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"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." ~ George H.W. Bush.
I attempted to locate a link for this quote...so I could re-quote it. Found one. At http://www.godlikeproductions.com. Except, the "snake" just keeps spinning around, and around, around, and never gets me to my destination? WTF?! Sound Familiar?
Many other quotes cross OUR minds...
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". ~ Denis Diderot
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like… if, during periods of mass arrests, … people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?"
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn
As we sit in our mortgaged houses {if we have a house, if we have a roof over our heads}, as we labor at our dead-end jobs {if we have a job, if it even pays our bills, feeds our kids, puts gas in the car -- and WHO even HAS health insurance anymore?}, as we watch the lips move on the elite puppets who we certainly did not vote for, much less condone their actions, or agree to their retirement packages, and could only guess at the level of corruption and perversion they must have indulged in to get to the "public servant" position they have attained, as we contemplate the sewer that swirls and is called politics...called a "stock market"...called "life in the Homeland" -- when WE HAVE BUILT THIS REPUBLIC!
WE shake our heads in disgust. And WE WILL DO WHAT WE MUST!
Because OUR DREAMS are GRANDER than your dreams. OUR DREAMS consider OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AROUND THE WORLD. OUR DREAMS SERVE HUMANITY's BEST INTERESTS. THAT is what AMERICA's "DREAM" was based on when it was first breathed. That breath shall never be humanity's last. For it is OUR BEST!
"The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments." ~ Michael Parenti
ReplyDelete"Understand that all battles are waged on an unconscious level before they are begun on the conscious one, and this battle is no different. The power structure wishes us to believe that the only options available are those which they present to us, we know this is simply not true, and therefore we must redefine the terrain of this conflict, and clearly, it is a conflict of worldviews and agendas." - Teresa Stover
"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous." --Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDelete"Wayell...they're there...and umn..er...we're here..and umn..everything I said about that."~Reagan at Bitberg [honoring the Nazi WWII dead]
Aye, Laughnmatter -- you caught my "feeling"!
ReplyDeleteI don't accept being a victim, a goyim, a sheep, a taxpayer, a number, or any of the other euphemisms chucked at me.
The "FREEDOM" of mine starts in the mind and resides in the heart, and NO ONE can take the SHINE off it -- because IT IS MINE!
It is quite Obvious that the Puzzlers have turned everything UPSIDE DOWN. On almost every level, the "change" they've wrought is to rot the right, and turn beauty to blight. This is quite apparent, even to the deaf, dumb, and blind. They think to change the IDEA of FREEDOM by writing new laws and passing their immoral and illegal "legislation" in dummy courts. All along their road to "change" are paid off Jesters and Klowns. They seek to kill men and women's SPIRIT, but they cannot. Ever. This, they don't understand because they lack this essential "human" component. Pity.
***By the way -- those vultures are a local flock. Big as turkeys. They've been roosting early lately as the skies are greyed by chemtrails, and raunchy weather patterns. They are patient birds. Their day always comes when the mighty have fallen.
Want to expound on your sentiment about the sentiment, Rogue1?
ReplyDeleteIt's no different than any other ecosystem, this beast we have governing. It's as simple as Boomers eloquent and powerful post.
ReplyDeleteIt requires the greatest word ever offered in NWO lexicon. NO! It's all you have to know to navigate through the egosystem of the order. With your head cocked up just a few degrees above perpendicular and with your lenses firmly affixed to your target you fire the caliber that kills them. NO NO NO!
There is no limits on your clip here coto. You just need a good conceal carry. Blackbirds here Boomer. Let's turn them into eagles here.
A little Night Music
The doctor is N:
ReplyDeleteBen Fulford: Murder attempt against Queen Elizabeth II foiled, manhunt on for former “black pope”
Me thinks the 'black pope' is really the Pope of Elk Grove Village, Chicago.
Queen Beatrix may have adicated but QEII will not until QEIII is here. Rome Burns!
Ha Ha! Not til the birth or death. 3-9-6
Thank you for your comments & input on this thread, Puddy! I'd like to see more quality favorite "quotes" which shout "NO!" in certain terms.
ReplyDeleteProblem with Ben Fulford is, as much as one would love to buy into what he puts out. He's always got to end it off with saying something wacky.
ReplyDeleteThis next one's nasty
nasty alright!
ReplyDeleteLook at this from the above document, page 237.
H-3. The continuum also incorporates five levels of force. (See figure H-1) Ideally, the service member
starts at Level 1 and progressively moves up the continuum until the detainee complies. However, the use
of force is dictated by the actions of the subject during the encounter. Subject actions may escalate or
deescalate rapidly, possibly skipping one or more levels.
There is no requirement for the following levels of
force to be applied in order: <--------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 1: Cooperative controls. Used to direct a compliant person (verbal direction, hand
Level 2: Soft controls. Used when cooperative control fails and the level of force required
escalates. They are designed with a low probability of causing injury (compliant or
noncompliant escort positions, use of hand and/or leg restraints).
Level 3: Hard controls. Used when escort positions fail and the level of force required
escalates. They have a slightly greater possibility of causing injury (pressure points, joint locks,
oleoresin capsicum spray [such as pepper spray], electronic stun devices).
Level 4: Defensive techniques. Used when hard controls fail and the level of force required
escalates. They also have a higher probability of causing injuries. (empty-hand strikes and
blocks, baton strikes and blocks, NLWs, and MWDs).
Level 5: Deadly force. Used as a last resort when all lesser means have failed or would be
impractical. Used to prevent death or serious injury to self or others; to prevent the theft, damage
or destruction of resources vital to national security or dangerous to others; or to terminate an
active escape attempt (firearms and strikes with nonlethal weapons should be directed at vital
points of the body).
Page 34:
ReplyDelete" 2-17. An increase in the frequency of stability operations requires more complex and sustainable systems,
solutions, and facilities in support of I/R operations. Even during major combat operations, enemy forces
often blend into the civilian population and criminals frequently escape or are released from jails and
prisons, while government records are removed or destroyed. Criminal, terrorist, and other opportunists
cross poorly secured borders and take personal or political advantage of the initial chaos that typically
accompanies general warfare. Major belligerents may or may not join these or other elements (tribes,
third-country nationals, or factions) to conduct insurgent activities. "
So, um, how do these govern-ment records get destroyed? *cough
Sometimes I wonder, we all know for things to change we need to inform critical mass but how can this be done when there is so much in-fighting amongst the so called truth seekers?
ReplyDeleteA union needs to be made among the various groups as too be able to effectively inform the masses.
Imagine, a so called council of truth, representatives of "truth factions", conducting strategic planning and actions to be taken world wide.
Not a UN type scenario where they all drink piss talk shit & argue,
but one where differences are set aside, irrelevant, concentrating on the commonly known global issues, the fractional reserve banking system for example. A clear path of action.. Starry eyed I know, but :
Patrick, love the header and text to go with it. Chavez was a good man. A man of the people. The tens of thousands of people in the streets of Venezeula mourning his loss are a testament to that. Of course the empire can't have that. He was in their rape and pillaging way. So they decreed he must die way before his time.
ReplyDeleteNo I am not a clone of Fulford. :)
ReplyDeleteJay, that's what I've been saying all along. We are all in this together. No matter how the towers came down, no matter if you believe the reptilian race rules the planet or plain old psychopaths, no matter if you believe in God or Satan or UFOs or not. IT DOESN't MATTER! What matters is coming together as a united front against the monsters.
ReplyDeleteYes Boomer it's time to hang the sobs NOW!
Thx for your comment jg, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire as they say, consolidation of power/info. We are loosing that battle. We need our own NWO.. ( Natural Wondrous Order) hehe
ReplyDeleteAre any of you listening to Rand Paul's filibusterer?
ReplyDeleteyes, and very confused about the Paul family after being a supporter of Ron.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Ron should be proud. Rand is doing something that hopefully starts a brush-fire.
ReplyDeleteI was a (maybe still/blah/argh) massive Aussie Ron Paul supporter. haha,
ReplyDeleteMy work/business van had nothin but RP stickers on it.. :)
If I spoke about Ron Paul to fellow aussies they look at me like I got two heads with horns. They don't get shit, they think Americans are dumb fuks but the joke is twisted, we're the one's done and dusted, at least you guys are fighting somewhat for rights you are aware of. Ask an Australian about his/her rights... haha ahhh, durr, U'll never hear the words "Australian Constitution" because they stopped teaching that "crap" in 1975..
:) rant over- Paul's seemed to be somewhat controlled towards the end of the republican debates, endorsing Romney, Paul-campaign members being double crossed, Webster Tarpley's note on the Paul camp ( Gold hoarding Leprechaun?) Thoughts?
Budget Cuts equaling genocide. ?
Yeah, my mind is a buzz!
I hear what you are saying about the Pauls Jay. I used to like RP too. I admired his stance on civil liberties but not on economic policies. Webster Tarpley was absolutely right when he said his cuts were genocide. Regardless, my intution kept trying to tell me that RP was not to be trusted and that he was a ringer for the republicans. After he threw his loyal supporters under the bus to advance his evil son Rand's (yes I said evil) political career, I realized just how right my intituion was!
ReplyDeleteRand Paul's filibustering is nothing more than another act on the congressional stage. He's part of the "Truman Show" being presented to us as if he were really trying to change anything. If he were truly a decent man, a wise man, he'd want no part of such a corrupt system. He'd reject it. He'd be working to change things from without instead of givng up any values he may have to become a bigger part of that system and get tangled up in their web of deceit.
You are right to doubt the Pauls real intentions in my humble opinion, Jay. Sorry Michael :(
Yea V, I do like batty Ben but when the hell is he finally going to que the ninjas to enter and purge this country of the evil doers? Sheesh. Really Ben? wtf?
ReplyDeleteThx JG.. I agree.. I am really hoping I can be proven wrong on this .
ReplyDelete*sigh.. not being smart either, anyone?
Insert ---> " ".
I really can't get over that picture of Ron with the eyebrow falling off.. ?!!^*#?
False hope in my opinion. i'm sorry, more smoke & mirrors, agenda unfolding... ---> Shit becoming self evident , plan being revealed, inciting violence/revolution. ... Rand can spiel all he wants but we (well I) know he's been bought,, see wailing wall blog. Fighting corruption in the house of corruption? One must be realistic, he will not save you but merely distract you.
ReplyDeleteJust like alex jones, a tangy tangent for the """informed""" people to clutch with their desperate grips.
Opps.. above regarding Pauls.. Sorry Veritable
ReplyDeleteI love your header too. Pretty and so bright. When you are a target of the NWO propaganda machine it's impossible to be a nice guy. Certainly Hugo had his faults but one must rule with an iron hand because al-CIAda, Gladio and assassins are everywhere. The black budget is sequestered from sight only. The money flows freely as we know.
ReplyDeleteLol... I read the health ranger's headline on that article and felt sick to my stomach. Yea, just what we need as prez.. another sellout to the ptb.
ReplyDeleteRand is a fake.
fair assessment. The Randman dancing with the devil details and the lesser of two evils.
ReplyDeleteSequester=genocide. The green machine pops it's cork again this year. They will make their point loud and clear. We all have our mark here at coto. Our dossiers must end with level five designations. We can thank the social media global community for the googleplex and data-mining.
No need for an apology to me. I don't sway either way. I mostly comment to keep the pot stirred. My view, I don't think things are as neat and orderly as "The Order" would have us believe. Eventually they're going to get their feet dirty treading through the cesspool they're creating. It's one filled with piranha's just waiting to strip their flesh starting at the bottom of their feet. Bon appetit'
ReplyDeleteRand Paul, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. What a field.
ReplyDeleteLook at Eqypt, Tunisia and Libya. A new chapter in a new world order.
I have to say Veri, that the longer I know you the more I trust your judgement - which is somewhat rare as familiarity often breeds contempt.
ReplyDeleteBut as with the tempest in a thimble today, I had thought it best to leave lay as it was when the cockroach first had his porno post removed. But you were right, popping it up as a surprise later did leave that roach scurrying in bright light for all to see what a foul creature it is indeed.
As far as all the chat about Rand...well, I don't buy anyone that sticks to the pan. You cannot change this corrupt system from the inside.
It may be noble to try to soften our descent into austerity hell, but the whole thing is going to crash sooner rather than later anyway.
I am just wondering how to duck, standing right in the middle of the place the avalanche is going to come down. You know my sitch...
All is very iffy...on a month to month wonder ride.
This "austerity" thing is a euphemism for "attrition" - it is simply a war against the common people. And too few have any idea of what lies just ahead.
All Americans are welcome to bug out at my place in AUS, just bring ALL your guns please!!!
ReplyDeleteWe're all in the same boat including the pricks at the top what with them messing with the natural order of things. Are they taking us down? Assholes are breathing the same air and setting the same geiger counter off. Doesn't matter whether you're king at the top of the shit pile. It's still a shit pile. Live the moment, that's where synchronicity happens and the Creator talks to us..
ReplyDeleteThe Known Knowns are Known by Those in the Know.
ReplyDeleteWHEN...do we know that we have reached the "critical" point? When it is self-evident and entirely logical to view the scales of holding Truth in one hand and complete Balderdash in the other, and make an educated "guess"...
That "guess" being, that the odds favoring complete Balderdash of ALL media disseminated information is in the 95+% range. With this Wisdom, WE can practically predict future events, whilst judging the characters of the Pretenders.
An Update for shits and giggles (not) -- http://www.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel/blog/546755978
ReplyDelete"What a Country, Aye?"