Friday, June 22, 2012

OMFG !!! The cat is out of the bag

This summers gotta git it video,nude pics of Miss Ann, commies,indoctrination,etc,etc,



  1. And it's the game of thrones by the committee to play it to the end. Breitbart becomes the Wellstone for the decade of doom.

    Another hot torch. Dreams from My Real Father

    Mom's dreams were a little wetter but still hot.

  2. His father herded goats and his son herds sheep. Half truth.

  3. well said Puddy:-)
    mate of mine coined a new term..
    HerdNerd..rather like it, suits the suits.
    to the above, well there sure IS a reason so much funds and effort went into shutting down all background on someone whos background is usually very publicly availabe.
    you dont do that without something to be hidden,
    maybe this fellas right:-)

  4. And even though Obombya has clearly revealed himself to be the devil's manservant STILL I see bumper stickers that read Obama 2012. Yea, he's one helluva sheep herder.

  5. Btw, his "mom" wasn't that hot.:) Personally, I think he was developed in a lab. He's more robotic than humanoid.

  6. That's the third X. Is this poorly contructed deception too obvious to be true?

    XX+X = Obama birther, certificate, poor paper trail, mystery, socialist Davis minion, etc.

    The triple cross is hidden when they intentionally give you the double cross. I must say this was the weakest effort to conceal, forge and run a con game.

    What is the third X factor? Breitbart probably found out he was born in the USA in a small town outside LA to a woman and George Bush Sr. or Clintons mystery dad.

    Or he was born on the plains of Botswana to a mengele jackal and cecil rhodes test tube from Capetown.

    What is X? Hmmmm?

  7. I still think Obammy was created at IMAGINEERING at WED...

    Heeza a a a probait and switch hitter spit ring dinger of a droid in Wonderland Orlando this chief bandando who smokes cigarillo le cream sauce, pulling a rosary out of his chute one popbead at a time...the cross is the climax.

    dan him booko


  8. The white girlfriends Obama erased from his past: How the President airbrushed his romantic history to burnish his credentials as a black leader

    Read more:

  9. Jersry????
    did I hear a tiny "meowww" in there? nah,, not from the prettiest girl on the web!!
    who knows who anymore? this def ain't the 60's. i must be gettting senile cuz i can.t [hardly,almost] who the fuck's lyin and who's gut the truth. though there are those who will come right out ane tell you they're gonnna fuck the middle income and the poor and the sorry asshole go out and vote for him in droves. second cummin of christ. to be sure.i've almost kinda given up.
    there's never been any real hope, just propaganda passed from inbred generation to ..............
    my mother prays for me day and night,,,,,,,,,,it's not working

  10. he's black,,,look at that fro. you try that p.
    an ya can't hold white girls against him,, he can do that himself.
    i gotta be careful, don't wanna cross any racial barriers inadvertantly,, white people would never understand.
    where the fuck are we?

    and how have you been Patrick??

    everyone's well and alive,,, i optimisticly assume

  11. Think how much more screwed up You would be if she hadnt prayed.

  12. Oh, it will lead somewhere. It will either lead to our premature death or theirs. But its for certain not going to remain the same.

  13. Hey Peter... good to see you ! No, no meow... just statin' the truth according to ME ;)

  14. Is it just me or does his head look photoshopped in? The lighting doesn't look right and his head looks too big for that body.

  15. You are correct. I was hoping someone would see that obvious chopping. They have muddied the Little Obama story in detail and theres more disinfo blowing in the wind than anything else currently.

    Like CIA agent Barry Soetoro Davis Dunham Hussein Obama said, I just miss... I miss being anonymous.

    Big head? Yeah but not that big.

  16. We are good Pete. We are awake and breathe. Was a bit worried about you both and what the update is in Central Florida. Glad you are still breathing.

  17. this could very well be true. just cuz i'm jokin don'tmean i dis-believe,,,,,in my little twisted way.

  18. hey deb,, naturally, just bein my obnocious self, i'm kiddin. but only about your bein catty. i meant everything else.
    good to see you too. then it almost goo to see anyone at this point.
    bummer is; i thought that my terrific heart is what's keepin me afloat. after a quad by-pass i'm not so sure anymore. follow up 2wk.s later and throw in a bladder surgery and really reinforce my attitude.
    though i put forth every effort not to whine i still can manage a groan now and then.
    patrick,, how did you know?????

  19. Damn, Peter, I'm especially glad then that you are here with us. What a rough patch you've been through. But hey, you're a tough survivor cause here you are back checkin' in with the likes of us:) Now stick around, k?

  20. I still think he looks a lot more like Malcolm X.

  21. Hey Waximillion! Yes I agree with the X likeness. He comes up short on Malcolms vision though. No 20-20 for this blind squirrel.

    ‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website

  22. Patrick,,
    tell me, how did you guys know there was a problem?
    I thought that my heart was pretty strong but i began blacking out on several occassions, waking on the bedroom floor after 'how long'? not realizing I had gone out and no memory as to what i was doing, how long I was out or what i was doing at the time. it happened several times so when i mentioned it to my Dr. she sent me right to the caediologist who who did a barium enema on my heart. i had 4 valves blocked up to 93%. they fixed those with arteries from my legs. now i'm having chest pains most of the time. on top of this (here's where i get embarassed a bit. i was having a difficult time doin pee-pee so pee-pee dr stuck a finger where no man has travelled before and found nothing. i could have told him that, i hadn't put anything in there,, well, aside from little Skippy, the chipmonk but he was long out.
    now, dr. sticks a magic wand with the channel 2 news team stuck to the front to the front up my willie but the urethra was too small to accomodate all so the sent in the lazer gun and cut and burned and blew away allthe debris so now I can whiz like a horse but hurts like some shoved a lazer in mycrank.
    I'm exercising, eating properly and chasin Cindy around the house tryin to cop a feel.
    I am feeling somewhat better now but i still have black out spells.. sorta spooky.

    I do appreciate your concern but still,,, how did you know I had trouble?
    Thanks to all for thinkin of me. it was a little bit ruff.
