message from the asylum
I apologize in advance for my insanity. I have written large in the area of the big blue omnibus and I realize that I am a sick individual and in need of serious medical help. I'd like someone to offer me some therapy and assistance so that I can overcome my phobia and immediately undergo re-education by signing up for an advanced DNA analysis along with providing every intimate detail including health care and family psychological information to my loving government and a host of marketing and corporate bankers and investors. I realize the Nazi Final Solution and IG Farben and IBM, along with the Rockefeller-Ford Foundation's involvement in eugenics was just a fantasy created by Disney. I also realize that if everyone is doing it, then it must be benevolent and benign based upon Henry Kissingers, model for living in a New World Order, which by the way he has never ever uttered in his long and illustrious career as a genocidal warlord. I hope someone can help me to overcome my paranoia so that I may be able to spit on Henry someday and get that DNA analysis from my sputum and begin my recovery thus rejoining the flock.
Googleplex The Octopus -
'Nothing is more valuable than your family history'
One simple DNA test. A world of discoveries.
'A new shoebox for your old photos' '
Don't let your best photos stay hidden in your closet or on your hard drive.
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'With TreeSync you can keep your tree up-to-date no matter where you are. Access and share your family tree from any computer—even your iPhone or iPad.'
'The whole family can stay connected online by sharing photos, videos and stories in one place.'
'Share your photos, videos, and more with Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, and other services.'
'The U.S. Census is the ultimate resource for American family history research and it's free to Archives members!'
' gives you access to over 2.5 billion digital records, and is adding millions of new records to our collection every month! Census, vital, newspapers, obituaries, and more'
'Finally! After 72 years, the monumental 1940 Census has been
released to the public, for free! We've partnered with The National Archives to provide digital access...'
Originally, each branch and agency of the U.S. government was responsible for maintaining its own documents, which often resulted in the loss and destruction of records. Congress established the National Archives Establishment in 1934 to centralize federal record keeping, with the Archivist of the United States as its chief administrator. The National Archives was incorporated into the General Services Administration in 1949, but in 1985 it became an independent agency as NARA (National Archives and Records Administration).
Most of the documents in the care of NARA are in the public domain, as works of the federal government are excluded from copyright protection. However, some documents that have come into the care of NARA from other sources may still be protected by copyright or donor agreements.[6] Executive Order 13526 directs originating agencies to declassify documents if possible before sending them to the National Archives for long-term storage,[7] but the NARA also stores some classified documents until they can be declassified. Its Information Security Oversight Office monitors and sets policy for the U.S. government's security classification system.
NARA's holdings are classified into "record groups" reflecting the governmental department or agency from which they originated. The records include paper records, microfilmed records, still pictures, motion pictures, and electronic media.
Many of NARA's most requested records are frequently used for research in genealogy. This includes census records from 1790 to 1930, as well as ships passenger lists and naturalization records.
The web's premier collection of original military records.
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RootsWeb announced the launch of the World Connect Project on November 10, 1999 after staff members and users submitted 5.5 million records during a four-week beta-testing period. The WorldConnect Project continues to grow, and currently (January 2004) has more than 312 million records — a cumulative total of family trees in the WorldConnect Project and in the family tree programs on (our sister company), It offers researchers the single largest collection of family trees on the Internet.
The roots were Mormon but now or have included Permira Advisers, Blackstone Group, Carlyle Group, Spectrum Equity, Oracle, Yahoo, NBC, CBS, Freescale Semiconductor, and others.
'It's family history, reinvented.'
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Meet the AncestryDNA science dream team
Ken Chahine, Ph.D.
Sr. Vice President and General Manager, AncestryDNA
Ken Chahine has served as Senior Vice President and General Manager for DNA, LLC since 2011. Prior to joining AncestryDNA, he held positions at several institutions, including Parke-Davis Pharmaceuticals (currently Pfizer), the University of Utah and was also Chief Executive Officer of the biotechnology company Avigen. Dr. Chahine also teaches a course focused on new venture development, intellectual property, and licensing at the University of Utah's College of Law. He earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan, a J.D. from the University of Utah College of Law, and a B.A. in Chemistry from Florida State University.
- Ira “Gus” Hunt, CTO, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- Matt Wood, principal data scientist, Amazon Web Services
- Karim Lakhani, associate professor, Harvard Business School; principal investigator, Harvard-NASA Tournament Laboratory
- Heather Marquez, manager, Asset Strategy and Optimization, Facebook
- Phil Francisco, vice president, Big Data Product Management, IBM
- Sean Gourley, CTO, Quid
- David Gutelius, chief social scientist, Jive Software
- Jeff Hammerbacher, co-founder and chief scientist, Cloudera
- Ken Chahine, senior vice president and general manager, DNA,
- Michael Driscoll, CEO, Metamarkets
- Robert Frohwein, CEO, Kabbage
- Denise Hatzidakis, CTO, Premier Healthcare Alliance
- Robert Jenkins, co-founder and CTO, CloudSigma
- Douglas Merrill, founder and CEO, ZestFinance
- Todd Papaioannou, founder and CEO, Continuuity
- DJ Patil, data scientist in residence, Greylock Partners
- Vipul Sharma, director of data engineering, Eventbrite
- Amaya Souarez, director, Datacenter Services, Microsoft
Catherine Ball, Ph.D.
VP Genomics and Bioinformatics, AncestryDNA
Catherine Ball is a genomic scientist who has annotated and mined the genomes of various organisms and created resources to help other scientists exploit and explore genome data. Dr. Ball has collaborated on the annotation of the first sequenced eukaryotic genome (brewer's yeast) and has collaboratively built databases to explore the genomes of yeast, E. coli and the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. As a pioneer in data analysis resources for high-throughput biomedical technologies, she led the Stanford Microarray Database, the largest academic database of its kind. Dr. Ball has used high-throughput biomedical data to shed light on diverse research topics, from the biology of infectious organisms to the mechanisms involved in cell division and cancer. She received a B.S. in Biology and a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Ball was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley prior to her research in the Departments of Genetics and Biochemistry at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Scott Woodward, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Genome Discovery, AncestryDNA
Prior to joining the AncestryDNA team, Scott R. Woodward was the director of the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) and President of Dr. Woodward is a former Professor of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at BYU where he was involved with the Seila, Egypt excavation team, directing the genetic and molecular analysis of Egyptian mummies. He received his Ph.D. degree in genetics from Utah State University and did his postdoctoral work in molecular genetics at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Utah. While there, he discovered a genetic marker used for the identification of carriers and the eventual discovery of the gene for cystic fibrosis. Dr. Woodward has been the Scholar in Residence at the BYU Center for Near Eastern Studies in Jerusalem and a visiting professor at Hebrew University. His work at SMGF has been focused around building a comprehensive database that includes genetic and genealogical data from over 100,000 individuals from across the entire world. Dr. Woodward's work has been featured both nationally and internationally on programs including Good Morning America, and the Discovery, History and Learning Channels.
Jake Byrnes, Ph.D.
Population Geneticist, AncestryDNA
Jake Byrnes is a biologist with expertise in human populations, particularly African-American and Latino populations from South and Central America. In his previous work, Dr. Byrnes used DNA sequences to study human population expansion, migration, and evolution. Using computer-aided statistical analysis, Dr. Byrnes was able to identify and date events such as European colonization of the Caribbean, the effects of sex-bias in the migration (primarily male European colonists came and took Native American brides), and was even able to identify which West African populations contributed to the slave-trade on the islands. Dr. Byrnes received a B.A. from the New College of Florida. From there, he moved to Chicago where he received an M.S. degree in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from the University of Chicago. After graduate school, Dr. Byrnes moved to Oxford, England where he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford University. Most recently, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Carlos Bustamante's laboratory at Stanford University.
Natalie Myres, M.S., M.B.A.
Director of Genomic Research, AncestryDNA
Natalie has over 10 years of experience in the biotechnology industry with a focus on developing consumer-based DNA testing products. Prior to joining the AncestryDNA team, she began working at Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), later becoming the Director of Research and Development. During her time at SMGF she has managed the bioinformatics and data production/processing functions associated with constructing the SMGF database, the largest database of linked genetic and genealogical information in the world. Ms. Myres has also managed product development and business development activities for SMGF. Additionally, Natalie works with an international team of scientists conducting research on the human Y chromosome, which focuses on understanding population affinity, substructure and history in modern-day populations. She is the co-author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications on Y chromosome population genetics. Ms. Myres received a B.S. in molecular biology and a M.S. in biochemistry from Brigham Young University. She also holds M.B.A. degrees from Columbia University and U.C. Berkeley.
Scientific Advisory Board
Philip Awadalla, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Montreal
Dr. Philip Awadalla's research includes work relevant to human genomics and a broad range of chronic and rare diseases, including genetic infectious diseases in the developing world. Dr. Awadalla is also the Principal Investigator and Director of the CARTaGENE Biobank of Quebec. This prospective public health survey of Quebec, in its first phase, captured biological, clinical, genealogical and genomic data from over 20,000 participants. He is also co-director of the Centre for Child Health Genomics at University of Montreal and he currently holds the Genome Quebec recruitment award for Population and Medical Genomics.
Jeffrey Botkin, M.D., M.P.H.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Utah
Jeffrey Botkin is Chief of the Division of Medical Ethics and Humanities and serves as the Associate Vice President for Research Integrity at the University of Utah. His research is focused on the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic technology with a particular emphasis on research ethics, genetic testing for cancer susceptibility, biobanking, newborn screening, and prenatal diagnosis. Dr. Botkin formerly was Chair of the Committee on Bioethics for the American Academy of Pediatrics and a former member of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections at DHHS. Dr. Botkin is currently a member of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Diseases in Newborns and Children. He chairs the NIH's Embryonic Stem Cell Working Group and is an elected fellow of the Hastings Center.
Carlos Bustamante, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Genetics
Stanford University
Dr. Carlos Bustamante is a Population Geneticist who received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. His research focuses on analyzing genome-wide patterns of variation within and between species to address fundamental questions in biology, anthropology, and medicine. During the past nine years as a faculty member at Cornell and Stanford, he has trained about 40 post-doctoral fellows and graduate students as a primary advisory. Much of his research is at the interface of computational biology, mathematical genetics, and evolutionary genomics. .
Mark Daly, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Mark Daly directs computational biology for the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Medical and Population Genetics Program. Dr. Daly holds a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in genetics from Leiden University. Previously, he was the director of the Human Genetics Informatics group at the Whitehead Institute Center for Genome Research. Dr. Daly's group now currently develops and actively supports GENEHUNTER and MAPMAKER/QTL software, used by hundreds of labs worldwide, for performing linkage analyses in natural and experimental pedigrees and more recently has released Haploview, which has become a standard for LD analysis and is a primary analysis and visualization tool used in the HapMap Project.
John Novembre, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of California Los Angeles
John Novembre earned his Ph.D. under Dr. Montgomery Slatkin at the University of California-Berkeley, before taking an NSF Bioinformatics Fellowship at the University of Chicago under Dr. Matthew Stephens. At UCLA, Dr. Novembre's research focuses on developing population genetic theory and statistical methods for population genetic data, such as high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism data and next-generation sequencing data. His work focuses on question relevant to human evolution and ancestry, the mapping of disease traits, and spatial population structure.
Additional Contributors
Brenna Henn, Ph.D.
Anthropology and Population Geneticist, AncestryDNA
Brenna Henn began her PhD by studying the deep population structure and complex migration patterns of African hunter-gatherer groups. She continues to have an abiding interest in diverse, indigenous populations from around the world who harbor genetic (and linguistic and phenotypic) variation that is often absent in commonly studied populations. Motivated by her prior PhD (2009) training in anthropology and evolutionary genetics at Stanford University, she aims to approach questions of genetic and phenotypic diversity from an interdisciplinary standpoint. She also began a postdoctoral position in Dr. Carlos Bustamante's lab in the Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. She currently leads genomic projects to understand the early origins of modern humans and the evolution of skin pigmentation in African hunter-gatherer populations.
ReplyDeleteWhat with all the "Psychopathic Terrorists" lurking about, it seems prudent to retain "Privacy" as the last vestige of Individuality. The databases most urgently required, would be those containing ALL info on individuals in positions to influence "policy".
ReplyDeleteIf folks haven't noticed by now, the scheming Psychos took their time having the masses construct "systems" (of control) that then only have to be commandeered by the Psychos, and Voila! Here WE ARE TODAY!
Consider it... They've freaking "let" humanity dig their own graves, their own prisons. Parasites they are, but Evile, Scheming Parasites.
Now, that INFO is washing about world-wide with the Net, and these creatures have pranced upon the World Stage, it is time for humanity to round them up, and do what needs to be done.
Transhumanism, eugenics, and the future of humanity. In this important interview, James explains the origins of transhumanism and its ties to eugenics. He also outlines the transhumanist endgame and what a future society will look like if man does merge with machine.
ReplyDelete(WE'RE WINNING)
Rare earthquake along the coast of Wales, United Kingdom.
ReplyDeleteRare? Please. 4.0 7 miles deep. HAARP for certain. Medium rare at best.
It's Holyrood East that has the big budgets. It explains why hollywood delivers shit to the sheeple.
ReplyDeleteDios Mío! Pentagon’s Latest Weapon in Colombian Drug War? Soap Operas
There’s also no estimate on how much the Pentagon is spending on its Colombian propaganda. But the military’s MISO teams spent $54 million in total around the world in 2012, according to USA Today. Largely, this money — which has reached up to $580 million over years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan — goes to pay for 2,800 special forces operatives and 4,000 reservists to produce leaflets and broadcasts that promote the U.S. military and diss insurgents; collect insurgent propaganda; and develop more propaganda in response.
But according to the newspaper, which obtained a critical report about MISO activities from the Congressional investigators at the Government Accountability Office, it’s far from clear whether the propaganda plans are actually panning out. Neither the Pentagon or Congress has “a complete picture” of where the money is going. The programs also lack end goals and no one can measure how well they’re working. Worse, “if used ineffectively, MISO activities have the potential to undermine the credibility of the United States and threaten (Pentagon) and other agencies’ efforts to accomplish key foreign policy goals,” the report noted.
I always said we were paying TAXES to pay for our FUNERALS
ReplyDeletedeath and taxes are a certainty for world order. Carbon assets are expendible in volumes as will the bogus derivatives once the big event shapes up. If you had to guess where we are Boomer on the scale from one to a hundred, would we be 99? I think we are likely at 86 and headed for that particular nix.
Willy, Rappaport has two good pieces on NO MORE FAKE SHIT>
ReplyDelete* The attempt to destroy the individual
* The individual vs. the collective in the Matrix
I have to remark on the prowess of the dream team for a social network and data mining project. It is clearly telling of the great importance of this project as was the human genome database.
ReplyDeleteNow this looks like an appropriate place to put this right behind these wankers. Good term Bono'head
Let's say there are "nuances" and "peculiarities" involved in the "percentages" we are talking about. The Monkey Wrench is THIS!
ReplyDeleteWe the People, in the largest sense of the word/phrase -- "Have not begun to Fight!". I'll leave it at that. And it DOES matter in the drama and "end game".
An eclectic slice of the perverted Pi there V. Good one.
ReplyDeleteThe horror...
ReplyDeleteThe horror of these monsters running the world...
At times it is just too much to bear.
At times there is nothing sufficient that can be said.
Nothing is adequate.
Thank you for pointing those out Puddy, I have read them.
ReplyDeleteJon has been on a roll.
PROJECT SHOEBOX - facebook-studio 5
Project Shoebox is the incentive you need to empty that shoebox of old photos. Heirloom portraits to forgotten prints, everyone has photos to reclaim and rediscover.
Yes, Project Shoebox is about digitizing old photos. But more important, it's about sharing them, gathering memories, and feeling satisfaction of adding to your family story.
If you're new to scanning, and photo sharing, you're safe with us. Studio 5 contributor Wendy Smedley facilitates the Project Shoebox community on Facebook with frequent updates and helpful information. We hope Studio 5 shoeboxers will add to the Facebook dialogue with personal comments, questions, and experiences.
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