Tuesday, June 26, 2012


  1. hi COTO:-) I just worked out the reblog bit:-)
    yeah ok I don't get out enough..
    this following the scenarios in the future plans.. posted By Puddy..
    and theres a couple more- one posted to my Oz page and one in the works
    even nastier and a damn sight more Global..
    Been kept rather quiet till suddenly a whole pile of reports accrued/appeared.
    Patience..I have to collate and write..

  2. It's about time OZ. We need this desperately.

    It is no secret that the Detrick labs and bunker busters are fabricating the necessary plagues and you do not have to be a Christian to know the Agenda 21 is and will be all about bioweaponization and EMR.

    Like the Lymes, HIV, Ebola, other VHFs that Mad Cow (BSE) and the bluetongue like blue projects has a great oppotunity here with these riboviruses.

    The introduction of specific proteins into the human herd can target rapid kill pandemics that correspond with vaccinations from the Gates Eugenics Foundation.

    The three tiered program involves the vector release in the demographic matrix triggered by three factors.

    Introduction of proteins - introduction of EMR - Introduction of virus. Vaccine/EMR/Chemtrail or insect/drone distribution.

    Did the header inspire you to finally start reposting OZ. I am very happy today. Great information.

  3. Hi Puddy, yeah its taken me a while to get browned off enough about stuff to blog again.
    not that I haven't been annoyed and then some..:-)
    writers block?
    I smiled when I saw todays quote, it dovetailed so well and was pure serendipity..
    the next installment now done, and another to follow, but maybe tomorrow? bit tired to be focused enough right now.
    the men who stare at goats may have nothing to focus on soon:-)

  4. So much sickness around us, so much weirdness. The biowar is definitely on. Which one of their escaped virii will be the big killer?

    Thanks ozzie :)

  5. The years go by fast but the crimewaves move faster. So fast no one can see them. Except of course, for the Cotorie.
    Toxic sleepwalkers invade North Carolina.
