How was your new wave?
Fine. A very interesting time for the Indians.
What's happening is a shift to Western domination through India. A move against China.
Certainly a major player in the WTO. It cost Americans dearly but was necessary for the Elite to hold power against the emerging China-Pakistan-Iran power play. Now you see the how the pie is divided. Where Russian and American forces weaken these new waves accelerate. While the world looks at Iran, the storm that was Thane shows the focus is between the designs of India and China. Pakistan is a key player and you know who wants to pull those strings. If the staged WWIII scenario is on, it will include three theatres and not just the European and Pacific as in the second war scenario. The timeline though is remarkably similar. Russian and Chinese assistance are not secret.
Is it the first hotspot?
I expect like you have titled it "approaching midnight the 180th degree" has been reached. There are hundreds of nuclear weapons that could be delivered to Iran. There are several forces who would like them to have one. Pakistan can easily provide them as can Israel as well. Of course Israel is the greater threat. Sad but true.
India must be extremely concerned. Their whole energy future lies in the regions that are at risk. The population and economy make them a global WMD just by themselves.
Imagine the puppet masters now and the incredible chaos they are operating at this time. And don't forget North Korea.
I wrote a screenplay on 2003 regarding the third world war installment where Russia and China met at the Balkans, while America fought the Pacific North Korea theatre and the middle east from the Libya and Egyptian positions. That was back after Gaddafi and the U.S. had made up. Ha! What a laugh. But the number one front was India Pakistan. Where the Chinese submarine fleet goes after Australia and EU forces. A chance to see the size of that big red machine we all paid for at Walmartstreet for fifteen years and now they are going to roll us over a barrel.
An expensive one. A planned one certainly and a great synthesis to transition. You've got free energy on your boards, I see.
We are dreaming here.
Well some may believe it's a possibility while others I see think it's fantasy. You said it was fantasy, right?
Yes I did. I think in the middle here and defend my position on Genesis Six. Free energy from a fiat or currency standpoint but there is no free lunch with World Order Government. We can have the free energy, free internet, free wireless but we take the mark, the chips and the EMR with all the mind control, full spectrum dominance and surveillance. This means unarmed, toothless and powerless. That's why I say the energy that is free is only in your mind and that in your right mind it is a reality. On their grid you are hopelessly in an illusion of any Zero Point.
That's my message to you. You have to convince people that the WWIII stagings, events, catastrophes and illusions of shortages and resources are just an illusion. People will die with or without any of these. Millions will die just on the perceptions of these frequencies. If you believe it then it is so.
I have seen the famines, ethnic cleansings, biological assaults and EMR forces moving masses to occupy their own deaths. Do you have any idea how many people are dying on a single rotation?
I posted the UN leaked numbers on Iraq since 1990. They figured four million. In the game Suddam was in the system and he killed many of them.
Like the Shah, like Bhutto, Karzai, Ahmadinejad, Musharraf. Civil and religious war. For the West it's just murder and theft. How many Americans can give you those figures? The MSM frequencies still run numbers like a hundred to two hundred thousand. Just imagine the WHO numbers, the CDC's numbers, the CIA fact book numbers and take all numbers to the second power and you will be closer to the real number. The energy is so thick now that you can barely miss the drain on your system now.
Do these deaths weaken the ZP?
No, no way. But they greatly enhance the EM smog and dark energy that you are sensing all around you. I ask you now, why do you think there is so much play on the controlling of the internet? Anarchy? Resistance? Wikileaks? Because they see how much hatred, anger and vehement force is being expended by the masses? Not a chance. This is feeding the beast and they couldn't be happier about that.
Just a fear thing to go with all the others. Just like disarming us, fast and furious, police state, OWS, elections, banker wars, World War or 2012 fear playbook.
That sucks you dry on a daily basis. You know it, others think it's financial stress, overworking, bad sleep and diet. It is but the real drain comes from this energy. Those who do not know drain themselves further by playing into the frequencies even if it is for what they believe to be a good purpose.
This is the saddest part for me. The road to hell paved with good intentions.
In the grid playing a meaningless part in a game of HOPE. Such audacity for those who see. NWO Patriotism.
Certainly they want you armed, angry and insane. Just like the cartels in Mexico they were insane first then drug dealers and militarily equipped.
Now they want you red, blue or white. White slaves, red prisoners or dead blue. And they want you to do it all on your own. You can't fake it either. You are one of the three. There is no pink or purple. There is no yellow stars this time but just red or white stripes and the deadly blue stars.
Their minions being the blue stars and the Blue Force Tracking systems. GPS, Bluebrain, Drones and EMP-ELF bluebeam.
Scary stuff. Above top secret, eyes only, elite force driven. Even Seal Teams and Delta forces don't get this information. Only the Operators the elite of elite fighters. Mind Controlled to the maximum. All Delta and Theta level assassins. Ritual killers from the Gladio Odessa groups from WWII and these assassins have been groomed from Colombia to Syria. Ft. Hood is one such location in the US. Canada, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia among others. MIA in Vietnam were used extensively in this project. Green Berets, Cubans, Russians all in the MK Phoenix program. Deer Hunting.
Michael Aquino?
Dr. Cameron and the NSA boys. Aquino and the Church of Set? Mormon, Scientology, Jonestown, Vietnam Phoenix, they all have been the living reality laboratories for the Psychic Drivers of Bluebeam. The use of psychotronics are in daily use here against Americans but were the Slam Dunk in Iraq as well. Schmirnoff and Persinger entrainment techniques and ultra low-frequency assaults are everyday occurrences here. These attacks on dissidents and objectors are now moving across additional groups based upon their access to the information and planned program for this particular and greatest project to date. Assassinations, gangstalking and psychological torture courtesy of the Weaponized Magnetic Devices. Your real WMD.
This is a cocktail isn't it. A program of chemical, aerosol, ELF and Media audio and subliminal stimuli. Psychotropics and Psychotronics.
It is all that and more. What remains the missing ingredient are the triggers to engage the transference from human to Delta subject. The murder of the self, the splitting of personality to the ego and then the control over it. I'll give you a clue. Fukushima, New Orleans, Aerosol designer compounds, GPS, ELF and non ionizing microwaves HAARP.
These are the testing parameters designated specifically for regions or countries based upon a master plan for the entire planet. These kill physically and psychologically because they are one in the same as to our overall health and immune systems.
He who controls the ionosphere controls the world. He who controls the energy controls space. He who controls information controls the masses.
I care not who makes the money or the laws. That's for a congress of baboons and bankers.
According to the NASA Clock it's time for the ionosphere to open up to the big message from the ET's.
Oh yeah. The ET's. The electromagnetic terrazombies from the ISS. The granddaddy of all Psy-Ops, The Master plan after the soft kill of most of the Red stripe forces. The total mind control of all human inhabitants. Or they can send gamma rays and kill us all that way as well. The death ray we read in our Flash Gordon comic books. That would be merciful versus the spectrum assault of slow kill and ELF induced insanity and I don't think their goal is to be merciful or at least the sines have not exhibited such thoughtfulness thus far.
You mean the space shuttles weren't delivering replacement ozone?
Maybe I missed something.
I'm not going to miss dancing with the stars. We'll know when the stars all flash like Italian lights.
Not just a twinkle twinkle little star anymore Dunne. See you in a day or two after I get back from the thrilla in Manila’s Rizal Park. They're going to irradiate a mass of Catholics in the Black Nazarene progession.
That's why they are shutting down all cell phones and service, right?
Of course. You don't think it's al-qaeda telefon terror bombs that the news distortions are claiming, do you?
No. I'd have to reject that explanation. See you later.
Ya know Dunne, I wuz just thinkin' the same dang thing....
Will the "aliens" come "Independence Day" style or more like "the Day the Earth Stood Still"? Any thoughts on this? I'm thinking the latter with the zapping of all things "electric".... all our wireless machines will cease to function (already having problems with that oddly enough) cell phones, computers, those stupid kindles....everything people use in their everyday modern life .Text that, you twitter twits. They sure have us totally dependent on their grid just so they can pull it out from under us.
ReplyDeleteBet those batteries will be drained as well. We've all seen sci fi movies where the nearness of a spaceship does just that. Dammit, there goes the flashlights too. Yea, Hollywood and tv have prepared us well for the "invasion" haven't they?
Imagine the chaos with all that going down. I'm glad I switched from that electric can opener to the hand one years ago so I can open those cans of spam..ha, just kidding, I hate spam.
Time for Dunne to go get GLP Medical data and big brother reporting training. PhRMA practice and how to control the research field. They want my data.
The presentation will cover all the Subpart of Title 21, Part 58 including the follow topics:
FDA and International GLP regulations: 21 CFR Part 58
Objectives and concepts of GLP
Organization and Personnel: Management, study director, QA, and analysts.
Facilities: Key requirements for animal care, laboratory operation, specimen and data storage, equipment, and test and reference articles
Protocols for conduct of laboratory study
Records and Reporting: format and archiving
FDA inspections
No more of the Marie Curie nonsense in the OWO.
I think the aliens already came in Conestoga Wagons Deb...
ReplyDeleteI hate spam too---but I luvs me spinach.
Speculative fiction isn't necessarily "predictive programming"...
Serling, a predictive programmer?
Orwell??? Bullshit. And the guys in Hollywood making movies? I worked in that field deep for many years - they are monkeys trying anything to make a movie that will sell and make them famous.
Yea yea, it's all nudged by the controllers, and the promotion of certain things sets a melody in the heads of the zombies. But for the most part this is all a madhouse and nobody knows what's going to happen in the future 'till it gets here.
From the beginning of human existence we lived our individual lives in the setting already extant, we either dug it or hated it according to our various capacities for joy. Nothing has changed but style and fashion the whole time.
And that's how I feel about it right now, and I might feel differently about it in half hour or less. Everything is in flux - nothing is determined.
Will, I was referring to PD's post regarding bluebeam. That's supposed to be the "really big shoe" as ed sullivan would say....the grand finale' I was asking for speculation about what it would look like when they put it on. Independence Day which was aliens arriving with guns blazin' or more like the Day the Earth Stood Still which was of a calmer more intellectual arrival...aliens with an ultimatum. I am a science fiction buff from way back so I've read lots of books and seen lots of movies and tv shows in that vein.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't talking about predictive programming. I just thought we could have some fun discussing what the invasion would look like. Guess not.
Short on time at the moment, but I wanted y'all to see this:
Okay Jayjee,
ReplyDeleteWell, lets see, according to my's been more than a half hour. Regardless I am of a different mood than my last entry.
You see, it oft time takes several gallons of java to get the engines firing here.
And in the meantime I found this quote intriguing:
"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it." ~Joseph Mengele
So my alter ego says: Independence Day. Which is adapted visually from Childhoods End - never made into film, but the giant craft above the world capitols for a big splash beginning would be a good start.
Frankly I think there's a cat in a trick-top hat that is going to spoil their "Big Shoe" - just my intuition that is...
Oh, the cat in the hat? ET.
Yup. What better time for intervention than Q'ing up with the "Big Shoe"? Piggyback time I say.
So what do you think of my speculatory in all it's glory?
Aw...their just contrails, I've seen'em all me life....Lol
ReplyDeleteHell, even the Hopi tell us about it in the Thunderbird tales so how could there be anything WEIRD about it? [Double Lol]
Thanks for the roach spray articlette Boomer.
To me, it is with a sense of wonder that I note each surviving day that this is all still here.
ReplyDeleteIt seems against all odds that a race as totally looney as this one hasn't wiped themselves off the face of the planet yet.
I see each new day as a miracle in this perspective.
The chain of financial events taking place over the past decade in Asia have been correspondingly mislabeled and misunderstood. What some economists see as total collapse is actually a new and decidedly prophetic (or engineered) transition. What some naively see as the “natural” progression of globalism, is actually a distinctly deliberate program of centralization meant to further the goals of world economic and political totalitarianism. Asia, and most especially China, is a Petri dish for elitist psychopaths. What we see as suffocating collectivism in this region of the world today is the exact social schematic intended for the West tomorrow. Call it whatever you will, but on the other side of the Pacific, like the eerie smile of a sinister clown, sits fabricated fate.~Brandon Smith
Trot on over to , and see the top thread, "The Illuminati 2012 LUCIFER Brotherhood of the Beast KING OF BABYLON SATANIC freemason colonial Part I of 2". The 2nd part is directly following. Below those two threads is "From Out of Egypt Came the "Stone of Scone" used by The British Monarchy" which ties in.
ReplyDeleteActually, I wanted Rogue1 to view a recent thread there: Because of your familiarity with the LA
scene, and mine, I was interested in your take on what is proposed here.
This ain't light fare for folks, so watch American Idol when you take breaks. {guffaw}.
There is yet a time to go through, but in my soul, I know these motherfuckers are doomed...I think they know it too. They will only become more sadistic as they are overtaken with the hysteria of their pending destruction. Yes, a horrorshow looms. Complexity arrives like Lucifer's Hammer.
What is the point of faith and belief unless they have been brought to the point where they can be of actual use? How does this happen? They are tested against circumstance. They are refined in the crucible of existence until their temper is beyond question. Do not desert yourself in your hour of need. You see what's going on around you. You're not like that. Be what you truly are and all will be well with you.~Visible
ReplyDeleteSatanism: It does not matter if you believe in any of this, those doing the evil, do believe and that is what makes them so dangerous to us and we must deal with it.~Vatic
ReplyDeleteOkay, keeping this in mind Boom, do you know what schizophrenia is?
It is caused by either a physical or chemical disruption of the electro-chemical communication of the left and right hemisphere of the bicameral brain.
The schizophrenic "hears" the thoughts of the the right side of the brain as sonic hallucination. This can be interpreted as the voice of "God"...
There is an interesting book named 'The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' {the authors name slips my mind, and it is in the shelves of a very disorganized library here..}
Whether the authors premise is true or not, there is good historical evidence pointing to the probability that schizophrenia was a much larger dispersion in the human population in the far past. Many "prophets" were perhaps minds of this variety. I would point to the story of Abraham as a good illustration of this possibility.
And so, this doesn't directly answer you wish that I consider the Vatic info and comment on it here, as I just touched on this certain aspect of it.
I will just say that being very familiar with Frazier, the Golden Bough, and tales radiating from those points, that there is much to be considered and much of that is a stew of maybe's that become such a maze of conjecture that one is left such latitude as to chose any story or combinations thereof that one wishes, and proclaim it the central truth of reality.
Focus on the revelations before us now - it is an apocalypse, the veils lift with a bright light glaring on the perfidious creatures holding the rings of power daily. I see more profit in this than a gaze into the deeply arcane past all smothered in dust and rumor.
Gee Jayjee - I hope I didn't put you off with my pre-java morning rant...
ReplyDeleteConsider that post as the noise that comes from the orchestra pit before the concert. Okay?
Waging War against Iran is a Criminal Act, in Violation of International Law
ReplyDeleteThe death toll from World War III will be incalculable...
By Prof. Francis A. Boyle
I wanted your take on it, because you come from a particular "place", and information, knowledge, and experience are gold to be weighed in the balances.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own, as discovery of The Truth is the goal.
Ah yes, you read his latest. Full of Hope -- as standing Tall next to the hunchbacked, diseased, grotesque, and insane "change" proffered by agents who hide their incriminating and criminal past...for they cannot stand the scrutiny of daylight upon their very essence.
ReplyDeleteYes. A Psychopath's wet dream...if he can stay alive long enough to shoot his wad before being shot himself. Insanity comes in many colors. A toilet bowl of rainbow colors worth shit as it circles the bowl, and turns black in the sewer of history. They want their name in lights, carved in stone, yet their graves will be pissed on, a urinary tomb.
ReplyDeleteWell Boom, that was my honest take on it. I hope it gave you some insight.
ReplyDeleteWe've already discussed my views on "the devil", so I am not going to bow to any propositions that put this idea forward as anything but a misreading of psychological tunings within the mind.
I am satisfied that the whole history of this is one of psychopathy playing out in the realms of political power. That is the devil part of the equation for me. This does not preclude prescience in the matter of the Source, or "God" if you will, or even valid 'visions' of probable futures from the wise and in tune.
Say that we take it as a given that the Pyramids of Giza are artifacts of an advanced civilization Terran or Extraterrestrial, in the condition they were in by the time of the collapse of the Egyptian dynasties, whatever "powers" they had at one time, while in working order, would pass on through the generations as tales of magic. Any artifact whatsoever from any of these devices would be seen as talismanic, simply a part of lore. All manner of fantastic ritual can manifest from such things. A lot of stagecraft as well.
Anyone who understands Voodoo, knows the power of communal beliefs. Whatever the "reasons" as explanation by the Vudon shamans, would be incidental to the power of the "belief" in it.
Hah...very picturesque bladder calls as I read.
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authorities saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly”~Charles Fort
Attorney Jonathan Emord. This is another stone around Ron Paul's neck in my estimation.
ReplyDeleteCongressman Ron Paul calls Jonathan "a hero of the health freedom revolution" and says "all freedom-loving Americans are in [his] debt . . . for his courtroom [victories] on behalf of health freedom."
I don't care what Ron Paul thinks of this guy - I read his essay here and I think he's full of shit.
The Amerikan People do not owe a cent of this fraudulent "National Debt" the whole thing was compiled through a scam and must be repudiated.
Any of this psychoblabber about not being able to afford "entitlements" is Nazinheimer bullskrink. Another fukkin lawyer latter climbing beancounter.
Let him sit on a Kudu horn and spin. He should have taken up undertaking like his family name implies.
The conspiracy is in the screenwriting. The stories are written by wannabe's and insiders. They are reviewed, rewritten, modified and hand picked for holyrood development.
ReplyDeleteI had several script connections at one time. It was one in Hawaii that explained to me the scam in detail of the Jesuit zionist control over holyrood.
Many have talked about the Red Stars and Blue stars, the Propaganda system in early holyrood. The means by which they created the war frequencies. Many good books on the subject Willie.
My pick: Red Star Over Hollywood
The Myron Fagan recordings are good as well.
Remember that punk kid Speilberg? He made a movie called "Duel" that propelled him into the heart of the a lpha mind-control psy-ops
I suggest all COTO rent the movie and watch it.
It was a classic predictor of the WOT complete with the laviathan (truck) the unseen PTB (driver) and the protagonist Dennis Weaver whose name was "Mann"
This is MK Ultra artichoke style with the chemical, food and pharma assault.
It was 1988 that I realized that there was a real danger going to a movie theatre and ordering popcorn and coke and watching one of these subliminal LSD trips.
The MK program did include very important research running through the movie theatre market. There are great information on this as well. Stirring up gang violence and moving people to do things after the movie that were very strange.
One occasion, the mass of theatre goers all went to the same park for odd reason. Well we saw that in Close Encounters where they all went to Devils Point in Wyoming. Yes my friends truth is stranger than fiction.
ReplyDeleteThe amendment, approved in November 2010 by 70% of Oklahoma voters, declares that state courts "shall not look to the legal precepts of other nations or cultures. Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia Law."
This is precisely the reason democracy is dangerous in an ignorant population. The US is signatory and bound by treaty to various international laws and charters in a constitutional manner. For the idiot citizens of Oklahoma to approve such language in this amendment is a legal absurdity, beyond state jurisdiction, even in the full fledged constitutional republic – which admittedly Amerika is not today.
The stricture against Sharia is simply Islamophobic hysteria generated by warmongers.~ww
Gotcha Puddy...I know all of these things well.
ReplyDeleteLike I mentioned to Jayjee, "Consider that post as the noise that comes from the orchestra pit before the concert. Okay?"
Pictures of Beautiful Iran That the Media Will Not Show You --
View the video pics at
See...this process of "demonizing" other peoples and cultures is done by demons themselves. The best thing humanity can do to protect itself from demons and their demonic agendas is to familiarize themselves with other foreign peoples. Learn and see that people (The Human Family) have common goals, desiring peace, freedom, and safety. The demon warmongers are sick insane anti-human parasites and cancers upon this world. It is They who should be bombed, They who should be interned from society. Listen not to their Lies -- but use your own eyes and intellect. Research and learn about "other people" before you fear them. It is usually simple to figure out that those screaming "Kill, Kill, Kill!" will be those who expect to live past the catastrophes they create, and who profit off of War. Learn to understand the motives and agendas of those waging war. From knowledge will come can be instrumental in saving lives instead of erasing them.
ReplyDeleteKamrade Willy and Boom! Welcome to glorious people's Bolshevik Marxist-Socialist Global #occupy Revolution!!
awww... now. seriously. starting to rethink "Ron Paul." it's a stinky pragmatist "realpolitik" thing. if "peace" finds a voice wit some ol dood who still believes in "munny," well... that shit will sort itself out eventually. the important thing is-- as Jimmy Durante said-- "...leave everybody the hell alone!"
now- that might not be so good for me own social scrutiny shit... but will take me chances.
“Limited Government” has been rhetorical dummy-fodder for years. Yet state control has continued to grow more invasive and intrusive on all levels no matter who plays the part of executive figurehead. Always gullible, people in Indiana’s 3rd district seem to like labeling themselves as “Reagan conservatives.”
Someday, this will sound like an elderly German calling himself a “Hitler socialist.” Hitler was no socialist and Reagan was no conservative. They were both actors and opportunists who used popular rhetoric to advance their own career. Both pandered to a gullible public by repeating fables that desperate people wanted to hear.
In the next puppet show we call “elections,” our hydrocarbon overlords will again offer us a “choice” between the blatant lies of an Obama or the blathering nonsense of a Romney or any of the other plastic Stepford “candidates.” We marginalize voices like Kucinich or Paul because we think they can not “win” against the other “team.”
There are no “teams,” only professional entertainers sold for profit. We, the sports-fans, are stuck with the American Idiocracy we deserve. We wave our #1 foam hands and think we still have a country. War and famine is what the owners intend for “useless eaters.” Be sure to vote, but remember: it’s for “entertainment purposes only.”
Hopes are for dopes and change is for the parking meters.
Yup comrade Waldo, you hit the nail on the noggin.
ReplyDeleteRapids of piss straight ahead - best cover yersef with seranwrap.
Make that saran wrap and foil. "Piss Rapids"...quality visual.
ReplyDeleteWaldo's Rant..."There are no “teams,” only professional entertainers sold for profit. We, the sports-fans, are stuck with the American Idiocracy we deserve".... No, WE don't deserve it. But Some do deserve it. Theatre in drag definitely. Nice one!
Here's the latest poop today -- The rEsident needs more "working capital" to continue screwing the country into the ground. Only 1.2 Trillion this shakedown. See the AP article at:
Which, reminds me of an ole tune y'all will be familiars wid, and I might surmise gets played in the semi-circular orifice office...ya know cigars, cigarillos, and other objects of affection, confections of predilection for the orifice n'chief.