Wednesday, June 27, 2012

heres the other post I promised:-) as always input is appreciated


  1. This is part of the Africom Project I believe. The Western and Central regions and the destruction of private small ranchers and herders. Rinderpest is one of hundreds the Committee MICC researched as potential biological weapons and have renetered into the food chain specifically to destroy the independence from the giant agri-farm combines.

    Any of these bacterial or viral zoononic transferable to humans will thrive and kill millions when the immuno-suppressant assaults on humans in process. Thinning the herd is no win scenario. It's either death or vaccination into alzheimers and bluebrain.

    What is Chronic fatigue syndrome, CRPS, Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, Zombism? GMO, PhRMA and Chemtrails. What is death? The right frequency cocktail.

  2. au contraire, mon frere, we scored much more thanks to the welfare state and foreign aid or is that foreign state and welfare aid?
    Don't ask Congress.
