Thursday, March 1, 2012
Another Soetoro Assassination?
"Andrew Breitbart took the podium at CPAC Friday afternoon, introduced to the stage with Rage Against The Machine’s Guerrilla Radio, and revealed to the audience he had “videos” of Barack Obama from his college days. “I have videos, this election we’re going to vet him,” Breitbart disclosed to raucous applause. “We are going to vet him from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.”""
NO DOUBT!!! An EM assault, poison or hospital
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ReplyDeleteObama Murders Breitbart to Silence Damaging Obama Videos
Whooooooppps! U-toob already got this one.
ReplyDeleteConnect all the dots and conclude that he is neither a muslim or a christian. He's not even an athiest. Connect the CIA, Al-qaeda, FBI, SPLC, ACORN, Communist Party, ADL, Harvard, Black Panther, Weather Underground and extreme left wing/right wing covert domestic programs operating under the guise of Islamic extremism, sovereign militia movement, white supremacy [KKK], black militant and lone wolf radical labels.
ReplyDeleteJust as the post war Nazi smuggling into the US, the socialist, islamic, hispanic agenda to smuggle these radical "change" based figures have been done much the same way under SB visa programs into the think tank, universities and corporate nests where they are trained, positioned and used in planned intelligence events by the globalists operating from the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]
From the time of the Church Committee hearings in the 70's the agenda is to control and subvert the authorities and FISA and other homeland surveillance are mere tools to run interference for potential leaks to the globalist plan for national or sovereign destruction. The assassination of Breibart is just another of the fence mending policies of ones who may expose the deeper players and include the DoJ also includes the DEA, U.S. Attorneys Offices, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives who mainly operate the Drug operations which tear the fabric of our resisitance and provide ample covert funds to operate the whole corrupt foreign and domestic agendas.
The hearings provided additional information and techniques used in propaganda and election manipulation from years of experience in South America and Africa which have now been implemented successfully at home.
Even George Soros may not be privy to the final analysis of the 2012 election based upon the need for only top level controllers who may use any or all of the tools in this years election. The Class Warfare, Race Card Agenda and factions that have been put into place here for years are prepared to go into action in the Paradigm 'divide and conquer' for an event that in conjuction with financial or EMP/unnatural event could fully provide the final solution for a final election, assassination and conversion to global governance and NDAA full spectrum FEMA rendition.
Read the Russian history and NAZI brown shirt campaigns for a refresher of what the frequencies and assault will be like.
PD -- Why would he "announce" he has video/tapes? That's a recipe for a wipeout. Why not just put the damn things up? And, in the event of his untimely death, also have a means to have the info divulged? I've also seen too many whistleblowers have their whistles blowed, and their sensational info dies with them...what's up with that?
ReplyDeleteNo. I have not watched the videos you posted above. Ain't had the time. Just sat down at the computer, and I've got other fish to fry. I'm going off the common sense retort. This was on the radio snooze today, and yeah, suspicious is the word. Yet, the result is open to interpretation. Yeah, we Know Obama is a plant, like a bush, a ficus with thorns in the bighouse pot. A real thorn in the side of liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What's new about that in the political realm of the last X years? Is this guy's expose' weighty enough to turn the heads of the sheep? You tell me. Every freakin day we see mafia style BS spread liberally across the planet.
ReplyDeleteWhether he did or did not, he made an error in the length they will go to assure 4 more. The question is where we are on the timeline for transitional events of the third kind.
ReplyDeleteI believe we have less than 4. I expect 911 to the 10th power will occur no later than 2013 and a global charter for governance in place by 2015.
There is no more pressure that can be applied without the lid blowing. The reality of the financial collapse has already happened. It's string and tape holding it together. What Wallstreet to mainstreet thinks is irrelevant. You don't accept the market indicators as real anymore do you Boomer? I don't. No more than I do the primary indicators or delegates. It's all BS,
The pressure cooker has hit the max and it's just moments away. I believe.
The Texas Department Of Public Safety (gestapo) are on Jones´ case trying to get him removed from networks. This promises to be the "spring of the beasts discontent"
Stockhausen -- Hymnen HYMNEN COMP N22 Lesson one in bluebeam
"The pressure cooker has hit the max and it’s just moments away. I believe."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteI vas juss sayink the same sing to my friend and confident Mr. Veri this velly day.
I do believe we live in the proverbial "interesting times".
There is something scrunchy about where all of this seems to lead...
I mean there are several layers of context that we are immersed in at this time. Some aspects of the currents are material, and some are psycho-spiritual in nature with some of it between. It is almost Tolkien in a certain sense.
I don't see that we are dealing with a Sauron in Obama - no he is just a marionette of a jester - trivial theater for the enchanted masses. Such widgets are replaced every four to eight years. Entertaining spinning Newspeak in the jolly Mythicon. We feel and see the movement in morphic field - this projection of Maya is only distraction.
The battle space is your own consciousness - there is your target of focus.
It strikes me as Obvious, and I must point out, that this entire facade, or edifice to be built/created by this clique of religionutz -- is being built directly upon Destruction. One might call it Creative Destruction, but destruction none-the-less. So, to me, it is like this inhuman and totally bogus fiat debt concept. Get wealthy, build, grow, expand, based on never-ending exponential growth in debt. WTF? None of these maniacal plans have any staying power or longevity. Destruction in built into them. It IS their DNA.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, you'd think this "flaw" would be obvious to the "creators", backers, puppets, hangers-on, and such like, but evidently not. I suppose psychopaths can't "get" that they and their thoughts and plans are chaotically, pathologically, and assuredly insane exercises in futility. In the end...all they do is destroy everything they touch. Maybe that's why they're so fucking mad? Nothing ever really works out for them in the long run. It's guaranteed.
Purim coming up in a few days. And Kirwan mentioned something else-
ReplyDelete"On March 8th the FBI plan to shutdown and scrub 4 million computers for an alleged DNS virus. You do not have to be paranoid to think that either a war or a false flag Gulf of Tonkin type of attack on an American ship near the Iranian coast would best be staged at a time when the computers of 4 million anti-war and anti-Zionist activists are shutdown.”
Obama has openly admitted many times he was born in Kenya, from when he was running for Illinois Senate to becoming President.
The Bnai Brith people who discovered Barry decades ago must be laughing their asses off at the moronic Americans swindled to the max by an ineligible conman. That photoshopped birth certificate was rich. BO's real dad Frank reportedly wrote a porn novel about a teen, whom he named Ann. Reportedly the subtitle was "My Life With Gash". Ann poses nude in the photos we have all seen on the internet, probably snapped at the time of the little bastard's conception.
But what could Breitbart tell us that Wayne Madsen and Webster Tarpley have not already?
An illegal President...the whole country participates in a swindle.
** President Obama's Selective Service card was most likely a forgery, revealed by an examination of the postal date stamp on the document;
ReplyDelete** Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama's birth,
including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961.
--Sheriff Joe
Libya before and after NATO-
They started that destruction on Purim last year.
And then there was 3/11/11..
Saturday would be a 3/3/3 = 3/03/12.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary,
ReplyDeleteYes I have read of the March 8 shutdown...
We'll see if it actually takes place...only 6 days away...
I too would expect BIG DOIN'S in the realm if the web goes down then.
And yes...Purim...a nasty date all throughout time:
Purim, literally means “to bring to naught, to break, or to crush.” it is on March 7-8 in 2012.
That's why we have to view this whole charade as a facade to the program that will eventually mean the transition. In plain view for the purpose of Divide and Conquer.
ReplyDeleteLet's get down to the meat beneath the skin. We have a choice. IN or OUT! In some cases there may be no choice as it may be a matter of the DNA, the self ID that is just unable to accept the transition because there is no fear, no conciliation or ability to conform.
I'm sure by now they have a far more sophisticated means to the Taxonomy of those to reducate or integrate and those who are classified outside their domain.
There's no secret to the agenda. At least I hope there is no one coming here to post of comment that do not accept this regardless of their affiliation as in or out.
Yep Willie, Interesting is an understatement for me. I am in total stupefying awe of what I see and more bizarre is the billions who can't percieve the electrifying Elephants surfing the wave of change. Oh well, it's likely only a wipeout will shake them out. I definitely do not have to travel to Disneyland to see the epcot future nor the dumbo's drop.
ReplyDeleteMarch 14-19 - NASA CLOCK 2012 50yr mark of nuclear-Transit 4A 1961. US Nuclear threat and foreign terror events possible.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Boomer. Something just doesn't feel right here. Breitbart obviously knew the power he was dealing with. Why would he fool around by announcing a future date for releasing this damaging video? I mean, at the very least, he knew about the NDAA didnt he??!! The man wasn't stupid or was he ?
ReplyDeleteIf he really had a damning tape, the smart thing would have been firstly to make copies and distribute beforehand to reliable, trustworthy allies in various locations. Second, he should have made the announcement of the tape in his possession the same day he released it.
This story is just weird and I smell a rat. Is Breitbart REALLY dead? OR Is this some sort of convoluted setup for more divide and conquer bs by the ptb? Is Breitbart really dead at the hands of an Obama hit squad? If he is......he died of his own stupidity!
Unless it was outright treasonous talk or the real Barry Soetoro is not BHO.
ReplyDeleteThe real deal is what and why it happened in the grand scheme and is the groundwork being laid for a commitee staged false flag coup they plan to orchestrate to have all TP, Libertarians, Patriots made criminals.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL and FBI could handle this program.
I like Morris108. Plain talk.
Thanks M -- Cheers!
ReplyDeleteGreat points Michael. You sum it up nicely. There's no way to protect yourself from being a Breibart or a New Orleans victim. It all comes down to preparing your spiritual armour and facing it defiantly versus surrendering your pride and convictions.
ReplyDeleteWhen you study the Russian, NAZI and other government killing citizens events, it is better to die in Tiananmen Square in the Gate of Heavenly Peace once than a thousand times in slavery.
Side note:
I quit watching sports, just for reasons like this. This is pathetic, especially for the people of New Orleans.
And then...there was H.R. 347 making free speech a felony.
[The three American patriots who should be honored and revered for holding fast in their sacred pledge to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights by voting Nay on H.R. 347 are Paul Broun (R-GA-10), Justin Amash (R-MI-3) and Ron Paul (R-TX-14). God and the American people thanks you.]
My, how has the world spun? Those in the "know" have known these days would come. Now, WE have arrived at that predicted time. A time when your "conscience" should be listened to, as without it, you are lost. Delusions have taken hold upon humanity, and holding onto truth and "reality" (if you can find it / discern it) is a revolutionary act. The wise will know -- the foolish and fooled will not understand. So it is, and has become...
Yeah, the Saints aint so saintly after all.
ReplyDeleteLike you I don't give a fat-crap what sports team is doing what. When I do happen to watch a game, like most that have broken through the looking-class, all I do is decry the mind-control and morphing of the militarism of the entire event. Sex and violence. Big sellers.
And of course this is the headline news now in the city. Stupidity is the target.
I assume most of you have watched the documentary THRIVE. I thought it pretty well done. There were some significant points that I think could effect all of us in the near future.
One being the inevitability of the release and knowledge of cheaply made "free energy" machines. There are several countries that are moving forward with this technology and once this Genie is out-of-the-bottle and gets widely known, short of them starting a world-war, I can't see how the cretins can stop it. And this would blow-away their entire house of cards.
I also was blown away myself on the segment about the crop-circles.
The awakening is happening, but it is a race against very little time. There are so many things that we could be exploring. So many things that could be healed. So many discovers. So much joy to experience. I simply refuse to believe that it will all be snuffed-out by a portion of our species that lacks the human compassion to love.
I want to stay around another 20-years or so if for no other reason to see how this all turns out. And who knows? By that time we may have the ability to live another 200-years. But if I don't, if the butchers cut me down, at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing I went down swinging.
Forgive my lingering on the subject of death, but I had another good friend pass this week. That makes four in 2-months. And all four of them were such unique individuals.
His name was Charlie Smith and he was a one-of-a-kind. He was a lobbyist. And at one time was considered one of the most influential men in the state. I meet Charlie 35-years ago when he was selling his poetry in Jackson Square. There is a nice little write-up about him in the Hayride, if anyone cares to read about him. It hardly covers the many sides there were to this man. He truly was perhaps the best communicator I have ever meet. And as influential as he was, he was totally unassuming. An odd mixture of flamboyance and grace. And although we didn't agree on all issues we were close friends. I was constantly trying to educate him to 9/11, but Charlie was so amerced in the political game he simply couldn't break-through to the other side. I wanted so much to get him past his denial because of his influence with the power elites in the state. Hopefully he knows the truth now.
Well, looks like I have to make-up some more arrest warrants for Vitter and Landrieu and go out and serve them. Not to mention the Congressmen that vote "ya."
ReplyDeleteLet me see if I can be the first one arrested for breaking this law. That would be cool. Maybe this is what I was born for? Too be the first arrested for breaking H.R.347. Really. That would be an honor.
Okay! First thing Monday morning. I'll start working on the arrest warrants now.
It's good to read your words and your soul again Mr. M
ReplyDeleteThanks for them - you always touch me.
So good to see you M :) I agree with everything you've said in your comment above. I totally share your optimistic pessimism. In other words, no matter how dire things appear, don't give up all hope as that's what the "monsters" would like us to do. They want us all to just throw in the towel and say it's hopeless and march dejectedly off to the camps whispering our prayers quietly in our heads as they subject us to god knows what.. Screw that! I've seen that movie and the ending sucks! We gotta go down fighting evil not submitting to it even if it kills us in the end and probably will.
ReplyDeleteI have seen the trailer for "thrive" but when I went to watch it on youtube it had been taken down(copyright issues) which kinda bothers me considering it's the proctor & gamble heir that produced it. But I hear it's excellent so wtf.. You mentioned the crop circles which fascinate me too .... have for years. Anyway, I just ordered the dvd so that I can watch it and pass it around to others. Thanks for reminding me of another thing on my to do list.
Take care you fellow loony toon ;)
PS: Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I will read the article about him.
I hope we pass through this time. And what good is hope.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your thoughts, Michael.
ReplyDelete"I want to stay around another 20-years or so if for no other reason to see how this all turns out "
That is the part that makes it so real and compelling, we have a stake in everything that ever was, small though we are as an individual microcosm of nature. To not talk about what we have learned, not even in our own circles like here at COTO, would be to miss alot of helpful insight or at least comfort. I get sidetracked with farm work sometimes and fall off pace but I'm still with yalls.
. "The deeper you go, the higher you fly. "-The Beatles
Not to stir the pot but what do the other COTO think of this flap-
ReplyDeleteShit hits the fan blog -- suspended? Figures. will we know when the fan's full of shit now? heh,heh.
Wow Mar, thanks for posting, I just got online about an hour ago and haven't seen this.
ReplyDeleteHmm, as I've posted on here already, something is just not sitting right with me regarding the Breitbart story. I can't even decide if he's really dead but I do know there's more to this than meets the eye.
Now this!? I don't know what to think really. Jones has been accused of being Israel's bitch for years. He RARELY says anything negative about Israel and when he does, he always phrases it in a way that excuses them by his explanation that all countries do nasty things too.
Is this true or is this just another smear Alex Jones campaign by Jones haters? Who the hell knows? Like I said before.... I'm getting real sick and tired of trying to figure out all the spy vs spy convoluted plots.
Ok, I'm off now to read more of this new wrinkle in the Breitbart mystery.....
Boom, Don't know that blog but I'm sure it's a case of
ReplyDelete"another one bites the dust" in the great internet purging of truth...
Mary, the opposite of hope is hopelessness which equals depression and death of spirit. To prepare for the worst and hope for the best is, regardless of what some here believe, is what keeps us going. All of coto has hope that we will survive in some way shape or form or they wouldn't be here, Period.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your loss Michael. I believe Charlie has found the answers now. He whispers "Michael was right"
ReplyDeleteI have lost many in the last five years as well. Tis the Season it would seem.
I think we all want to see the future. It's revolving and tightening into a vortex of rapid happenings. Mary quotes a great point.
We have no idea the expanse of this mystery but the yin yang is infinite and the more we peel the layers of the onion, the more tears we shed. But thats a small price for the truth in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteMary, I am 50-50 on the lethal dose scale of Alex Jones. I personally feel the Israel thing puts too much focus on a group of people who are victims as we are in the eyes of the world.
ReplyDeleteI would expect no sovereign victim of NATO not hating all of us. But the point of zionism as the focal point of the committee is sound. It's just twisted to claim joos only as the Khazars and DNA has been moved around to every religious, ethnic and geopolitical center of the world.
Jones' luck to date is suspect. Like an artist, your work is really shit until your dead. I have to work in that model personally. What's your spidey sense of it?
The triple-cross is the hardest TRIAD to operate. It requires mind control for the administrators and handlers. Otherwise they would never know as well.
ReplyDeleteIt was a real problem in WWII. Had the Nazi's perfected it, they'd have won the war for global domination. China may be the master of it now. North Korea is their laboratory.
ReplyDelete"Is this getting too weird or what???
Condolences to the family.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Steve Bridges. His passing comes as a shock to all of us. The cause of death is not known at this time, but we will publish more information as it becomes available. Steve brought joy and laughter to millions and was a great inspiration to all who knew him. He will be sadly missed. Our prayers go to his family at this time".!
See his impersonations of Clinton, Bush jr. at
ReplyDeleteHoly crap... he's dead??!~ I just posted on here and emailed a bunch of his skits out about a month or so ago....... WEIRD that they say cause of death "unknown".
ReplyDeleteThere have always been presidential impersonators. Why would they feel the need to kill this one? (if that's where we're goin with this)
So we've got Holder stating his "purpose" about administration-sanctioned assassinations --
ReplyDeleteCannot any diabolical deed be "rationalized" with chicanery? Well then. Let us not confuse righteousness with evil...for either can be cast as the "other" depending on the castigation?
Something has to give here; and it must accompany common sense. This double-mindedness dialectic is not confusing at all when you apply reason and common sense. It is seen simply as chicanery and obfuscation of "reason". Drive a stake through the heart of this Evil, for it is a Plague upon mankind.