Or "Why I might be moving to Montana soon"
Some earlier articles and posts that need to be reposted. The tie up in progress and SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, TPP, HADOPI, the Digital Economy Act, La Ley Sinde and other taxation and controls for the global grid will deflect the reality of the One World Technocracy or the Beast or Leviathan for the biblical oriented.
One should not spend too much time contemplating the tax, censorship or restrictions but more the surveillance, panoptic spectrum and the inability to opt out and continue to live or thrive without submission to the blue omnibus of bluebrain and the merging of all DoD, Interpol, DHS, FEMA and Federal/State conforming Data Cloud computing. Whether enterprise resource planning for them or industry Peer-to-peer , your function on the Grid computing network is the naked reality of FSD. Public clouds and private ones are as clear as the chemtrails in the sky.
From the rantings of a murderous lunatic
INDUSTRIAL-TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY CANNOT BEREFORMED111. (fr) The foregoing principles help to show howhopelessly difficult it would be to reform the industrialsystem in such a way as to prevent it from progressivelynarrowing our sphere of freedom. There has beena consistent tendency, going back at least to the IndustrialRevolution for technology to strengthen the systemat a high cost in individual freedom and local autonomy.Hence any change designed to protect freedom from technologywould be contrary to a fundamental trend in thedevelopment of our society. Consequently, such a changeeither would be a transitory one — soon swamped by thetide of history — or, if large enough to be permanentwould alter the nature of our whole society. This by thefirst and second principles. Moreover, since society wouldbe altered in a way that could not be predicted in advance(third principle) there would be great risk. Changes largeenough to make a lasting difference in favor of freedomwould not be initiated because it would be realized thatthey would gravely disrupt the system. So any attempts atreform would be too timid to be effective. Even if changeslarge enough to make a lasting difference were initiated,they would be retracted when their disruptive effects becameapparent. Thus, permanent changes in favor of freedomcould be brought about only by persons prepared toaccept radical, dangerous and unpredictable alteration ofthe entire system. In other words by revolutionaries, notreformers. 112. (fr) People anxious to rescue freedom without sacrificingthe supposed benefits of technology will suggestnaive schemes for some new form of society that would reconcilefreedom with technology. Apart from the fact thatpeople who make such suggestions seldom propose anypractical means by which the new form of society couldbe set up in the first place, it follows from the fourth principlethat even if the new form of society could be onceestablished, it either would collapse or would give resultsvery different from those expected. 113. (fr) So even on very general grounds it seemshighly improbable that any way of changing society couldbe found that would reconcile freedom with modern technology.In the next few sections we will give more specificreasons for concluding that freedom and technologicalprogress are incompatible. 114. (fr) As explained in paragraphs 65-67, 70-73, modernman is strapped down by a network of rules and regulations,and his fate depends on the actions of personsremote from him whose decisions he cannot influence.This is not accidental or a result of the arbitrariness ofarrogant bureaucrats. It is necessary and inevitable in any13technologically advanced society. The system HAS TO regulatehuman behavior closely in order to function. Atwork people have to do what they are told to do, otherwiseproduction would be thrown into chaos. BureaucraciesHAVE TO be run according to rigid rules. To allow anysubstantial personal discretion to lower-level bureaucratswould disrupt the system and lead to charges of unfairnessdue to differences in the way individual bureaucrats exercisedtheir discretion. It is true that some restrictions onour freedom could be eliminated, but GENERALLY SPEAKINGthe regulation of our lives by large organizations isnecessary for the functioning of industrial-technologicalsociety. The result is a sense of powerlessness on the partof the average person. It may be, however, that formalregulations will tend increasingly to be replaced by psychologicaltools that make us want to do what the systemrequires of us. (Propaganda [14], educational techniques,“mental health” programs, etc.) 115. (fr) The system HAS TO force people to behave inways that are increasingly remote from the natural patternof human behavior. For example, the system needsscientists, mathematicians and engineers. It can’t functionwithout them. So heavy pressure is put on children to excelin these fields. It isn’t natural for an adolescent humanbeing to spend the bulk of his time sitting at a deskabsorbed in study. A normal adolescent wants to spendhis time in active contact with the real world. Among primitivepeoples the things that children are trained to dotend to be in reasonable harmony with natural human impulses.Among the American Indians, for example, boyswere trained in active outdoor pursuits — just the sort ofthing that boys like. But in our society children are pushedinto studying technical subjects, which most do grudgingly. 119. (fr) The system does not and cannot exist to satisfyhuman needs. Instead, it is human behavior that hasto be modified to fit the needs of the system. This has nothingto do with the political or social ideology that maypretend to guide the technological system. It is the faultof technology, because the system is guided not by ideologybut by technical necessity. [18] Of course the systemdoes satisfy many human needs, but generally speaking itdoes this only to the extend that it is to the advantage ofthe system to do it. It is the needs of the system that areparamount, not those of the human being. For example,the system provides people with food because the systemcouldn’t function if everyone starved; it attends to people’spsychological needs whenever it can CONVENIENTLY doso, because it couldn’t function if too many people becamedepressed or rebellious. But the system, for good,solid, practical reasons, must exert constant pressure onpeople to mold their behavior to the needs of the system.To much waste accumulating? The government, the media,the educational system, environmentalists, everyoneinundates us with a mass of propaganda about recycling.Need more technical personnel? A chorus of voices exhortskids to study science. No one stops to ask whether itis inhumane to force adolescents to spend the bulk of theirtime studying subjects most of them hate. When skilledworkers are put out of a job by technical advances andhave to undergo “retraining,” no one asks whether it ishumiliating for them to be pushed around in this way. Itis simply taken for granted that everyone must bow totechnical necessity. and for good reason: If human needswere put before technical necessity there would be economicproblems, unemployment, shortages or worse. Theconcept of “mental health” in our society is defined largelyby the extent to which an individual behaves in accordwith the needs of the system and does so withoutshowing signs of stress. 127. (fr) A technological advance that appears not tothreaten freedom often turns out to threaten it very seriouslylater on. For example, consider motorized transport.A walking man formerly could go where he pleased,go at his own pace without observing any traffic regulations,and was independent of technological supportsystems.When motor vehicles were introduced they appearedto increase man’s freedom. They took no freedomaway from the walking man, no one had to have an automobileif he didn’t want one, and anyone who did chooseto buy an automobile could travel much faster and fartherthan a walking man. But the introduction of motorizedtransport soon changed society in such a way as to restrictgreatly man’s freedom of locomotion. When automobilesbecame numerous, it became necessary to regulate15their use extensively. In a car, especially im densely populatedareas, one cannot just go where one likes at one’sown pace one’s movement is governed by the flow of trafficand by various traffic laws. One is tied down by variousobligations: license requirements, driver test, renewingregistration, insurance, maintenance required for safety,monthly payments on purchase price. Moreover, theuse of motorized transport is no longer optional. Sincethe introduction of motorized transport the arrangementof our cities has changed in such a way that the majorityof people no longer live within walking distance of theirplace of employment, shopping areas and recreational opportunities,so that they HAVE TO depend on the automobilefor transportation. Or else they must use public transportation,in which case they have even less control overtheir own movement than when driving a car. Even thewalker’s freedom is now greatly restricted. In the city hecontinually has to stop to wait for traffic lights that are designedmainly to serve auto traffic. In the country, motortraffic makes it dangerous and unpleasant to walk alongthe highway. (Note this important point that we have justillustrated with the case of motorized transport: When anew item of technology is introduced as an option that anindividual can accept or not as he chooses, it does not necessarilyREMAIN optional. In many cases the new technologychanges society in such a way that people eventuallyfind themselves FORCED to use it.)Industrial Society and Its Future Theodore Kaczynski [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3FX2dLorzA]
Did Al Gore say it? Or was it the Unabomber?
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doQAwLb-DEE]
Thanks Puddy, great post.
ReplyDelete"The system does not and cannot exist to satisfy
human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has
to be modified to fit the needs of the system. This has nothing
to do with the political or social ideology that may
pretend to guide the technological system. It is the fault
of technology, because the system is guided not by ideology
but by technical necessity."Ted Kaczynski
Kaczynski, reads very much like a student of Jacques Ellul, and his works, THE TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY and PROPAGANDA.
Both fascinating and frightening books.
Is this how men came to support Adolph Hitler, Saloth Sar, Josef Stalin and the rest of the UnaBamas? The sanctuary of the system.
ReplyDeleteThe techno leftist oversocialized self-loathing wingnuts looking for a screw? An order from disorder in a world that promotes skimming on the shallowest surfaces of the gene pool in some direction in an all but meaningless exisitence?
The huxleys and hucksters, iTrash trinkets, the barkers for transhumanism as a snake oil makeover for the dull and dead masses looking for the promised land?
Poor TK, a test tube roasted over the bunson burner of the alchemists. He had information. They gave him the werks.
I posted this on the previous page - but meant it for this one, so I am reposting it here - pardon me for duplicates in duplicate:
ReplyDeleteEvery debate is grounded on these fundamental questions, whether the conscious mind recognizes this or not. These questions are, “Who am I? - “Where did I come from?” - “How did I get here?” - and “Where am I going?” Therefore much is revealed in the subtext of our dialogs. Our insecurities are revealed, our compensations to deal with such are revealed. Our core epistemology is revealed within a very short time.
It is in deconstructing such dialog, of our own as well as others, that we come to understand the essence of our communication as a dialog about the sense of self and other. Understanding our own motivations is more or less successful in as far as we consider making our conscious mind aware of our subterranean thoughts. This may sound like attempting the impossible, as the 'science of psychiatry has proclaimed that the 'subconscious mind' is inaccessible but through their rigid form of orthodox therapy. This is an empty dogmatic proposition. We have as much access to our thinking as we are courageous enough to face. We lock dark secrets in closets ourselves to avoid the pain of remembering. It is merely a psychological game of 'peekaboo', that can be overcome with adult supervision – our own - when we choose to drop the juvenile conditioning pressed upon us from the outside. As a society we are conditioned to be 'afraid of our own thoughts', “How could you EVEN think like that?” and this backhanded question/indictment is brought down on our heads as children in all manner of situations growing up. It goes hand in hand with being told to shut up, sit down at that desk and do what you are told.
This is a structure that creates a pathological society. Growing up in such a society is to be ever coerced into adjusting to such inane compliance with 'authority'. Going along to get along, and developing a linked sausage-mind of a beancounter. The resulting neurosis, is easily devolved into psychosis on to deep psychopathy. To confuse 'domestication' with 'civilization' is the epistemological 'sin' of this present paradigm.
Good comments Rogue1 and PD. Plus, the thread offers some insightful dialogue to those brave enough to "go inside" and take a look around. Home of the brave or home of the knave? I postulate you cannot escape being a knave, unless you choose to be brave.
ReplyDeleteIn many cases the new technology
ReplyDeletechanges society in such a way that people eventually
find themselves FORCED to use it.
We agree it is not necessarily a hard wired system but the
connections are WiFi human interface,
the root system the psyche, (controlling read only memory from inception)
the numbskull hard drives are being defragged, (shift off 0)
memory is erased, (looking forward)
local area networks are being destroyed,
cloud technology hides it's secrets,
operating system is being transformed,
flash is the opiates of the masses....
and soon we will all see the blue screen of death from over the vista
[no reboot needed]
Reinforcing the neurosis as genius is a common theme. If told by one another is so the algorithmic stem will carry over to some degree to y = r cubed over 3. In English the stem of Genus of the highly original kind.
ReplyDeleteSheeple love an original but so willingly embrace counterfeit. They will superficially create a facade of individuality but in the insecurity always retract back into the borg collective for safety.
Beware the Jabberwocky, the walk and talk aimlessly at the same time.
your smartphone could be used as a medical diagnostic tool!
An Oxymoron and the worst possible suggestion.
Yes...I am seriously considering cruising on off this razmatazmascam as the month of March approacheth.
ReplyDeleteThe evil twitchies are scheamin in da digitalis wonderland.
"People will vote for one of two false options based upon what they believe, or rather, what they’ve been conditioned to believe through the process of perception management. A while back, Metanoia films put up a fascinating documentary about how we got to this point where public relations, media, advertisers and lobbyists control not only what we think, but how we think. Our suggestion at TPR is that without a new way of thinking, we cannot change the path on which we find ourselves. And, before we can change our way of thinking, we must first come to understand why we believe what we do. As a first step in that direction, we can recommend Metanoia’s film Psywar":
Great vid Boomer. I watched it last year. I remind all coto that I have posted many videos on the website.
It's posted in the sidebar as COTO VIDEO LIBRARY under
I even rated them for what thats worth :)
There is much to learn about the Pathology of Political Power, and for as long as I have studied it I still refer back to Orwell, as he articulated and displayed it in his novel 1984.
ReplyDeleteOne must not confuse money and wealth with the singularity of the lust for power, the others are attendant, but not the central focus – the point of power is power, having it and putting it to practice.
Money and wealth are just pleasant trappings to the lust for power over other human beings. It is this addiction to power that the average human being cannot begin to imagine, as for the most part they have given away there imaginings to have somebody else's dream, while watching TV or being entertained in some almost constant manner.
And this is the spell I speak to when I say that the majority is enchanted. Their boats and ships have slipped their moorings and they are adrift in a sea of fate, their course charted by hands they cannot even imagine exist.
WE may set up beacons and lighthouses, but there is often the thick rolling fog of public relations to veil the lights, and choppy seas to distract them with fear and hysterical moments of panic.
The system provides the strategy of tension and the audience is tense. The system offers the glimpse of a cute fuzzy baby animal and the audience is sedated. And the carrot and stick go round and round like clockwork. And the audience goes round and round in this futile dance leading to an abyss.
What will become of the clover, the birdsong, and the buzz of insects I know not.
Your comment is poetically insightful Rogue1. Using music as a descriptive term, would be apt as well. Lives as songs or genres -- dirge, rhapsody, beat, heavy metal, rap, rock, grunge, etc. A playlist of hits and losers, repetitive commercials selling a "feeling" for 3 1/2 minutes, offering an "altered state", but ultimately coming back to the sound of silence and reality.
ReplyDelete"What will become of the clover, the birdsong, and the buzz of insects I know not".~ Rogue1
Notice life's gifts such as these are priceless to some, and nothing to others. Such is the vast gulf separating humanity.
Lion tells it like it is regarding the election theatre: Reality don't ride this train...
ReplyDelete9/11 Truth seekers may appreciate this dumpling:
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced on 1 February 2012 that the United States seeks to end combat operations in Afghanistan in 2013, one year ahead of schedule. The announcement comes soon after France, a major contributor to the International Security Assistance Force, declared that it will also make an early withdrawal from the country. Approximately 22,000 U.S. troops are slated to leave Afghanistan in 2012; there is no timetable for the withdrawal of the remaining 68,000, who must be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
ReplyDeleteAnalyst Comment: There has been no public reaction to Panetta's announcement from the Taliban as of yet. Preliminary peace talks between the two sides are ongoing, though there has been little progress thus far. Due to the fact that the early pullout will not change the U.S. withdrawal schedule for 2012, there will not likely be many changes to the Taliban's operational pattern in the short term.
Can you see this? Karzai and the royal scam. Opium tucked away just fine. This opens the door for covert ops without troop view or interference. Where the troops go? on our streets or to Iraq-Iran border? Wooo hooo!
"Nobel Peace Prize Jury Under Investigation"
They've earned the "No Shit Sherlock!" booby prize for Fraud.
What a rumpled world we are putting up with, aye?
Yes..."Troop Withdrawal" after accomplishing.....WHAT?
ReplyDeleteIt is not admitted that the US lost to the Taliban. It is not admitted that the Taliban is a creation of Western Empire in the first place.
It is not admitted that, just like Vietnam, "victory in battle" was never the goal - the goal was to fight the battle as long as possible: War - as the ultimate strategy of tension.
Well we know the "accomplishments", and they have little to do with stated goals, but the larger goal of subjugation of the domestic population and the further psychotic murder and mayhem ongoing in the larger Middle Eastern "theater"...apt term aye?
I object yerawnur. This whole system is built on bullshit.
The list of recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, is certainly prima facia evidence of some "no shit Sherlock" revelation.
ReplyDeleteRumpled crumpled spindled and stomped....Aye indeed Boomer.
They're Eeeeeedie Oats.
Stephen Lendman writes -- "Former US Policymakers Promote War On Iran"
Lotsa names of war promoters and profiteers in here. Take notes.
I'm suuurrre that the 1 Thing this World needs more of Right Freaking Now!...is More War. More senseless killing for the damned of it, and for the enrichment of those who make a killing on war. Yep. That's why all those candyassedidates for pResident, except Rest in Peace, are WarPro hawks. Sell, Sell, Sell!
Can sentient humans not see the insanity slithering through the weeds in the minds of these swamp creatures all? More War?!
Yahhh! A really BIG FUCKER too! The U.S. or Israel, or both will use "pre-emptive" Nukes -- to stop nukes that don't exist! Whilst obliterating another really large country of brown folks, spreading radiation around for eons, and into the atmosphere for the whole World to suck down, too. They may also -- correction -- probably draw in Russia and China for a FUCKING NUCLEAR HOE-DOWN! Yep, that's really wise and prudent. Start WWIII by pre-text. Who's threatening who again? Sometimes bald-faced lies are so cock-eyed unbelievable that you have to repeat them ad nauseum through the media mouthpieces so they start to get some traction with the zombiefied MSM asslickers.
Bottom Line -- War is a Racket, and its easy enough to shoot holes in the glory, honor, and security is feigns to bring about.
Look around the middle east about now. Lots of shiny, happy, glowing people.
ReplyDeleteLol...yea this is some fairytale floss with ground enamel petoids and camel dung coming from Fulford - pie in the sky pixie dance bullshit.
It is incredible to me that any adult could stroke this lingum without knowing it is Naugahyde Clyde - synthetic dermis squirmous - ludi crudie aw rooty.
A bed time story for a three year old.
Beautiful answer Will.... and i am laughing my ass off. Only problem is i was hoping to post some responses over there to shed some sunlight... no one, methinks, would get yer prose !!!!
ReplyDeleteI just read that Lendman piece too Boomer, yea...
ReplyDelete...and everything you said about it.
and that's a compliment...
ReplyDeleteHere's my effort to fend off them with torches and pitchforks:
Step back and have a look at yourselves. You are not attacking my arguments with intelligent debate… you are attacking me for shaking up the vibratory calm around here.
It is simply below dignity to defend myself against baseless character assaults which you yourselves cannot and will not defend.
I recommend you do your vibrating in private… you run off anyone who opposes the status quo. I see zombi mind drones.
Wow! Ben's been breathing Japans air too long. The only white dragons are the ones sliding by his septum. Black swans sing the song of committee.
ReplyDeleteThe Agenda 21 is 22 in disguise. He just listed a catering menu of the major psy-ops being played out in several transitional Dark Shadow-Looking Glass mind control programs.
The Black Swan dialectic - hegel
[T] The event is a surprise (observer)
[A] The event has a major impact.
[S] After the fact, the event is rationalized by hindsight, as if it had been expected.
A dirty dozen indeed. I'd translate;
1. at $200 a barrel
2. Madrid fault mississippi flood
3. The national military forces of the planet swarm to clear all homeless, land feeders out of their biodiversity grounds and national parks
4. That schools recognize that their parents are the enemy and they know whats best for them. Vax Americanus
5. That Universities build upon the science of unconscious transformation, a technocratic mindset, and AI living intelligence and then structure their live around that philosophy.
6. That government decentralizes into regions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to monitor, report and detain those who do not not follow the new world constitution.
7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy saving solutions to become fully dependent but not totally separate from the surveillance grid.
8. That web-based regions attend to their worker slave class and use the global web intelligence system to optimize compliance.
9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global eugenics missions that deliver major demographic assaults, recon and disposal globally within hours of a disaster.
10. That the global ruling governors achieve a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the libertarian militias and its freedom based factions while offering alternative option to FEMA rendition and sustainability.
11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new a new religion.
12. That we embrace a new level of profound austerity and reintroduce collectivism as a replacement for liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Thanks for Ben's hope chest Wanda.
I agree with Rogue1. Utter .balderdash
"The most natural division for humanity along cultural and historical lines suggests a new council of elders be put at the heart of the United Nations Security Council."
Anyone else recall a real council of elders setup by Richard Branson?
You're beautiful... you are all beautiful... thank you. I already was in the dumper emotionally. imagine how i felt before i got the brainchild to post to you all...
ReplyDeletePuddy, i am going to post your's... i'll inform of the fall out... something tells me there's going to be a lot of it. I see dead people.
ReplyDeleteLove this 40 pages by Dennis Cuddy
It's actually 18 pages, unless i missed something. I just read it.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me think i know what all this ascending -ass ending- stuff is all about, and i think that a clue for the useful idiots who think they've got a great promotion coming up.
Good job Puddy.
So far, and it's been a half an hour since my post over there... a handful of posters and all ingored what my post... all chit chat and the same old, same old. -then nothing... gulp. I'd like to take back the gulp, but, it's there... i feel it.
Well, apparently you can still post. I guess i'm being shunned.
It's like a dream where you're trying to scream, but no sound comes out.
Jesus Christ... read this...
ReplyDeleteWar On The Internet: The Pirate Bay Denied Their Day In Supreme Court
......... and i'm still being shunned.
Nuthin ever happens with Fulford's opines is my observation. If it appears as "smoke & mirrors" how and when can it be solid? The world is waiting...
ReplyDeleteWhere are the "Good Guys" whupping the Bad Guys? Seen any of that? Anywhere? That's the part that really bugs me! Setting an oppressed people up for $$$ and more oppression.
Show me somethings "happening". Story lines and promises just don't fill the void and humanity's hunger for justice and freedom.
Wanda. People are beaten down, and much more than that. They want "Hope". So people "sell" them hope. It's always been that way. Make a product out of a scarce commodity and sell it for what you can get. In this case, it is an intangible product called hope.
ReplyDeleteThis "transaction" keeps the hopers pacified. As in not getting so pissed off, and righteously vengeful as to tear the Oppressors out of their castles, and address the "problem". It's a cruel parlor trick, a snake oil sale to dying people. Utterly cruel.
If it is not, if there is one shred of Truth to the gambit -- then what are "They" waiting for? WWWIII? How bad does it have to get? This issue is one that exposes the falseness, the lack of humanity in the "promised" redemption. Humanity has seen enough cruelty. WE are the Deciders...not some unseen benefactors who've been watching this mess develop all along, and rise to this extreme Stain upon the earth. What kind of "wise" and concerned humanitarians could these be?
Their Timing is piss poor, and it's getting late in the day.
Agreed. Anytime you've got $'s involved is a dead give away to me, not to mention the ninjas,etc...
ReplyDeleteThe council of elders is a real thing though, setup by Richard Branson (Virgin)...anytime I see Sir Dick involved in something I pay attention as I do believe he's a big player in all that's going on (plus he gives me the creeps...)
Profoundly stated Boom. They are talking to me now, but they still think ascention means they are going to somehow scatter their atoms and come out the other side intact on a beautiful world, instead of it meaning the ascent of the ruling class (got that from your document Puddy, thanks) and concentrating on Bill Wood's (wormwood's) timeline...
ReplyDeleteNo, think on your own timeline, like before this was placed in your consciousness. It seemed like it was doing something.
Yea yea...cute idea, backdoor into the New World Order with some touchie feelie guana promoted by Fullturd here...
ReplyDeleteI remember a 'Council of Elders' who came up with a stunning protocol as well. Not that anything ever came of it...hehe...
I agree... i like this...
ReplyDeleteWhat will become of the clover, the birdsong, and the buzz of insects I know not.
well, i don't like it, like it, but you get what i mean..... :)
When you read the Pirate Bay post, you might get the impression that the charade is over... they're flaunting the injustice now... the game seems to have kicked into overdrive. Shock doctrine for those still holding on to a shred of sanity.
ReplyDeleteThis must be where the rubber hits the road.
Is this post at Vatic, the drippling drool of one Mr. Shack and his CGI attack? From the title that is my guess.
ReplyDeleteWell lo and behold and de-mold the widget from the fruitcake.
I just happen to have been in a conversation with Mr. 9/11 Master Mind hisself on another 9/11 thread. This is a foolscap mushroom, er toadstool this guy is peddling.
Man I tell yea boom...I didn't work in special effects cinema for more than 25 years to see a line of crap like this guy is pushing go by without a bit of Dubious Lubious splattered in his generic directionals.
Let me just make some general remarks about the field of special effects cinema, and how it trains the eye of the practitioner.
The prime motivation is simple, “Does it look real?”
The next question is, “If not, why not?”
Now without going through the entire history of the field, let me say that there have been many ingenious techniques throughout the time to create 'believable' special effects. All of these techniques have some form of 'Artifact' that give the trick away. Blue screen was somewhat convincing for the general audience for some time. Traveling matte techniques flourished through several generations of combinations of techniques for it's improvement. Yet this endeavor came to a general halt with the advent of CGI. CGI has become the high point in visual realism, and yet..
And yet there is an aspect to it that can be sensed. It is something hard to articulate, but it is similar to the – what I shall term 'fatigue' of digital audio. The music may sound “pristine” to a listener who hasn't known high fidelity in the analog realm – there is something missing in the waveform, because it is made up of digital information rather than the smooth continuance of an analog signal. There is also something “brittle” added to the sound for the same digital reason.
And even yet, these linguistic explanations fall short, for the same reasons as these media fall short: What is like is not.
So in using the terms, “fatigue” or “brittle,” I recognize that they are terms that only catch the essence of what I am trying to say, but cannot say directly. I can only say that there is more to it than simply the visual itself – something is “felt” intuitively in the interface between the visual information and the subtle processing by the mind/brain. Even though it is not as glaring as the 'hiss' of analog tape, there is this sensation of something 'else' being present.
To close, all I can say is that CGI, as amazing as it is, has this artifact that bothers the senses of acuity, and whether one can 'get it' or not is rather the same as trying to explain faith in some theocratic sense. All I can say is that when I see CGI, even as it has evolved to the point it was in the film 'Avatar', I can tell it is CGI.
I have been reviewing 9/11 videos for close to ten years, and never, ever have I suspected anything as being CGI...I know, I know, there has been the "Orb" video and a bunch of "no plane" hoody hoot goin round the chicken yard. And all I can say is fooie.
Squamous hissyfuggins in yer bandersnatch yeow.
So, that "flake" Judy Wood was right? Improbable name though.
ReplyDelete"Obama says his policies are extension of his faith"
ReplyDeleteBy JULIE PACE Associated Press The Associated Press
Thursday, February 2, 2012 10:22 PM EST
Blending politics and religion, President Barack Obama said his Christian faith is a driving force behind his economic policies, from Wall Street reform to his calls for the wealthy to pay higher taxes.
"Obama's remarks Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast were his most explicit account of how his personal religious beliefs factor into his decision-making on the nation's pressing problems".
Where have I heard conflations like this before? Politics & Religion? Doesn't the Constitution expressly forbid mixing the two? Coming out and making a statement like this, tells us What?
"Speaking to more than 3,000 people at the annual breakfast, Obama said "faith and values" should play as much as role in tackling the nation's challenges as sound decision-making and smart policies".
"But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus's teaching that `for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.' It mirrors the Islamic belief that those who've been blessed have an obligation to use those blessings to help others, or the Jewish doctrine of moderation and consideration for others."
And the Crowd roars for more!
"And Obama said he believed in a "biblical call" to care for the poor and to follow "the responsibility we're given in Proverbs to `Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute".
Yes, Yes, oh blessed peaceful one, yes, yes, economic benefactor of the poor -- give us more, give us more. Channel Changes...
Flips to the other Obama -- http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/02.12/diapers.html
"US Warns Iran Not To Fight Back Against Israeli Attack"
Who is keeping the Change? "Obama's four years have seen the four highest deficits since 1946".
"US Adds $120 Billion In Debt Since Debt Ceiling Hike On Friday, $310 Billion More On Deck In Next Two Months"
Change you can "believe in"...
An event as in the event horizon is clear. Money is time.
ReplyDelete[x]time is a force, force is an energy, energy is money. It is a wheel of fortune and misfortune.
In an insane world the sane are seen as the lunatics.
ReplyDeleteI have come to realize the marginalized, the dead or those who persecuted should be the ones we listen closely to.
Explain the insane asylums, shock treatments, PhRMA and suicide by murder. It's a simple logic with the documentation that supports the need to control cognition and behavior.
Because we blessed with eyes and a pineal along with a holy empowered spirit, the need to assault the self prenatal is their first line of offense.
The theatre of the absurd is only overshadowed by the ridiculous acceptance of it by the lemmings.
Such is the Dark Shadows and Looking Glass when presented in Smoke and Mirrors.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite a leap to "Judy Wood was right" Wanda.
ReplyDeleteThe acceptance that two airplanes asserted to be the the ones in action cannot reasonably be taken to mean that there were NO AIRPLANES.
Is this a game of ping pong? Is it either the official story is right, or the most outrageous speculations are?
Remember what the Door Mouse said...
Yea...I keep the 'change I can believe in' in a coffee cup on the desk here.
ReplyDeleteComes in handy when I need quarters for the laundry.
I am just as fed up with this staggering stutter-loop of absurd history as the rest of y'all.
I've cancelled my reservations to the resurrection...
I'm hitchhiking back to Mount Olympus. Screw the plebes.
Yeah, don't take the bus, train, plane, or public transportation, 'cause evidently you're then meat free to be groped. Even your ventriloquist "dummy" might be considered gropable ya know?
ReplyDeleteMaybe there's a song in this somewhere?
Everywhere's a terrorist, haven't checked my shorts, and I haven't checked your panties, yet perhaps I'll find an obombonya, and that'll suit my fancy..." Shwing!
That's why i ask... you guys are the bomb when it comes to amassed knowledge and logic... not to mention, integrity and honesty... and i just ain't saying that. Her name is a dead give away anyhow... but there are people in the world with that name who don't have a dark intent.
ReplyDeleteIran's not building a nuclear "weapons"? Why would we think that? Maybe we should ask George Bush? He later stated publicly that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Something's fuzzy here...
I rant ain't weaponizing?
They're not? Why...somebody must be lying, aye?
Sorry if I seem touchy on the topic of Judy Wood. I have been in a dialog with a guy who is telling me I have to buy her book before I can discuss the subject from any other position than "ignorance"...Lol, you can imagine my response at such jejune 'reasoning'...at any rate, along comes Simon Shack, posting his theory that ALL imagery from 9/11 are digital fakes...
ReplyDeleteSo, whoooeee, this got drops Wood like a hot potato and runs off seeking the "Truth" under the new circus tent of extreme woowoo.
Now I've got both he and Shack tugging on me to forget everything I ever thought I knew about 9/11 and sail off into the deep blue in search of this digital Moby Dick.
It is such evangelism that boinks my trathers and makes me squat squirmy noodles in their direction...
I'm afraid I am a "beyond a reasonable doubt" sort of judge on things. I am willing to speculate about just about anything - but when it comes to accepting as 'settled', I am not sending in my daydreams as a verdict.
So the heat that may be apparent in my remarks were not really directed at you Wanda. They just came with the topic.
When You get flak You´re over the target.
ReplyDeleteIf Iran ISN'T seeking nuclear weapons at this point in this grunting match they're nuts.
ReplyDeleteThe real problem the "West" has with their nuclear program isn't that they are trying to build a weapon, it is that Iran's nuclear power program will be able to undercut the monopoly of the byproducts that are used by the West to create their nuclear weapons.
That has been the secret of the nuclear power industry all along - the power from nuclear energy is not a cost/benefit ratio that makes economic sense. The big bucks are made selling the byproduct to the weapons industry. The nuclear mafia wants no new players at that table.
Great point Mr. Korn...spot on.
I´m so ugly I cant even get groped at the airport.
ReplyDeleteWill... i haven't a problem in the world. Shows me you're human, a valuable commodity... but not like i had any doubts.
ReplyDeleteJejune ~~ you sent me to the dictionary-that-pronounces-words-for-you on that one !! Can't wait to use it.
J-Joon.... Judy, Judy, Judy. Lol.
'Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists'
ReplyDeleteA term of clinical psychiatry has been taken and put into popular language as if it means something relative to it's technical meaning. That term being 'paranoia'. This term is then applied where the term 'suspicious' would in fact suffice and be a more honest assessment of the attitudes deemed “paranoid” by the critics of such positions of the suspicious. In other words the term 'paranoid' is used rhetorically and improperly.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."~Lewis Carrol
The historian Richard Hofstadter addressed the role of paranoia and conspiracism throughout American history in his essay The Paranoid Style in American Politics, published in 1964. It must be emphasized that Hofstadter is a historian – not a clinical psychiatrist, and in effect he has taken on the part of a Humpty Dumpty in his definition of 'paranoid' as it applies to people who are suspicious of government authority.
But the issue takes on a compound absurdity when piggybacked onto this initial improper “Orwellian” approach by an historian, we find 'sociologists, psychologists and experts in folklore', gleefully climbing aboard the bandwagon parading into Wonderland. Accounting for this fruitloop academiac nonsense is one of the purposes of our present vigil.
I got the impression that Judy Wood wants people to reject explosives demolition of WTC, which is the most obvious explanation, and highly implicates Israel. That and her odd manner really puzzles me about her.
ReplyDeleteBut, what I can't explain is why the cars in Judy's photos are all burned up around the engines.
Here's my last post over there.... 5:45 pm February 4, 2012
ReplyDeleteWell, i'll tell you what. There are real human beings that have been here for some time that are really rotten sons of bitches. Should anything happen to me or mine, these same human beings, if they can be called that, will be SUBJECT TO THE SAME DRACONIAN PENALTIES as they had in mind for us.
I have already dotted my t's and crossed my eyes. It is the world wide net after all.
For the really thick... Ben Fulford, The Dragons, Bill Wood, probably Project Camelot, definitely David Wilcock are agents... wouldn't be a stretch to include the White Hats too.
Fuck you all.
"But, what I can’t explain is why the cars in Judy’s photos are all burned up around the engines."~Mary
ReplyDeleteBecause Judy cheerypicks her evidence in a manner to fit her theory. There are other photos of all manner of damage to cars. Look into Dr. Jenkins, he has several articles showing the whole yanky yack about the car damage is hoospittle.
Again we find the evidence for thermatic damage the more compelling when all of the photo's are considered.
We could play around with "wordplay" for hours on end. Its rather interesting that psychologically, minds can be "steered" by complete balderdash and humbug.
ReplyDeleteI'm for forking over juicy new descriptive phrases of the criminal class just for giggles of shit. There's probably a boredgame (sic) to be marketed.
A sampling might to be actually calling things/peoples/corporations/agencies/etc. by true descriptions of their actions:
Instead of Honorable Public Servants, let's apply the more apt term, Fraudulent Public Thieves/Robbers/Criminals/Murderers/shysters, etc. Not a real laugher there, but certainly more apt than the tripe-filled sanctimonius slur upon servants. You get my drift I'm sure.
President of the United States of America -- Puppet of the Criminal Shadow Government of the Destroyed States of a Country that No Longer Exists.
An Election Caucus -- A Pre-selection that Cost Us.
Congress -- Con are Us
I mean, until proven otherwise, the shoe fits. The Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists slander is a weak attempt at demonizing individuals who don't swallow state propaganda whole, and with relish. Well, what should Prop-Swallowers be called? Garbage Regurgitators? Sheep-filled Sausages? Lunatic Media Enablers? Psychotic Zombie Puppets?
I'm not very creative right now, so y'all can give it your own go. Anyways, I just scratch me head when I hear ignorant or brain-washed fools puking up rhetoric they were injected with via TV, Radio, or MSM rags. Its quite pitiful. Its like they're sitting there in this ever-widening pool of piss and excrement, loudly proclaiming the cleanliness of their message. They don't seem to own a mirror.
The only white dragons are the ones sliding by his septum.
I have not yet failed to burst out laughing when i read that.
Drooping flesh, although not automobiles, is the damning bit of it all...................... the media is public enemy number one.
ReplyDeleteHow does this get to continue, and how can we make it end.... ooh, ooh, i know... make our computers stealth by removing the virus ware.... that'll force them to take down the net, though... but maybe will place things along our timeline and throw them off. Unable to shut down my mind lately.
ReplyDeleteWith Link to Video
Wanda, personally I think Bennie Fulford is deranged not disinfo. His story of the Chinese ninjas saving the world is fantastical to say the least. If the calvary were riding in to save us from China or wherever, I should think they'd have arrived by now.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I really really REALLY do wish it were true and they were they on their way ;) I think that's what the true believers on his site are hoping too. Which is probably why they were giving you a hard time. Reality bites.
As for Judy Wood, mary sunshine expressed my thoughts to a T. I also wonder about the toasted cars as well.
ReplyDelete. I don't understand why controlled demolition and the use of scalar weapons couldn't both have been used on 9/11. Why is that so far fetched?
Be careful what you wish for... these dragons are bringing in the new order... the minions will ascend to their throwns on earth.
ReplyDeleteI can say, with the help of people here on coto, Ben's paid blog is destroyed. It's a ghost town there today... the only people left are the gatekeepers, and their masks are off. It is a dance macabre.
What shocks the senses is how many of them there are and they've been there all along, controlling the direction and tone of the herding of the masses.
I copy you some examples... in their effort to defame me, their true natures reveal that they are all self serving hypocrites... it's been a trip.
"I don’t understand why controlled demolition and the use of scalar weapons couldn’t both have been used on 9/11. Why is that so far fetched?"~Jayjee
ReplyDeleteSimple. Lack of evidence. You have a completely skewed view of the
"toasted cars" input from Judy Wood. Her story simply isn't so.
I got into this and dug deeply - she cherrypicked photos and misrepresented the location of the cars when they were actually damaged - which all happened in the immediate vicinity of the World Trade Towers, not miles away near FDR Drive...there is ample pictorial and public record evidence that the cars were towed there.
Too much to go into in this space. My verdict is Wood is a fruitcake or disinfo krakers.
The Overwhelming Implausibility of
Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish
the World Trade Center Towers
(Updated 4/12/07)
Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Ph.D. Physics
Co-author: Matt Sullivan
'Dust Suppliment' PDF, by Jenkins
There are several more, but here is another PDF you might consider reading as well:
ReplyDelete“Thermite Hypothesis” versus “Controlled Demolition Hypothesis”: aresponse to “The Scientific Method Applied to the Thermite
By Arabesque1
A review of: The Scientific Method Applied
Ahhh...where are the videos that were gotten from NIST by court order?
ReplyDeleteThis is mildly interesting as far as predictive programming goes, but you and I have been through that...
I've not been through that...i haven't watched t.v. in years. I never really watched it anyhow, just background noise. Maybe that's why i'm tough to brainwash.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't watch the whole thing... i felt like it was changing me. Gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that is still there. Perhaps that's it's purpose. It lowers the feel of the psyche.
Thanks Will. I've never looked that deeply into it because I didn't get a good feeling about Wood herself.. And, because to me it's always been about controlled demo. The evidence for that is CLEARLY there. However there was the mystery of Hurricane Erin that JW speaks about...what have you found on that?
It bothers me that the 9/11 truth movement is so divided and I'm not talking about just the disinfo agents.
ReplyDeleteThe same criminal types that took over the former USSR after the old guard purge. We were safer when we were facing M.A.D.
ReplyDeleteNow the global Mafia is taking over and they have the best PR firm ever. Mr Forbes (fulford) is a disseminator of the truth who converts it to the biggest lie (hitler)
Tell the biggest tales and get win the booby prize.
I support Judy Wood to the degree of scalar experiments.
ReplyDelete1. The committe never have less than three failsafes.
2. Weather phenomena that day were to strange to be ignored
3. The EVAN network allows for visual holographic use and digital alteration.
4. Molten, charring and pulverizing does not support thermite alone.
The final point is that whatever the reality we accept it does not deflect the power they have to control the event.
The event is spacetime like JFK. The MO is clear that you never know the truth. It will remain that way for all time in the world of gravimotion we live. Best to wait for the Minkowski version when truth is inside us.
Or... look like a boob. Boob... that seems such an archaic word. I wonder how calling a woman's breast came to be called a boob?
ReplyDeleteSorry for my simple comment... i really am just a simple person longing for my simple world back.