Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rusty Hook: It's Tetanus to COTO


Hollywood Reporter - From the East Wing

'Meet the Press': President Obama Addresses 'Lincoln Moment' (Video)

[Addressing the fiscal cliff on Sunday's episode of Meet the Press, President Obama raised the subject of Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, a film that's drawn buzz in Washington for its depiction of Abraham Lincoln deftly overcoming political pushback in order to pass the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.

"Look, A) I never compared myself to Lincoln and B) obviously the magnitude of the issues are quite different from the Civil War and slavery," responded Obama. "The point, though is, is democracy's always been messy, and we're a big, diverse country that is constantly sort of arguing about all kinds of stuff. But eventually, we do the right thing."]

Buzz? I'd refer to it as full blown amplitude assault. Sandy Hook, Fiscal Cliff, Benghazi and Immigration. It's all just FAST & FURIOUS sloppiness and COTO transparency.

"Eventually we do the right thing" comes at the end of the Hegelian Dialectic.

My recommendation for Barry Soetoro is to have a President  Shepherd moment. It would at least give some psychological injection to the global genocide and largest transfer of wealth to foreign globalist agendas. Not for the sheep mind you as they don't care about the black, brown or yellow babies, but do it for those of us who are truly awake and not  color blind to red, whites and blue.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qqa0w_qXEI]

Let's not reflect on the previous Arab and African Slaughters but move on to new TRIADS.  We must not dwell on the Bosnia debacle, the Kuwait scam, the WTO-WOT-WTC false flag, the Libya joke, the Arab Springboards, the Bin-Laden fraud, the LIBOR central bank scheme or the Gunwalking campaign but keep our focus on troop and military movements to Africa, the Syrian Spring and the military industrial complexities of a multi- trillion dollar war machine and drug money laundering intelligence apparatus. Please remember as well,  the continuity of the script and never allow the War profiteer owned, Lame Stream transmitters to bring up defense when talking fiscal cliff.

Yes Mr. President your Lincoln moment occurs when you enter the motorcade vehicle only, while  on your way to a global re-enslavement of an entire human population.  Stay on script, bleed it for everything you can and get the U.N. -presidential agenda moving forward but a word of friendly advice from the historians is never get into a Ford.


  1. David Gregory covers up for the Israel lobby (even as he fingers the NRA)

  2. From Infowars:


    Watch what's going down around you. How do the dots connect?

    Possible scenarios discussed here:


  3. I was asked if I wanted to go to see the movie "Lincoln" by my sister this past weekend. I told her I had no desire to see it. This is a big part of the reason why. Lincoln-Obama...what?

  4. Not to change the subject but chemtrails are always relevant here, no? Anyway... our skies here were white all day. Couldn't make out a cloud..just white. About 20 mins ago, I noticed all these lines in it. It reminded me of corduroy. So I present to you my corduroy sky this January 1, 2013. We're starting the year out with a geoengineered bang!

  5. Sometimes I wonder if these "informants" supposedly on our side, work for the enemy. It seems they always make a point of telling us we will be called kooks, or be at the top of the list of those to be rounded up if we speak out. That could be another operation to silence the resistance, right?

    Paranoia is my new middle name.

  6. I know James Corbett says I shouldn't hate(and he's right) but I hate David Gregory :)

  7. He's right. we know that. the Zpoint demands it but it can't be helped. Knowing, rejecting and ridiculing them is better and they hate that worse than being hated.

  8. Hit them in the wallets and media is the first move. Every foot-pound of energy you put into your tank and not in theirs helps

  9. Conductive variety. The electromagnetic made your patterns. My opinion on it Deb. We had them here as well yesterday. Same cloud cover/pattern today

    I just had a visit from a man that lived in Kerrville ,about 100 miles north of here. He said area law enforcement are doing drills for house to house confiscation. WARNING,,,DANGER

  11. Yea Patrick, I thought as much myself..thanks :)

  12. That would not shock me in a beta test much as everything else they do. The reality is beginning to hit me very hard. Major changes are coming for everyone in a myriad of ways. These deflections like the Dark Knight and Sandy Hook, F&F and Fiscal Cliff are burying a deeper agenda coming now. At least my spidey senses say there's a tie up for all this. Too many dates too many numeric crossings and too much dumb-down theatre. It's a UFO kind of moment and something rippling in the atmos.

    I've got three large bags of garbage for them when they get here. Nice and smelly. I like the curb service.

  13. Drills...a prelude to a ______________?

    Emboldened by another piece of "paper" signed by illegitimates to act against the long-standing laws founded upon inalienable rights? I'm rather sick of the NWO B.S. creep, now running pell mell to impose authoritarian strictures "to protect our freedoms"? I mean, "you're either with us or against us?" It is blatantly Obvious, no?

  14. North Carolina Police Lieutenant Warns Of Plans For Martial Law In 2013
    Brandon Smith /
    Jan 2, 2013



  15. I posted on the pre-prediction post as well. Look at the time? Must run.

  16. Sunday mornings on my way to and from church are when I notice that our skies are on a spraying schedule and the stripes across the sky resemble that of a farmer's freshly plowed field. I don't have the pattern down, but it is x days on, x (+/- 1) days off.

    I live in a part of our country that has over 300 days of sunshine a year. The stripes are noticeable, almost as much as the clear blue skies are more strikingly noticeable when they have no stripes. What isn't always apparent is that on some days, like yesterday (2013-01-06), I suspect we would have had no clouds at all, and the wispy ones that formed to confuse us were created by the slow widening spread of the stripes.

