Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Romney´s Armoured Undies

The undies in question may be seen here.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment   These special Kevlar TM skivies have a Teflon TM coating. The inscription on the undies must be viewed in the mirror,the letters stand for VERY LAME . Mitt must wear the undies at all times to help hold in the massive quantities of BULLSHIT that he carries around.

These technologically advanced undies were brought to earth on the four little engraved flying saucers that had  cryptic messages only Joseph Smith was qaulified to interpret.


The saucers were from the planet Moroni (you cant make this shit up people). The message held on the saucers were as follows "Joe Smith is your leader" "Joe´s disciples may get underage gash and marry as much as they can stand it" " wives shall support husbands,husbands shall support Joe" "Brigham will pour water on the hands of Joe" "Brigham will get a stipend from followers" "If Brigham orders a hit we know nothing about it" " Build a massive temple and start a giant choir of underage followers,underage followers will sing at services and service the elders"

"In the latter days a prophet will rise up among you,you will spend zillions of dollars on advertizing to inform the masses on how we are actually cool dudes,then the latter day prophet will bring you all into prominence among the sheep of other pastures (read basturs)then we shall be the 144,000 that run this whole goddamned show,we will pattern this after the works of our Zionist brethren" "This message brought to you by the elders of upper uranus." (then called Moroni)


  1. Well the UR anus is about right. Must be all the chemicals leaching out of the teflon in their gauches pickling their grey matter given that that's where it is.

  2. boomerangcomesbackJuly 10, 2012 at 8:00 AM

    Apparently, you haven't been "taken in" by the Mormon appeals? A hard sell, eh? Do you want to reconsider those "perks" again?

    Did ya see this boober video I posted a thread or so down?


    Think of this Romulan guy's net worth?! What a fantastic businessman he must be! Don't Americans need someone of this .40 hollow-point caliber to run point for The Machine? Why, he's a 1 percenter if ever there was 1. He's climbed to the top of BullShit Mountain with nary an underarm stain on his Magic chuds! Can't you get behind and trust a male model of his sort?

    If Mittens believes the phantasmagoric phantasies you've highlighted above, doesn't that make him sane enough to dive right into the completely insane cesspool of D.C. and politics where psychopathic and sociopathic pathologies are de rigeur qualifications for inclusion? Why, he's Americans' "Secret Weapon", a cartoon character of mythical proportions, like Batman, or Spiderman, or Captain America! He already sports the requisite power-providing clingy underwear thingy like all the other Super Heroes! A Shoe-in don't cha think?

    HaHaHa HooHooHoo HeeHeeHee!!!...

    Make your donation today schlubs.

  3. Should have reminded me earlier, my donation went down the loo

  4. Barry and Willard are not as devilishly clever as Dubya. But damned, their both eerily strange. I don't think either are not under mind control. Can you imagine their wives are the handlers? I have to agree here Boomer. I'd take 4 more with George or Willy than either of these two guys.

  5. This should make everyone think twice about eating or drinking anything they dont know. Nano-Nono.

    Considering thermite fifty years ago and nano-technology in the last twenty or so. Everything in WTC could have been made with it. Right down to the carpeting.

  6. boomerangcomesbackJuly 10, 2012 at 2:57 PM

    Don't get me wrong there PD -- the Dubya Shrub was run by Herr Shrub, Senior. The Dubya pine cone fell from the tree, but reflects little of Papa Serpent. Clintons...I'm Aghast at the hideous thought!

    I wouldn't take a nanosecond with any of these untrustworthy snakes, much less allow them into a position of power. No, best they be made eunuch barristers at an illuminatti Starbucks serving lattes to the herd for tips.

  7. boomerangcomesbackJuly 10, 2012 at 3:01 PM

    Nice find Fremo! We didn't doubt the means existed here on COTO. We are sure of the falseness of "the Story" and those who've peddled it.

  8. fremo,

    Thanks for turning us on to this: [US patent 5505799: called, Nanoengineered Explosives, Filed 1993, granted 1996.], and the link to the page.

    If you have posting rights to that blog could you inquire of Harrit and Jones about an email that Mark Hightower says was sent to him by Harrit a while ago?

    In the email Harrit claims there had to by an ungodly amount of superthermate in the towers to account for the materials in the dust as per the signature of The RJ Lee Group; {of 5.87% content of iron-rich spheres}

    "143.000 metric tons thermitic material was present in WTC2 prior to collapse."~Niels Harrit’

    You can see discussion at:


    The posts I refer to are some 3/4 way down the thread. [440+posts long]

    It would be interesting to have you comment there as to this subject as well.

    Thanks, \\][//

  9. Yeah but they were so flawed and proned to real weakness. These two guys are romulans or vulcans. Whenever Romney gets booed, he smiles like an idiot in climax. Barry just remains in BP down mode. Lifeless f-cks, the both of them. Mechanical celluloid teflon creeps. Human? I am 50-50 on that.

  10. I loved your story Korn...really funny stuff.

    Too bad it is a satire on a real and tragic affair - a common sort of affair for this doodah race....


  11. Ah squadoo the bimboroo and cloisterfuk the nones tha simpletoons bashaboinorus and dead-dog-eye pudding to the mastoids says I....

    Ya have any idea what it's like out there in the other bloggy jungle??? Whackfarers and looboonoods by the fluckload and brimbly and sgueegus. Bah humbug...

