...all the little children of the world...
[caption id="attachment_16912" align="aligncenter" width="218" caption="unto the least of these"]
“They are completely caught up in emotional entertainment..." --boomerangcomesback
It doesn't get much darker than this. The story itself is horrible enough... you can read about it here. Just a cursory glance at the causes of such a thing describes the malaise we are in right now... the one that is only going to get worse. As usual, the Sado-Moralist gang here in Duckburg has the answer: form a cyber-lynch-mob for "sex offenders."
No one wants to defend these creeps, and chances are this one will not last long in the general prison population. However, there are people who get hung with that label who never hurt anybody and never would. This would not concern a Sado-Moralist one bit. I know of one such case personally, but that's another story for another time. The story here is dissociation. The krakkers have it big-time.
None of these krakkers gave a shit about the poor little Lemmon girl when she was alive. There is no way they would have known her, and if they did they would call her "trailer trash" living on "entitlements" from the "nanny state" and projected even more vomits about their "hard-earned tax dollars." That's what they do when they are not saluting flags or gobbling up jingo-berries.
If there is anything the krakkers like more than showing how "patriotic" they are, it's showing how "religious" they are. I wish I could just say, "...fuck these assholes" and let it go at that-- but I have to live with them. Seeing them wallow in their Sado-Moralism and turning this tragic story into gratuitous sado-porn makes living with them even more difficult. But it gets even worse than that.
When they call for cops to "sweep the park" and refer to the #occupy folk as "dirty hippies" there is a strong urge to shank them dead. What was it the Zen sage said about becoming your enemy? So eye best get the beam out before presuming to lecture them on compassion or forgiveness. I believe that sweet little girl is in a better place now... but I don't know. I am an agnostic.
Maybe it is time to start imagining that Better Place.
The herd mentality is a scary thing, anything that won't "moo" is the enemy.
ReplyDeleteIn the long run, when it comes to sweeping, Nemesis has the BIG BROOM.
And the hubris of self righteousness really flames her ta ta.
We are the new Mayans. We build temples to our God, then sacrifice our children on the alter. Only difference...the Mayans worshiped the sun. We worship materialism.
ReplyDeleteGuess what?...
We're going to meet the same fate. We coulda saved ourselves with a few bankster sacrifices. But alas, I don't think Obama has any plans to cut Lloyd Blankfein's heart out on national TV.
"child sex abusers"
ReplyDeleteI agree on that Jayjee, the problem is with the designation of "Sex Offender" - one can become an official "Sex Offender" being a 20 year old having consensual sex with his 17 year old girl friend. There are many examples of this label being used in absurd ways.
I'd say you are having a hysterical emotional reaction by the blanket statement you end with. There are repeat offenders and there are others who are not. The desire may never totally disappear, but the fear of prison or worse can and does stop some. If we don't take each case one at a time on merit, and instead go for wholesale "Indefinite Incarceration" the state is simply handed one more card for despotism.
No doubt there are monsters out there who should receive no quarter, but they should be identified and handled by a just legal system, or that legal system will not be just in any other way.
"I don’t think Obama has any plans to cut Lloyd Blankfein’s heart out on national TV."~mrO
ReplyDeleteGreat idea for a new "reality" TV show; 'Mayan Sacrifice'.
They could build a great big step pyramid. The viewing audience could vote for each weeks victim....you KNOW it would be a hit in bloody Amerika.
You got the donkey by the tale Waldo.
ReplyDeleteI am reading a good book called “The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology” By Joseph Farrell. It traces the history of Tesla that led to the black budget projects of the Nazi’ during WW11, and the eventual transfer of that technology to the US and Russia afterward under ‘rOperation Paperclipp’. Only 100 pages into it now out of about 350 but it has my undivided attention. well documented and footnoted. Check it out!
ReplyDeleteexactly correct willy... and the 20-year-old begins a LIFE sentence of being corralled in with the real monsters-- with no way out- EVER.
ReplyDeletebut even the "real monsters" have their story... one that should be heard and studied. feeding the privatized prison-industrial complex, like war (the rapidly privatized military) - should be a last resort.
the "real monsters" are making "munny" off suffering and misery. it seems impossible to explain to a sado-moralist that hurting and punishing is inefficient and expensive... and that is simply "pragmatism."
compassion and forgiveness is vast and deep. the gobby-goose reaction to "911" destroyed the myth of a "christian nation" forever.
That's a good one Brad. So is this. You may like it as well.
ReplyDeleteNick Cook: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/hunt_zeropoint.pdf
All Nazi paper projects were funded by western and elites and were split between the fabian London USSR and US German final solution agents.
The ionists in Krakkerland are as transparent as any fabian luciferian claimed athiest system who is balancing the paradigm of extremist carbettbaggers.
Whether Waldo's krakkers attackers or the polar extreme librul bedwetters nothing surprises me except the hapless grunion who attach themselves to these bottomfeeders like Remoras.
When speaking in terms of Zero Point, these cretins and hopeless are the distortions and interference I speak of and when they get a platform or MSM frequency it's just amplified up the rectum spectrum.
Thanks for the PDF for Nick Cook's book Puddy.
ReplyDeleteThis Mystery Novel format should be cracked like and egg, and the yoke of essentials put in a petri dish on display here at COTO.
One good aspect is, the PDF is copy/paste-able.