Washington DC: FBI Foils Own Terror Plot (Again)
The stooges are stooges for the stooges, stooges. Someone knows what's really going on. Yes indeed the Mossad knows. The three stooges are just trapped in the chaos of what is supposed to be entrapment, recruiting and infiltrating terror cells. When the fact finally emerges that the entrapped is the stooge, the recruits are the stooge and those infiltrated are the stooge. The mossad, FBI, BATFE, SPLC, H1B aliens from the CIA's foreign offices are already fully staffed to either initiate the event itself or run the sting with the stooges.
Much like the Waco, OK City, DC sniper, Ruby Ridge, Underwear bomber, Tuscon assassination, WTC -WOT one and two, these operations have three or more levels and the handlers keep ops separate from independent stooges under other agents.
They will succeed in stooge mode as long as handlers and stooges alike complete the scripts flawlessly. Unfortunately they are having the difficulty of keeping the fences up. The recent ejections of Judge Napolitano and even the crud Glen Beck clearly show the dumbing process is being overridden by a new reality intellect that they had not counted on. Other than the lowest level sheepledom, the masses can really piece these together and the internet, technology itself is working against them.
This year the cards are stacked against the awakening. Though it will gain steam, the ruling minority committee will have the next level of G^6 technology and muscle to crush the opposition. Whether fear or direct assaults on the truth frequencies, the mass hysteria, chaos and survival will override the ability to make any meaningful regress to a sovereign justice system of law.
Todays Headlines proves the point. Shifting to the LONE WOLF model eliminates much of the problem. I believe the lone wolf can only be mind controlled or an imported lunatic through the master card program of terror.
Moroccan Man Arrested in FBI Terrorism Sting
The underwear bomber back in the headlines in timing with the event of today continue the cycle of the lone wolf "who is proud to kill for the name of god" and ties the good people of USA Inc. to lone wolves who will not take their vaccinations, eat poison, pay more takes and take new technology up their bums.
Anthony Shadid, a New York Times Reporter, Dies in Syria ... from a fatal Asthma attack?
Probably was the sarin gas in his inhaler, but all credibility is gone and we must assume this truther Lone Wolf may have had too much truth and overdosed on reality. What is happening in the Arab and ME springs is happening here.
Be aware the call has gone out by all distortion fields for Americans to call the FBI if their neighbors say I hate the Government. Please COTO I suggest we just say that we hate the corporate criminals, congressional money launderers and the media liars. They cannot tag us as terrorists unless they are willing to accept these tags.
Read: Which Path to Persia (2009) Brookings Institute"The Evil Monkey in the Closet"
Pat Buchanan ‘blacklisted’ by Establishment media under Leftist pressure
Steeling the media is the worst thing they ever did... well, i'm not really sure it is the worst... but you get what i mean.
ReplyDeleteSteeling ?..... really, wanda -it's STEALING.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sham our language is.
Steeling might fit fine. As in the steeling of the mind. The rockheads in media are steeling the lies and fragmenting the truth.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the pundits are all getting the axe? So they can co-opt and contaminate the alternative media with all the other drudges and now were forced to create the underground media and get off the grid permanently. Yes, by jove, I believe that this is the plan. Make sense Wanda?
Complete sense Puddy... it the "falling on their swords" show. Lots of "awake" people lap that up. The same awake folk who really ought to know that. It's only NWO-101.
ReplyDeleteYes the First World Trade Center Bombing was proven to be a joint FBI-CIA false flag op. I got all the goods on this on file. But no one reads the back pages - where of course this ended up in the MSM. But it was there, it was published, even if spun, the info was within to glean.
ReplyDeleteAgain Homo Vishnu Amerikana passed by the gates to the rendition plant with nary a notice.
Yea Puddy, we might wonder about Buchanan and now the Judge boinked from FUX news...they certainly have their revetment tales of limited modified hangouts to put on the clothes lines now.
Ach doe leeber mein koff???
Yeah, the "Hate the Government" trial water balloon is such hooey. It's juvenile. "You Hate Us! So You're a Terrorist!".
ReplyDeleteHmmm, that's sounds really similar to "You Hate Us for Our Freedoms!" doesn't it? And that water balloon don't hold water, does it? Why don't it? (and I'm bastardizing the King's English on purpose if yooz was wonderin). It won't hold water, because it is simply an applied lie. Thrown like a water balloon to soak the intended target with a "demonization". Read Blame. Shout the problem. Generate an emotional reaction. Voila! Out pops the Solution from the monkey's butt! ick.
That jackassed reasoning fall flat like any self-aimed dart used to garner sympathy; or in this case, establish a reason, a platform to launch an assault. Super Weak!
No. Hating the Government might be well earned, but they probably only rate a shake of the head and a tsk, tsk.
Here's the Problem: http://mycatbirdseat.com/2012/02/high-tech-trickery-in-homs/
Its simple. Anyone that's been paying attention no longer "trusts" the government!
And you cannot legislate TRUST. They should have understood this maxim. This Law of Civilization. Since they don't abide by their own laws, bending them at will, and have broken the Law of Civilization, they are where they are. Unbelievable.
That's the facts -- and they are indisputable.
Spot on Boomer. Kudos to Ms. Narwani. This valentine sacrifice of Shadid was pretty evident. I can't rule out EMR or poisoning in a fatal asthma attack. Vascular constrictors, asthma medication in high doses are fatal.
ReplyDeleteHe likely had seen some of the rebel Mossad al-CIAda activity and it was his time. After being in Libya and Israel first hand to see the Spring unwind, I'll accept no less than murder. Albuterol, plus the vaccines he needed as a foreign correspondent. Easy kill. I'll bet we wont get the autopsy.
[Shadid’s father, Buddy Shadid, told The Associated Press on Thursday his son had asthma all his life and had medication with him.
“(But) he was walking to the border because it was too dangerous to ride in the car,” the father said. “He was walking behind some horses — he’s more allergic to those than anything else — and he had an asthma attack.”]
Then the CNN, Times and other distortionist come out to praise the guy reading from queprompters and then you can look at these mind controlled colleagues. Take CNN's Arwa Damon;
I get a kick from the reptilian interest by u-toobers but the reality is when these undoctored vids pixel what you see is light changes from the cameraman. We forget the setup from satellite to camera feed and the man holding the camera. The light changes along with technology in the EVAN realms can create the eye and facial phenomenon. My point being mind control via the ELF frequencies using internally chipped and MK subjects as in the Utah Prison Mormon/Scientology science.
The camera's are more than camera's and the light/staging more than compact fluoride, incandescent or merc vapor. These are trigger/que points and EMP generated. That's why they appear to be almost painful to Damon and she has to recover from each transmission. When the programmer or program goes wrong the results are these.
It's apparent as well youtube is closing accounts of many who have been posting serious truth on very real subjects. I have gone to some that I have used for years and whoolah, the user has closed his account? Hmmm, I doubt it. That's like ''artist burns down his studio.''
After reading 'which path' the road is clear. Spring time for Hitler courtesy of "THE PRODUCERS"
For investment information contact the firm of Prescott, Rodham, Prescott, Soetoro, Santini, Newtonian, Romulan et al.
Hi-Frequency courtesy of the SPLC run FBI,
Yesterdays CNN report
Rome Burns again - The red ring strikes CHERRY POINT. A whoosing sound. Endothermic HAARP-SIHF blast. Sounds like a Russian attack for Syria, a message to Hillary, Panetta and the rest of the barrel bottom dwellers in the Pentagram.
Arwa Damon/Demon... what's in a name? I love the CNN clip re: syrian snipers from the sniper's prospective... and the disclaimer "We don't know anything about this video, where it came from, if it is credible..." So, like the "responsible" news agency they aren't , they just throw it up there anyways.
ReplyDeleteA valentine's gift from a friend of mine is this... The Priests of Illes by Jordan Maxwell. I think he has hit upon the source of all our ills, certainly, he has found the root of most, if not all, of our current language. It grabs you right on page one. Well worth a look.
ReplyDeleteKey freq(fr) to note;
"was not entrapment"
They never weed out. They file and database it. Who's the snitch and whose the sovereign.
Lone Wolf bait for american.
predisposition - precrime - (review Hutaree)http://www.freep.com/article/20120215/NEWS01/202150376/Hutaree-militia-trial-Defense-attacks-credibility-of-FBI-informer
Syrian footage is fake. Even with muzzle brake the gunfire is fake.
Mind Control Arwa Damon reports in trance.
In yesterdays CNN broadcast the FBI official said something similar to "potentially over three hundred million lone wolves" (referring to America) and that it was important for citizens to report people who say they hate the government.
I cannot find this portion of the broadcast as I know that they will make these outrageous statements but these never get into the archive, podcasts or transcripts.
Hmmmm... in that video where Darwa Demon glitches. I'll bet CNN is doing it. Easy to say that only the pixels around her body are affected, but for all intents and purposes, she isn't sitting in front of the picture, the background is added later.
ReplyDeleteGreen Screen? She's in San Diego. :)
ReplyDeleteThere's been over fifteen of these FBI stings since Barry took the helm. They are so routine as to be boring for COTO but the fact is that it is working under the a-b fr model.
Animal Rights videographers are terrorists
Christian-Muslims are terrorists
Libertrians are terrorists
Sovereigns through legal channels are terrorists
911 truthers are terrorists
GMO critics are terrorists
Cash payers are terrorists
Technology critics are terrorists
Peace activists are terrorists
Constitutionalists are terrorists
Pro-lifers are terrorists
Whistleblowers are terrorists
Alternative media are terrorists
veterans are terrorists
home schoolers are terrorists
did i leave anyone out?
ReplyDeletePlease oh enlightened one, surprise me once in awhile.
Pope appoints 22 new cardinals
new redbirds for your gilded cage?
The pontiff announces seven new saints, including the first Native American saint
ReplyDeleteLilly of the Mohawks, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha - named after Catherine of Siena patron of protection from FIRE, Tekakwitha is the patron of ecology.
The other saint from the US is Mother Marianne Cope, who began religious life in the same area but moved to Hawaii to care for leprosy patients.
Burn it to the ground. Wliie, werf aucht!
In yesterdays CNN broadcast the FBI official said something similar to “potentially over three hundred million lone wolves” (referring to America) and that it was important for citizens to report people who say they hate the government.
Over three hundred million? That is the entire population of the US. You really would have to be a sheep to not figure that out... doesn't look good out there for anyone.
Agreed. less the children of toddler and infant age. I have looked everywhere to remeber the DOJ or FBI goon on CNN who spouted that. I know it will never appear again on the network.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Vatican, I got involved in the Syriac Palimpsest in the Vatican archives in relation to the greek St. !Menander http://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/?p=1515
What the Vatican has may tell the future. Fascinating and I will go further into the information. Connects many coordinates right now.
I think the larger message is... WE ARE THE ENEMY... sheep, lone wolves, all of us that ain't them. It is truly an us and them situation.
ReplyDeleteObviously we know we're terrorists. The sheeple think they're clear of that tag. Just wait till the real law comes down. It'll hit home when they they turn on the tube and see they got only one channel, one internet browser and a dozen sites. One uniform, orange and one girlfriend named Janet.
ReplyDeleteOr, conversely, on boy-friend - Janet.
ReplyDeleteI just grossed myself out on that one... and sorry about the typos.
ReplyDeleteThe Congress bomber must have been a reminder to those spineless gelatanous bags of hubris sittng on their attributes, while day trading inside information, that they too can be replaced anytime. Herr Janet can make it happen.
ReplyDeleteThis is too much for this old salted cadaver - I'm turning jerky -Japanese jerky glowing rad jerky - hot dayam jerky - jerky with a perky...
ReplyDeleteNow THAT's porno Wanda.
Heard that Will... i already washed my mind out with soap.
ReplyDeleteVatican assassins? One Global warm and fuzzy religion. I'm waiting for the sound of HAARPS.