Jersey and Patrick were right, I was played. I will now eat My hat,eat a crow and the wash it all down with a bunch of wine. I would never have believed it.When the patriots are traitors we are screwed,blued and tattoed.
Don't feel bad Korny. I was taken in by him for a bit too though I only ever liked half of his policies.... anti-war and civil liberties. I always had the nagging feeling that he was a ringer. Never liked his turning his back on 9/11 investigation. That was a big clue. Guess I should always trust my gut instinct above all.
I felt betrayed by Kucinich when he caved on single payer and endorsed Obamacare. Lost all respect for the man. We've all seen our "political heroes" fall. Guess we should realized sooner that political heroes is an oxymoron. ha Anyone that reaches their status in politics has already been compromised.
Yea PD, was listening to aj today and Ron pretty much told his supporters as much. Get on that republican train that leads to the fema camps, flunkies !!! God, I hate this bs.
It's not beyond the scope of threats. Dick Cheney is quiet and that spells trouble. I prefer when he's talking because that means he hasn't given the orders.
This is a real triad. Solves several problems. Ron Paul maybe going rogue, Rand and Rom can steal the thunder, or divide and conquer the movement. (at least damage it) then in Tampa they can go full monty on the delegates and protesters. Already they are calling for order. World Order of course.
Beltway Syndrome, a serious infection. He tries though and I won't condemn him. Ross Perot didn't have it so he just got the usual health report. Take a long vacation or die!
We'll be in Syria before the election or else Romney will have us in Iran as well. Russia will take it out on us with their magic wand. It's numbers they want. Sure they want the real estate but when you can eliminate useless eaters in the process, it's all good.
"Say it aint so Joe." Or in this case "Paul," or "Rand"
This might go down as one of the biggest political betrayals ever. I feel like my dog just died.
It's one thing to say, " ... okay I can't get the nomination, we put-up the good fight, and we'll still give them hell at the convention." That would be bad enough. Just having the quitter mentality would have been hard to swallow.
But this? Rand saying he's "happy" to support Mittens? And Ron coming out telling his supporters to be "respectful?" Respectful of what? Romney just came back from kissing the asses of the Bilderbergs!
Not that I was ever under any illusions that Paul would ever become POTUS. Even in my most hopeful moments, I thought that if he would ever make it, they're still do a Kennedy on him.
And maybe that's what happened? There was all that talk at the Bilderberg meeting about having Ron Paul and his supporters going down in a plane. Maybe the threat was exposed to them? Or maybe Romney's MKUltra mind-control mo-jo was employed?
Whatever it is, this will not turn out well. Nothing good will come of this. Unless you view having a lot of people divorcing themselves from the political system, buying guns and ammo, and digging in, as a good thing.
but I'll be damned if I go down on my knees hoping the system can save us, rather than fighting on my feet.
kucinich and paul (both of them) are the bait thrown to keep radicals in line... they know we feel such hope when a national politico speaks our language... they seem to always use some men to snag us and lead us away from developing our own above ground and underground movements to restore our personal freedom from the ecocidal, warmongering corporate governance.
Instead, we follow them and hope their infrastructure will serve our goals, until we find out their goals are the same as the corporatists because nobody gets to national power without corporate approval, or if they do, they either change when bidden to do so or they are gone (one way or another)
so, we're back to working on our own personal community infrastructures, building our safety nets, and security culture, and localized resources to help face what's coming...
shit, my whole process since 04, Korn, has been one long eye-opening, paradigm-shifting, backtracking from bad paths and jumping back into the fold of like-thinkers
it's all good... whoopee, we're all gonna die
just not with blinders on and with our aim as true as we can make it, individually and collectively within our own communities and online.
rand jnr went rat??????????????? joined romney? OMFG its as good as aus:-) the Liar stabbed krudd and hopped in bed with the greens. leaves ya with that WFT feeling for a while.:-)
Oz, Rand was never anything more than a slimy republican. I NEVER liked him. I am not one bit surprised. Seems the apple never falls far from the tree and in this case both apples are full of worms.
This betrayal of supporters reminds me of the caving at the end of Gore and Kerry .....they are ALL connected my friends. It's all too obvious now for any of us to deny it. If they are in the game at the end... they are players in the NWO game!
Imagine that it ALL has been scripted more or less...from the inception? Understand who the PTB behind the scenes are, and imagine why you should think that "their" system would permit "anyone" changing it from the 'inside'. As you noted Puddy (I believe in the comments section of the post below), the gigantic "expense" of this theater of the absurd being conducted via "their" media outlets reveals the "method". Mind control. A monstrous Farce perpetrated on the Goyim. Faux "elections". The Process is owned, manipulated, scripted, and worked out by The Controllers. The System and the Actors are rotten through and through. Kusumi bailed because some of us told him it was fruitless trying to change things from the inside. The Machinery has redundant fail-safe mechanisms to thwart sticky or broken parts. It keeps on turning out what it is intended to churn out.
Conspiracies? Within conspiracies? I think you can bet on it confidently. As we have just noted and noticed, The Plan continues on in its wicked way right in front of us all.
That was definitely a warning. I am way outside the box but I think they iced members of his family.Perry Kucinich, the youngest brother, was found dead in his apartment Dec 19, 2007. On November 11, 2008, his youngest sister Beth Ann also died.
Perry was murdered by Cheney assassination team for the impeachment bill by Dennis. Then his sister was whacked for his promise to persue the insider trading and SEC investigations that were in Bldg 7.
Dennis continued with Diebold and voter fraud that gor McConnell killed and they finally gave him the word. And that was by Obama, Dicks pal.
Kucinich had to go as he would have been more damaging to the partisan fraud of this admin. Obama gave him the warning and then they solved it by illegal Gerrymandering and redistricting. They applied drug money campaign moola to insure the defeat to boot! Obama had no problem with this as Dennis would not have voted the Death Panel Bill.
I love Dennis K and I can't ask anyone to take this kind of assault without caving in. Dennis is still sending me the emails from his blog postings and should we ever retake the country, I'd vote him as my President in a heartbeat.
This was the link to the best info on it but as usual, Googleplex CIA pulled it.
I think many bailed over extreme theory analysis. Flak, Tony, Laudy, John K, Willie Loman and others.
Other OPED types are in the system and continue to play into bi-partisanship, coincidence, black swan events, third party boogeymen, financial benefits, ideologies of government.
Nationalism, Nazism and Imperialism prior to 1947, the master plan brought all these losers to the front in a series of phases which would transition to the democratic, Socialism, Communism status since 1947.
Now the process from 1987 is a merging of the two into a colonialism by committee to bring the distant rule to all nations via a bogus league of nations who are just another facade like each nations governing body.
But it's imperial as to who owns the world and it has been divided up already from meeting at Bilderberg. The UN has and continues to be a colossal failure, but what do you expect when it's totally governed by the security council which are but mere minions for the oligarchy.
How could anyone give any entity in the system anything but a failed grade. Why do they accept the chaos, gridlock and dialectic day after day and year after year. And elections without fraud? Please!
It's too bad this process requires the cycle complete in order confirm the truth. If we were to develop the internal process of disecting all external information and using contradiction, conception of their reciprocal action, cause and effects, etc. we'd be better able to see that we (masses) aid their schemes and processes and develop a better understanding of our processes on why we believe or reject it.
The basis for believing it's all false is based on empirical, historical and experience. How many times must we go through the process to realize the internal "hope" or trust is a pile of steaming shit and governments of any kind are the obese swollen guts from which it eminates and we are mere colostomy bags to be filled with their crap and discarded while they continue to eat the fruits of our labor.
I always loved Dennis too and yes I still get those emails as well. He definitely voted the way I would have had I been in congress. My problem PD is that he had to know who whacked his family members if you are so sure of it. If that's the case, why the hell would he try so hard to keep his seat in congress then? Especially considering the bills he put forth went absolutely nowhere. He wasn't making a difference at all on the inside.
So what made him risk the lives of his family and himself?? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
That's pretty funny Puddy, you used the colostomy bag example. I was thinking the same thing as I posted the comment above. I was going to use the colon as my example too. You just can't expect to get anything but shit out of it. There are many analogies (some puns just happen) that can be used. This one seems apt.
The "system" is corroded and rotten. Whatever goes "in" at the top, will almost surely come out the other end as stinking feces.
We knew this abominable "election" race theater was a "play" on all of us. The giant fiat dollars expended on it, guaranteed a rerun of the "circuses" for the masses. It is beyond shameful for a nation to spend and waste such money when so many are hurting financially. It can only be because it is a giant Mind F$ck for mass consumption. Just like all the other gross wastes on Wars, Defense (WTF!), HLS, Czar salaries, fake judges, stormtroopers (OWS & the recent Chicago circus), it all reeks of imperialistic hubris, waste, control, etc. for a make-over of the ruling elite Conglomerate. Everything will continue apace until it is brought down or falls down by its sheer criminal weight.
Yeah, they are/were... remember the lunk head, can't remember his name... he wanted to be first in line for his flu shot, he later became an editor !!??! What the heck was his name? They had to be agents in retrospect... my head spins when i think how much we've been played... it is so unreal to see how effective the brain washing has been. They called that, they said no one would listen, and they didn't... and they said that by the time everyone did wake up, it would be too late....
It better not be over. I'm still waiting for apologies from my ex-loved ones, ex-friends and ex-associates. I am waiting for some sign they understand the evil they've allowed to proliferate here... some sign of remorse, regret.
He's an alpha male... and he did it so he can face the man in the mirror at the end of, well, when it's over.
Years ago i blogged that, for all we know, most of our congressmen are tied into their chairs with a gun trained on them... it still seems like that because not much else makes any sense.
Hi Wanda.....well if he is such an alpha male why then did he cave in to Obama care when he took that plane ride w/Obama? He was strictly single payer until that very day.
If they all have guns to their heads, why do they continue to run for re-election? THAT makes no sense. Nothing does anymore.
Jersey... i don't think it was ever a question of anything being done to him, as in a threat to break his arm, whatever... the type pressure that might have been applied would be along the nature of having someone close to him, perhaps even a child, harmed or worse. He already has lost family members... they were adults... were they warnings?
I concur w/Wanda. Courage is easier when armed with faith. That's why Barry Soetoro wants 'Hope' to replace it.
I agree as well that you get to bilderberg with your luggage. It includes baggage that they can use to hold your passport so to speak. I think John Edwards may have been an example in the weakest sense. Al Gore the dropout is another. These Beta types are controlled by the committee.
Dennis is in my opinion the bravest of the bunch. Others may play the part of interveners to the agenda but that's all smoke and mirrors.
Let's assume Dennis was told on Air Force One the same story that all of them get when other inducements do not work. Who was left to be made as example?
This man would die to save her. He would die for his beliefs too. I think his beliefs came in second after the Air Force One flight and Barry gave him the offer he couldn't refuse.
I bow to the inspiration from the cotothink. I love threads like this when the group comes to a intersect such as this event. And we all come from different angles but the parallax is without distortion. We get screwed. The good people who really cared about Ron Paul got screwed. Their money was wasted as was their energy and the force has left them weakened and disillusioned.
That's how they operate and I'm damned sick of it.
Yes indeed ladies and when the masses finally awaken from this stupified false reality, will it be too late? That's what I expect Wanda and that's when many will find religion. Not real fake religion but the smack in the chops that says it's time to pray.
My family and many friends have begun to find the truth. It will be bittersweet when yours come back and say you were right. Then there will be those whose ego's will still rule over humility. I have to find a way to love those souls as difficult as it is for me.
I think I can say without reservation now, I would prefer if we all were wrong.
Today was one of the worst chemtrailing ops I have ever witnessed. I am hurting bad with neurological pain and emotional distress. Funny thing is so are my neighbors.
Jersey... to answer the second part of your question... this one: If they all have guns to their heads, why do they continue to run for re-election?
For the same reason elections are controlled... you know what to expect from someone you thoroughly own... fresh faces represent a threat. It took decades, centuries even, and vast fortunes to cement their control over EVERYTHING. They are long range planners, they don't like surprises.
Wanda, the point I was trying to make, knowing his family was not only threatened but killed by these people, why would HE continue to ask for money for his campaign to stay in congress??!!!
He wasn't making a dent in anything to the good in the house. Wtf??!! would he hang around for then?
Pd, sorry I don't agree. He wanted to stay in congress. He didn't leave willingly. Sure he'd die for his wife but why risk her life to keep his seat ? If they gerrymander the districts to keep him out they obviously didn't have a gun to his head making him stay.
Hadn't had any chemtrails of significance in the upstate this last week...until Saturday. A complete shellacking whiteout from morning until afternoon. I hadn't read the weather report, so I was wondering what the reason was. As usual, they chemtrail hard in front of incoming precipitation. Found out later in the day the weather incoming. Predictable.
I hope you feel better. Take your remedies. Fine neighbors too.
I have been waiting for AJ to apologize to Tarpley for calling him a marxist,still waiting. It is written " cursed be the man who trusts in man". We are going through a spiritual refinement. I had suspected something was up and I didnt go to the state convention as a delegate for Paul. I thought it was a bad gamble of My time and resources. I was right. Some of My freinds arent speaking to Me now because I backed out.I need to trust My gut more often.
I trust your gut John. I know your gut. It's a thing I have come to know from our conversations. Your friends if they were ever friends will have to make the first move.
This road less traveled has real deep dips but you got guts. So we will all soldier on.
That's how they steer it Boom. They can steer it, stop it, enhance it or kill it. Like driving but in their case, they are drunk. Not with the vino but the power.
We all had pains today and headaches. We gardened anyway and completed the storage shed. I got the canning jars and were prepping for the coming famine, rain or shine, but the forecast is rain. (see post)
I think so too but he would have had to endorse Obamacare and probably would have. I think he was pretty brave as he went against the stream often and had a sense of 911. Corruptable? Always. Did he change at the end? I think it's very possible and almost certain. Again the DC disease will get you eventually.
Look what we got used to doing that we know compromises our real beliefs. I'm sure we all have some. I could never imagine going to Washington without the full expectation that like rust it will creep in eventually no matter who you are. Ron Paul was converted years ago and he may still think Rand and he can change the system.
Deluded? IMO, absolutely. Did you see the debates? He could barely speak intelligently. He stumbled, bumbled and managed mere soundbites for most of them. It was like they had the ELF beamed at him the entire time. He was in a fog or smog with these goofy looks on his face most of the time.
Rand is a player, always was. Oh, that power is an aphrodisiac and that lady liberty a seductive siren, don't you think?
Respectable... would like to hear more people fess up.
ReplyDeleteI got a garage full of Benedict Arnold Posters. Any takers? Real cheap!
ReplyDeleteI got Bill Cooper to suffer through. Pass the whiskey Korn. :)
Didn't Barry bow as good as Ronnie? That damned kid Rand is right out of Atlas Shrugged.
What did I miss? If it has anything to do with this picture, then I'm dying to know! :D
ReplyDeleteMe too. Especially, if there might be some public floggings.
ReplyDeleteKind of looks like Ron Paul might be laughing at Mittens' tiny weenie.
ReplyDeleteDoes it have anything to do with a bet?
Romney jumps on Rand to squelch the movement. Tampa will be like Chicago 68. NO THIRD PARTY RUN. Ron Paul will cave in. To the Delegates;
Don't feel bad Korny. I was taken in by him for a bit too though I only ever liked half of his policies.... anti-war and civil liberties. I always had the nagging feeling that he was a ringer. Never liked his turning his back on 9/11 investigation. That was a big clue. Guess I should always trust my gut instinct above all.
ReplyDeleteI felt betrayed by Kucinich when he caved on single payer and endorsed Obamacare. Lost all respect for the man. We've all seen our "political heroes" fall. Guess we should realized sooner that political heroes is an oxymoron. ha Anyone that reaches their status in politics has already been compromised.
Yea PD, was listening to aj today and Ron pretty much told his supporters as much. Get on that republican train that leads to the fema camps, flunkies !!! God, I hate this bs.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul has some of the right stuff. It's too bad his son is a sellout.
It's not beyond the scope of threats. Dick Cheney is quiet and that spells trouble. I prefer when he's talking because that means he hasn't given the orders.
ReplyDeleteThis is a real triad. Solves several problems. Ron Paul maybe going rogue, Rand and Rom can steal the thunder, or divide and conquer the movement. (at least damage it) then in Tampa they can go full monty on the delegates and protesters. Already they are calling for order. World Order of course.
Too bad Ron Paul now looks like a sellout as well. Or worse... a pied piper leading the lemmings into the sea. ~sigh
ReplyDeleteBeltway Syndrome, a serious infection. He tries though and I won't condemn him. Ross Perot didn't have it so he just got
ReplyDeletethe usual health report. Take a long vacation or die!
We'll be in Syria before the election or else Romney will have us in Iran as well. Russia will take it out on us with their magic wand. It's numbers they want. Sure they want the real estate but when you can eliminate useless eaters in the process, it's all good.
ReplyDeleteI am a worm and no man. Woe is Me.
ReplyDeleteNo, Just a knife in the back.
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt that.
ReplyDeletelol...oh knock it off kornman:)
ReplyDelete"Say it aint so Joe." Or in this case "Paul," or "Rand"
ReplyDeleteThis might go down as one of the biggest political betrayals ever. I feel like my dog just died.
It's one thing to say, " ... okay I can't get the nomination, we put-up the good fight, and we'll still give them hell at the convention." That would be bad enough. Just having the quitter mentality would have been hard to swallow.
But this? Rand saying he's "happy" to support Mittens? And Ron coming out telling his supporters to be "respectful?" Respectful of what? Romney just came back from kissing the asses of the Bilderbergs!
Not that I was ever under any illusions that Paul would ever become POTUS. Even in my most hopeful moments, I thought that if he would ever make it, they're still do a Kennedy on him.
And maybe that's what happened? There was all that talk at the Bilderberg meeting about having Ron Paul and his supporters going down in a plane. Maybe the threat was exposed to them? Or maybe Romney's MKUltra mind-control mo-jo was employed?
Whatever it is, this will not turn out well. Nothing good will come of this. Unless you view having a lot of people divorcing themselves from the political system, buying guns and ammo, and digging in, as a good thing.
we are the leaders we've been waiting for...
ReplyDeletewhoopie, we're all gonna die...
but I'll be damned if I go down on my knees hoping the system can save us, rather than fighting on my feet.
kucinich and paul (both of them) are the bait thrown to keep radicals in line... they know we feel such hope when a national politico speaks our language... they seem to always use some men to snag us and lead us away from developing our own above ground and underground movements to restore our personal freedom from the ecocidal, warmongering corporate governance.
Instead, we follow them and hope their infrastructure will serve our goals, until we find out their goals are the same as the corporatists because nobody gets to national power without corporate approval, or if they do, they either change when bidden to do so or they are gone (one way or another)
so, we're back to working on our own personal community infrastructures, building our safety nets, and security culture, and localized resources to help face what's coming...
shit, my whole process since 04, Korn, has been one long eye-opening, paradigm-shifting, backtracking from bad paths and jumping back into the fold of like-thinkers
it's all good... whoopee, we're all gonna die
just not with blinders on and with our aim as true as we can make it, individually and collectively within our own communities and online.
~ Rady
Oh well, never planned to vote for any of the mainstream turds anyway, so makes no diff to me. Other than the entertainment value.
ReplyDeleteWake me up when we have an opportunity to vote the Rothschilds out of office.
rand jnr went rat???????????????
ReplyDeletejoined romney?
its as good as aus:-)
the Liar stabbed krudd and hopped in bed with the greens.
leaves ya with that WFT feeling for a while.:-)
Rady, couldn't agree with you more !
ReplyDeleteOz, Rand was never anything more than a slimy republican. I NEVER liked him. I am not one bit surprised. Seems the apple never falls far from the tree and in this case both apples are full of worms.
ReplyDeleteThis betrayal of supporters reminds me of the caving at the end of Gore and Kerry .....they are ALL connected my friends. It's all too obvious now for any of us to deny it. If they are in the game at the end... they are players in the NWO game!
ReplyDeleteImagine that it ALL has been scripted more or less...from the inception? Understand who the PTB behind the scenes are, and imagine why you should think that "their" system would permit "anyone" changing it from the 'inside'. As you noted Puddy (I believe in the comments section of the post below), the gigantic "expense" of this theater of the absurd being conducted via "their" media outlets reveals the "method". Mind control. A monstrous Farce perpetrated on the Goyim. Faux "elections". The Process is owned, manipulated, scripted, and worked out by The Controllers. The System and the Actors are rotten through and through. Kusumi bailed because some of us told him it was fruitless trying to change things from the inside. The Machinery has redundant fail-safe mechanisms to thwart sticky or broken parts. It keeps on turning out what it is intended to churn out.
ReplyDeleteConspiracies? Within conspiracies? I think you can bet on it confidently. As we have just noted and noticed, The Plan continues on in its wicked way right in front of us all.
That was definitely a warning. I am way outside the box but I think they iced members of his family.Perry Kucinich, the youngest brother, was found dead in his apartment Dec 19, 2007. On November 11, 2008, his youngest sister Beth Ann also died.
ReplyDeletePerry was murdered by Cheney assassination team for the impeachment bill by Dennis. Then his sister was whacked for his promise to persue the insider trading and SEC investigations that were in Bldg 7.
Dennis continued with Diebold and voter fraud that gor McConnell killed and they finally gave him the word. And that was by Obama, Dicks pal.
Kucinich had to go as he would have been more damaging to the partisan fraud of this admin. Obama gave him the warning and then they solved it by illegal Gerrymandering and redistricting. They applied drug money campaign moola to insure the defeat to boot! Obama had no problem with this as Dennis would not have voted the Death Panel Bill.
I love Dennis K and I can't ask anyone to take this kind of assault without caving in. Dennis is still sending me the emails from his blog postings and should we ever retake the country, I'd vote him as my President in a heartbeat.
This was the link to the best info on it but as usual, Googleplex CIA pulled it.
I think many bailed over extreme theory analysis. Flak, Tony, Laudy, John K, Willie Loman and others.
ReplyDeleteOther OPED types are in the system and continue to play into bi-partisanship, coincidence, black swan events, third party boogeymen, financial benefits, ideologies of government.
Nationalism, Nazism and Imperialism prior to 1947, the master plan brought all these losers to the front in a series of phases which would transition to the democratic, Socialism, Communism status since 1947.
Now the process from 1987 is a merging of the two into a colonialism by committee to bring the distant rule to all nations via a bogus league of nations who are just another facade like each nations governing body.
But it's imperial as to who owns the world and it has been divided up already from meeting at Bilderberg. The UN has and continues to be a colossal failure, but what do you expect when it's totally governed by the security council which are but mere minions for the oligarchy.
How could anyone give any entity in the system anything but a failed grade. Why do they accept the chaos, gridlock and dialectic day after day and year after year. And elections without fraud? Please!
A conspiracy in a conspiracy in a conspiracy is the truth often. The deeper you go the closer you are to it.
ReplyDeleteObject-False Objection-Subterfuge Objective-True
false flag, false air, false front, false show, true conclusion
It's too bad this process requires the cycle complete in order confirm the truth. If we were to develop the internal process of disecting all external information and using contradiction, conception of their reciprocal action, cause and effects, etc. we'd be better able to see that we (masses) aid their schemes and processes and develop a better understanding of our processes on why we believe or reject it.
The basis for believing it's all false is based on empirical, historical and experience. How many times must we go through the process to realize the internal "hope" or trust is a pile of steaming shit and governments of any kind are the obese swollen guts from which it eminates and we are mere colostomy bags to be filled with their crap and discarded while they continue to eat the fruits of our labor.
I always loved Dennis too and yes I still get those emails as well. He definitely voted the way I would have had I been in congress. My problem PD is that he had to know who whacked his family members if you are so sure of it. If that's the case, why the hell would he try so hard to keep his seat in congress then? Especially considering the bills he put forth went absolutely nowhere. He wasn't making a difference at all on the inside.
ReplyDeleteSo what made him risk the lives of his family and himself?? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
Why indeed. I'm moving to Iceland. ( I wish)
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty funny Puddy, you used the colostomy bag example. I was thinking the same thing as I posted the comment above. I was going to use the colon as my example too. You just can't expect to get anything but shit out of it. There are many analogies (some puns just happen) that can be used. This one seems apt.
ReplyDeleteThe "system" is corroded and rotten. Whatever goes "in" at the top, will almost surely come out the other end as stinking feces.
Hmmm...seems my intuition was pretty on spot this whole time. More to say my intuition driving my search for truth...
ReplyDeleteThe discovery of systems science was a great leap forward for me. It puts the handle on the bag.
An epic stem of ologia pan treeah daddios and cool mamas, and our inbetweener too.
We knew this abominable "election" race theater was a "play" on all of us. The giant fiat dollars expended on it, guaranteed a rerun of the "circuses" for the masses. It is beyond shameful for a nation to spend and waste such money when so many are hurting financially. It can only be because it is a giant Mind F$ck for mass consumption. Just like all the other gross wastes on Wars, Defense (WTF!), HLS, Czar salaries, fake judges, stormtroopers (OWS & the recent Chicago circus), it all reeks of imperialistic hubris, waste, control, etc. for a make-over of the ruling elite Conglomerate. Everything will continue apace until it is brought down or falls down by its sheer criminal weight.
ReplyDeleteOh I think this is much better than funny - this is a keeper.
ReplyDeleteI have copied it and saved to word doc.
Classic my friend.
Yeah, they are/were... remember the lunk head, can't remember his name... he wanted to be first in line for his flu shot, he later became an editor !!??! What the heck was his name? They had to be agents in retrospect... my head spins when i think how much we've been played... it is so unreal to see how effective the brain washing has been. They called that, they said no one would listen, and they didn't... and they said that by the time everyone did wake up, it would be too late....
ReplyDeleteIt better not be over. I'm still waiting for apologies from my ex-loved ones, ex-friends and ex-associates. I am waiting for some sign they understand the evil they've allowed to proliferate here... some sign of remorse, regret.
He's an alpha male... and he did it so he can face the man in the mirror at the end of, well, when it's over.
ReplyDeleteYears ago i blogged that, for all we know, most of our congressmen are tied into their chairs with a gun trained on them... it still seems like that because not much else makes any sense.
Webster Tarpley... spot on. This one's for you Korn.
Some Good Stuff Here as Well:
Hi Wanda.....well if he is such an alpha male why then did he cave in to Obama care when he took that plane ride w/Obama? He was strictly single payer until that very day.
ReplyDeleteIf they all have guns to their heads, why do they continue to run for re-election? THAT makes no sense. Nothing does anymore.
Jersey... i don't think it was ever a question of anything being done to him, as in a threat to break his arm, whatever... the type pressure that might have been applied would be along the nature of having someone close to him, perhaps even a child, harmed or worse. He already has lost family members... they were adults... were they warnings?
I love Gerald.. thanks for posting Boom. He's right. It's summertime and the perfect time for the monsters to do the most damage.
ReplyDeleteI concur w/Wanda. Courage is easier when armed with faith. That's why Barry Soetoro wants 'Hope' to replace it.
ReplyDeleteI agree as well that you get to bilderberg with your luggage. It includes baggage that they can use to hold your passport so to speak. I think John Edwards may have been an example in the weakest sense. Al Gore the dropout is another. These Beta types are controlled by the committee.
Dennis is in my opinion the bravest of the bunch. Others may play the part of interveners to the agenda but that's all smoke and mirrors.
Let's assume Dennis was told on Air Force One the same story that all of them get when other inducements do not work. Who was left to be made as example?
This man would die to save her. He would die for his beliefs too. I think his beliefs came in second after the Air Force One flight and Barry gave him the offer he couldn't refuse.
I bow to the inspiration from the cotothink. I love threads like this when the group comes to a intersect such as this event. And we all come from different angles but the parallax is without distortion. We get screwed. The good people who really cared about Ron Paul got screwed. Their money was wasted as was their energy and the force has left them weakened and disillusioned.
ReplyDeleteThat's how they operate and I'm damned sick of it.
Yes indeed ladies and when the masses finally awaken from this stupified false reality, will it be too late? That's what I expect Wanda and that's when many will find religion. Not real fake religion but the smack in the chops that says it's time to pray.
ReplyDeleteMy family and many friends have begun to find the truth. It will be bittersweet when yours come back and say you were right. Then there will be those whose ego's will still rule over humility. I have to find a way to love those souls as difficult as it is for me.
I think I can say without reservation now, I would prefer if we all were wrong.
Today was one of the worst chemtrailing ops I have ever witnessed. I am hurting bad with neurological pain and emotional distress. Funny thing is so are my neighbors.
ReplyDeleteOh well it's just a "bug" going around.
Jersey... to answer the second part of your question...
ReplyDeletethis one: If they all have guns to their heads, why do they continue to run for re-election?
For the same reason elections are controlled... you know what to expect from someone you thoroughly own... fresh faces represent a threat. It took decades, centuries even, and vast fortunes to cement their control over EVERYTHING. They are long range planners, they don't like surprises.
Wanda, the point I was trying to make, knowing his family was not only threatened but killed by these people, why would HE continue to ask for money for his campaign to stay in congress??!!!
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't making a dent in anything to the good in the house. Wtf??!! would he hang around for then?
Pd, sorry I don't agree. He wanted to stay in congress. He didn't leave willingly. Sure he'd die for his wife but why risk her life to keep his seat ? If they gerrymander the districts to keep him out they obviously didn't have a gun to his head making him stay.
ReplyDeleteHadn't had any chemtrails of significance in the upstate this last week...until Saturday. A complete shellacking whiteout from morning until afternoon. I hadn't read the weather report, so I was wondering what the reason was. As usual, they chemtrail hard in front of incoming precipitation. Found out later in the day the weather incoming. Predictable.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better. Take your remedies. Fine neighbors too.
I followed Paul for 30 years. I would have never believed this. I feel like a 5 dollar crack ho, played and throwed away.
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting for AJ to apologize to Tarpley for calling him a marxist,still waiting.
ReplyDeleteIt is written " cursed be the man who trusts in man". We are going through a spiritual refinement. I had suspected something was up and I didnt go to the state convention as a delegate for Paul. I thought it was a bad gamble of My time and resources. I was right. Some of My freinds arent speaking to Me now because I backed out.I need to trust My gut more often.
Homemade wine will fix You right up,till morning.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this is how it feels getting raped,dirty and used and I shoulda knowed better.
ReplyDeleteI trust your gut John. I know your gut. It's a thing I have come to know from our conversations. Your friends if they were ever friends will have to make the first move.
ReplyDeleteThis road less traveled has real deep dips but you got guts. So we will all soldier on.
That's how they steer it Boom. They can steer it, stop it, enhance it or kill it. Like driving but in their case, they are drunk. Not with the vino but the power.
ReplyDeleteWe all had pains today and headaches. We gardened anyway
and completed the storage shed. I got the canning jars and were prepping for the coming famine, rain or shine, but the forecast is rain. (see post)
I think so too but he would have had to endorse Obamacare and probably would have. I think he was pretty brave as he went against the stream often and had a sense of 911. Corruptable? Always. Did he change at the end? I think it's very possible and almost certain. Again the DC disease will get you eventually.
ReplyDeleteLook what we got used to doing that we know compromises our real beliefs. I'm sure we all have some. I could never imagine going to Washington without the full expectation that like rust it will creep in eventually no matter who you are. Ron Paul was converted years ago and he may still think Rand and he can change the system.
Deluded? IMO, absolutely. Did you see the debates? He could barely speak intelligently. He stumbled, bumbled and managed mere soundbites for most of them. It was like they had the ELF beamed at him the entire time. He was in a fog or smog with these goofy looks on his face most of the time.
Rand is a player, always was. Oh, that power is an aphrodisiac and that lady liberty a seductive siren, don't you think?