Along with the usual suspects of bioweapons, GMO, EMR and Economic weapons of mass destruction, the fluoride conspiracy may be well overrated as a prime culprit in the developmental destruction of human populations.
From the ancient timekeepers to date, the alchemical laboratory has derived Fluorines for many uses and Fluoride is one of the toxins which affects the onset of puberty nad brain development. Exampled by the fact that the majority of people continue to drink the water and use the dental pastes. Fluoride is implicated in the reduced ability to procreate. Therefore the fluoridation policy is social engineering on a large scale. Although it is not admitted by Governments throughout the fluoridation world, fluoride is a good way of preventing more births.
What the Genesis program relies on is an assault that has so many avenues of attack that none by itself can carry the conspiracy to the degree in which it is being perpetrated. It is an Omnibus.
During the 1970s and 1980s an increasing amount of public and scientific attention was paid to the health and medical problems of women and men whose mothers and grandmothers took diethylstilbestrol (DES) for prevention of miscarriage. A potent estrogenic chemical, DES was first developed in 1938 and initially became available in the U.S. for treating a range of gynecologic conditions in 1941. It is estimated that over ten million Americans were recipients of DES. Representing women directly and children in utero and that the offspring have developed a bevy of developmental issue and diseases.
Of these issues, the research has indicated that sexual orientation is included with the sterilization or physical abnormalities associated with endocrine disruptor and sexual organ malformations.
The omnibus can be deconstructed into several areas of identification.
1.) Food/nutrition - In this case the loss of natural Phytoestrogens found in organic vegetables.
2.) Introduction of estrogen disruptors such as BPA
3.) Introduction of synthetic estrogen such as diethylstilbestrol
4.) The usual dumbing down processes of bio, vax, disinfo and sequestered information and research
It's uncertain as to how they introduce these to the wise who have detached from the usual avenues of assault but I am certain the chemtrails, dumping in water supply and food /PhRMA manufacturing segments are contributors.
This article in the Washington Post helps to identify the Genesis project and the destruction of the family. It also manages the depopulation efforts as we see increases in certain cancers. I would expect not to be shocked to dig into the HPV vaccine for young women and other emerging Vax programs for Africa and Indonesia for additional conspiracy. The increases in breast, prostrate and testicular cancers works well in the model.
Again I state that the triad (dialectic) always synthesizes into three or more benefits. Never wasting an opportunity to inflict suffering, redistribute wealth into the GDP Health care empire and manage the agenda 21 sustainability true objective.
Covertly the operations to dumb us down in the frequencies of distortion and interference work well inside this particular model. Recent gay bashing, hate crime efforts and other sacrificial operations are on the top shelf of MSM transmissions. It's not only the race card used to promote Obama's re-election but the LBGT agenda must move forward considering that at some point in the not so distant future, over half the people of child bearing years will have a fifty-fifty chance of being gay, dying of a complication of this specific genetic assault or just being sterile due to the developmental genetic transformation.
It's hard not to look at the effeminate men and then look at the Janet Renos, Elana Kagans, Janet Napolitanos and the entire spectrum without concluding something has gone askew. I'll let the commenters and investigators decide as well. It's a large complex Omnibus in the Blue. EMR and biochemistry are the bread and butter in the three-ring circus. We must change the dynamics at work here for the future of mankind and the children. Extinction of the human potential comes before the extinction of the being. I'd rather make it quick than to watch this premeditated Hunger Games over the current millennium.
The Presence of Gender Dysphoria, Transsexualism, and Disorders of Sexual Differentiation in Males Prenatally Exposed to Diethylstilbestrol: Initial Evidence from a 5-Year Study
On other notes and frequencies:
ReplyDeleteProzac: The Military’s Secret Weapon
ReplyDeleteWell it's a full anal assault and a full frontal assault that leaves ya gaggin' and waggin' - the point about Janet Rhino and the girlieboyz is right on..
ReplyDeleteSumpthin really wierd in Wunderland - the dance of the sugar plum fairies right along with the hippo ballet...right outta Fantasia Through the Looking Glass.
Who'd ever want to be an immortal carrot?
ReplyDeleteare there really more gay/lesbians than before?
or is it just because they are able to be Out?
seems theres always been that orientation in all races,
but the freedom to express it has been widely varying.
ie India its ok, rome it was too, merry old england..etc
and now the media push, encouraging kids to experiment where before they were not.
steriltiy by chem however, yeah BPA etc.
The Amazing 21st Century Schizoid World
ReplyDeleteThe whole planet is playing out a theater of the absurd. The script seemingly written by Ernest Becker...”zero zero zero”...
The state of the North American Union
“Working towards a common security perimeter, in 2010 the U.S. and Mexico issued the Twenty-First Century Border Management declaration.
This established the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to implement joint border related projects to enhance economic prosperity and security. In December of last year, the ESC adopted its 2012 action plan which sets goals in areas of binational infrastructure coordination, risk management, law enforcement cooperation, along with improving cross-border commerce and ties.
A press release explained that through the ESC, “we are developing and managing our shared border in an integrated fashion to facilitate the secure, efficient, and rapid flows of goods and people and reduce the costs of doing business between our two countries.”
The ESC meeting also acknowledged bilateral accomplishments in expanding the use of trusted traveler initiatives such as the Global Entry Program. On April 2, President Barack Obama will host the sixth North American Leaders Summit which will include the participation of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon.”~Dana Gabriel
Beyond the issues above, there is also the matter of the Amerikan police state:
“On March 16, President Obama without public notice unilaterally assumed dictatorial power over the entire country, issuing an Executive Order (“Executive Order—National Defense Resources Preparedness”) that would permit him in times of peace or war, in his sole discretion, to control all of the nation’s industry and resources for “purposes of national defense.
This President who would be Emperor, now is."~Jonathan W. Emord, an attorney who practices constitutional and administrative law before the federal courts and agencies.
Area Deniability Weapon
‘Depleted Uranium’ has nothing depleted about it: when this potent hard metal hits a solid surface like concrete or a battle tank, the temperature at the point of impact reaches over 40000C and turns the projectile into uranium oxide gas. These gases are picked up by the wind and carried all over the world creating vast areas of secondary contamination. Based on the population within the contamination map [Map 1], over 35% of India’s population received a heavy dosing of DU aerosolized uranium nano particles within months of the start of Afghan and Iraq wars.
Hard to know for certain, but there would be some indications that this prenatal and in vitro could be a factor in this as well as other psychological predispositions.
ReplyDeleteBut the disease and DES has a masculinizing or defeminizing effect on brain development in humans similar to that seen in other species.
I'm not taking any shots at the gay community but more the DES and other blood brain chemical concerns. It is a evidentiary consideration and it would coincide with a soft kill type of program to have the population sick with brain, tesicular, breat and protrate cancers.
I believe the facts are pretty clear. If we had a healthy population we would have a crushed economy. As the GDP leader healthcare has high stakes in the game of thrones and it would explain the side effects that may cause certain sexual orientation. That would be a bonus in the desire to keep the birth rate/death rate ratios the hardcore eugenics advocates support.
The matter of DES is so pathetically sad, but with the acceptance that steroids act early in development to dictate adult sexual behavior and brain morphology in behavioral neuroendocrinology, you have to wonder what's behind the agenda we don't see.
I could never accept any prenatal gimmicks if I were a young pregnant woman. The track record of the medical and pharma community is a disgrace.
Explain to me Rogue, how people cannot be totally in the state of disbelief and anxiety watching this progression?
ReplyDeleteI ask everyone.
Why are they so adamant to stop raw milk? Organic growers, heirloom seeds?
Why are they so adamant to promote vaccines, viagra, vioxx and other voodoo?
Analog to digital? What's the rush?
The incompetence does not fly anymore. These assholes can't reach a consensus on whole wheat or rye for lunch but they sure have a drive to make it happen in these areas.
Analog screwed with their airwave assault and drequired much more complax surveillance. Digital is a breeze in comparison. So why do they want to stop drinking raw milk?
Let's move beyond the obvious and start getting to the not so obvious yet serious matters of how we are being assaulted.
I imagine Aaron Burr and Pat Henry would be hanging these traitors over the coals if they were presented with NDAA. What's our problem?
"Explain to me Rogue, how people cannot be totally in the state of disbelief and anxiety watching this progression?"
ReplyDeleteIn one word Puddy: naïveté.
Most mistake naïveté for innocence. It is not innocence, it is gross negligence of personal responsibilities, it is conditioned from cradle to grave by state programming. It is psychologically deep, involving the 'fear of death' and the neurosis that naturally provides, now boosted by the grand propaganda of the Public Relations Regime.
Now...I think we both understand this well enough intellectually, but what can our responses be?
Are we not using every power at our command to awaken the comatose masses? Is that not the main purpose of COTO?
What more shall we do?
Become martyrs by physically flailing at the machine?
Personally, that one isn't written in my daily planner as of yet.
The US is under attack by so many avenues, but it will be attrition, commonly referred to as "austerity" that will bring the moment when push comes to shove. And that is all worked out in the war gaming software, to the Money Power will choose that time as well.
There are two converging agendas working towards a collision course at this very moment: The agenda of the powers running sociopolitical man, and the cosmic agenda of the Source. Who's agenda do you think will trump the scales in the end?
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom ~ Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDeleteBTW Puddy, you have done it again with the current header, absolutely beautiful. And the Jefferson quote is apropos as well. Hot stuff dude.
"There are two converging agendas working towards a collision course at this very moment" ~ww
ReplyDeleteThe second agenda, ww, does not give a hoodle-toot whether the Human species survives or not... nor does it give a peet about the condition of the "survivors." We are on our own... so maybe it would be wise to concentrate on the cosmic rather than the human agenda.
In that regard, we cannot "enlighten the masses." You can lead a horticulture but ya can't make her think. All we can do is connect the dots... and beyond the huge and horrible 911 scam-- it gets kinda contentious. And those who can not see that by now...
...couldn't find an elephant in their undies.
Thanks Willie. Waldo and you point out these failings of the masses.
ReplyDeleteWhat we do know is that if they were to notice this cankerous tumor on their faces, they would be all in the fight in chemo.
The Chemo brain is another story. Now the EVAN network brings all the reality down to the level of the videogaming ala Alchemical assault.
Theirs is a hot pocket-joystick world and they cannot find the real hotspots on a map or their noses. The tragedy here is worse than death.
"The second agenda, ww, does not give a hoodle-toot whether the Human species survives or not.."~Waldo
ReplyDeleteAh, you been conversing with the Source and were told this as a certainty aye Waldoroo?
Funny, just the other day, and many days in a long yearly stream of such, I was given the exact opposite message.
Whattay KNOW about that?