleteGaddafi's creation of the African Investment Bank in Sirte (Libya) and the African Monetary Fund to be based in Cameroon will supplant the IMF and undermine Western economic hegemony in Africa,” said Gerald Pereira, an executive board member of the former Tripoli-based World Mathaba before Gaddafi's murder.
That's why france got into Libya and was involved with 911 Saudi plans for the spring. This carries over to British and Egypt and US/Saudi and Syria and Israel and Iran. This pie has already been divided between the committee G6. The Russians and Chinese have something to say about it and they will likely be paid off by selling them the US and Canada, piece by piece. I'm sure you have seen it there V, right?