The Perfect Year
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Looking back at the predictions made in the January Post "The Winds of 2011" I must say that I was disappointed in my score. Though over half the events came to pass I was certain of others that never did occur. The most disappointing was the emergence of this prophet. It is so certain that one must emerge now to kick the next phase of transition to OWO. If we were to go it as of today with our instincts alone we'd be following the same pattern of mind control manipulated death exhibited in every previous war on the holy spirit and the truth.
Like in previous staged events of full spectrum dominance and mind control we have begun to see the crystallizing of the game and the corresponding rules to this game. This process is not based on talent, vision, mental athleticism, but on willingness to be schooled. The instructors often are invisible, imperceptible and without identity but the material is in full view.
From our start at Zero we have memories of many of the early predictive behaviors that have shaped our reality. From childhood parenting to our favorite children's programming to the developmental experiences we have documented synaptic diaries. Though I personally do not have any vaginal entries this can best explain my purpose for posting this.
The Reality Diaries
A woman is at home when she hears someone knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens the door to see a man standing there.
He asks the lady "Do you have a vagina".
She slams the door in disgust.
The next morning she hears a knock at the door and it is the same man
and he asks the same question of the woman "Do you have a vagina". She slams the door again.
Later that night when her husband gets home she tells him what has
happened for the last two days. The husband tells the wife in a loving
and concerned voice "Honey I am taking tomorrow off to be home just in case this guy shows up again".
The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both run for the
door. The husband says to the wife in a whispered voice "Honey, I'm
going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I
want you to answer yes to the question because I want to see where he
is going with it". She nods yes to her husband and opens the door.
Sure enough the same fellow is standing there and asks the same
question. "Do you have vagina?"
"Yes" she says.
The man replies: "Good! Would you mind telling your husband to leave
my wife's alone and start using yours?"
When truth shows up at realities door it can be quite a shock. More than shock, it can tear your psyche to shreds, destroy your life in the physical and emotional and change the outer world you see forever. Such was my experience many years ago when a series of these mini apocalyptic revelations came to my world, some of which I still cannot talk about.
Constructing a deconstruction - From the Space Shuttle Challenger to the Bin-Laden cartoon, my frame of reference is laid out on a chessboard. The coordinates, vectors and geometric shapes are how I recall them. I visualize and do it in numbers adding symbols to identify my spacetime. Others may use the same with dates and locations. We take for granted the importance of recall but more importantly what we felt, what we did or what we were thinking yet we remember the song or who we were with at these moments. It's no Dewey Decimal system but we all have one.
Now as I deconstruct my construction it hit me again. Another apocalypse. What has been twenty plus years of research into this asylum we call the powers to be, it has become crystal clear that the Pi factor is what it is, an infinite exercise and with the rule of 11 I am still the fool. Even with the 2.7 trillion knowledge you are still where you started. Irrational? Of course it is.
While I and others are deconstructing the Construct, the PTB are constructing the deconstruction. What's left for me is only to return to the foundation. Strangely enough, I believe that is what they are trying to do as well.
I have to confess these predictions, the events I hit and those I missed are only strategic in the big picture. If anyone is still uncertain to the Big Blue Omnibus and G^6 look at your keyboard. Ha ha, they laugh. The incredible control, the planning and pre-knowledge they have had for so long was so effective in the only true war ever fought on this third rock, was just decorated with an assortment of movie posters embedded in the succulent fruit of the midbrain. Like 'Buy War Bonds' during WWII were the images to remind us to recall the short-term event, the childhood images are the long-term posters for the big blue picture. Just look to the sky.
The Hippocampus and Occipital Cortex like computers have their RAM, processors and files or images. The research is how to extrapolate, database, correlate, unify and make the systems operate in a consensus. This will have to include file deletion or changes as the systems all have unique data and that is where the time will be spent. The collective must have consistency in order for order and a smooth running network.
So we have the XX+X. This is the triple cross. The COTO belief system I believe understands fully the two-part system. Left Right, Red Blue, NEO Lib Con, Socialist Communist, divide and conquer. What was left was to create the spill out dump. That's the third part. The conspiracy in the conspiracy.
I don't know the facts about the Deepwater Horizon but I do not have information as to the worst environmental disaster in US history, but it seems to me not to be the case. The Fukushima event as well I cannot substantiate. What I can substantiate is largest effort in 2011 to provide an example of every possible global Armageddon scenario and the substantiated effects on the fear-trauma and mind control process working from Holyrood east and west as well as the [3] alternate media. Democracy Now would have you believe that the BP DWH is killing hundreds and that the eco system is doomed. But I read about visitors eating Snapper Pontchartrain during their trips. I have personally talked to doctors in LA, MS and FL Gulf cities and they are giving me negatives on anything out of the ordinary or related to the event.
The readings and info from Fukushima are similar though you can find alternative media expressing the same dire coverup. Now I am not saying the events are not what they were and there is no impacts on the earth and people but you could surely see the massive amounts of play from all three sectors.
Alex Jones really kills me. The guy has been haarping the financial fraud, collapse and inevitable takeover via this event ad-nauseum and it plays right into the paying advertisers and sponsors so well. His guests like Lindsey Williams, who sounds so earnest touts a globalist who has come to leak the plan to him for reasons unknown but would be made out to be an act of conscience. This man, now dead has allowed Lindsay to put a visual and credible face to this frequency. Kenneth Fromm. Hmmm!
What I know is who's dead. It seems again the dead men tell no tales and I can assume even as an ass that these would be tales. It opens the door for the conspiracy within a conspiracy and I feel now that the PTB have full control of the conspiracy alternative. Beyond the truth movement which is a Soros or Koch type operation we have the conspiracy movement going main stream with Alex Jones, DECODED, Jesse Ventura, RENSE, Coast to Coast, Dododo Dadada and that's all I want to say to you on that subject.
Is it just me that sees the biggest event is what they have in store for our minds?
They, the PTB are stuck here and as long as they are there will be no Armageddon, no ending and no change except the continuation of the deconstruction of the world as it has been realized by the sick, tired, persecuted, disillusioned, fear ridden self loathing masses. Any and every possible offence (force) will be projected in the most sensationalized, steered and supported staged theatre for the Mayan year of the ascent.
I'd rather talk in terms of ASSENT and get a consensus that no one with any platform in which to control information to any degree that still lives can be worth anything but roadmaps to where we should not travel and that the googleplex and the theories we may discuss as outrageous as they are may underestimate the scientific research fact, fiction and future plans for a OWO.
Whatever new reality they intend to initiate this year, I believe will manifest in the spatial universe inside the BBB (blood brain barrier) The masses in trypanosomiasis stupor will find this year horrific and traumatic but those who prepare in their internal forts may find 2012 to be the perfect year.
Splendid Puddy, especially the advice at the end - I concur. That does not mean that I am an old beaten dog that is a con...Lol
ReplyDeleteAn oldy but goody:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
--Psalm 23:4
One thing that does help in all of this is not being taken by surprise, like the woman in the story about the vagina above. Her world would not have been shattered if she had been up on her game, and aware of who she was married to.
ReplyDeleteWe have that advantage here. Knowledge is power, putting it to practical use is the path to that advantage. More simply put, be mentally and spiritually prepared to roll with the punches - for those punches do come. Concentrate on your kata, it is that focus that has no room for fear.
Everytime you quote the rod and the staff I get another meaning. This time thy rod and thy cone comes to mind.
ReplyDeleteIt's a perfect oldy but goody Willie.
Exactly where I was coming and going. I was not sure if that comedy-tragedy was appropriate for this but you confirmed it for me so I am glad I got the nod from you.
ReplyDeleteOur truths will come from us and maybe the most unlikely of sources. We are going to have to discover these and cannot afford to take the highways but more the roads less traveled as the one JFK may have identified.
“….Human nature is at least in part wicked and in part foolish, how can human beings be prevented from suffering from the results of their wickedness and folly? ….Men simply do not see that war is foolish and useless and wicked. They think on occasion that it is necessary and wise and honourable, for war is not the work of bad men knowing themselves to be wrong, but of good men passionately convinced that they are right.”
ReplyDelete~C.E, M. Joad
It is very interesting to note as well that I read that story recently as a "joke" on my email...
ReplyDeleteThe context here is everything, and grasping the moral of that story in it's fullness awaited this context you have put it in.
The human moral response was natural for me. I gave it little thought again until encountering it here.
We drive each other forward in such ways.
That joke has been used in short stories and script in different context. It does clearly identify three distinct persons and three motivations and hundreds of characterizations. I could spend days deconstructing it.
ReplyDeleteI got it accidentally as well and like a diamond, it's facets just brilliantly caught my eye. A gem.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.~ Samuel Johnson
ReplyDeletePeople will always fall for a triumph of hope over experience. Whether war, economics or in their fluoridated water soaked patriotic heads and the need for leaders became a call for the these scoundrels to move right on in. The psychopaths can groom these liars like thoroughbreds.
I like this little gem too. :) img. brain freeze
"What a self-licking ice cream cone."
We get what we ask for. Preaching to the choir I know, but for one who may drift by in the last wind of 2011.
ReplyDeleteIf Amerikans were a great people they would settle for dignity and liberty for themselves and others rather than this delusional grasp for material trinkets, convenience and entertainments obtained through arrogance.
ReplyDeleteBy the easy path of going along to get along, they now suffer the same fate as those in far off lands they never cared to know, but were content with focusing upon their own selfish desires fed by a system so vile that the average person would retch upon naked recognition of it. It is as a gorgon, so hideous that looking directly at it drives a weak mind mad.
For those who would ignore it, a mere description of it is so terrifying that they are stunned to disbelief. For the naïve the hard truth is simply unbearable. The naïve must then experience it first hand to accept it.
And that they must, for the Beast is hungry, and it has now looked within its own lair, and will consume it's own children. It's appetite for fresh souls is as great as it's appetite for blood and flesh. For the former is spiritual power, as the last is merely material power. And it is spiritual power that manifests the material.
And in mentioning here the spiritual powers, notice should be made as to the organized religions, and their place in the schemata. For they are driven by dogma, a dogma drawn from their own scriptures that leans upon the political advantage given by priestly interpretation.
ReplyDeleteSuch political power is derived from the souls of the congregations thus taken in spiritually. Thus given to the body of the church, that spiritual power drives the political power as manifest in the material world.
The spiritual individuation is homogenized into that which the individuals cannot see or comprehend, for they are enchanted and let astray by the church leadership just as surely as a 'national spirit' is driven by its leadership. The two in combination is this most awesome power now manifest on this planet of terror.
"If the American and other Western oligarchs have foreseen their own destruction at the hands of the people (who will soon respond to the powerful motivations which have been unleashed), then their only logical choice for self-preservation would be to prevent that global mob from reaching that critical mass. This is the logic of the psychopath, the subject at the center of all “conspiracy theories.” All such “conspiracy theorists” research this common element, the psychopaths who rule over us. This probably explains why we have all been branded as lunatics ourselves.
ReplyDeleteIn a reverse logic of that dispensed by the psychopathic ruling elite, we must communicate the threat of this probable future, as our own motivational tool. Just as the elite use the threat of an insane war upon Iran to force others to join their side, we know that we must project the threat of a US/Russia nuclear war to force people to join us in the anti-Empire resistance. That is my purpose and that of thousands of others just like me, to warn about the psychopaths who rule us, before it is too late."~Peter Chamberlin
This one is somewhat long, but well worth the read.
Much gold in those temples.
ReplyDeleteDOGMA...powerful for the right hemisphere. HOPE will work just fine on the left. Forces of Fear and loathing.
As good Americans we should drop flyers over every culture killing gladio zone and tell them about real disease. Then it occurs to me that they already know because they have not drank from the well of progress and they should be dropping the flyers over these United Twits of America.
I wear my insanity proudly. I have accepted my exile from the Mainstream and the excommunication from the church of loose change. It's lonely here. I may have to move to the Sudan. my solitude, the word lonely is without personal meaning. That is, I don't interpret this solitude as such.
ReplyDeleteIt is a self estrangement that is most satisfying spiritually, to have "come out from among them."
My compassion is stronger for them here - to not be distracted by the feedback screech of their delusional ululations and manic chit chat on topics so mundane as to make my eyes cross.
None can hear clearly a word I say anymore, unless I make little oochie noises like one does with a pet. Actual communication is like standing on a balcony of the Tower of Babel where the halls fill with the wailing of banshees and the clacking of dry bones.
Only here in this strange cutout of the digital purgatoria , this oasis of COTO, can I sense a communication with others that I relate to. Until the walk through that valley, I can be content with such as this. By that time, I anticipate we will remain in divine connection.
We come to go.
Most find it so hard to grasp the dialectical anti-thesis of the “controlled enemy”. It is in a very simple way the allegory of two types of dog. One the family pet. The other the junkyard guard dog. One is pampered, pet and well fed. The other is abused, taunted and conditioned to hate humans – even if under-heel of a human master. It should not be so inconceivable to the average westerner then that “radical Islam” is the design of western oligarchs, for the very same use as the junkyard dog. Of course these uses become even more complex, as the controlled beast is human rather than canine. They can be used as the “outside enemy” to be wielded as a tool for a national security state as an excuse for its existence. Domestic crime is already used in such a way for internal police control.
ReplyDeleteThat the planet Earth has become a planet of terror in the 21st century is plain for all with eyes to see. Vast portions of humanity have become 21st Century Schizoid Man. It is the current paradigm designed and crafted that way for the purposes of political power. But those who control the levers of this vast machine do not realise that they themselves are under the control of the machine itself, they have become as deluded as the masses they hope to master. But their master is already the machine, and it is they who are dispensable, while the machine is critical for their survival as the 'status quo'.
"Hmm…in my solitude, the word lonely is without personal meaning. That is, I don’t interpret this solitude as such.
ReplyDeleteIt is a self estrangement that is most satisfying spiritually, to have “come out from among them." ww
I feel the same, Will.. alone but not lonely. My awake family and friends are close by but I feel absolute peace in keeping the sheeple away from my door. I don't miss their company.
PD, I spent a lot of time this weekend watching the twilight zone marathon on the syfy channel. What gems most of those episodes were. Little morality plays which is what your vagina story reminds me of. Always the little twist of self realization at the end.
The whole spy vs spy thing is so exhausting. Hard to keep score when you're not sure who the good guys and bad guys are. I can't listen to AJ or Rense without getting annoyed at them anymore. Lindsey Williams and his ridiculous drawn out revelations of what the "elites have told him" aren't worth waiting for anyway. I still like Icke and love to listen to what the man has to say. I'm a fan of Gerald Celente and Max Keiser as well. AJ still has the best guests on his show which always makes it worth listening to.
As with anything in this world take all the info in with a grain of salt and never allow anyone to form your opinions for you. Always think for yourself. But of course Coto always does which is why we are here to usher in 2012 together as we watch the events unfold.
Btw PD who is that with the shotgun in the picture above? Looks like Ernest Hemingway
ReplyDeleteThat was inspirational Rogue. Keep em commin.
ReplyDeleteTerror - been here since day one I think. Terrorism is the force of XXI. This century is about putting faces or facades. I call the shadows. Between ego and self they drop these facades into the realm of shadows and the unsuspecting lambs never know how they got there and just identifying these new shadows is enough to kill the soul.
ReplyDeleteFear being the driver, runs roughshod over the self. As the self lays bleeding it curses the world their reality and all the inhabitants in it.
The Distortions of Medida Mind Control come in to provide the conduits for where to direct this mad driver and after they have provided these distortion focused on Islam, Jews, Christians, foreigners, politico's etc. the victim then starts cursing and damning the locals.
This huge energy burn is like the afterburners to get out of the atmosphere or out of the self and completely into the ego. Once out the ego is cruising and any force can easily move the ship. Just see what a little flattery or stroking can do. Fueling the ego is cheap. A few bucks or a little limelight can move them far from Zero. Just find the right trajectory and vector and give them a push. Whooolah!
I watched one episode last night. "Bomb Shelter" It's amazing why I tuned in on that one at that time. Forces unseen are in control of our movement across the plane.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great example of the big picture.
I live alone (12 years) and I have very little personal contact. Lonely I use to term without human interface. Lonely in context to those who are estranged from the desire to have contact is very different.
I still listen to all of them as well. If you are to resolve fact and fiction you definitely need to hear, read or investigate all frequencies. Again my point was merely that again I believe that Hidden Powers are behind all, even Jones who has thrived on his work for so long without finding the fate of reporters, whistleblowers or professionals throughout the years.
As if the world is a stage and all actors are playing out the garden of good and evil. My question is how many have preread the script?
Ex. In the case of Jones, you have to wonder why he spends so little time offering solutions or moving beyond the boundaries. It is human nature to change, push our boundaries or change the dynamics in some way. Jones as remained in the same box for a long time. I believe if he were truly independent we would see some transition.
I find it to be more clearly a system of repetition and without any goal. Unless it's a system within the system and he has been boxed to operate within the committee grid where then he has succeded very well to build a small empire on the same frequency based interference we get from left right transmitters. He's become a publicizer.
*for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for Papa. I love that picture. It is a novel in itself.
ReplyDeleteIn my twisted tangled mind I know what gangstalking, persecution and being targeted will do. That's why I had to go booze/drug/phrma free. If not I'd have been giving them the power to wellstone me and papertrail depression or psychosis as a suicide.
Another murdered self via the committee.
I was thinking of how ironic it would be if that weapon Hemingway holds in his macho posing were the one he used to off himself...
ReplyDeleteMy uncle used a shotgun just about like that one to finish his life could be the very one that was the first one I ever fired in his backyard next to the woods when I was about 12 years old...?
Knocked me on me ass it did. Luckily I held it tight to my shoulder as he was so adamant I must. I fired pretty much straight up at some birds flying over. The recoil literally drove me straight to the ground...ha ha ha. Nope, didn't hit any birds. Glad of that.
I've never seen that picture of Hemingway before,PD. Yes, the bell did toll for Hemingway and he answered it. Will, that's a morbid thought about that rifle but is probably the case. Hemingways have a history of suicide in the family. Something in the blood maybe.
ReplyDeleteMy ex's father was a macho man and a bit sadistic. The only picture I ever saw of him (his father & mother divorced when he was 7) was of him standing in front of a bear he had shot. Anyway, he made my ex shoot a rifle at the age of six(to toughen him up) with the same result you had at 12. I'm glad neither one of you shot anything that day including ur own foot :)
Well, I guess you know I like shooting. But I am not and have never been a hunter. I hate the thought of killing something.
ReplyDeleteMy uncle Bill was an outdoorsman, a fisherman and hunter. But he was a wonderful gentle soul in his dealings with others. He did make sure I didn't break my shoulder, and gave me the chance to understand the dynamics of something you simple have to do yourself to grasp.
I cannot understand suicide. But I do not know what he was facing at the end of his life - which some have said may have been a brain tumor, and the prospect of chemo and radiation and that whole regime...[???] He was always a proud self reliant man. Such prospects may have been simply unacceptable to him.
Oh there is such a weird ambiance to the day here. It was snowing sideways out the window here awhile back. Now it is still and dry...[?]
But it is colder than witchy ta ta, and seems to be getting colder as the day goes on.
Wish I were in Tahiti.
COTO ghost dancers...
ReplyDeletedance the dance as he has taught you my children
soon you will rise... when the grass is knee-high
and dance beside our brothers... in the sky.
came the crooked white man... with a paper in his hand
he say-- touch the pen... and i will take your land
oh you knew he would take it anyway!
with a war-lance through his evil heart... you rode away.
you fell among the Kiowa... you froze among the Sioux
now you dance the dance and wear the sign
their power and their bullets can never touch you
how now now the troubles that came upon us will be going soon
until we stand together under that Happy Moon
we dance our dance above the plains-- until they go...
only the Earth remains...
Did you ever see my sculpture of the Ghost Dancer Waldo?
ReplyDeleteLook it up: Rapture by Willy Whitten
kazow! eye wood buy one if aye had da bred!
ReplyDeleteConnecting the Wounded Knee masacre and illuminati sacrifice to the Black Hills and Badlands. Good spirits had to be exorcized. That was easy. Build Mt. Rushmore and have the overlords facing east to the City of London and Amstertdam.
ReplyDeleteSioux Men Women and Children slaughtered. Bullshit historical account with assertions. Full of illuminati numbers (330 - 39 - 6) A total scam and obvious sacrificial bloodletting.
Will is a true artist. His work is thought provoking and beautiful and we can't really see the detail that one would in person. Yea, I'd buy it too if I had the $$$ ;)
ReplyDeleteGreen eggs and a ham, I scream
ReplyDeleteI see green eggs and a scam,
A scam I am says the Chef, I am,
Scramble me eggs, for I am on the lam.
There’s a rat in me kitchen,
Feed him green eggs and ham,
Rats in me kitchen, they’re part of the plan,
Scrambled eggs for your dinner,
Green eggs and a ham.
Whatcha gonna do, when you can’t make do?
Green eggs are me plan, my scam,
Whatcha gonna do, when they come for you?
My eggs in me basket, and a rat for you.
I can’t tell the truth, for I am a scam,
Green eggs are all I have for you,
Nothing but a rat, a rat I am,
Green eggs serves the Chef,
Green eggs and a ham.
Ahhh, We Seen This Before...
beautiful Willie
ReplyDeleteThanks you both your say, I say...
ReplyDeleteIt was an interesting period learning about the native peoples...
mostly I am struck by their spirituality, individuality and connection with mother Earth.
The Ghost Dance period was, as most of the periods of their existence since the coming of the white man, a tragic one.
This particular piece had a few particular technical challenges, as far as architecture and technique are concerned, and I was very proud to have succeeded in working them out.
It would really work great as a full size piece {or larger}...but that would be terribly expensive.
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
ReplyDelete"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Thank you Patrick.
ReplyDeleteAs an artist it is the work itself - this "product" is more valuable to me as a reminder of the making, than as the thing. A couple months of my life reside within it. For me, those hours were as in Heaven. As all creating is like that, I have already been rewarded in being there many times over.
You know.
That is a wonderful tale of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteThanks for bringing it forward, it says so much in it's simplicity.
Puddy, please remove the the double video post. Sorry.
ReplyDeletebeen reading "1491" by Charles Mann where I just learned today that Vine Deloria died in 2005. Must have noted it at the time, but can't remember. Lots of krakkerland connections to the Rushmore abomination too... among others- that our 3 district ex-congressperp wanted to put Ronnie Ray-gun up there... as well as on the dime- displacing FDR.
ReplyDeleteRonzo is worshiped here in krakkerland. Lately Mitt Romnoid is channeling Ronzo so hard- it's weird. It's like the last 30 years never existed.
You think Ronzo is deified here, you should go to Floridated, turnpikes, expressways, all manner of places named after the jizzbomb. Maybe his face belongs on that phony copper dime, everything else about it is bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI just love those pics of him and Errol Flynn in their Nazi uniforms from that old WW2 B-minus grade film they were in. At time Hollyrood puts the truth right in yer face while krakken jokes.
I did a beautiful poster for RE-ELECT RONALD REAGAN for governor of California back in the day. It was just a Nazi swastika with those words in bold lettering above it. Yea...hehe, got some flak over that one. It was on 30x40 illustration board. Wish I still had it.
Now where the helms bread truck have you been Boomieboy?
Just chillin. Popped in and out, but didn't feel like cogitatin 'cause I had some "stuff" to do. Sometimes ya wax, and sometimes ya wane. Who's "Helms", and why's he drive a bread truck?
ReplyDeleteWhen I was but a young child growing up in southern California, the Helms Bakery bread truck would come up out block about three times a week. It had a bell that went "kaching kaching" rather than the carousel music of an icecream truck.
ReplyDeleteThese were the days when the milkman would deliver fresh milk in glass bottles to your door every morning.
Anyway, the bread truck also had all sorts of doughnuts and pastries for sale as well. A huge glazed doughnut was five cents back then. And Mount Baldy could be seen as clear as a postcard - not veiled with thick layers of smog like came later.
That's why he drove his truck, life was good then. At least to a naive child, innocent of the ways of the larger world and the bloody history of it all.
ReplyDeleteI heard the author of that book 1491 on Fresh Air on NPR a long while back. The outline and digest of the book as he told it sounded fascinating. I never had the opportunity to read it. Sounds like a great read.
You should give us a book report on it when you have finished it.
We gotta fix Paddy up with a chick. I cant be the only one being told not to make a mess and to pick up My socks. Suffering brings humility,humility brings one closer to God,as in closer to death,(sewercide if you have a battle-axe like mine)
ReplyDeleteWhen sanity is "in", it will be "out" with the insanity...
HOO-HAW!!! Kamrade Korn is right. Kommissar Waldo need Kibbutznik chick... to say "haw! big fancy Kommissar leave skid-marks in unter-ware! Who finds ass when HE fall thru ass? ME is HOO. Kent find ass wit both hans!!! Big-shot Noodnik!!!"
ReplyDeleteAhem. Now... in defense of the Kindle... cuz too lazy to attach to appropriate thread... my biggest fear is being stuck someplace where I gotta wait WITHOUT a book. Dux yas yas... I should talk to the peeps around me... but they usually say, "nerdle nerdle dur dur dur."
So I got a Kindle fire for xmas from Big Boss Kibbutznik Chick wot must be obeyed. THAT'S what I'm using to read 1491... downloaded FREE from the library. Yeh- love books too... sensual and all that... but this way I kin carry a SHITLOAD of em... as long as the batts hold out.
Never got into that cellphone shit. Same "nerdle nerdle durr" problem. With THIS... you kin be reading it and peeps leave ya the fuck ALONE. Same with "facebook:" "nerdle durdle durrrr." Lemme tell ya- for a guy who lives in text... the Kindle is cool.
You only have to "communicate" with people who have thought (a LOT) about what they want to say. In our "chat-room" world... that's really refreshing,
I am alternating between '1491' qne 'kluge- the haphazard construction of the human mind" by Cary Marcus. Waaaaayyyy cool. Next best thing to Hooters.
Which is the next best thing to tractors.