Make sure and pay your taxes, because you're supporting this peaceful effort. Feel good that you can do your part to help others!
In case Americans have forgotten what "Cruise Missiles for Peace!" looks like, they can refer to the historic video information below. As we sit in our easy chairs watching the peace "process" unfold, we can contemplate the wonderful living standards, and peaceful environments that have been left for the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Kuwait, and other now-peaceful and productive enclaves like Kosovo.
Everyone can feel safe & secure, because a Nobel "Peace Prize" recipient is spreading the love and peace around.
We can imagine the Syrian People will greet the peaceful cruise missiles with a sigh of relief, and throw parties and such. Flowers for everyone all around. It must feel great to have "friends" on the other side of the world who look out for you, and express their love and care by offering "Cruise Missiles for Peace!". The gratitude is going to be overwhelming we're sure.
Scroll down to “United States Navy” heading
Cruise Missiles are touted as "extremely" accurate, and they should be considering their multi-million dollar price tag, plus the expense of all of the highly trained crews required to get the missile loaded, launched, and "On Target". You don't just lob these things like a SCUD missile. No Way!
So, they're supposed to be deadly accurate. Some "Truther" cretins have suggested that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. What idiots! You can plainly see that a 757 airplane hit the pentagon in this photo below:
[caption id="attachment_23962" align="alignleft" width="300"]
I believe this is it. The maniacs are going to push the button. I'm speechless and numb. Insane.
ReplyDeleteHow many times over the past how many years have we thought.. this is it, M? Too many to count. Numb is a good word. I'm numb to the fear anymore.
ReplyDeleteAll those other times we weren't going in direct confrontation with Russia and China. We attack, which seems inevitable, Russian troops are bound to die. And Russia will have to retaliate. From there it's just a matter of minutes before all the missals are launched.
I'm thinking that with all the scandals and with some of the moves behind the scenes that most aren't aware of, that the cretins are pushing the envelope knowing that if they don't simply push this into a crisis never before seen, that they might well lose it all. This, in my opinion, is their "scorched Earth" program. If it isn't then it's the boldest diversion they have ever perpetrated.
But knowing that sanity very rarely wins out when things are pushed this far, I don't see any good coming out of this. In the best case scenario if this stays regional, it will still be a quagmire that will make all the other conflicts pale in comparison. Gas will sky-rocket, economic collapse, China calling in the loans, Martial Law, just the entire basket of bullshit that they have ready to roll-out. And then how long after that would WWIII be?
One way or the other this is fast-tracking us straight to hell. And barring a complete pullback, with seems highly unlikely, it's going to be WWIII now, or WWIII a little later.
My only regret is never have shared that bottle of wine with you. Maybe if I hopped in my truck right now ...
Hop in your truck.. I'll chill the wine.. red or white?
ReplyDeleteThis short piece makes a very Obvious point --
ReplyDeleteThis was a link in the Dog Poet "Smoking Mirrors" blog post of Today. I suggest you read it as well --
More insightful links to observations may be made here as I come across them. It is appreciated if you do the same.
Video below from recent post, "Syria: Media/movie industry manufacturing chaos, protests, and death like "CNN" and Sandy Hook?" at
James Kirwan points out the Obvious, and suggests a remedy be found FAST!
Relax everyone. It's time to Twerk for the Jerks. It's best we end this charade. Armageddon welcome here.
James Corbett
ReplyDeleteSyrian Activist: Satellite imagery proves Syrian chemical weapons attack staged by rebels
Yes, on Dog Poet's Smoking Mirrors post,I linked to this horned demoness with her tongue forking display. Seems rather MK-Ultra to me. Perhaps Billy Ray's a proud papa over this out-of-Hannah Montana-character porn fest?
ReplyDeleteI watched it, but I don't need to see it, if you grok. Just unadulterated "Raunch". An evidence of the State-of-Things.
Red ... Pino or Chianti
ReplyDeleteShe's definitely a disney Monarch slave and Billy is her handler. Ever see those two together? It's creepy as hell.
ReplyDeleteI watched the vmas just to look for such satanic behavior. She made gaga's weird but not lewd performance seem very tame.
Those disney girls are scary lil demons.
I'll get a bottle of each ;)
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here seen anything about what Putin thinks of all this? I haven't heard or seen a word from him. Wtf?
ReplyDeleteIs that a man dressed like a lady in that interview?
ReplyDeleteI wish you'd post the extravaganza. I'm getting the imptession they are really pushing the envelope. It would seem BRC and Montana are butt buddies, if you get a whiff of the drift.
ReplyDeleteI had picked him as one of three shots heard around the world. The Globalist and Potus puppet would rather deal with Medvedev eh? [OPEN MIC]
ReplyDeleteRemember this from last year?
Dmitry Medvedev muses on aliens and Vladimir Putin's lateness
ReplyDeleteWhen Holyrood MK get on the job, Matt Demon or George Looney open their traps. 6-9-3 The Line before the Hook. All American? Hardly. This Boston Beantown fraud is right out of the Che-Che Guevara prop school.
As with almost all such dramas, because the leadership slots are pre-loaded, in all probability we are watching another staged drama for "effect & change". In other words, its Most Likely that all these puppet heads are working together. Most probably, they are directed by the Unseen Hand to bring about the pre-planned Agenda.
ReplyDeleteThis short piece brings it to mind:
No worries about Dutch.. he's alive and well and posting on facebook. He posted this vid w/comment on 8/26 and posted some info of earthquakes in Arkansas yesterday as well.
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Dutchsinse At 23min 50sec Julio asks a question ! At 24min 31sec the speaker brings up "chemtrails" !!
To what degree should we sacrifice our liberties for security? Damon.. you traitorous ahole! The answer is we do NOT sacrifice our liberty, you jackass.
ReplyDeleteThanks JG!
ReplyDeleteTimely Stephen Lendman piece here: