Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Secret Service Goon Oppression Corrupts Political Process

This is a statement from a full-time employee of the GOP attesting to official oppression by military jack-booted thugs. Begin about 2:15 on vid.


  1. Send the message from 1968 in Chicago? Tampa will be in shambles from Hurricane HAARP. If we can get a war started before that it would top the charts for a massive event there.

    From the summer games to the election I am assured of fireworks unlike we have seen before John.

    While the secret Service works in view the shadows will be there as well. Can't wait for the event. This guy is a savvy warhorse. If Mitch Daniels, Mark Rubio or Newt Gingrich get the nod, lookout.


    What a gallery of gangsters. Even Rand Paul.

    New TV series to air with survivalist families competing to win a fortified bunker... to protect them at the end of the world

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2155070/Last-Family-Earth-New-TV-series-survivalist-families-compete-fortified-bunker.html#ixzz1x3ezlmzx

  3. That bunker looks lovely. It better because you won't ever be able to emerge from it I'd rather go down with the rest of humanity, thank you very much.

  4. I agree. Gangsters, all of them...ESPECIALLY Rand Paul. He creeps me out even more than the Newt because he, along with his father is the biggest of deceivers. I've been totally convinced, after being on the fence regarding Ron Paul, that Rand(who I never liked) and Ron are just two more actors for hire in this immorality play that the monsters put on for us every four years.
