An article on this also appears at
"Of all the foreign policy luminaries still silent on the 2012 race, Henry Kissinger has stood out most to political watchers. He was the lead of a recent Times story about whether people were waiting out the presidential race to see where Mitt Romney stands.
But a reader forwards this invitation featuring Kissinger as the headliner for Romney, along with the candidate’s brother, in Connecticut next month.
The event is, of all places, at Trump Tower in Stamford, Conn., on July 12".
CLICK on the "Birds...below" for THE INVITATION to the Mitt Romney Victory Party featuring SPECIAL GUEST -- HENRY "Heinrich" KISSINGER:
Birds of a Feather F$@#k Together
[caption id="attachment_18643" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
A commenter on the Infowars piece notes the following regarding Romney the Romulan commander wannabe:
TheWholeTruth says:
June 19, 2012 at 8:03 am
HEY! AJ and friends… CHECK THIS OUT!!!!
“Mitt Romney Says He Could Wage War on Iran Without Congress’ Approval”
They have VIDEO! He really does say that!!!!!!!!!! Here’s the quote: “I don’t believe at this stage, therefore, if I’m president that we need to have a war powers approval or special authorization for military force. The president has that capacity now.”
Party with Kissinger.. no thank you! It's a tossup between who looks more evil the Pope Rat or this beast. Those eyes..........scary.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, I believe all must come to terms with the Markets for they truly are the beast. You must allow yourself to accept the philosophical concepts of Agenda 21 (sustainability) and more than eugenics, science and policy but come to terms with the religion behind it.
ReplyDeleteThese deranged sociopaths do not think they are gods but called from the light to clean house. Human beings are nothing more than cockroaches with only slightly more value as an asset.
There is energenics active today no different from sumerian slave markets. It's just a fact of the reality. This cannot be changed. Only altered and slightly from the progession of technology.
Think about the Markets and trades. Then think about the traffic.
Kissinger, Romney, who are these people?
ReplyDeleteYou know who they are. I'm surprised you're even commenting on them. Other than what they say is what they've been told they can say, and are therefore simply the mouthpieces for the real powers that need not have to, or dare to, show their faces.
Yeah, it's coming. It's here. If you are reading this and aren't already out of the country, or otherwise packed and ready to head for the underground bunker, or that heavily fortified, self-sustaining fortress on top of a mountain somewhere, your chances of survival are next to none. If you're in a city there is no chance.
So where am I? In a city.
And where are Kissinger and Romney? Anywhere they want to be. Stirring the shit pot of extinction.
A-A-ah ... can you smell the aroma of roasted baby flesh in the air?
No? Oh, your sensory perceptions must be as damaged as all your other senses.
I was at a junkyard today, and as I was eying a pile of junk, looking for my treasure, there were two huge pick-up trucks, unloading a huge pile of office lighting fixtures. The mercury was so thick in the air, and there I was, standing downwind before I noticed. By tomorrow morning I will be lucky if I can remember may name.
Fuck Kissinger, Romney, Obama, Bush, Sr. and Jr, the entire Bush family, and every other inbreed sociopath, Illuminati, pickle-headed cock-sucker there may be, and their friends, and the people stupid enough not to know who these people really are. Strangle every one of them. Do it now! If you happen to be sitting next to someone that thinks Obama is a good person, kill them. I don't care if it's your spouse. If your neighbor has a Romney or Obama sign in their yard, firebomb the place.
Maybe then someone will get the message.
Of course you know I'm just kidding. Ha, ha ... just the mercury taking effect. You know I'd never advocated killing more than the top 1%. Maybe, 5%? Okay, no more than 25% of the idiots have to go.
And soon!
That's OK. As far as the remote viewing crowd is concerned the Sun's going to do a massive sunspot that's going to fry everyone not underground. They're the lucky ones.
ReplyDeleteJim Morrison "This Is The End, My Only Friend The End"
Such gloom and doom.
If that's what the Creator has decreed for us, fuck it, I'm out of here.
I could be wrong, but I don't think we're that lucky
'Iran, Russia, China, Syria plan 'largest' war game'
Fed to Announce QE3 - Operation "Twist the Knife"
The Act of shaking a real living monster's hand (claw) while you look him in the eyes, and agree to do "business" together is shocking enough to the senses of those who know his historical "accomplishments". Engaging this Reaper as a headliner at a gala in your honor stinks the stench of a mass grave of innocents' bodies festering in the torpid Vietnam sun.
ReplyDeleteOnce creatures like this again mount the stage, the stage is being set for their particular kind of "party". All, still possessing instincts, should now become wildly alert to the times they're living in...
In 1975 the Trilateral Commission, a Western European, Japanese, US corporate think-tank convened by David Rockefeller, issued a report entitled, “The Crisis of Democracy.” (NYU Press, 1975) Authored by none other than Samuel Huntington. (“Clash of Civilizations”). Huntington's book is a blueprint for the on-going counter-revolution in America, emphasizing the elite requirement of suppressing democratic “insurgency,” the “distemper” of the 60s, a “distemper” that according to Huntington, stemmed from an “excess of democracy." The only and final solution therefore is to “moderate” and “shrink democracy,” concluding that, “there are potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.”
There is no question that the militarized police state, in all its myriad permutations has arrived. In fact, the militarizing of American cities and society as a whole proceeds apace in lock step (Cities Under Seige: The New Military Urbanism, Stephen Graham, 2010)
Thanks for that Rogue1. We should keep in mind that this segment of "people" are driven to Control others and their surroundings out of either fear, greed, or some other 'negative' emotion.
ReplyDeleteAs Albert Einstein said;
ReplyDeleteThree great forces rule the world
Stupidity, Fear and Greed
There is science research papers now confirming in my mind that the BluRay hi-def EM frequencies from many Disney Pixar and other broadcasts are full of these implants suggestion and visual triggers.
ReplyDeleteI am becoming somewhat patient with these mind controlled zombies.
Along with the globalist corporates Hitachi, Sanyo, Sony etc. they are putting many new interesting technologies into new Televideoaudio plasma flat screens.
When Black Friday comes.....I'm gonna get my big screen cheap...
Everyone bought one? DUMP them and go back to old sets.
Here in NC, their huge furniture business was all sold out to China, Asia. All furniture now has implanted spychips as do other appliances. It's a project I am working on now to design a multi freq. test for such implants.
Smart meters are the tip of the iceberg. That's the tiny part they let out. The committee-half-truth.
He was correct in terms of human beings V. I think in terms of everything else we can conclude that E=MC2 rules everything else.
ReplyDeleteDemoncrisy itself suggests the committee would push the limit of the project until such time as the years of planting minions into all segments of the three pillars E-L-J was completed.
When a well crafted and quiet takeover of media was done in the 70's, it preceded the internet plan to funnel all info into googleplex. A planned financial buyout of publications and the forced failure of others.
As Rogue says, it's here and the information side of the transition is the most dangerous component. You will have to interpret information very carefully, for what is reality now is the fact that propaganda is in audio/video transmissions but even more diabolical is the transmissions under the magnetosphere which appear to us to be real 3-d time occurences and events.
What they are is no different from any TeeVee or U-toob EM transmission.