Crowds and chaos rattled Missouri’s GOP caucuses on Saturday, threatening to put further scrutiny on a process that was already a national anomaly.
In St. Charles County, which was to have been the biggest single prize of the day, the caucus was shut down before delegates were chosen after a boisterous crowd objected to how the meeting was being run, including an attempted ban on videotaping. Two supporters of presidential hopeful Ron Paul were arrested.
At other caucuses, participants gathered outdoors as the appointed locations turned out to be too small to accommodate crowds or waited for hours as organizers worked through procedural questions.
Even before the day’s events took a rancorous turn, state Republican officials said the winner of the caucus would not be officially known until next month. But with the confusion surrounding St. Charles, and many more delegates available in a pair of caucuses next weekend, the primary picture for Missouri may have only become murkier Saturday.
“It was a joke. It was a complete joke,” said David Nelson of St. Peters, who participated in the St. Charles County caucus.
The state party has not used a caucus to select its choice for presidential preference in 16 years — and the rust showed.
Several caucuses did not start on time as higher than expected turnouts packed the libraries, schools and grocery stores where the events were held.
In Jefferson County, where the caucus started about 25 minutes late so everyone could be registered, Clarence Mason brought a briefcase full of food.
“Any place working with Robert’s Rules of Order, you bring food,” said Mason, 62, of DeSoto. “I like to call them Robert’s Rules of Disorder.”
In Ballwin, participants were shut out of an appearance by White House hopeful Rick Santorum because the City Council chambers had reached its 118-person capacity.
“We have had people who left, elderly who could not find a place to sit,” said Craig Borchelt, a Mitt Romney organizer. “There was a guy out here with a cast — he finally sat down on the grass.”
The caucus was moved outside the building to accommodate the crowd.
Participants in Saturday’s caucuses weren’t actually selecting their choice for presidential nominee. They were selecting delegates who will appear at two larger meetings in April and June, who will in turn select delegates to the national convention in Tampa.
“Clear as mud, right?” said Chris Howard, who helped organize the outdoor caucus in Ballwin.
Nowhere in the state did the process veer more off course than in St. Charles, a key prize for the Romney, Paul and Santorum campaigns.
Because St. Louis County’s caucuses were divided into 28 township meetings, St. Charles County was slated to assign more delegates than any other single location on Saturday. Jackson County, which includes Kansas City, has more delegates, but, like St. Louis city, asked to hold its caucuses on March 24, so as to avoid a conflict with St. Patrick’s Day.
The caucus in St. Charles County, which was held at Francis Howell North High in St. Peters, was adjourned after police said they were going to “shut us down,” according to Matt Ehlen, the Republican activist who was named chairman of the meeting. Police said 2,500 people showed up, although organizers put the number at less than 1,000.
“For the safety and well being of the attendants at the caucus, we had to adjourn the meeting,” Ehlen said.
However, several individuals at the caucus said much of the consternation revolved around Ehlen himself. Ehlen became chairman after a voice vote, but the head of the county GOP organization failed to recognize any other candidate.
“All of sudden he’s the chairman and the place goes nuts,” said Tim Finch, a Paul supporter from Dardenne Prairie. “This is not how it’s supposed to work.”
Some of Paul’s supporters were also irked by an announced ban on video recording, with organizers asking police to help enforce it.
When the objections reached a fever pitch, the meeting was shut down without any delegates being awarded.
“We started speaking about the Constitution. Where’s our rights? Where are our votes? This is fascism,” said Jim Evans, another Paul supporter.
Buddy Hardin, a Romney leader and longtime behind-the-scenes force in GOP politics in St. Charles County, alleged that Santorum supporters and caucus organizers sought to close the meeting after they realized that Paul and Romney backers had formed an alliance to share the county’s delegates.
“Once they realized they didn’t have a slate and they wouldn’t get any delegates, they tanked it,” Hardin alleged. He said the shutdown was carried out “to avoid a Santorum embarrassment and loss.”
Karen Fesler, state director for the Santorum campaign, denied that. “We didn’t give any instructions to shut it down,” she said.
Eugene Dokes, the county GOP committee chairman who said he’s uncommitted, said organizers had been trying to select a slate of delegates that reflected the relative strength of all three candidates.
One caucus participant accused Paul and Romney supporters of “colluding” to make it impossible to conduct the meeting. Adrian Boyd, an undecided Republican from St. Peters, said both groups were so loud they drowned out the public address system.
“It was descending into an Occupy Wall Street type of an event,” Boyd said.
Police said members of the crowd were “verbally aggressive with event organizers and police officers at the scene.” Officers arrested two Paul backers after giving them “numerous warnings” to leave school property, St. Peters police said.
Brent Stafford of O’Fallon, a county GOP committee member and a leader in Paul’s county campaign, and Kenneth Suitter of St. Charles County were charged with trespassing, a municipal ordinance violation, and released.
Now the pressing question for the state GOP is what will happen to St. Charles’ rich supply of delegates — enough to make the difference in a close race. Party brass began immediately deliberating their next step, which could include holding a new caucus or breaking up the caucus into a series of smaller meetings, as in St. Louis County.
“Today’s events in St Charles were unfortunate, and the meeting was adjourned to protect the safety of all participants,” party chairman David Cole said in a statement. “Moving forward, the State Party plans to reach out to all parties involved. We will come to an agreement to ensure that St Charles County is fully represented throughout the nominating process.”
Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/gop-caucus-in-st-peters-is-shut-down/article_a8eb35ec-7050-11e1-acac-0019bb30f31a.html#ixzz1pUhgIfKk
First they ignore you ... then they, well, you know the rest, we're in the "then they fight you stage."
ReplyDeleteIt remains too see, who wins. Supposedly the ones that strike the first blow loses. But I know from personal experience, that a lot of the times, the one striking first, kills the other guy.
So I guess they're speaking in general terms. As in; " ... generally a whole lot of us are going to have to die, because there's more of us than they have bullets." Or some other such nonsense.
What it all means is, game on.
And here I am trying to get arrested. I really should have some protection. As in someone following me around with a camera, and bail money. But I don't.
Yesterday, I'm ahead of the St. Patrick's Day parade putting up, and passing out, wanted posters for Congress and Senate for treason, along with 9/11 DVD's and "Thrive."
I see maybe 20-30 fully dress young police, so I aim straight for them on my bike with a 27'X30' sign, which on one side had a blown-up picture of the wanted poster, and the other side saying "Reduce Crime - Arrest Congress." With pockets full of fliers and DVD's, I say that if they see any of these people to arrest them on sight!
One of the police sees the Ron Paul bumper-sticker and screams out; "RON PAUL!" And comes at me to give a high-five, all the time yelling, "... this guys for Ron Paul!" Next thing you know I'm asking if any of them are into government cover-ups? Now mind you, I'm doing this all in view of the "white shirts" near by. And at least 6 of the 10 police within arms reach of me took DVD's, and 2 of them were all about what I was handing out. Turns out they were NYCPD just down for the parade.
Than on Wednesday I was at the Wed. at the Square Music Festival, and some guy, that I can only assume was part of the staff, comes up to me to tell me I can't be passing out fliers. Too which I ask, "Is that a law, or a rule? Because if it's a rule, I'm going to ignore it. And if it's a law, I would LOVE for you to arrest me for passing out wanted posters for treason, for members of our government, especially being that Lafayette Square is Federal property."
He wouldn't even take the wanted poster I offered.
Sounds to me like a mental toss like the rest of the politico. They are losing their minds and a mind is a terrible thing to lose.
Paul and his campaign said months ago they were going after delegates. They should have kept that strategy under wraps a little longer.
ReplyDeleteOccu-PI only heightened the lunacy of these episodes. I now watch old reruns of the X-files for some normalcy.
I have faxed many reps on my state Representative Walter B. Jones and his concurrent res. 107.
Thay should have introduced this in Jna Libya affair but I'll push it now to keep the ass from sinking us into Syria.
French 911 and Kennedy Assassination.
Nice one, M.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the cops have reached a turning point. Their jobs are no longer secure anyway in the broke municipalities. They might as well serve the people for a change. Serve up some 9/11 traitors with those warrants!!
Dissent the greatest form of patriotism. Glad to hear You are still on the warpath chief ! In San Antonio when we occupied the Federal Reserve the San Antone cops were very supportive of our rights,it was very refreshing.