Good Gawd that's a Scary Monster!!!
"Now that I Know NOW, What I Didn't Know THEN, It is Incumbent Upon Me, that I Don't Pretend this Monster Has Anything to Do with Protecting MY FAMILY'S FREEDOMS! This Creature and His Twisted Progeny, Will NEVER, Repeat NEVER, Get Their Demonic Hands on the Levers of Power in this World!"
What got my goat (not "My Pet Goat", 'cause that's George Bush, Jr.'s purview) was this article linked to below at Inforwars:
Go to this link, scroll down, and click on the video with the Evil Dick speaking about Al Qaeda, and implanting all kinds of LIES for the benefit of his twisted cabal's benefits --
WAIT A MINUTE! LIGHT BULB \!/FLASH\!/ -- Listen to what HE was saying about Al Qaeda THEN. And compare with the INVERSION NOW of the U.S. Administration FUNDING & ABETTING this same Al Qaeda forces now in Syria! Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans must be SCREAMING at the TREASON following their service "Against" these Al Qaeda forces correctly deemed "Enemies" of freedom. Well, the marketing terms are ubiquitous these days are they not? Saddam was on the CIA payroll for years, then he became "expendable". Isn't Dick Cheney "expendable"? Hasn't his "spoilage date" rolled over enough times, that Americans will decided to beat him with his own personal waterboard, and then drown him in a deluge of all of the LIES that have poured forth from his twisted snarl? Cannot we put this MAD DOG to rest already?
Now, his corrupted spawn is vying for the Senate in Wyoming?! WTF?!!! Generational Satanism at its Most Obvious! Sorry Ms. Liz, your DNA sequence qualifies you for "The Island of Dr. Moreau", not the Senate. But then, I was thinking of a Congress that served The People and wasn't utterly corrupt to their very DNA. My bad...
This piece of shit snarls "We Need to Protect This Nation"?! When this DICK ALLOWED the "Missile" (quoting Rumsfeld non-sequitur) to hit the Pentagon, killing the "collateral damage" working in the computing/accounting section that possessed the records of the $2.3TRILLION Rumsfeld had admitted was missing just one day before on September 10. The "Missile" was specifically targeted, and Dick let it in the barn door, and calls that, and the incalcuable devastation wrought on foreign peoples and the economy of this nation -- "Protecting this Nation". Do you see the rub?
Dick Cheny -- YOU had "Command & Control" power prior to, and during 9/11. YOU were "in-the-know" about the "War Games" diversions, the Air Force "Stand Down", the MSM timely and abrupt demonization of Osama bin Laden, of the finger-pointing at Iraq, and then Afghanistan. It was YOU who SOLD OUT AMERICA, AMERICANS, THE IRAQIS, THE AFGHANIS, and EVERYBODY ELSE under your meme of "protection". Hell, Bush the Shrub was reading "My Pet Goat" while you were in the bunker below the White House, testified to by Norman Mineta, as you allowed that "bogey" to approach and strike the Pentagon.
You know what WE KNOW Dick Face? WE KNOW -- YOU KNEW! You didn't just know, NO! Your hands and knarly fingers were certainly on the levers, cranking away with treasonous precision and malevolent intent!
YOU can't sell that shit now! You are certifiably Insane!
Dick Cheney -- You are one of the absolute WORST pieces of garbage this era has known. Your name, and the name of your family will bear the infamy of your psychopathic deeds done in Darkness, which you call Light. That you still snarl the debunked meme of "protecting this nation" by killing, destroying, lying, and every sort of debauchery ill-conceived by twisted minds like yours -- reveals your unfitness for breathing the air on this planet that other normal humans breathe. Contemplate the punishment you have earned. May it fit your crimes.
Here's a couple of your Dungeons & Dragons pals laughing and gaffing about "taking out" Iran's capabilities. The same sick old meme is alluded to here -- Kill Millions, for our protection. Y'all are the same soulless demons (sourced from
Dicks like Cheney give good penises a bad name. I have no doubt the GOP will have their opportunity if the current wang continues the flaccid economic agenda and Intensive ObamaCare on currently on Life Support .
ReplyDeleteIt's got to be deemed a liability to some Neo-cons to have Cheney even appear to shake his pecker in public anymore. Jeb Bush, the sleazy moderate approach could have some momentum if the ticket had Cruz or Scarface on the ballot. Hispanics who have come here legit and want a real job may opt for the big RED tool, over the skimpy blue junk.
Has Cheney shot anybody lately? I heard he wanted to buy an Aircraft Carrier for Wyoming. Can you imagine him behind a big gun? Hillary's gun is bigger than Dicks I imagine. She just has not shown it yet, though I think Anthony Wiener keeps trying to offer his up for consideration.
I 'm ready to retire to the Baja like Ventura. I'd rather take my chances with the Zeta's over the drug lords and their capo-regimes we have here. I'll have to review Joel Scousens book again and consider a place. 2016 in Amerika is just too depressing to contemplate .
We have these here in North Carolina. Everywhere.
Columbia, South Carolina has unanimously passed a measure that basically criminalizes homelessness...
Hmmm? In a few years that will be all of us.
Can't stand Dick, there was some tv show playing over here with Dick on it spewing his justification for the afghan attack, felt like throwing a brick at the TV.. What a pile of trash it is.
ReplyDeleteCheck this for chem webs!
I don't believe I've seen webs like that. Has anybody done a chemical test on them?
ReplyDeleteI read that deal on the zeal against "homeless" folks in Columbia, SC. 46 million (or was it 100 million?) on food stamps means a whole lotta people are one bad week away from total dependence..., or shall we say just a little "bad luck" spread out over a wide geographic area, or even just concentrated in cities, will result in hungry "anarchists". Let's just refer to them as poor people. The guv A-holes will euphemize them then seek to femarize them prior to euthanizing them when they're wore out.
"Freedom" in Amerika doesn't resemble the Freedom Ideal this population used to recognize. Its been inverted to freedom=slavery.
If another Bush, Clinton, or festering bugger frankenstein gets placed into the POTUS slot this next selection, its time for sea-to-shining-sea Tea Party, with the politicians and their banker/MIC/& Media whores thrown into the harbor of irradiated black goo.
You can't fuck up a country worse than these insane badministratiors. Nope. Every system they touch or regurgitate on (they think they're 'legislating'? WTF!) is ran into the ground.
We have a Failed State, because Amerikans have "allowed" Failures & Freaks to act as Badministrators. Fire em all! With a Squad of Citizens.
I'm sick and tired of seeing their sick faces, spouting the same LIES, like nobody has noticed or learned a thing since their Lying performance pre & post 9/11.
Save the "Protect this Country" twisted rhetoric you shitholes, because WE KNOW YOU are Professional, Certifiable, Treasonous Bastards! The dunghill you thought you built to last as a thousand points of light, has become a percolating, maggot-infested weiner republic. Waggle it around much more, and its going to get chopped off before it falls off of its own diseased accord!
If Cheney were like the rest of we humans, he would have died long ago. He's a despicable vampire and can only be destroyed by exposing his evil soul for all to see in bright sunlight and then driving the stake into his....wait... i was going to say, heart.... he doesn't have one..only metal parts.
ReplyDelete. The msm treats him as a great intellect and advisor. May he and all of his enablers rot in "hell"
I haven't seen those thick webs here, even with all the constant spraying. But there are dozens of vids on youtubes where they are showing up all over the country...along with videos exposing this crap: (I really wish they'd leave the music out of these videos or lower the volume)
More particles that seem to have an intelligence...
I've definitely seen these metallic particles at night. When the flash goes off I can see thousands of sparkly little specks light up just as this guy in England is picking up.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone should try taking a picture w/flash at night. I just have a cheap digital canon that's a couple of years old. Wonder what you'd pick up with a really good digital cam?
Hmm.. be getting some more filters for me gas mask me thinks.. : (
ReplyDeleteFor years here I see the particles falling unless it's raining in which they are in the water droplets. The nano particulate are binding in some fashion to form several structures depending on EM frequency of that area. You find them here in the trees and always on the ground in the grasses. My initial guess is the merging process for complete cover.
ReplyDeleteOn a sunny day, wipe your finger acrss the hood of your car and then hold it to the sunlight. Look for the glitter effect on your finger. If you are seeing it, and you feel flu-like symptoms, anxiety, depressed and have attention deficits or confusion, then mission accomplished. Fear not though the whitecoat boys have the answer. Paxil and Abilify cocktail, guaranteed to put you in the state of euphoria until the chemtrail cocktail and SSRI kill you.
PEPTIDE TARGET STAPLES. Death Panelling (the stated objective of Agenda 21))
I've seen the second part of this vid before where he's in the field. It looks like those webs are moving on their own since he says there is no wind and you don't see the trees in the background moving from wind. Either that or they are "shimmering" in the sun. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteVery good vid by the way Jay.. thanks.
Patrick, it's sunny here today and there is plenty of dust on my car. I'll give it the sunlight test when I head back to work from lunch.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if Los Zetas and Bohemian Grove were the casualties. -Universal Justice
ReplyDeleteMexico : Tropical Storm Fernand made landfall near Veracruz on the night of 25 August 2013 after forming offshore shortly beforehand. As of 1200 UTC on 26 August the storm was located approximately 95 mi/153 km northwest of Veracruz and was moving northwest at 9 mph/8 kt, with maximum sustained winds of 40 mph/35 kt. Veracruz has experienced power outages and minor flooding. Mudslides and additional flash floods remain a possibility as the storm continues to track over land, although this is expected to affect primarily the mountainous areas of Veracruz state rather than major urban centers.
United States : As of 26 August 2013 the Rim Fire, which is burning on the edge of California’s Yosemite National Park, has consumed more than 144,000 acres/225 square miles and remains only 7 percent contained. California officials have declared a state of emergency for the city of San Francisco, located approximately 150 mi/220 km from the blaze, as the fire is threatening the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, which provides 85 percent of the city’s water supply, as well as power to a number of city facilities, including the airport. So far two out of the three hydroelectric power stations serving San Francisco have been shut down, and further damage could have an effect on the power supply. Yosemite National Park remains open and relatively free of smoke. An entrance to the park from Highway 120 on the west side of the park, however, is closed. At least 2,800 firefighters and 12 helicopters are currently fighting the blaze. The cause of the Rim Fire remains under investigation.