Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Woman Who Stopped The War

This is part 1 from Forbidden Knowledge. This is an eye opener


  1. Here's part 2

  2. A pawn is a pawn but IRAN is a knight to Israel. A pawn for Russia. Long before the October surprise the neo zionists would accept Iran for the sake of empire. Now the deal is done and it's time to pay off.

    We play chess and Risk and other games and see the same game in the geopolitical merry-go-round but the sheeple never see the NWO gold ring. The alliance is always to one regardless of the team that wins. I give Obama the nod as the greatest conundrum.

    The Bush family must be under enormous strain to hold it together when Barry decides to renege on Israel and they take down the GOP for good. NWO win for the red team. Those idiot neo-cons thought the demoncrats were all but finished.
    Daddy Bush, bedridden and Dubya on the SSRI IV.

    Clinton's exit and Hegels confirmation will put the red team in control until the big event checkmates the Jewish state. Whatever you may think, Obama plays poker well. What it does to create a bigger and more substantial divide here at home will be seen soon enough. There's enough antisemitism to go around, that you can bank on. I predict the September Surprise comes before the11th this year as it always has after each election October Surprise.

    La ConquĂȘte du Monde

  3. Russian rockets? Iranian foil.

  4. Iran's Press TV taken off air in North America

    Read more here:

  5. 396-693

    M 6.6, 27km S of Lata, Solomon Islands Saturday, February 09, 2013 21:02:22 UTC
    M 7.0, 25km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands Friday, February 08, 2013 15:26:39 UTC
    M 6.8, 21km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands Friday, February 08, 2013 11:12:13 UTC
    M 6.6, 36km SSW of Lata, Solomon Islands Thursday, February 07, 2013 18:59:16 UTC
    M 6.3, 144km W of Lata, Solomon Islands Wednesday, February 06, 2013 06:35:19 UTC
    M 7.0, 27km NNW of Lata, Solomon Islands Wednesday, February 06, 2013 01:54:15 UTC
    M 7.1, 114km WSW of Lata, Solomon Islands Wednesday, February 06, 2013 01:23:19 UTC
    M 8.0, 76km W of Lata, Solomon Islands Wednesday, February 06, 2013 01:12:27 UTC
    M 6.3, 70km WSW of Lata, Solomon Islands Wednesday, February 06, 2013 00:07:22 UTC

    Mali may be the new Afghanistan for the new bin-laden for the new 911 for the new world order. The $iqns seem to confirm. It makes a nice base for Africom and perfect drone launching pad.

    HAITI, NWO AND UNDER THE RADAR - PD January 13, 2010

    Keep them busy, keeping us busy.......
