Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

If there are 2 sides to every story...how can we understand anything, unless we read and listen to the "other" side to figure out "which side" presents the story most proximal to the Truth? Or, are we supposed to just skip that part of the equation?

Don't watch any of this if you prefer micro-waved TV dinners with your FOX Snooze, and sports game reality escapes. Certainly do not watch ANY of this if thinking seems like too much work. What would be the point anyways? Leave it all to the central planners, because they do such a great job...just look around you! See?! Wheeeeee -- Life is GOOD!



  1. Great interview - Chris Hedges is so articulate in his deconstruction of events.

    Occupy Wall Street - Chris Hedges shuts down CBC Kevin O'Leary:

  2. Thanks for the comment, ZaZa -- I hope you're doing well!

  3. Hey stranger - where you been? Thanks for the Hedges piece, I guess they pissed him off...Lol, these "news" anchors are such assholes.

    I'd love to see the video of the larger one Boom posted, but at almost three hours it would eat all my mobile time and add more than fifty bucks to an already high bill. Yea I have yet to go to cable...and it is ridiculous...


  4. Doing all right, except for the obvious - feels like we're bracing for a shit-storm, roto blades set to puree.

  5. BOOM! Up pops another stellar Header from the SkyChief. Cool. I was thinking the admin folks struttin 'round the cess pool probably look like those creatures from "Men in Black". Once off stage, they peel back the "human" costumes to reveal their real revolting reptilian selves. We can only imagine, or, maybe not?


    1. severity or plainness: severity of discipline, regime, expression, or design
    2. economy measure: a saving, economy, or act of self-denial, especially in respect of something regarded as a luxury
    3. enforced thrift: thrift imposed as government policy, with restricted access to or availability of consumer goods
    . austere quality; severity of manner, life, etc.; sternness. 2. Usually, austerities. ascetic practices: austerities of monastery life,etc.

    It is not a philosophy of any sort when it is an act of state, it is a restriction of resources and means to impoverish a segment of society. It is part of economic warfare of the elites. We aren't talking about a society that has taken upon itself the ascetic practices of life in a monastery in this aspect. What we are witnessing with these corporatist banking regimes is social warfare. This is a far cry from the people themselves “living within their means” it is a withdrawal of the means to live within by decree.

  7. I agree with much of what he says, but he seems to be fundamentally blind to the necessarily criminal nature of government. All governments are criminal cabals that murderously exploit their subjects and the environment. His suggestion that we need a stronger federal government to confront corporatism is ludicrous – the two are inseparable.

    The idea that we need to use mass protest, which corpogov has criminalized, to make government fear us is so they enforce the laws against banksters and war criminals, etc. is sophomoric. Government doesn’t fear us because it has big guns, and no compunction about using them.

    “It’s not our job to take power.” What elitism – that is precisely what we need to do. We need to openly declare the illegitimacy of formal government – detail its crimes against humanity and our biosphere and we need to abandon his patriarchal ideology that insists humans need to be governed.

    It’s not that Ron Paul’s libertarian ideals are quaint; believing in mass mobilization of occupying streets to restore social and eco-justice is what is quaint. Hedges adheres to a romantic notion that history shows is a failed strategy.

    What I got from Zinn’s People’s History and what Hedges got are two totally different lessons.

    Dismantling corporations and federal governments will save our planet and our freedoms. Trying to make our leaders “fear” us by carrying on nonviolently in the streets will not serve freedom or the biosphere. The entire system is rotten because government can only be rotten after the first ten years or so.

    OTOH, I have never personally witnessed a riot, let alone a war. I have no doubt of its horrors. But I see no other way of stopping the corpogov beast than by physically stopping them.

    Nonviolence in the face of psychopathy is a failed strategy that serves rulers, not people.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NI0tf1doe8

  9. Just to be totally clear; "Austerity" is Newspeak for Attrition. As I said above, it is an act of economic warfare.

    I know COTO understands this but I am making it clear for our other readers here.

  10. I agree with you Rady, in most of what you have said here.

    I do wonder however how it is you are invading this space when you have the exclusive power on your own blog...aye?

    I wonder how it is you don't practice the principles you avow to in your own dealings.

    Perhaps you might once and for all explain yourself without resorting to exaggeration and outright lies. If arrogant rage is an excuse for yourself, it is utterly hypocritical to take such a holier than though stance against the same type of pathology that "government" perpetrates.

  11. I take that back -- I do see one other way to stop the corpogov beast. General and sustained strike

    One other comment I wanted to make -- because I generally agreed with much of what he said and learned much in that 3-hr interview -- I was delighted to see him acknowledge that elections in this nation are a joke.

  12. Lol Boom, I see the results of such surliness and must say that I have an agreement with your choice of those particular buttons.

    It was something that added to a crankiness I already feel this evening, and your alleviating such a source is much appreciated.

    Not that this particular tat can make up for the literal hours of concentrated effort expended for naught on C2.

  13. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Surely some revelation is at hand;
    Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
    The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
    When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
    Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
    A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
    Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
    Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

    The darkness drops again but now I know
    That twenty centuries of stony sleep
    Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


    This is so apropos that I felt it needed to be grokked once more, for the primal truth of this feeling as recognition of our times. It has a timeless sense of foreboding and is yet contemporary.

  14. Wow. When Hedges finally blows the lid off NAFTA, and people realize why that event in Seattle was so volatile. The crux of this is 101 for us. The 'Wind'sors were never more represented than Bubba C in the game of empire.

    The Great Whore and their babble ons keep on spoon feeding the idiots and even Hedges can't break through. Just another Ramses and Moses is the Bush-Clinton Crime syndicate. The Royals rest their feet on the pharaohs stone of destiny which ‘Whoso will possess this stone shall be the conqueror of a very far-off land.’

    The naked truth. It's good to see that Hedges keeps breaking through deeper even with that Harvard Divinity brainwashing.
    These Chymical Weddings are toxic to our health Coto.


  15. Check this video out folks! An ambulance breaks down in Detroit on New Years Eve. The crew is just sitting there...waiting...in Detroit.

    Listen to the gunfire in the background. What do you think will happen in the large cities with Martial Law? Will people like these turn their guns in if the administration boys outlaw the Right to bear arms? What will "civilized" America look like? How long until anarchy? Will the police, swat, military come to help YOU? Hmmmm. This is why it is a good idea to GET OUT of the cities:


  16. "when violence starts, the revolution ends (again)... when violence ends, the revolution begins (again)." Hedges is talking about the same thing when he refers to "movements." Probably more accurate... since "revolutions" become violent when TPTB refuse to step back for any reason other than coercion. And they usually see that as the ONLY reason they EVER would.

    there is already a revolution/ movement within the military/ police (MP). we gotta work together. Oh- there WILL (likely) be violence... along with an attempt to blame it on the "movement." But think about why the real MPs even work at all within the "military." It is absolutely the "consent of the governed" in one of its purest forms.

    there is no need to topple them (TPTB) from power... they are standing on a burning platform and the smart ones know that. When the platform collapses, we all burn together. Those who get off of... or out from under... congregate in the same Slipspace.

    Meanwhile... is it better to be caught with it... or caught without it?

  17. Now about 2 hours and 10 minutes into this... and so far, everything Hedges says is absolutely spot-on. Pretty rare to agree with someone totally. Kinda scary, in fact.

    You can see a snapshot of our own deterioration... that Hedges witnessed firsthand... right here: http://youtu.be/SAWMgYyAtHU

    It is extremely unwise to "talk" about violence. 'nuff said.

  18. yea that is a telling little video at the graduation speech by Hedges.

    "Jingoberry Pie Jingoberry Pie - we want nuthin but our Jingoberry Pie"

    Let them eat shit...and they will.

  19. Hedges shows just the right amount of anger with his surgical and explicit summary of the X factor. Never seen Kevin O'Leary before but see he's cut his teeth as an insider VC. That explains it. Nice finale Chris.

  20. Corpogov, tool for Miligov. Miligov a tool for Worldgov. Worldgov a technocracy for peoplegov.

    I always think of Rollerball in the 70's. Nationwars and then the Corporatewars, build the arenas for Gladiators to give the sheeple their heroes to play the part so they can taste a bit of independence and freedom in their servitude. A great venue to evercise their anger in a violent way. OWS will be rejuvinated in Spring.

    The PTB from the Soros wing will provide some real dynamite for the spring. You'll see your riot Rady, just count on it. Obama wins four more with or without an election.

  21. Comment on thread: http://www.infowars.com/santorum-owns-the-new-neocon-tea-party/

    NotBuyinIt says:
    January 4, 2012 at 3:26 pm

    As a United States Marine Corps veteran I am compelled to say this about Santorum, it’s real easy for SOMEONE WHO HAS NEVER SERVED to beat the drums of war time & time again as he does. Rick Santorum is the warmonger of all warmongers. Maybe if it was HIS child that came home suicidal, missing limbs & with severe PTSD he might have a different opinion.
    I forget sometimes though, most of the elite, politicians & their families rarely put their ass on the line via the military, yet wave the American flag while they send YOUR kid off to die for THEIR profits. According to the lamestream media, even though I volunteered to give my life for this country if need be, I’m “unamerican” & “unpatriotic” for having these views. When the shit hits the fan, we’ll see who’s left standing & it won’t be no fuckin’ santorum, romney, obama, bush or bernanke, the good Lord will see to that for their blatant crimes against humanity.

    While we’re on that note, why can’t We The People declare preemptive war on people like Santorum, Bush or McCain? To prevent the crimes against free humanity that have & will surely follow these people once they seize power".

    That's a quote there Reds.

    Alrighty USELESS EATERS!!! Shit is coming down the administrative colon, no blockages apparently to effect FRE (Full Rectum Ejection)! {consult code: b-bomba-42fuku. Sub-marine.jackal lge size 9 1/2 shoe}.

    Here's the History...GROK "The Plan" and notice any similarities to Your World Being Changed....this is Heavy!


  22. Wrapping up another Genocide. These numbers are hard to find but Dr Gideon Polya has really kept up with it.

    Obama can take a jump to first place as a genocidal war criminal. Bush, Cheney and Kissinger must be feeling a little down in the mouth.


  23. Yea Boom, I read that one today on losing the right to grow your own food. A Stalinist shank to be sure and clearly planned. Pure genocidal attrition is in the works.

    Sinister Heavy...Amerikan Phantasmagoria 2012

    Here come the woowoo train. All the cars are loaded with liquefied pandemonium soaked throwaway diapers.

  24. If you are the publisher of a great newspaper or magazine, you belong to the ruling class of your community. You are invited to a place of prominence on all public occasions; your voice is heard whenever you choose to lift it. You may become a senator like Medill McCormick or Capper of Kansas, who owns eight newspapers and six magazines; a cabinet-member like Daniels, or an ambassador like Whitelaw Reid or Walter Page. You will float upon a wave of prosperity, and in this prosperity all your family will share; your sons will have careers open to them, your wife and your daughters will move in the "best society." All this, of course, provided that you stand in with the powers that be, and play the game according to their rules. If by any chance you interfere with them, if you break the rules, then instantly in a thousand forms you feel the pressure of their displeasure. You are "cut" at the clubs, your sons and daughters are not invited to parties you find your domestic happiness has become dependent upon your converting the whole family to your strange new revolutionary whim! And what if your youngest daughter does not share your enthusiasm for the "great unwashed"? What if your wife takes the side of her darling?

    The context may be somewhat different, but the dreaded sanctions for failing to "stand in with the powers that be" are very much the same. This time the powers that be are clearly protecting the perpetrators of a mass murder. One does ultimately need an explanation for such shockingly vile behavior that is grounded in religion, and Sinclair's precursor, John Swinton, has provided it: The people in America's opinion-molding industry do not stand up for truth and justice in this case because they "fawn at the feet of Mammon."
    ~Upton Sinclair via David Martin, June 2, 2001



  25. Ahh, we gots the Political Correctness cause the witness was reckless, and it's Power Hour in the Homeland...

  26. There are few things in life that trip my fuse as being shushed. I don't need any Mary Poppins with a spoon full of etiquette in my face.

    It is clear enough my opinions are my own, no one is tainted by them here other than me if it is judged by some as a taint. However, that my comment was tempered by a sense of jest, I find it even stranger that it should “shock” sensibilities like we were girls at finishing school.

    But to add to that jejune complexion, the assumed authority by the censor. We've been over this ground countless times. Just like any other belief system, I do not want any others sensibilities pushed on me.

    And I would add, I am not actually angry. I am merely surprised, and felt it my duty to make my case as briefly but as candidly as possible.

  27. Experimenting. Comment kept hanging onto the end of the thread, even though new comments were added. Don't get your knickers in a such a wad. Have a nice day!

  28. See! My last comment did not go on the end of the thread. I don't get it...
