Saturday, February 9, 2013

Martial Law in Connecticut


As of 5:00 PM EST Friday, authorities in multiple Northeastern US states have implemented martial law, due to “the weather.”

Facing up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine for merely driving their own cars on public streets and highways, citizens in various areas within the New England region have been hit with executive orders, threatening residents with criminal penalties if they leave their homes and attempt to drive during the current snowstorm.

Using the color of law to impose demands on the public that can only be seen as a massive overreach of power, individuals in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts thus far have been issued bans on driving in those areas.

R.I. Gov. Lincoln Chafee, for instance, has ordered vehicles off of Routes I-95, I-195, RI-146, RI-24 and I-295, beginning at 5 p.m., according to the R.I. Emergency Management Agency.

The only exceptions, according to R.I.'s WPRI, are the news media, public safety vehicles and public works vehicles and workers that includes contract personnel, government officials on official business, utility company vehicles and workers, health care workers who travel to and from work in order to provide essential health services, travel necessary to maintain and deliver critical private sector services such as energy, fuel supplies, financial systems and critical commodities and travel to support business operations that provide critical services to the public, including gas stations, food stores and hardware stores.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick also signed an executive order banning all non-essential motor vehicle travel statewide beyond 4 p.m., believed to be the first such travel ban since the blizzard of 1978, according to the Associated Press.

Connecticut's Gov. Dannel P. Malloy imposed a travel ban of his own Friday on the state's limited access highways and deployed National Guard troops around the state for rescues or other emergencies.

Thus far, authorities in other areas in the region, such as New York, have not stated if they will be following suit. It is also unclear as to how long the executive orders stand or if it is even legal to impose such demands on the public's right to travel freely, regardless of the conditions.

Many residents in the area have openly expressed being surprised by the "overreaction," seeing the executive orders as completely unnecessary, considering New England and surrounding areas are used to seeing snow storms of similar magnitudes almost every season.


  1. Not sure what is going on, thanks to my friend Mareo Diaz ,btw all links work.......hello everyone! I love you guys!

  2. Little Miss Mockingbird confronted

  3. Declaring a state of emergency or martial law is not unusual during hurricanes and blizzards in the northeast. Some sections had up to 40" of snow with wind gusts of 80mph. It's not safe for people to be out on the roads in those conditions. Cars get buried under snowdrifts as well as anyone crazy enough to try to navigate through the streets.

  4. Good for that guy Patrick. Though I wonder, is there any footage at all of AC actually attending a SH funeral? If so, whose? Don't think we're gonna see that footage of AC standing with the "mourners" at the gravesite...anyone?


  6. haha Im not sure, but I wll admit this Jg..I fell for that photo where Anderson is conveniently captured "saving" a boy's life.... Ill have to grab the pic to state where and when. re Video: of course they say they HAVE to declare martial HELP...but lets get real...times are not what they used to be. anything over there STINKS right now.....

  7. Hey Puddy have u heard of this :

  8. Dawn, these state of emergencies in really bad weather have been going on for decades. If martial law continues then we have a story.

    Actually the real story is in Cali where there is the manhunt going on for that Christopher Dorner. They are setting up checkpoints and searching cars and hundreds of houses looking for him. A black cop that blew the whistle on corruption in the LAPD. I'm working on an article regarding him and another whistleblower 9/11 truther.

    I think Obama's hit list is being checked off rapidly.

  9. from the Hegelian Dialectic@ WordPress...

    Robbie Parker works for SpotterRF: “Radar for the Elite – SpotterRF makes High accuracy extremely compact radar systems for military and commercial markets.” The company is directly connected to SERCO – The world’s most powerful corporation. Is SERCO the One World Corporation that Bilderberg experts have been warning us about???
    Freemasons in Newtown Ct. are involved in collecting DNA and fingerprints of children in order to protect them from ” a comprehensive child identification tool designed to give families a measure of protection against the ever increasing problem of missing children. The Connecticut Freemasons are bringing this fine program to communities throughout Connecticut at no cost to the families.”
    more: “The Purple Pack includes a DVD Ram disk which has a video of your child and a still photo, your child’s fingerprints, a dental impression and a dental swab.

    To date the program has held over 350 CTCHIP events and has provided the parents of more than 40,000 children with identification packets. It is our sincerest hope that no family will need the resources provided in our packets, but if the need should arise, we believe the information contained in our “Purple Pack” will be instrumental to law enforcement agencies in recovery of missing children.

    The Connecticut Freemasons schedule and bring this fine program to communities throughout Connecticut.

    All identifying items generated at CTCHIP Events are placed in a “purple pack” and given to the parent or guardian to take home for safe keeping.

    If their child becomes missing, the pack can then be provided to law enforcement to aid in recovery and identification. The Connecticut Freemasons keep nothing but the permission form signed by the parent prior to participation in the event.”

  10. HA! I didn't even know that....Christopher Dormer..I will have to look this up.

  11. sounds to me like he is a MIND CONTROLLED DISTRACTION. HIS facebook reads like a CIA fake profile.

  12. back to Connecticut...I never said Martial Law was an odd thing...but did anyone the Mayor BEGGING the town (I forget which town..) to PLEASE stay was ...well to me this "Facing up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine for merely driving their own cars on public streets and highways, citizens in various areas within the New England region have been hit with executive orders, threatening residents with criminal penalties if they leave their homes and attempt to drive during the current snowstorm" . is not odd..but its F***** UP.

  13. NOR SHOULD WE THINK that ANYTHING is normal in these times....which are determining the fate of the entire world, if not universe.

  14. DorNer has some corrupt cops running terrified. In his "manifesto" he says stuff like, (paraphrasing) "I know where your spouses work. I know the routes your children take to school." This coming from a Navy trained marksman has got the pigs attention. Would be curious to hear what on his Trace-book page suggests he is CIA.

  15. Damn, Serco reminds me of KAOS from the old "get smart" tv show. KAOS was known as "an international organization of evil." Good video.. thanks dawn. Oh and in the beginning he mentions Uncle Gene Rosen. I found this verifcation of his FEMA duties being carried out in Texas. The guy that did the video also does a wonderful expose'

  16. I'm not saying it's not fucked up I'm just saying it's really nothing out of the normal for a bad noreaster.

    Dorner, from what I know so far is not Cia. He's the enemy of the corrupt LAPD who works for the ptb and that's why they are
    after him. He's smart and well trained and they won't have an easy time finding him.

  17. CR.. Here's what Michael Ruppert had to say about it on RT:

    I'm with Ruppert.. another setup by the monsters.

  18. Are you talking about the SERCO group UK? Fabian central? They are the Halliburton of the EU. If that's the one you are talking about.

    Your friends article talked about spiders and that's the identity of the crown. Like the Queens interests in the US are quite vast. She is the largest land owner here contrary to Forbes Magazines lies.

    Martial Law is not common in weather events but Curfew and looting laws are ordered by state Governors. Martial Law under Article I, Section 8, clause 15 of the Constitution has never been ordered since Civil War. 1861.

    But the reality is Deb is right as we have never rescinded ML since the civil war and that is why they dumped speelburgs Lincoln on everyone. We have no Habeas Corpus writ and we have no recourse for NDAA and can be deemed terrorists which is nothing more than insurrection and providing aid and comfort to the Regimes enemies which are the Constitutionalists. Make no mistake the situation is a lit fuse that has not exploded yet.

    The MEDIA and SELL OUT CONGRESS know this and they would be the first to take the Lamdin Milligan Breitbart route if they were to come forth with this truth. If you re-read the EO's dating back to 1999 to date you will find the truth is what we fear the most, Waldo's There is no government, due process or congressional oversight in this matter. Just theatre for the masses who cannot add 3 and three.

  19. Yea and it's not called martial law for weather, it's called a "state of emergency". Tomayto tomahto Last time I remember a soe being called here was back in the late 90's for a blizzard on my bday:)

  20. Bringing it home with a quickness ....right on the head as per always... whistles and bows , Kemosabe

  21. Currently you can find that only in my head, CRebel . But since these rogue killers with "messages" or personal campaign..have many times been pure psy s not so far fetched to consider it a possibility.

  22. We have been under a state of emergency forever. We fly the admiralty war flag only and we all pledged allegiance to the perpetual state of war and the IMCC to which you are indebted to the tune of $225,000 dollars plus personal corporate debt.

  23. man its crazy out there LOL!!!! thank you for another crazy lead...*which Im sure may sin pturn ring up a few more! heehee) (although "knowing" they were purposely sloppy ruins a bit of the fun, but not entirely):)

  24. I luv From the Wilderness and Ruppert. I missed this JG. Thanks. Gary Webb, Michael Ruppert, John Rappaport and Ted Gunderson. Great investigators, all of them.

  25. They are connected to USSS, MI6, Saudi Arabia/UAE and Al-CIAda. They were slated to operate all our ports until the obvious. It now is all owned by the Spider (British Crown through several companies)
    Carrix, SSA Marine, Dubai World, Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company, PSA Singapore and the Bank of England and Goldman Sachs.

    The WTO-WOT arm of the drug/arms smuggling is neatly controlled under these umbrella corps but the underbelly is 100% committee.



  28. So the spider logo actually theirs,not made by someone savvy ? Makes sense, theRockefeller spider ...etc.

  29. Things are heating up, the poor things must be nervous ;) On Feb 10, 2013 9:39 AM, "COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS" wrote:

    > ** > boomerangcomesback commented: " > > "

  30. Time lapse photo of this weekend's noreaster in Hartford, Ct

  31. Can't view it ...are u on factbook Jg ??

  32. So these mofos control half the freekin world. Good work when you can get it.

  33. We are in shorts down here yall. Come to Texas and grip da grain.

  34. Hey here in Cali Sun God is King and the sun always thats a Damn lie. Cali and entire pacific northwest is greyer than ever, just a few years and we will know the coast as ...not what it used to be ??????

  35. Yep Dawn, strictly for coto business. Most of my friends,if not close friends and family are truthers. Oh and I go there to view pix of my grandkids that my daughter in law won't email just post on facebook..Which I don't agree with btw

  36. PD again we lucked out being so far south. We only got 2-3" :) My niece in Boston got over 2 feet. Cars were stuck all over New York which is why they declare soe. Some idiots really do think they are invincible :D

  37. Thanks korny but I can't take the heat. My favorite time of year is autumn :)

  38. Ill take bets now for Dormer being psy ops and already dead.
