Where does the time go?
Where the energy goes? No telling. Can you recognize angels from angles?
No. I can perceive it but not see it. What does the angle look like?
From the point? They look like shadows. Whether forward or backwards they look the same for the observer.
Whereas the angels are light?
Flickers like stars in the sky. So what's the point? The point itself. Where the point touches the time of the inner self to the spacetime curvature. Without it , one could see the shift, be in the shift and exercise all the properties. The are seven angels and seven angles.
One could bypass all the angles from there correct?
The hour of the time for us. Spaceless dimension, a vacuum is like timelessness. Time is relative only to space and you live in artificial time. The seven frequencies though present in our dimension are not seen yet they are here, benevolent active and in motion. Never forget that you are protected by these from outside the inner self. It's in your inner space where you are on your own.
A one shift two shift red shift blue shift? Dr. Seuss.
Transversely, shift red shift blue emit one reflect two. Do you get the point?
Yes like Harry Nilsson.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2a-_dvxtN0&w=560&h=315]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2a-_dvxtN0]
Now I can deduce the Rock. The Pointless Forest? I live it everday. Now I can delineate the point. If you I can perceive it I can see it. If I can see it I can find it. No buddhist training required.
Now you can deduce the Sun is changing in relationship to the earth. There's your Scalars, Chernobyls and chemtrails. There's your Wormwood. The scriptures do explain wormwood but the star and the seas are EMR and people. Poisoned waters and bitter drink are the forces of distortion, deception and interference that we are under now and based upon your termed NASA clock the redshift is prophesied. It's just physics in action Dunne.
[z] Zĕman points to midnight in Chronos. Where money is meaningless in Kairos, those who travel linear in this pursuit of this angle or the others are doomed to be lost in a temporal illusion of existence and time. This is where space and time intersect and this real-time and your inner space will determine your outcome. Scary? For those who are blue shifting it is.
After my Hebrew study, review of ancient cultural time beliefs and the writings of Heidegger it becomes clear to me that at zeropoint, one transcends all temporal illusion and time.
It is the ruling hierarchy, the energy czars who control the linear progression and past chronology in spacetime. The purpose, to move you by EVAN and mean time increments off the point. Force the cause and motion the effect. There is universal MOTION and then there is FORCE. You must know the difference. Your motion was predetermined but the forces have altered your trajectory, redirected your vector and plotted your coordinates. No different from seafarers moving a ship with the stars and compass. Who's your captain? Titannic?
You say Mean Time? To failure? To a black swan? This is where the masses are heading. To sickness, disease, mental illness, imprisonment. A FEMA or concentration camp so to speak deterring from the red shift, the true creator frequency. Energy is the enemy of the cabal as well as their weapon.
Failure-disaster or recovery. The transition has both. Realize the process involves concept, precept and inception. Then acception for the neophyte. A membership into the herd. Once there you are easily moved like any pawn on a chessboard. Resistance or impedance to the force is motion while the scalar energy is designed to move you the path of least resistance. Whereas reluctance, impedance or resistance enables you to recovery.
Much like an F-Wave in a nerve conduction study where an electromagnetic impulse sent through large nerve fibers causing an M-response or a muscle contraction. Energy to Force.
Exactly. Not a natural motion but a manipulated force by means of the EVAN network.
What about the children? How does the transition and transformation affect them?
"Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk - those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept. Line upon line, line upon line. Here a little, there a little." Who will see angels and who will see angles. It's a temporal time issue. Those who have not moved far from the center have less to travel and little to fear. Weakness is in those furthest from the source. It's degradation. Check your internet packet loss, your distance from the source and signal-to-noise ratio. This works in cellular biology as well. Obviously the vaccines, chemical compounds and digital contamination is playing a role of acceleration. You mentioned their prenatal agenda as well. When Mother is far from the source she is even more likely to effect the power of her child. Paedophiles love these fruits. These infants with damage are especially tasty when they come to suck their power. Sacrifice is merely a recharging for these angles and their dead spirits.
These lusus naturae, abominations, they operate from the angles?
Only from the angles, the mysteries of Babylon are not a mystery. The frequencies are present as they have been for many centuries. They were responsible for the evolutionary changes, genetic chimera and afflictions we find today. This is why man eats meat as do the animals. Why we are this size, shape and color. Everything you are in this dimension is to some degree related to the angles. The hierarchy is balanced between angels and angles. Whether or not you see thrones or virtues you can rest assured the powers of the seven angels are constantly transmitting and so are the angles. The Spectrum. That's why the technology always wins over human losses.
Do they, the angels operate within humans as do the angles?
Certainly appears so. We've heard many stories and some from those we trust that they were protected by one of the angels. I would believe the powers and Zero Point run things here. The universe is as incomprehensible as a trillion is to one who tries to count the galaxies. Conversely we have evidence of unspeakable human testing in America let alone Nazi programs. Science?
I've wondered about the human forms of angels and how they receive the power.
I have assumed the angels power up through certain people. Those under the energy of angels are very quiet and never expose the nature of the spirit or energy. Somewhere in your lifes motion you had an angel guide you in some way. You have the power, just not the knowledge.
Like saving your life. When I was fifteen I was spear fishing in an inlet in South Florida. A large fishing driftboat literally ran me over and the wake it created slammed me against the rocky seawall several times before I had the near death experience. The one where your life flashes before your eyes and I can confirm that as absolute fact. As things went dark a hand pulled me up and as I was expelling a few quarts of seawater from my lungs I saw this man, a black man of large proportions who was pole fishing there. I thanked him and he never said one word. He then threw his line in the water and snagged my speargun which was lodged in a rock crevasse. It had happened that I had just speared a nice size Grouper which was still on the line. I pulled it up unhooked it a dropped it into his empty bucket. He just smiled at me. Then I turned to leave and two women began to scream. I couldn't imagine what that was about until I realized that the ordeal had inflicted the death by a thousand cuts on my body and the barnacles plus the seawater runoff had made me look like I had been skinned alive. My angel just laughed. It was a real scene with me calming these women down. I hope he had a great Grouper dinner with a big basket of hush puppies. That night I had the dream, the event happened again and woke up trying to crawl up my wall. I awoke because I had pulled a shelf down which had books and speakers on it. Now that really hurt. Where was my angel?
One ticket per customer. Interesting experience. You think that was an encounter with an angel?
I don't know but the man picked me out of the water with one hand and dropped me on the wall like I was a loaf of wet bread. He never said one word and I can remember his face like it had just happened.
In the Unified Field of Spacetime it did just happen. It just passed again and will continue to pass through the scalars only effected by gravity and interference buddy boy. That man may never know if he was under the influence of the power. But he got a dinner. He may have needed it to feed his family that day. Maybe you were the angel. It's a universe where the powers are in a constant state of balance and unbalance. A war that rages while the Samaritanism rages as well. Your self and spirit are in spike, flux and syncope with constant energies of natural, harmonic and distortion and designed assaults. Zone in and you'll become so powerful as to have the dark energies shaking in their joules. But remember that when you are powered up they know and they will increase their ampere and interference. Protect the Pineal and store the energy. Beware the fury of a patient man.
Who is he?
Wonderful Puddy - I can relate so well with the Angel experience...my path has been strewn with such over and again. From simple whispers to full on manifestations...and inexpressible things in between.
ReplyDeleteThat is what I got out of this as much as what I have said here - inexpressible things. We are grokking beyond words now my friend...
Most of us appear as angels to someone in our lives at least once. I've been told that I must be an angel on three separate occasions by people in my life Why? Simply because i showed up for them at the exact moment they were at their lowest point and needed someone to be there for them.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I've always felt blessed though my life hasn't been the easiest. I must be guided by a very powerful angel because I'm able to cope with whatever is thrown my way. A psychic that did a reading for me years ago told me just that. That I was blessed. It's the only thing she got right in the entire reading ! ha
Btw, Coto is full of angels :)
Puddy...this is a jewel of inspiration! It is Frequency specific, and echo and resonance will happen only with proper tuning.
ReplyDeleteYou relate "experience" on a most personal level, as an allegory for a deeper communication of that which dwells in the spiritual realms. We must walk through that door to access our own experiences in our own life's journey...with an eye for the uplifted, rather than a squint for the downcast.
I see the Indiana HybridRogueBird1 has beat me to the response line. May many respond in the positive to your striking of the tuning fork of humanity's C chord.
Living is not about "materialism"...one of the biggest Lies. "Living" as a "being" is about a blessed "moment" in "existence"...sentient understanding of one's privileged opportunity to "exist". Freely exist. Without force. Free...to express the beauty of "being" alive. YES! Being Alive!
Cheers! COTO. Your Maestro has waved the baton! May the concerto commence!
ReplyDeleteFor you Boomer. One of my favorites.
Simply had nothing to do with the complexity of the angels and motions of the universe or your inner beauty and spirit Deb.
ReplyDeleteAs with Garth and William I have seen all your art, music and poetry. This is a mere tip of the iceberg of what I know about you all. Because we have seen it a thousand times with others and we know it exists in all of us. It may be damaged, dormant or numbed but it never dies even after the flesh is gone.
The people have got to begin to do the work of repair for themselves. Before they pass through this square box into the next form as Boomer says “moments” in “existence” are the precious keys and chords of our lives. These memories and events should be remembered, interpreted, empowering, shared and kept safely in our hearts. And we then can realize that we all share the same frequencies in different motions yet the music is no less beautiful.
We know in our spirit, the true Maestro and in the grand concert we are all, the choir.
Thank you for your gifts, my good friend! Twood be most satisfying sharing it with you resonating, with the fire burning in your living room, a few candles flickering, your furry friends content and accompanying the flavor and repartee...the pine trees witness to the higher things in life shared with singularity. Zero point. exclamation point./\
ReplyDeleteIt is those things that really shaped your thought and soul Willie? There are not really any mysteries left for me. Too many of these "simple whispers" or no words at all.
ReplyDeleteAngels are mostly mute me thinks :). They are in the light infrared wave spectrum and not in the radio. Deb may have saved someones life by showing up and listening in leiu of talking. I'll have to ask her.
I am curious if others are feeling this change. These "inexpressible things" do they consist of sensations, visible change to your senses or center?
I am flying through year past and forward. I feel as if I am living ahead of myself and when I stop to get my bearings I always fall back to some point in my past as if i have lived it again. Like the dream that plays over and over so does this phenomenon for me. I thought I was dying last year and had planned for it. But now I feel like I am going on a trip :)
It's Everyman all over again.
Or sending golf balls on a vector to the rough :) Summer dreams on this cold wet night. Peace bro!
ReplyDelete"Cold wet night"
ReplyDeleteYea, here tonight it is soupy rolling fog here like 'Hound of the Baskerville's' - it is like looking out on the Scottish moors looking out my window right now...it hangs in the trees like gray cotton.
A nice sense of the creepy woowoos.
Yes, the weather. It's 9:20 Sunday morning and I'm looking out through my sliding door at the gray sky with lines of white cloud "stripes." It's an amazingly, unspectacular sight and one which makes me want to close the blinds.....
ReplyDeleteThat sounds lovely Boomer... if only it were possible that all of coto could share the company of each other, Patrick's furry friends and a roaring fire.. ~sigh
ReplyDelete"Deb may have saved someones life by showing up and listening in leiu of talking. I’ll have to ask her."
ReplyDeleteYes, Patrick it's all about the comfort of having someone actually be there to listen to you, without judgement, in your darkest moment. I didn't need to say a word.
Thank you PD. To me, coto is composed of very old souls that are still hanging around this earthly plane. Maybe our reason for being here is to help wake up those still spiritually sleeping.
ReplyDeletePuddy the new header is perfect for the day...
Federal officials: Security precautions for Super Bowl 2012 'unprecedented'--35 federal agencies contributing to security effort 02 Feb 2012 From the minute they get on a plane, visitors to Indianapolis should expect to be watched, sniffed and pawed as security around the Super Bowl XLVI host city tightens. Air marshals will be on flights, and bloodhounds will roam the airport. Cameras line the streets, and helicopters hover in the sky. Cops at every corner; security at every stop. About 8,000 Lucas Oil Stadium staff and volunteers have gone through Homeland Security training, and 3,000 security officers hired by the National Football League are working at the stadium, the media center, NFL Experience and hotels where the New York Giants and New England Patriots are staying.
I had dinner with my mother last night - and got to see the PR on this on television while we ate.
As the 'News' was showing this, I pointed out to her that this was insane.
Of course she was right on script with her answer - she's 85, forgets a lot of things these days, but she is always ON PAGE with the fucking propaganda script. She said. "Well if they don't do this and something happens then they will be blamed for not preventing it."...
I felt like just going in and flushing my head in the toilet.
This is the reason Amerikans need to grasp the truth of 9/11, right there in front of your eyes on TV. These people simply want to go and see the football game. Look at the way they are being treated. Everyone of them are treated as a suspect terrorist. This is obvious police state ritual, but they all “understand, it's for their own good” - Ha ha ha ha...ludicrous bullshit, just like the Good Germans in the 30s and 40s understood it was “for their own good.”
The 'Good Germans' got what was coming to them for being so naïve and stupid, and so will these stupid Amerikans.
Willie, America is the calcified fluoridated Pineal of the world. The true test tube for 1984. The Brits may be the same but I think on the stump meter, America's got the most talent.
ReplyDeleteAs I predicted for some old gamblers who take my word as gospel, I did pick the Giants to win and as you all know I predicted 4 more years. It follows the numbers and formula well. The league will likely announce on Monday that the game drew the largest audience for an American TV event, topping last year’s 111 million to 122 million and that will confirm the brainwashing is on track.
It is my opinion that a small army of power rangers could successfully pull a red dawn in this country during a Suprabowl.
I did not watch a minute of it and I feel very good.
I haven't watched a minute of it either...Lol
ReplyDeleteA broadcast from the heart of Mordor, an evil spell in itself. I in fact have no real idea of the teams involved. Is the Giants one of them? I thought it must be the Green Weeny Butt- Packers or something of that genre...
Shanksville? Shawshank Redemption?
ReplyDeleteSummer seems to be here in the lowlands. A beautiful day, I'll take em when I can get em.
ReplyDeleteI had a glance at your avatar info and took a tour of one of your blog sites.
I cannot for the life of me, quite grasp your interest in this particular site...?
The picture is quite a lovely girl. Is that you? A very seductive shot.
I am really curious as to if you just dropped by on your way sprinkling your avatar on sites as a promo to get traffic, or whether you had some interest in the sociopolitical rantings on a site such as this.
A football is a roundball squeezed into pointed projectile.
ReplyDeleteOr, more to the point. It is a inflated pigskin booted and thrown for sport. Not much different than a dimpled golf ball wacked with a club, or a stitched and wound leather ball tossed about and smacked as a baseball. Pick your sport. Or, pick a sport. They are amusements, and in them is no poison. The marketing, the superinfluencing of culture from a game of sport is the weaponizing of an otherwise benign pastime. That you sport or choose not to sport is not the question...
That you are a sport, or sport something conspicuously pronounced is what I want to know? What do you sport, sport?
CIA Claims Release of its History of the Bay of Pigs Debacle Would “Confuse the Public.”
ReplyDeleteby Nate Jones
Late last year, the Central Intelligence Agency explained to Judge Kessler of the US District Court in Washington DC that releasing the final volume of its three-decade-old history of the 1961 Bay of Pigs debacle would “confuse the public,” and should be withheld because it is a “predecisional” document. Wow. And I thought that I had heard them all.
Personally I sported a lot as a sportable youth - but never found the sport in in watching sport on TV as a passtime. As you said, that is another manifestation all together, having to do with Pepto Abismal. shaving cream, razors, aftershave, and expandable jockstraps.
Pay no attention to the artifacts of man, they are but the continuing shadows of yesterday. It is now, an eternal moment. You need but grasp it.
I wasn't actually directing my comment at anyone in particular...I guess it sounded that way though.