Happy 280th birthday George Washington
In the year 2011 we were assailed by the fear and loathing as part of the G^6 by the force, the dark side who also has mastered the weather assaulted us with the winds and the tremors. But the most important movements or shifting were directed at the separation process to remove you from the holy grail. This Grail is what I speak of when talking about the zero point . This is the place within you where no matter the time or place you are in synchronized stasis, in equilibrium with the frequency that gives you the fullest power potential. The truth resides in this resonance as does your health kinetic energy to create the unadulterated force that would protect you from the EMR, smog, pollutants, diversions and interfering frequencies that keep you separated from the truth.
Most people believe the answers are out there. Out there somewhere. On top of Everest, at the bottom of Atlantis, in the ruins of Maya or in the ancient letters of the Hebrew covenant. Unfortunately many are searching for it in their IPad downloads. But for the Mayans maybe the calendar was their ITablet.
The year 2011 finished off with the OWS phenomenon but the insidious planners and controllers were very smart to create this additional chaos. The bankers have been stealing our money for decades. They have been creating our wars since the time of the first church. They have occupied our lives forever. They have been here forever and one can really argue that Jesus from Nazareth was the beginning of the New Age.
The Occu-Pi is the chaos. The purpose for it is to keep YOU occupied in any and every way possible. They created the menu but give you the impression of freedom of choice. One from column A one from column B and one from column g. The Alpha, Beta, Gamma with extra MSG and it all looks so good, so fresh, so hip, so chic and so on.
There is transcendence and transformation. One good and one very very bad. We have all posted massive amounts of airamericatrails, HAARP's that don't play music, pills that make you ten feet tall and six feet under and the genes of conCERN. There is no doubt we could all agree on some if not all of these alchemic agendas the esoteric societies and the 'in your face' style in which the conspiracies are brought to the occupation. And the frequencies, talking heads and scribblers of the so-called truth have explained them in every possible conception and intent.
Where is the one that has explained it all as a plan to keep you entertained, fearful, mesmerized, inducted, moved to force, forced to move and divided into smaller groups of activated, actuators and benefactors? Is there such a person? It's time for that person to emerge. I thought it would have been last year when some prophet with irresistible charm and magnetism would draw us all to some center point. Is this the man from Sion? I have not excluded Prince William based upon the secret note about the "Mumbler" found in a treasure chest by J. Cousteau in 1932, but that's another frequency for another time.
The reality is we are in the perfect year for the masters of disaster. Therefore their will be a prophet coming this year and I believe it will be from South America. Hence the Mayan promotional programming has been a main staple of the doomsayers and new awakening genres. Do not be fooled. As of this posting the facts are clear. "Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." argued Toynbee. I could not agree more and add that Civilizations are conceived by murder. Suicide may best be defined as the willful act of killing oneself. Ones Self. One might spend time to understand the dynamics of homicide suicide in the metahistorical sense. A suicide mission is no different. The committee in their position as the dominant minority have created an elaborate system of murder by suicide. We can attest to the physical examples but we may not still be on the same wavelength on the spiritual or metaphysical plane.
The holy grail represents the holy spirit. The chalice a Metonymy for your soul as the transmitter/receiver of the connection to the creator. I, we have to continually use a reductive process and the deconstruction methods of finding the committee's plan for the coming transformation. The real catch-22 can drive one insane and I know now that I am in that condition. So what to do? I embrace it and use it to my advantage as it is the first step towards the zero point.
I do not watch the sports ie. futbol as I did when I was sane but still keep the stats. The same goes for the election tournaments. Because Pittsburg, Detroit, Minnesota, Atlanta and Houston today, San Fran next week will be out of the picture so goes Herman Cain, Michelle, Bachman, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and John Huntsman. There's magic for Massachusetts Mitt in New England and a Green Bay win would mean disaster. But they will lose and the disaster is four more years.
What about Willard Mitt Romney? He's a Bilderberg, trained and groomed in France. France is in the news this year big time. A fatal error on my part but surely the Strauss-Kahn affair will have repercussions. Mitt had the training and the family conversion from the Detroit Wheels to the Massachusetts Pedals. A conversion so easily interpreted that a mere hour can provide you this truth. Bill Clinton was far more difficult and convoluted and Bush's mystery information and coverup. Obama as well was a serious mystery until late but the need for the Clinton switch more obvious now.
Mitts 2002 Olympic experience makes for the perfect segue into the reality of the Moneychangers. While the Occu-Pi frequencies are providing the 'in your face' of what we already knew, they carefully look to the exposure of fraud in another transformative program underway this year. The banksters have been stealing your money since the time of the first church. In a Bain Capital way. The fact that a Bain is a brothel or a bath, you can can expect the continuation of a good financial screwing and money laundering future. But this year we have to remove the economy from the lexicon. Much as Bernie Madoff was the steam valve release for a biggest swindle in history for that year, the business as usual continued and it will this year as well. We have bigger fish to fry here.
Good advice provided by artist Monica Bonvicini for attendees of the games
2012 = SION - (Must have 5G or Better to View)
I have spent the last twelve years trying to turn back to 1g while the world moves to 6^G. The plot, the course is easy if you are in Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iceland and many other coordinates. We in the land of 5GW are waiting for 6GW while the Brits have already arrived. What better way to bring the message and frequencies to the world than the thirtieth Olympiad.
The copper box
London Olympic venue
Faraday Room?
The triple Cross, the False flag, the unholy Trinity, a process based upon the Hegelian dialectic will have its perfect year in 2012. Let's year leap back to the X Olympiad (1932) and remember that the controlling minority "committee" had just orchestrated the 29 crash and that year the DOW had hit an all time low of 41 points. It was games in Los Angeles that no one could attend because of the Rapes of Graft. The first of the tools of transformation. THE MONEY THE HOOK. The murder by suicide and the big nail in the coffin. This was a perfect year in that the committee had assumed full control over the economy and had squarely planted the key members who could enable this production of the 29 crash which started the Great Depression for 12 years. Remember to count by 12 here. 12,120 and divide by illuminati prime numbers. The staging of WWII was no different from WWI and the means and intentions for it was to suck the energies from us in blood and sweat and then steal the treasure. Increase and replenish the coffers for another round.(notable that 1932 was the year Charles Lindbergh was advised by the Adjustment Bureau to remain silent by the murdering of his son. Like father Lindbergh who exposed the Federal Reserve plan of 1917.)
XX Olympiad (1972) Munich and the world introduction to the War on Terror (WOT-WTO) This perfect year was made possible by the blue projects, funded by a large portion of the winnings of the Dust Bowl games of the thirties. It was the time for the debut of the blue projects (ie. Blue Omnibus) of which many operations were used by the committee IMCC, Gladio, NATO-OTAN and CIA network) What technologies were garnered from the Nazi regime and the paperclips were tested and confirmed in the hands of the enablers.
Marx had his Manifesto, Hitler had Mein Kampf, Mao had his Little Red Book and the Committee now had the Bluebook. Brzezinski, Kant, Quigley, Kissinger, Friedrich and other architects has the weapons for the WOT and now we do not have to discuss the invisible war, the invisible terror or the invisible weapons. What Newt, Barry, Bill, Rick, Mitt and the rest have been taught is that the war is over and it's time to play the part of Reconstructionists. Here is your script gentlemen and ladies, learn it, do not deviate or JFK off track and there will be a new history written and you will be the new world icons. Holocausts? Genocides? It's in the cookbook. Just spice for the big pol pot gumbo.
2012, the pinnacle of the pyramid. The final phase for the placement of the capstone on Genesis and the transformation. This years games will ceremoniously indicate the Master Program in its technological phase. The scientific research is shared across the net. It's in the books and the games may be the place for the first of the next forty years of advanced technocracy and cryptocracy in bluebeam.
Please review the 2012 mascots for these games.
Full Spectrum Dominance
Wenlock and Mandeville
Imagine the warm and
fuzzy joy for kids
The shot heard around the world - death to one of three political figures this year will provide a game changer for all people of the United States.
XXX Olympiad will see fireworks. The Rings detail the red circle and final phase that comes in fire. This may come as a incendiary device. It might be nuclear, dirty, ClF, Phosphor, Thermite, ammonium nitrate or some other nano-concocted material.
The purpose driven financial collapse along with other fast and furious domestic and CIA driven criminal operations will result in anarchy for several Central and South American countries. Mexico will aid in the situation to bring civil war to US border doorstep. Murder rates quadruple last years figures and Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are at risk for total anarchy. Hugo Chavez injured or killed in assassination coup orchestrated by US Colombia operatives.
There will be the cosmic event from last year again in South America and another move by the Vatican to call for a global political authority and one will emerge from the continent to bring about the NAU.
Chicago burns - A major fire explosion for the windy city. Homegrown terrorist
A 8-9 earthquake will strike in China. Tibet or Gansu and thousands will die. This will be a shallow EMR assault SIHF attack.
The fire will continue with a major event for India-China-Pakistan. Tensions will heighten further and war drums will sound. Serious terror staging will happen there.
Hurricane season will see three landing this year. Florida gets hit in the gulf coast, Texas in the Padre Island area and Mexico sees flooding from Yucatan storm.
WHO, CDC and the Detrick boys will advance this years Birddogpig flew H3N2 through aerial chemtrailing. The authorities will go into overtime selling the
Dates: Feb 2, March 14-19 May 15, Jun 6, Jun 29, Nov 11, Dec 21
It's an exciting game plan...I can't see into the future, so I will just watch as time goes by.
ReplyDeleteI liked the first part of this essay about the Holy Grail, and am in tune with that...very well articulated Patrick.
Reblogged this on Johnsono ne'Blog'as and commented:
ReplyDeleteŠiek tiek apie Olimpines žaidynes ir kitus 2012 metų įvykius :)
Had your "thinking cap" on haven't ya, Puddy? Thanks for sharing your insights!
ReplyDeletePatrick, do you see forced immunizations due to a H3N2 flu pandemic? Definitely a big domestic bio attack heading our way.
ReplyDeleteWhat type of event do you see happening to Lady Liberty?
Those olympic characters are just plain freaky and unattractive. All I can think of when I see those lil bastards is that song my cousins and I used to jump on the sofas and dance to as tiny tots.... "one eyed, one horned flyin' purple people eater"....................
Speaking of freaky....
ReplyDeletePatrick ...any prediction for the evil pope in 2012?
Yep, they were slo killing us in the 50's .............
WTF??? Radioactive dirt on her skin? Did I get that right??
ReplyDeleteThere is such bizarre nooglumps out there I have ne'er heard of, how weird....
THanks All. Deb I see BAU with threats of threats of mandatory vaccines but in the bigger picture I expect this whole transformation process coming from people commiting, submitting and succumbing to forces on their own.
ReplyDeleteRealistically if people started dying and they handed you the syringe, how many of us would take the hook, line and sinker?
I call the doomsday chip the end. If it is nanotechnology in a syringe, the same applies. Imagine the ultimate irony; either take the shot and face the side effects (FSD) or refuse and get sick facing possible effects of biological created virus.
Imagine the ultimate Al-CIAda staged 911 theatre with a villain. What do polls tell us of the percentage of humans who would opt for vaccination?
Heller's 22 scenario-the event horizon for the dominant minority to contol the majority. Agent Orange and Ultraviolet?
Purple Haze. Purple Rain-Purple Reign
The Purple People Eater is a great creation of the red-blue transition to the purple. I have used that term before.
Amazing isn't it. You could not script a better face for it.
ReplyDeleteEven Korniskings Phantasm Angus looks sweet compared to Ratzinger.
Radioactive isotopes are in all dirt, plants and minerals. Foods and humans have them. Potassium 40, Carbon 14, Radium 226)
ReplyDeleteRadionukes are everywhere. This commercial was great salesmanship during the Cold [Cream] War. ;)
Noxema Nonsense. :) ions and electrons
There are many researchers who would contend that based upon the ionizing radiation that is found, we had a nuclear war. War of the Gods (psycho's) but that we have emerged from the radiation fallout and human is a chimera from DNA found elsewhere, brought here to make Atlantis or Lemuria. Does Zeus's lightnening bolt or Neptunes Trident indicate the weapons? (Ancient Aliens?)
It is compelling, assuming Pyramids under the oceans may have been the original fallout shelters. Was the technology lost to the post-diluvian cataclysm.
Were we originally only three feet tall? Were the nephilim 7 or 8 feet tall? Gulliver's Greys. What an enormous, humongous ball of confusion and chaos.
Someones hiding and protecting the truth, the grail and the disinformation business has been a boost for the economy-ecology triad.
I find the most interesting point the comment that "busy you, in and out of doors everyday"
ReplyDeleteToday it's three times as busy in and out of windows.
Amazingly, I think Tolkien might be closer to real history than anything else. If one really understands where he is coming from: He isn't making it all up, he is relating very ancient legends, translating lost languages to the best of his ability, etc.
ReplyDeleteThen there are the Vedas...and any other global tale told by indigenoids...put'em together and what have you got?
A totally burbling pot.
ReplyDeleteMorocco will be the site of a terrorist event. Oujda or Rabat will be the venue for a ship or plane event. Greece will see one as well in the form of a HAARP attack and building tragedy. As common as these events are under the committee trauma campaign [WOT], the bigger event for media will be another major bridge failing and collapse. Where is unknown at this time but south of the equator is likely.
I picked the bridge collapse last year and November the Kutai Kartanegara Bridge in Borneo collapsed. Man error? I don't think so.
I predicted the ship event off Morroco and now this Italian Cruise ship has occured right there. Again I think this is a terror event to target specific entities. I look for further info and suspect the Captain is being made a scapgoat. We will see.
ReplyDeleteHuh?! This seems like a Bad Idea packaged as a Nifty Solution to a "problem". I don't suppose anyone is consulting the citizenry whether they Rabies Vaccine packets dropped across the countryside? Wonder what Korn thinks o'this?
Does the transit have any connection to the transition?
ReplyDeletePaddy-lad,,, you are braver than I am at making predictions. But I have indeed dabbled in that pile and have been more frequently wrong (only by date) than right (because it was OBVIOUS);
ReplyDeleteWhat is flat-fork OBVIOUS to me is: the pigs have seen the die-off coming for years. Don't know why. Probably because they have "insider information." Doubt whether they are causing it deliberately and hatched a grand plot in their secret zionist masonic joo basement centuries ago... but hell-- anything's possible. What is OBVIOUS is the pigs are trying to "manage" the die-off.
That's what they (THINK they can) do... "manage." What would you do if you were them? Weed out the dissident "useless eaters" and make sure the proles left are true believers in the pyramid hierarchy. This is what they have always done in the past, and they use moo-doo mojo majikal thinking to do it.
I predict: a lot more weird PHYSICAL shit is going to happen in 2012. Whether it is deliberately caused or just random booyah does not concern me (as a prole) in the least. What DOES is our (proles) ability to resist the old divide-and-rule. Looking at the teapotters' animosity toward the occupunks aint real encourging.
absolutely. the roads must be kept free to transport food. energy must be free to keep us warm. land must be free to produce food. all the rest of the organizational-manegerial crap is bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWho nose Waldo? Predictions I do come from numbers, coordinates and the googleplex itself.
ReplyDeleteI would never be surprised to know that the committee's minority report is clean. That they may indeed be fighting unknown forces to stave off a cancer or apocalypse, would not bowl me over.
I expect much geo-fizzical and pathological phenom this year. I addressed the Year of the Looking Glass, the Mad Tea Party, the March Hare (and it will be hairy) and the dormouse.
The largest operation is Dormouse (feed our heads-dumb us down)
Whatever they are planning OR whatever they know,, they are deflecting this year with movies, games, elections, superbowls, olympics and a host of msg-corn syrup carnival snacks.
SOmeone or something is following the numbers and coordinates. I don't expect there is anyone here who has not picked up on some sense a host of unexplainable energies or forces screwing with their system.