Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney Exposed (and that ain't all)

Romney's secrecy in business is detailed, and revealed; as well as his role as a drug money launderer for GHW Bush; his connection, through Bush, to CIA death squads in Central America; his role in 9-11; in the murder of US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens; and the significance of his endorsement of and by Cheney.

Pretty good stuff here by John Hankey.  A lot crammed into a mini-doc... well worth investing 41 mins of your time.   Oddly at the end, Hankey asks you to vote for Ron Paul or Jesse Ventura as long as you don't vote Romney.  Ventura isn't running and Ron Paul is on Romney's team.  Why he made that suggestion is beyond me. ~jg


  1. Aye, JG. Good and Timely post. I was just finishing up one o'my own, and put it up. It largely mirrors your insight into the false left/right paradigm paralysis these reptiles proffer as "change", but in reality, is just more "chains". So, I made that point.

    What we have is, the filthy, the guilty, the treasonous, the morally deficient, the psychodrama obamarama being played again in the latest version for The People. Fooey on the falderal. I'm so DONE on the entire bullshit, that I cannot even relate anymore to people still operating "in twisted paradigm". A curse? No -- a Blessing. If folks would sit back, observe, and consider, they'd see a "system" pushing GMO politics down the throats of The People. Telling them its "good for them", blah, blah, shit. Everything they do is Deception and Force, when Deception doesn't work. COTO documents it daily! GMO foods -- Deception/force. Chemtrails/ deception/force. Fake elections -- Deception/force. Constitutional Rights obliterated -- force. Wall Street Bankster/political crimes -- Deception/ no accountability/ force. Wars for resources / deception/force. On and on it goes, as COTO has documented. I vote for no more chains!

  2. All hail the goombahs....

    Amerika is a dumbed down Cracker-Jacks box that is sitting on a burner someone left on.

    I say the joint will be rockin' sometime soon, cuz one of these spizballs will be selected as Pootus...YOIKS


    Generally I can't think of a people more deserving of the near future they are bound for than these psycho Amerikans.

    It's a shame that the lucid are sitting here in the same bubbling pot.


  3. Magog Zapata is the most dangerous man. China ambassador, manchurian al-CIAda and made the deal while swimming. He's still the most dangerous, even on wheels now. Clinton, Dumbya and Mittens, father to Barry? The wives tell a lot. Poor Laura, she'd have been better off doing time for murder and paroled.

    Obama - red and Mittens -blue. I can fight the reds but the blue have WMD. Never doubt the the Luciferin of a thousand points of light. They lead to all the families and GHW Bush, the worlds top drug lord.

    Obama is Bush and Romney is Clinton. The idea is to get the parties, sycophants and sheeple to merge into one ideology which is working at an unprecedented clip.

    I remind coto not to forget the 49-50 rule in this years election which times well with the 100 year fed res. contract and the 40 year cycle for the trade terror war on humanity.

    Nice mini-series JG, and when you add all we have documented, I will close with this.

    [Sarajevo shelling a 'show'

    He also said some of the worst atrocities of the war, including two deadly shelling attacks on a Sarajevo market place in 1994 and 1995, were "orchestrated" to turn public opinion against Serbs.

    Karadzic said Sarajevo was his adopted home and that "every shell that fell on Sarajevo hurt me personally."

    He called the first market place shelling a "shameless orchestration."

    "Obviously some people got killed by that explosion but we also saw mannequins being thrown onto trucks creating this show for the world."]

    We have seen not so good guys set up for decades. From Albert Spear to Gaddafi, Assad and here's the Clinton/Albright handywork. It's a sickening consistent theme in the committee that flies over the heads of the sheeple who dismiss the home staged false flags so how to expect them to know Bosnia when they couldn't find Florida on a map and thing Africa is a country. You're on your own now coto.

  4. His vote recommendation was probably a vote for a wrestler or Hollywood actor versus the committee vetted MK-andidates.

  5. Hey Bea, where have you been? We missed you! I didn't recognize you with the new "face". :)

  6. Missionary



    That's the ONLY question.


  7. "Every four years, the deck chairs of the political Titanic that is the American empire get rearranged in the choreographed spectacle of another presidential “election”. The 2012 charade is particularly disgusting; the lies more blatant and shrill, as the world continues to burn."~Larry Chin

    I have particularly liked Larry Chin's articles on GR for some time now.
    Great writing style and depth of view.


  8. I agree JG and Rogue. Barrytown is full frontal rape assault while Willardville is a back stab. Just another investment hedge fund for the committee set to payoff.


    Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Obama’s Brown Shirts – Homeland Youth


  10. And then there is the faction at Global Research who are the obvious commie Left Wing dialecticus woowoo birds. There are several including this guy:

    "The only genuine and enduring hope for humanity, then, lies is in the struggle for socialism."~Ben Schreiner

    They offer the "US Imperialist" critique, which is a veil over the actual central power of the Global Elite that uses Amerika as a garrison state. Socialism is no less 'Total Statism' than Capitalism.


  11. Ja dad iss ien spookinhiemer...the little shits.


  12. Let's not forget the red jacketed "City Year" Obama Youth..

  13. Just because this issue was brought up on Truth and Shadows, I have gone back to that era on C2 to dig up the point where all this exploded.

    You will note that Rady is "okay" with allowing one of the most obvious shills on the internet infest here site - but she also tells a bald face lie to those on the thread who are wondering WTF is up.

    Rady | September 19, 2011 at 3:40 pm |
    "I’m okay with letting albury stay because I don’t mind debate.
    hybrid crossed the line by threatening me and calling me a cunt. and that’s after threatening a 9/11 shill (not albury). he is never welcome back."
    ...... ...... ...... ......
    This is the point at which Rady puts the lie on the thread. She had already gutted C2 of all of my commentary and essays.
    AFTER that, yes indeed I called her a cunt. But one cannot say that I was banned for calling her a cunt, when it was my reaction to being purged that caused me to call her that. And the "threat" made, was after that purge as well - to tell the world what a filthy lying bitch she is. No more a threat to her person than what I had "threatened" Affiliates with.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Ken McMurtrie | September 19, 2011 at 7:27 pm |
    Wow! I must have missed something.
    I cannot remember seeing any Hybrid threats or insults so cannot comment other than to say, your judgement, Rady, and authority, I respect.
    Albury was the suspect contributor, to leave his comments and remove Hybrid’s is an insult to Hybrid which may have been your intention.
    However, it makes Albury’s comments seem worthy of inclusion, definitely unfortunate.
    Hybrid’s comments were the central part of this particular thread. They provided an immense amount of relevant information, perhaps a little too colourful, but not without provocation.
    This thread has now died.
    I agree with Joe, ban and remove Albury’s useless dribble, and ask Hybrid for an apology to Rady and COTO and maybe an explanation?
    . . . . . . . . . .
    Rady | September 20, 2011 at 2:10 am |
    this discussion about wm whitten is over.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    She ends it with diktat based on lies.

    Again, I appeal to COTO to break the link at the Home Page between this despicable lying bitch and ourselves.


  14. Rogue1. When have you ever offered "something" to Rady to repair the breech? I may be idealistic about this, but is in the "best interest" of this Thread (a public thread, which was chock full of amusing interrogatories exposing the shrillness of the shills mindset, and THE LIE that IS 9/11). You say "Fuck You!" to Rady, and she say "Fuck You" to you, so there you have it, there this thing sits, and The Information, The LOST. This is what the guy you quote above is pointing out.

    I just don't understand why either of you ever offers an "olive branch" for reconciliation of some sort. Is that just too unpalatable? Otherwise, the result is what it is, which is a fucking shame.

  15. Boomer,

    Bitch Ananda lied about the whole thing. Do you get that?
    I did not threaten anybody, not the affiliatfuk nor ms penis-envy.

    Ken McMurtrie could only suggest that because he had no idea that she was making the whole thing up. She used my reaction to what she did as the reason for what she did. What kind of time-warp delusional bullshit is that?

    Would you offer an olive branch to someone who slandered you as well as ripped hours upon hours of your hard spent efforts to shreds?

    If so, perhaps you can tell me why you would do that.

    I don't need any two faced gorgon as a comrade.

    I am not angry with anyone else about this except for the carpet muncher.

    I do wonder at the continued affiliation and bridge at homebase...but I can't do anything about that on my own, and no one else seems to get the depth of this betrayal.


  16. Hey Puddy,

    Is that Soylent Green crackers on the conveyor belt on the banner illio?


  17. Will.... it's people ;)

  18. Will, I totally agree with you that you were wronged by Rady. She should have removed the ENTIRE thread and not let that liar's bullshit stand. But don't make yourself sick over it. You've argued 9/11 brilliantly on blogs all over the internet. You never needed coto2 to make your point. You certainly don't need to give it another minute of your attention.

    Boomer, Will doesn't owe Rady any apology either.

  19. Thanks Deb,

    I really don't fret over this at all any more. It just happened to come up, with something to do with Truth and Shadows...

    Like any old memory it sort of hit me again. I have had my say now. I can let it go now too.


  20. I really loved that movie when it came out. I'd like to see it again.

    It sure is "people" {grin}



  22. Anyone else notice how Alex Jones is without a doubt stumpin' for Romney despite his sayin constantly... "don't get me wrong, they're both bad!"? Maybe the Rand/Ron Paul betrayal was just the beginning of this pied piper's leading their lemmings into the right wing neocon sea......For the past year or so, it's been harder and harder to listen to ole AJ.


    It's GMO People to boot. I want organic people or I refuse to eat. I'm a picky zombie.

  24. Sickeningly obvious and I am disgusted. He's gone Holyrood and drunk with power. His conversation is getting more ridiculous by the day.

    I think Breitbart has reincarnated into Jones. But in reality I believe the fix is in with Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and even Hugo Chavez. Chavez is dead like Mubarek and has been replaced by a close-look alike. Raul Castro is in on it. I swear this is real. He was gone for months with a cancer and surgeries? Please he looks like a million bucks, even without the makeup. Who are they kidding? Everyone.

    One by one, they go from point to point. Is is all staged? Certainly appears to be a major possibility but for now I think they have been morphed or replaced. I'm over it. It's just a long depressing string of one-act satirical plays and cons that on prima facie appear to be real, but they are not.

    I'd really like to know where the passengers from 911 are. North Korea or China. POW's I'm certain but comfortable. I think Clinton goes there periodically to confirm they are being treated well.

    Regardless the price of admission to this theatre is outrageous. Like the Aurora multiplex.

  25. You thought the two million Iraqis were buried? They were turned into Matzos and sent to Israel for high holy days.

  26. Here's one of the Graduates from the foreign exchage CIAda corp.

  27. lol Patrick... good one!

  28. "What kind of time-warp delusional bullshit is that?" ~ Mr. Rogue1

    Good and Timely point in a non-time warp way -- like "Reality" bites!

    Regarding an "olive branch", or, a cold slize of pizza with anchovies...

    I guess what I'm saying is, from my vantage point in the cheapest seats, your pissed-off'd-ness never provides Ms. Rady a way to save a modicum of "face" in this impasse. I believe you can factually establish the timing to show you "reacted" rather than ranted inexplicably on her ass, so that's a "check mark". It appears somehow that accusations, name-calling, ad-hominem of a personal nature put her off to the point she would rather uphold Moldberry's scurrilous rantings and twistings, rather than relent on the "personal" shit offense, and honor the "freedom of speech"?

    Anyways, I would think, a savvy marketing person would put this thread back up FRONT & CENTER as controversy swirls, and let the Jousters prove the Jokers in the most interesting intellectual Combat.

    But, I'm a Marketing Guy, so perhaps I see the sales and readership value here. I can't imagine COTO2 has all the readership it wants. It strikes me as petty, self-serving, and a tad bit "feline-ish" to be a promoter, and not let warriors fight it out because of name calling, etc... It's like Ali versus Smoking Joe can't come off, because Ali disparaged Don King or something. Rather ridiculous. A good promoter would "play it all up" and enhance the Draw.

    The Subject of 9/11 deserves the continued working out of establishing The Truth, for it has not been properly handled, nor investigated.

  29. Yea, the Chavez looking so well after being near death with cancer is weird..I was thinking the same thing when I first saw pictures of him. I wouldn't doubt they'd replace him with a look alike.It would suit their cause well. If that's true we'll know soon enough by how he continues to run his country and if he starts to kiss imperial ass.

    I just turned Jones off when George Noory came on. Noory was talking about Iran definitely developing nukes and what a nut Ahmendinajad is and Jones saying,," yea, I'm anti war but why is he trying to start a war by threatening to blow up Israel every day" Really asshole? That's what he's saying? Jesus, if that didn't prove once and for all what a shill for the zionists he is, that sure did it. I shut him off quicker than I'd drop a hot potato. I DID love hearing Tarpley take him to school about Romney and how the Morons want the U.S. to be bloodied because of the treatment of Joseph Smith. Whenever someone like Tarpley or Greg Palast, who was on earlier start revealing what Romney is, Jones gets that same "deer in the headlights" voice that he always gets when someone says something negative about Israel. No wonder.. Romney is the neocons and Israel's choice. I agree with Tarpley. The ptb want Romney for prez.

  30. At this point Boomer, C2 is history.

    It is a ghost town and nothing but a shadow of a memory.

    I am not interested in Randy's potty problems anymore.
    If she MUST stand to pee, the puddles are her problem.


  31. "The ptb want Romney for prez."

    Well, of that's so Deb, then Romney {Roman-ee} will be prez and we be on fast forward to crumble zone in Murkah. Zooooooooooom to curtains.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer 'country' /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\~~~~~~|>>splat!

    I have always been uneasy about Alex Jones. I could never stand his barking on his radio show. I did like some of the movies though.

    And I agree that Tarpley is top notch -- "You're hysterical - you've got a real circus going here! The host here is unhinged!!" is what he said to Fetzer at the loopy 9/11 "hearings" in Vancouver. Hahahahaha...he has been almost as up front with AJ the foghorn.

    Hey I did some research on another of Fetzers darlings that guy Steve Pieczenik:

    Pieczenik was deputy assistant secretary of state under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare. He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

    In 1974, Pieczenik joined the U.S. State Department as a consultant to restructure its Office for the Prevention of Terrorism.

    In 1976, Pieczenik was made deputy assistant secretary of state for management.

    At the State Department, he served as a "specialist on hostage taking." He has been credited with devising successful negotiating strategies and tactics used in several high profile hostage situations including the 1976 TWA Flight 355 hostage situation and the 1977 kidnapping of the son of Cyprus' president. He was involved in negotiations for the release of Aldo Moro after Moro was kidnapped. {Moro was killed}

    Pieczenik has consulted with the United States Institute of Peace and the RAND Corporation

    Pieczenik is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by the American government.

    On October 20, 2011 in an interview with the Alex Jones, where Pieczenik claimed that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is alive and said "There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and regime changes." He also slammed President Barack Obama by calling him an "obsessional pathological liar".

    *>On September 16, 2012, during an interview with Alex Jones, Pieczenik stated that Israel planned to initiate war with Iran during Yom Kippur 2012, unless ex-Mossad and ex-Shin Bet agents assassinated Benjamin Netanyahu. **Neither prediction came to pass.**
    .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

    My conclusion; Pieczenik is a sheep dipped mole and shill.

    I know there is disagreement on this but I think the same about Gordon Duff. All three, Duff, Fetzer, and Pieczenik are in the same click with that CIA heroin pilot for s.e. Asia - John Lear. I think they are all agents for the state.


  32. BTW, that is clearly not Chavez,
    it is obviously Kevin Costner!!


  33. Lol... Will, that will forever be our own private joke. I do not for one minute believe famous actors/actresses are subbing for occuppy wall street activists, football coaches OR world leaders. I do however think it's quite possible the CIA would kill off Chavez to put in one of their own for their own end. Just as they posted those fake pictures of Bin Laden that looked nothing like him. In other words, it would be very CIAish to do so :)

  34. I agree about Piecznik. He's disinfo. Fetzer, not sure, haven't read enough by him but probably. Gordon Duff, what I've read from his site, I've liked so far, so I don't feel that from him, yet. Time will tell. As for AJ, I've seen glimpses of his real leanings over just the past two years. His admiration for Rush Limbaugh is palpable. ANyone that admires Limpballs and fends off criticism of Romney and Israel is no friend of mine :)

  35. PD, I had always heard how weird the Mormons beliefs were even over and above their multiple wives and their golden plates. But damn, I just did some quick research online and they are even creepier than I first thought. I feel a Mormon expose' post comin' on..............

  36. Hillary was never vetted or groomed by Bilderberg. The Royals created Obama from Frank M Davis and had him prepared for a case like this. Romney was their pick in 08. The Maverick was a liability and Mitt was their pick. Due to the split in the Democratic party Obama was brought in to eliminate Hillary who was not in tow.

    She was given the same deal as Gore to step out for the good of the party. Now Obama has become the same Maverick. The forces fighting against change are unaware of the LDS history, the deeper conspiracy of the massacres by the Constitutionalists
    and the Anglo-dutch cartel who have funded Mormons for two centuries. Soetoro is getting the snub and thinks his lineage is over that of the gypsy Romneys and the hatred is palpable. It came out in the town hall.

    I know you can imagine a well placed trigger to set off a global system of reactions and see the powerful connection between extremists in Mormon insiders and Muslim Brotherhood and how that plays out. The delay for the committee and banking cartel is getting America in the Lisbon prison like the rest of the caucuses and union. The end is the same and only aesthetics in torture and fundamental ideology on human assets and the preference for suffering, separate the two.

    The Fabian model of wolves in sheep clothing do not fit any better than the muslim and the mormon fraudsters. I like the mormon people just fine as I do muslim and jew. It's the occu-PIers of the hierarchy fulfilling the conspiracy that rub me raw. I just hate liars with passion. Watch the Tragedy rise.

    A fraudulent media and polling/stat campaign can prepare the table for a rigged election. The threats that come can be contained by a single force muliplier in the Fabian strategy, though all multipliers will be used in this cycle. Obama was lazy and the red team is pissed off. Liberal fascism will continue regardless of outcome.

  37. Pieczenik, Corsi, Lindauer, Edmonds, Farah, Breitbart, Savage, Noory, Drudge, etc, etc etc. and all the Fox crew. Too many on the committee payroll now. Don't forget Glen Beck, the LDS mormon sidewalk salesman. He had to go third tier like Olbermann and Lou Dobbs for their fringe focus to0 close to the conspiracy. Rush Limbaugh? I can't believe anybody follows his schtick anymore. I never hear or read anything worth shit anymore.

    Webster Tarplay, Alan Watt and PCR are the few that I can expect the least cointel or agenda. Jones is still sincere it seems but overwhelmed and subject to ego and money bombs.

    Follow the money and it always creates a powerful force that cannot be ignored. That's the Imus Factor of the Rush!

  38. I consider Dr. P a psychological MK expert and spy. A specific cointelprofessional for the CT community. Like others the truth is disarmed with the right amount of lies.

    Is it true that "On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by the American government."

    Only if the goal is to overthrow whatever resistance is left to avoid the agenda 21 of a committee cartel takeover by the core cabal. I except the truth of Bin-Laden and his death in 2002 and the false flag, but the globalists blame American Govt when in my opinion it is like calling the rifle responsible for JFK's death. Fools are tools.

    American Government? Please, Doctor Steve, rephrase it or go on the real hunt for the Red October. It's the lingo-jingo that screws up the simpleton sheeple synapses.

  39. Edmonds? I like her..too bad if it's true. Tarpley..I admire.. he's brilliant ..Alan Watt..hmmm.. he's ok...don't get good vibes from him. Olberman I like except for when he threw his support in for Obama but then did criticize him as well. I liked Dobbs too. Haven't read or heard anything of either of them lately. PCR ...much respect for that man and his articles.

    Rush was, is and always will be a buffoon of the highest order. Beck, I think, is just plain mental.

  40. Oh and as for AJ... I think you are being too kind. I think I figured out what his agenda has been all along... but then, I'm just speculating.......

    Just for the record.. I like Icke !

  41. I like Icke and Watt. Because they deal with the energy of the matters and forget the finance. The Markets are monetary but the deeper assets are human.

    The real currencies are energetic and the money is only a loss leader in getting the human spirit off the point and on their mark.
    Icke understands the the process by which the committee keeps the administrators in line. A linear progression to the UN pedophile and child slavery agenda which is the power source of the ruling minority.

    The psychopathic intellect of the technocracy has made Matrix that Watt refers to a clear explanation of illuminati epistemiology and lingusitic roots that permeate the airwaves.

    We use the language of illuminati daily and most don't even know it. It's mathematical and physics as the electrons that circle our neuronal reality center. The artificial is so immense now that Romney can say nothing and move mountains of sheep dipped dolts.

  42. Here's an excerpt from a girl friend and ex-employee I still stay in contact with from Disney Floridaland.

    "....Also, I have been praying for a miracle to get Obama out of office. I know you are not a republican, but I have to say, I do really like Romney and Ryan. AND I think with Romney’s business background, he can get this country out of this ridiculous mess we are in, at least somewhat. Anyway, please don’t come back with a bunch of ‘you must read this’ stuff. At the end of the day, whether you like it or not, NO ONE is going to elect an independent as president of this country. SO, you need to at least pick someone OTHER than Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    And so it goes from a very intelligent woman sucked dry by the energy drain of status quo- where is the soul, will and knowledge? It is buried under the amnesia of hope, in the language of scripted tragedy and the denial of dialogue to a defeatist domicile. Why waste the energy?

    (by the way Deb, I sent the romney video as a reply. the least I can do)

  43. Listen to Celente on Infowars regarding Sonny Rollins. Brilliant! It's a nutshell of Zeropoint. On your own fly. Carry the weight of the dead and you'll sink into the abyss.

  44. I love Celente! I missed the Sonny Rollins part but heard most of his diatribe while at home on lunch hour :) As with PCR & David Icke I don't think he's ever said anything I disagree with. (well PCR may have back in the Reagan "trickle down" on you years!!!)

  45. hahaha... you dated a republican? yikes! :) I can honestly say, I've never dated one but have a few for friends. Good on you for passing on that vid. Not that it will make a difference..........

  46. I did not date her. She was my secretary and a friend

  47. Trickle down might work if they were not on an agenda known as 21. Reagan may have been the biggest used piece of equip ever to serve as CIC, but GHWB was the worst. Therefore it all was Alzheimers and chaos for him. Who knows for sure. Was he supposed to have died in the MK known as Hinckley? There's some uncertainty for me on that.

    Reagan was about as moderate as could be from a holyrood background for his era. PCR is close to the real deal IMO.

  48. Oh sorry... I thought she was an ex g/f and ex employee.. my mistake. I was just messin' with ya anyway ;)

  49. I don't even like the term, trickle down... it's like being peed on from above. A snooty term as in: We have all the riches, if we should drop a few pennies on your servile little heads, you may keep them.....also Regan said ketchup should be called a veggie in school lunches. He seemed like such a nice man too. Obviously, he wasn't the one calling the real shots.

  50. No, Reagan was always just a mindless salesman. He had no brains to speak of just "the voice" of your grandfather to suck you in.

    I don't think Hinkley hit Reagan, all stray shots, Reagan was shot at close range by the SS man who trundled him into the car.


  51. Yep, a doddering old B actor, playing the part of his life.........

  52. Edmonds??? Yea, I don't get that either, but we all have our foiblators vibrating on personal settings...


  53. Hahaha...good one Ms Deb {as they'd say in GA}

    Dr Rothschilds Dog Food and Kibble d'Soylant....yum


  54. "Ahh if you knew Fetzer like I know Fetzer
    Oy oy oy whatta shill..."_Al Jolesnicker


  55. Yea Will, right? !! Don't know why it came out so HUGE on the page... sheesh... at least u can click on it to view the entire thing..

  56. Yeah, I have considered it as well. I think all MK shooters think they are using a toy. But do you think he was supposed to die regardless of the shooter?

  57. Di I think Reagan was supposed to die?

    Yea, I sure do, I think Poppy was straining on the bit to get into top spot.

    They went with the contingency of giving Reagan "notice" that it was Bush's game from then on out.

    Reagan himself being a dotting mind-drip, probably never figured it out - but Nancy knew.


  58. I savored it to file,,,

