This attack is linked to the coming event for India above the EMP attack. It connects my prediction for an event in the newly created CIA operations in Punjab and will involve the fake Al-Qaeda Grease Devils in Pakistan which is the focus of the efforts as is the case in Syria.
The info posted in EVAN: TIME PREDATOR UPDATED******* Wade Michael Page [40] x 13 soldier, white supremecist, skinhead, illustrated man had connection to Ft Bragg NC. FORT BRAGG-MK ULTRA-PEDOPHILIA-RITUAL SLAYINGS (1970) Fatal Vision, (1989) Satanic Preist Questioned in New Sex Case - By Linda Goldston
San Jose Mercury News, May 13, 1989 (1995) William Kreutzer, Jr.
(2002) Rash of slayings shocks Army post / 4 spouses, 2 soldiers killed in 6 weeks
Stargate_Project - Project Jedi / Men who stare at goats - remote viewing - Stanford Research Insititute
Some commentators have confused a "Project Jedi", allegedly run by Special Forces primarily out of Fort Bragg, with Stargate. [rem0te trigger-mkDelta]
The Real Story of the Men Who Stare at Goats: Written by Danny Penman
(2011) CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program
July 2012 Gunman in Fort Bragg Shooting Dies -NY Times
Excellent post !
ReplyDeleteThere's more to come.
Thank you Bea, It's nice to have you here and hope you may want to enter the discussion.
ReplyDeletebea41660 profile
I read your profile when you first came here to confirm our postings. I align with your beliefs. That is the truth. This attack on Hindu Sikh was not a case of mistaken Identity of Muslim identity but a targeted staged event to control the freedoms not only of Americas constitutional laws but an attack on Religion. Especially those who belive in one GOD versus Apotheosis of State, Zionist or Radical Organized Cults.
Those religions that focus on one universal creator and one brotherhood of man are the target. Sikh are a thorn to the new world elite who believe they are the rightful deity for worhip and India is a target. The zionists operate effectively from the AF-PAK, IRANIAN and IRAQI conquered territories and LIBYA, MORROCO and EGYPT staging points for a massive effort to complete the process for Africa.
Once the Saudi staging point opened the Arab Spring, the octopus moves out like a cancer in the cells of the body. Now they have exponentially expanded to multiple sites for the transformation.
The numbers are clear, the techniques have become predictable, the agenda written in the scriptures and played out to a tee.
When an event like this Wisconsin tragedy take place, it has a undisputable characteristic being a multi-faceted choice for many objectives. They never waste and opportunity and always maximize the the benefits of each.
In INGSOC, [English Socialism]the MEDIA techniques were never identified prior to the transition. Minitrue is the same in theory of the truth. Merely shifting the plotted coordinates to illusionary events, characters or random data. The memory holes are filled in with silly putty.
ReplyDeleteThe true false algorithm runs constant to the maintream perception in social networking googleplex. The masses provide the logical data and the system wil comply with Minitrue. It's a back and forth process. Fine tuned with the holes and silly putty.
“I read the news today old boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire"
MI6/CIA stay busier nowadays with 4ooo terabytes and rubber soul [English Socialism]
INGSOC appreciates you making your profiles for free, full of holes. They'll fill them in, in time.
Coto Knows,
Shalum aleichem ![Peace be to/with you !]
ReplyDeleteThank you . Glad to be here.
Blessings !
XXFalse - XTrue - 6th Aug. 2011 : 38 people were killed on A US Helicopter downed in Afghanistan with the Taliban claiming responsibility amongst those on the Chinook helicopter at least seventeen were members of SEAL Team 6
ReplyDeleteXXFalse - XTrue - 6th August, 2011 : The United States' credit rating was downgraded from AAA to AA+ by Standard & Poor's credit rating agency. The downgrade was made by the agency after citing that problems with budget deficits have created a negative outlook for the USA's economy. The company also stated that the recently approved budget deal did not go far enough to reduce the deficit.
XXFalse - XTrue -6th Aug. 1978 : Pope Paul VI, who led the Roman Catholic Church for 15 years, died after suffering a major heart attack
XXFalse - XTrue - 6th Aug. 1935 : In Hollywood, California Dr. Ralph Willard, a doctor who came from the state of Georgia in Russia, has successfully frozen a monkey named Jekal and brought it back to life.
XXFalse - XTrue -1945 Japan Nuclear bomb Hiroshima
6th Aug. 1945 : An atomic bomb was used containing more power than 12,000 tons of TNT and producing more than 2,000 times the blast of the most powerful bomb ever dropped before was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, killing an estimated 140,000 people in the first use of a nuclear weapon in warfare.
XTrue - Zeropoint
[According to the Pentagon, Page enlisted in the Army in 1992 in Milwaukee and was discharged in 1998. A parachutists who received a commendation medal, Page received basic training at Fort Sill, OK, moved to Fort Bliss, TX, and finished his career at Fort Bragg, NC.
Page, who also served as a "Psy-Ops" specialist, rose to the rank of sergeant before his discharge, but was later demoted to specialist, apparently because of performance issues, according to the Pentagon. Unlike an honorary discharge, a general discharge is related to performance rather than misconduct.]
UFO Documentary Film Director’s Father Killed at Sikh Temple
August 6, 2012
ReplyDeleteHere's a current Alex Jones one that looks like it could fit into this conversation
I heard a caller also reference India and why this was a specific attack on Sikh and then he was rushed off the phone. I hate when infowars does that.
ReplyDeletePage lived in apt. in Cutahy on a street named Holmes. Coincidence? You can't make this shit up?
ReplyDeleteIn a post by Jersey Girl we were discussing Denver as the Capital of NAU/NWO central extermination FEMA point. I discussed that CIA was moving Langley to Denver. Littleton a suburb of Denver is a haven for CIA spooks and it is a place where Holmes and Page lived.
Area 53 operates there as well and to the underground Colo Springs. Aurora and Littleton are in the area known as 53 and is the domestic false flag terror operations center. Pedophile covens.
The Tubes rail system
Another Protein reality I wrote about.
ReplyDeleteHarvard admits Fluoride IQ dumbing and now Chemotrails causing protein assault in healthy cells and triggering cancer cell signalling in tumors. Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle WA
Who cares, we love GlaxoSmithKline and Proctor & Gamble.
Wade Page also lived in Nashville which was a MK Haven identified by Cathy O'Brien in her book Trance-formation.
I'm not a great follower of AJ and generally pass his site by after taking a quick peek as I can't take his Foghorn Leghorn antics but some things do come along that pique my curiosity. I see where you're going with this, I also believe that many of us are lent to be able to intuit into the consciousness to greater or lesser extents as that is in our nature. It appears to me that in order to do so, one must be in the right here right now and not afraid as that is what keeps us without really having to say it in low frequency. Throughout alternate media, I see some very illuminated people as I've never encountered before. In the fact that in our recent epoch we've had a Nichola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Gandhi and others that were the great intellects of our time that have raised our collective consciousness, some would also include Jesus Christ onto that list. Too bad we get the fairy tale version but that very story has had a huge impact that permeates right through our culture, makes me wonder, what's with that.
ReplyDeleteNice work toots...
I'm less than a fan myself and always look to verify. Especially when he marginalizes callers and guests. I like Mike the ranger when he sits in. The best part of the infowars is getting real truthers on the line.
ReplyDeleteThis guy Page is right out of Central Casting and his path clearly follows the vectors of mind control, psyops and covert military operations.
I know India was part of this event for purpose. It must be followed by another of the five tiers for something in the werks.
What does come may be the disclosure and grand event for bluebeam. RAND certainly figures into this.
I'll be looking for interferon and chemo manufacturers stock prices on the news and recent study from the Hutchinson Clinic.
Norio Hayakawa - true George Noory-false
Time for Hurricanes to ramp up: From Apotheosis predictions
ReplyDeleteHurricane season will see three landing this year. Florida gets hit in the gulf coast, Texas in the Padre Island area and Mexico sees flooding from Yucatan storm.
Here comes the Yucatan Storm.
Miss ya luv!
ReplyDeleteThis is Rouge1 reporting from Acworth, Georgia...??? {I get around so much while sitting in one place it amazes me}
ReplyDeleteFirst log in I got the raw HTML version of wordpress...?...happens on other blogs a lot, first time for COTO for me.
Anyway, I gotta say that as far as sociopolitical current events analysis, there is nowhere that can match dog by far.
This is an excellent page kids. BRAVO.
I get down, and nagged by sake every August 6 - 9 so I'm just reading today.
Veri and I touched on the temple killings this morning. Another US trained 'domestic terrorist'....this is too obvious, and can now be said to be part of, REVELATION OF THE METHOD.
And that means time is short. That means they think they have the fruition of the NWO all sewn up.
It's on super [FFWD >>>] now, which means when the train hits the wall it'll be like that Sandia jet....MOMENTUM X + XX x XXX, Hypersonic pooper tonic.
“Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it's not supposed to exist! They don't recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living process, will become at last a normal society, but they believe that a social system that has come out of some mathematical brain is going to organise all humanity at once and make it just and sinless in an instant, quicker than any living process! That's why they instinctively dislike history, 'nothing but ugliness and stupidity in it,' and they explain it all as stupidity! That's why they so dislike the living process of life; they don't want a living soul! The living soul demands life, the soul won't obey the rules of mechanics, the soul is an object of suspicion, the soul is retrograde! But what they want though it smells of death and can be made of india-rubber, at least is not alive, has no will, is servile and won't revolt! And it comes in the end to their reducing everything to the building of walls and the planning of rooms and passages in a phalanstery! The phalanstery is ready, indeed, but your human nature is not ready for the phalanstery--it wants life, it hasn't completed its vital process, it's too soon for the graveyard! You can't skip over nature by logic.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ReplyDeleteAmardeep Kaleka's father was killed in this indecent incident?
That's a wowser bowser.
I wonder if he was the target for this whole thing.
The RAND is a double helix - one is the Ayn brand never mentioned in their literature.
Hey, if you dare call it conspiracy 911 then you're going to get a looksey from all the intelligence centers. You are a thorn in the ass of the gods, Willie. Dogged and unpersuadable.
ReplyDeleteWe got the mojo and they are in declassification/disclosure mode. I think it's all sewn up as well. Only those who will still dare will move on.
India 8/6/12 -By the end of the day, one of his colleagues had been burnt to death and dozens wounded, many with broken bones, as a long-running struggle between the shop floor and management exploded at a factory racked by mistrust.
Amardeep Kaleka: Producer
ReplyDeleteWell orchestrated, well choreographed and with efficient staging areas.
Dunne gives Four Stars ****
I was watching this very guy speaking live yesterday while I was at my son's house babysitting the twins. He said MULTIPLE shooters. Until now, I hadn't heard of him before
ReplyDeletePatrick, you think he helped stage this set up and his father wasn't really injured? Why then, wasn't he pushing the lone shooter fairytale and instead talking about multiple shooters?
I was so pissed when that other guy came out and said there would be no helicopters above, no cameras, no press.....I knew it was a setup immediately. In fact, the minute I heard of it, I KNEW as did all of Coto. An Indian Temple in the Midwest. They even had that little girl come out and say that she never thought something like that would happen in their little, quiet town of Oak Creek (figure she was an actor). Was thinking that they are definitely out to get India. First their power outtages and now this.
Great post. Will go back and check all the links and vids in a bit if I don't fall asleep at my computer. I'm exhausted. Work is a slave camp...........
Lol Rogue.... perhaps you are astral projecting?
ReplyDeleteNot so funny is how they aren't even trying to make these things look convincing anymore as you all have stated. Means, the end game is near.
So, Patrick, when do the UFO's arrive?
How creepy is that map? I always thought Colorado sounded like a lovely place to live. I'm sure it is except for the monsters that set up camp there. Ahhh well. I don't fly and if I did, the DIA would be the last airport I'd fly into. Whoaaa I just noticed, there is a town named after me!
ReplyDeleteI reserve judgement on the whole disclosure thing but my read is that Amardeep Kaleka is the producer of a new video that's being put out under the SETI umbrella under the direction of DR. Steven Greer called "Sirius" that's to be released shortly and is billed as being a revelation in the UFO phenomenon. When I heard the news that his father was one of the victims here, that got me to wondering if there's any connection to this new release. What I read into this is that the Cabal is ready to unleash their Blue Beam phoney UFO scare tactic on the world soon, as Werner Von Braun stated would be the final card. Now is Sirius part of the plot, There's already two unexplained spiral phenomenon, one In Norway and another more recent or is the video a fly in the ointment to them. Strange times, stay tuned for another episode for "As The World Turns" (Topsy Turvy)
ReplyDeleteThere were four gunmen...why is Page said to be “the Gunman”?
ReplyDeleteIs this CNN Live interview already tagged for the Memory Hole?
Veri, I think we've discussed this before about UFOs? I think we have in the past and are now (more than ever) being visited by "aliens". Where they really come from, I don't know.. Whether it be space or from another dimension or from the center of the earth or sea doesn't really matter. I just know they exist. I've been interested in them since I was a kid and first read about the Bermuda Triangle which I'm sure PD will tell me was a govt operation. lol I loved the book Chariot of the Gods. That set me on my way to crop circles and on and on...
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I also know of the govts plans to stage a UFO attack as their grand finale. Being a sci fi lover, I'd like to see them try that and the legit aliens appear and blow them away and all their elite minions. See, in my movie the aliens are always here to help, not conquer :) :) :)
But I'm also an optimistic realist(oxymoron?) and I doubt that will happen. But hey, if we envision it maybe it will? "If you build it, they will come"..............maybe
Yep Will, it sure is! Another case of the "lone gunman" hahah.
ReplyDeleteAnd today, Mike Adams subbing for AJ said or a caller said that CNN played Billy Joel's song "Only the Good Die Young" as their go to commercial bumper music while discussing this shooting... nice eh?....
Got more sikh extrapolations?
ReplyDeleteWise to pull into the mix the recent pus eruptions in the MSM of sikhos Cheney, Rumsfeld, Witch Clinton, pResident Obombya, Rahm (kinda spelt like sikh if you ask me), and other troublesome vermin waging NWO Wars upon innocents worldwide. Vector with the finance rumblings and continuing non-accountability in the face of No Money For U, Mo Money for Me bankster book cookings. Throw in the minimization of the Non-election of Sycophants, now diving beneath the freakquency waves momentarily, before the next amazing jump back into the MSM consciousness and prop-o-ganda theatre. Drive south and west to Anaheim for Swat-downs of innocents interfering in "investigations" of excessive Force in the Disneyland backyard.
Toss this shit salad with frontal assaults on Liberties by the frontmen and women gatekeepers now well known for playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with a grin and a pen, legislation at the ready to provide "security" by redacting Constitutional Rights of the Goyim. Oh Yeah! Who's been in Israel lately? Who's been selling War Bonds(age) to tweak the Middle East into a Puppet Show, while filling the coffers of the MIC? Net and Yahoo has entertained some dufus pretenders to the throne, feigning foolhardiness, but accomplishing some boudoir deals under the covers?
So Sheik, So Sikh, So Chic, So Freak!!!
Its a Dance Craze -- Freak Out!
Its like DYNAMITE!
“How long? Not long…for ye reap what ye sow”
ReplyDelete~Rage Against The Machine
Hmmm...Full of Bullet Points that are On Target! How Fitting...
ReplyDelete"Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks:
Worse than Your Wildest Imagination"
Washington's Blog
"Will the Peasants Go Medieval On Bankers?"
And Then The People Lowered "The Boom"! At some point in the future, Trust won't be for sale. As a commodity, we can see it has been sold down the river of sins. Grok the gist in the following, and you can follow the money to the criminals' crip:
I believe also that there's something to the story but don't buy into anything with such sketchy evidence. There's just so much woo woo out there with aficionados coming from all angles from the sublime to the ridiculous. I posted one awhile ago from UFO TV called "Crop Circles" Crossovers From Another Dimension. That was great and put the question out there, who and how that stays unexplained. I mean when there's geometric equations presented that answer questions that have been puzzling mathematicians for many years that was presented during the night in exquisite patterns up to 2,000' across while people were in the hills looking to see how they were done while leaving the plants still alive and the observers still don't know? WTF. The one thing that Doc Greer says that rings true is why not, there's got to be civilizations out there that are millions of years older than us. As I see in nature in the cycle of growth, flowering, maturity and seeding to propagate the species. I believe that to be an innate pattern of nature, I believe that if we're worthy of heading for the stars, we're going there to spread our seed also. It's just in this sick paradigm we live in, we're unfit to go there as it should be. They won't interfere for the same reason for not helping a butterfly out of a coccoon, it's in the struggle to get free that the butterfly gains the strength to master flying. It's in us rising to throw off these inbred sick bastards that want to hang onto a past that they're losing, they're the stiflers of growth. We're the wholesome seed but we have to escape the coccoon. Wordy when I get on a jag, ain't I
ReplyDeleteYes and lovely you are. Denver is hell on earth. Thornton is on the way to Denver south through Rocky Flats.
ReplyDeleteRemember that?
It seems so as he was very calm during an interview without knowledge of the ministers condition. I just hope Ed's got the lowdown or somone pops this bubble.
ReplyDeleteI know the stress we are all under. It's aided by things we are not seeing. Agree?
I know it will sound crazy but my mother was born in Cutahy Wisconsin. Over the years the World has become so small that I trip over it daily anymore.
I'm so depressed over these government and SPLC center murders. Especially like this one.
I think the administrators will pass over this since they arew focused on Hate Group Campaigning in this case. I heard one of those sorry reporters discussing the Music Concerts Page was involved in and he called it a "HateFest"
ReplyDeleteCNN is working with full metal jackets and hollow points. All rhetoric and no substance. When Erin Burnett got teary I wanted to vomit. I still haven't eaten today.
I respect all ET believers as the lack of evidence would conclude they watch but have not intervened. I think it's all fake but I cannot prove that either.
ReplyDeleteBill Cooper went the cycle with it and so did I. But not for thirtyears have I believed. Not since Close Encounters.
But I could imagine a fantastic scenario where Project Blue comes out with the holographic visual w/audio in languages worldwide at which time all these so called dead people are pulled from cryogenics or some clone mill and revived to disembark in some fashion on the roof of the UN Building.
At which time the Apotheosis gives us the story of aliens in our society who will come forward and be diefied for the new age. Elvis will come out and sing love me tender, John Lennon, Imagine, and so on. A real BlueFest. We'll all swoon and then head off to FEMA to live out our lives as Cooley in Oceania.
Right on Boomer. It's le freak oblique. In the middle of the end. No turning back, as time in the 3D must go around. I'm reading the reports. The economy is finished as we know it. Sure there is a little gold left to be panned, but those days are gone now.
ReplyDeleteBest to look at the emerging vectors of the police state, dystopic haarpings and tightening watch springs and a wind up to another whole new ball game. Do you think there is salvaging this situation?
I think the meme you will hear most often now is the DEATH SPIRAL. Like the black swan it will spiral back to zeropoint and if you don't plan for post apocolyptic living, you have to go play ball with the crooked umpires.
I've had my time and it's off to another port for this sailor. Time to take up TeePee living with the big hairy buffalo in the sky. The goodbye look through the velvet fog.
You seem to find them Boomer. Hope the delusion lasts long enough for me to finish my bugout bag
ReplyDeleteAnd to think that here, where I am, the kayteedids are windin' and grindin', the crickets are fiddlin', the tree frogs are chirpin', and the fairies are still out in the fields waving their wands at the edge of the wood.
ReplyDeleteIf 'twern't fer this here magic mirror...why I'd be thinkin' life is just splended...
..n'fact I do.
So y'all just take a deep breath and visit zero point a moment or two, and recognize all this stuff we are talking about here is just silly voodoo, it' a teleplay written by Kilgore Trout...a story within a story within a story.
Hey Pudster, your new THREE STOOGES header is yet another masterpiece...Bravo la Kudos magnifico.
Me thinks, logic says that for us to think that there's only us is being facetious. The big question, yes,no, maybe so. Wishful thinking? Well, remains to be seen. There's strong followings from both sides.
ReplyDeleteSeems "Change" is set to occur via the same old "gang", whomever is pResident, aye?
ReplyDeleteNew Term Coined: "Change Gang"
Puddy, Zen Gardner says he refers to this site frequently for up-to-date weather, environmental news. 3MIN News I believe its called. Thought I'd bring it to your attention, should you find it prescient:
:( :( :( - three blind mice. They never had a chance.
ReplyDeleteThousands of Sikhs gathered in locations across India on 6 August 2012, protesting against an attack on a gurudwara (Sikh temple) in the United States the previous day. The demonstrations were peaceful but featured prominent sightings of kirpans, ceremonial swords and daggers carried by Sikhs. The rallies took place at Sikh holy sites -- such as the Golden Temple in Amritsar -- as well as at U.S. diplomatic missions in Hyderabad and New Delhi, where hundreds of people gathered to criticize the United States for its response to the incident and its permissive gun laws. Sikhs also protested in Jammu and Kashmir, blocking a national highway for several hours.
ReplyDeletePunjab province is where a concentration of Sikhs reside and where I predicted the event. Hindu's and athiests may be the target and radical Sikh movement for independence may be the terror meme for another Operation Blue Star.
The COMMITTEE could find suport in al-CIAda and China for this operation.
Cripes! It is unfathomable to think about disarming in the face of systemic terrorism perpetrated by a psycho cabal ruthlessly fomenting change via synthetic "terror" of their own making.
ReplyDeleteSure, all we see on the Howdy Dooty "Programming" channels is the "Lone Gunman" meme. In Colorado, and Wisconsin, and back, back, back in history, as well as into the future. The "stories" are so ridiculous as to impugn the "Men and Women Behind the Story", the pundits, and the media foghorns.
"Somebody" really hates people and anything good and worthwhile in this world. And it ain't my neighbors, or the other folks across the city, or the country, or even in some other country. No, the Lone Wacko story is usually a Cover Story for the real killers. Enough information is available to know exactly who these hatemongers are. It is a conspiracy on a vast scale, so far beyond most people's imagination as to strain credulity.
The Big Lie. Defined by Goebbels why it works so well.
All The People have to figure out is -- WHO IS LYING TO THEM?!
Gosh! Never thought it'd be so easy to figure out aye?
Easy to figure out on a real elemental level also. A thing I seen way back when was a Doc probably a Jane Goodall thing where after about ten years of research with Chimpanzee's in the wild. The creatures got used to them being there and in their daily rounds would traipse through their camp. The researchers tried an experiment and created a cornucopia of fresh fruits and laid it out preparing for troop to make their rounds. Lo and behold when the they came upon it, the dominant ones took it over fighting off any members from getting near it. Finally, they relented and would hand out a piece here and there but would contest anyone from getting too close. As in the big picture, as it is in the small so it is in the big.
ReplyDeleteRocky flats.. yes, I remember. I didn't know about this happy ending though:
ReplyDeleteIn July 2007, The United States Department of Energy transferred nearly 4,000 acres (16 km2) of land on the Rocky Flats site to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to establish the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.[34] Surveys of the site reveal 630 species of vascular plants, 76% of which are native.[35]
In September 2010, after a 20-year legal battle, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a $926 million award in a class-action lawsuit against Dow Chemical and Rockwell International.[36] The three-judge panel said that the jury reached its decision on faulty instructions that incorrectly stated the law. The appeals court tossed the jury verdict and sent the case back to the District Court. According to the Appellate Court, the owners of 12,000 properties in the class-action area had not proved their properties were damaged or they suffered bodily injury from plutonium that blew onto their properties
"This is just a dream, leave it..."
ReplyDeleteIt is my voice. I have just sat staring into another room from my bed, one I don't recognize as here. The door is partially open to the room and there are vague shapes that look like scattered beams of wood...and a low dim light pulses in a sequence of colors...what is within is an unnamed horror, sensed but unseen, a terror that chills the blood comes over me...
Then I hear the calm voice saying the words at the top...and I am awake. And I wonder, what is it? What could that horror be? And I realize it was just a scare ride...and as simple as it was - boy was it scary. And usually what is really up is that I have to pee...Lol
What more is needed to prove this system and the society it has engineered is psychotic; than that it is defined by and predicated upon WAR?
ReplyDelete..and plunder through enforced regimentation.
As a design and a plan, there is nothing new about the New World Order. It is in fact the propagation in a cyclic fashion of a very old world order: Despotic oligarchy and enforced feudalism, branded and rebranded in a roiling mythos sustained by symbolism and technocratic ritual. It is false assumption that ‘technique’ is something new, and not just the current version of artifact, tool making, and apologia for being ruled by the tool.
That is at the base of the enchantment, the human race on its knees to the god of Efficiency. A binary concept lacking appreciation for quality, beauty, the soul, and the divine mystery of life.
Well said Roguish! Follow the program, pogrom and programming from thousands of Ra-tations de sol.