Eurocrisis and Bankster Government: Diminishing the Free World
During the 1980s, if Soviet tanks had rolled in to Greece and Italy, the Soviet Union would have been met with kinetic opposition led by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan (with allies such as Britain's Margaret Thatcher).
Reagan believed in "leadership of the free world" – a concept that has gone dormant in the years since 1989, when Chinese tanks rolled in to Tiananmen Square and that action got a nod and a wink from former U.S. President George H.W. Bush.
From 1989 to the present, the free world has seen nothing like the leadership that Ronald Reagan offered. (He pronounced the Soviet Union "an evil empire" and famously said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" – referring to the Soviet leader and the Berlin Wall, which was subsequently torn down in 1989.)
In 2008, upon the bursting of the U.S. subprime mortgage bubble, several things became evident: (a.) a financial crisis; (b.) bankster government; and (c.) absurdist ersatz "economic policies" that I have termed Looternomics.
Banksters took advantage of their privileged position in the establishment; they considered themselves too big to fail, and essential cogs in the system, such that they would be backstopped by government. The government backstop appeared in the form of bank bailouts, and it thereby socialized the losses of banksters. (If the banksters had made a profit, the profit would have been privatized; but upon making losses, the losses became socialized – placed on the backs of taxpayers, through their support of the public sector.)
Banksters revealed abuse of privilege, and governments (which were bought off by – take one guess – the banksters) revealed abuse of power. It's enough to make one think that banks and governments are merely two arms of one evil creature.
Looternomics is a series of policies that allow banksters to punish governments, demand austerity measures, and charge interest on government debt – even if that debt was incurred in order to bail out the banksters! In other words, the public sector saved the necks of the banksters, and now it is being charged a "neck saver fee" – interest on the multi-trillion-dollar bailout.
Through austerity measures, good old stand-bys like public pensions and social safety nets are being crowded out by bankster greed. Looternomics believes in funding the greed first, and public goods only second, if at all.
The situation just described has brought many protesters out to the streets – not only in Greece and Italy, but also in the U.K., the U.S., and in many other places where they have held sympathy protests in support of (e.g.) Occupy Wall Street.
In the news of early November, 2011, the Prime Ministers of Greece and Italy have resigned and been replaced with technocrats who are "correctly" in line with Looternomics; bankster government; and, allowing the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) to call the shots.
At this time, Greece and Italy have new leaders: unelected leaders. We used to think of Greece and Italy as being a part of the free world. It is no longer accurate to think so. A brand new iron curtain has begun to descend across Europe. The subjugated peoples of Greece and Italy were given no choice about whether to accept Looternomics and its austerity measures. And, they were given no choice about who would be the new Prime Ministers.
What Ronald Reagan would not accept from the Soviet Union – subjugation of free world allies – the present day U.S. President will accept, if the subjugation is coming from the banksters and the IMF.
We must begin to think of Greece and Italy as we used to think of East Germany: occupied by a marauding, evil, sociopathic force. We must deplore the situation, respond as best we can, and look forward to the day when Greece and Italy will be liberated and will again rejoin the free world.
[This is my latest column, out today at Hence, it's an overview for people "beyond the choir." Reposted for COTO.]
Ronald Reagan?
ReplyDeleteAre you serious John?
What "free world" are you talking about. You have perchance been visiting Mars?
The US is the garrison for the present Evil Empire. Presidents are naught but Chatty Cathy dolls.
Perhaps you are forgetting that I was the youngest-ever opponent in the political career of Ronald Reagan...
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I want to see if I can embed my latest speech here:
Oh yea John, you are right, I keep forgetting that seminal historical event...please forgive.
ReplyDeleteYes, the speech, please post your speech.
\\][// one else chimes so I will say the bulk of your post is verifiable and's just the "free world" myth that boinks me here John.
ReplyDeleteThe whole planet is and has been under their thumb for about a century... know, some of this squalls in my head like feedback from monitors from hell.
Where's yer speech?
There's a reason why the Cold War rhetoric was more saleable than the recent political correctness / globalization / war on terror rhetoric. That's because the rhetoric (even though it was pious / pompous / overblown) coincided with real world differences between two systems.
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way: two systems get started. One is initialized by Thomas Jefferson. The other is initialized by Vladimir Lenin. In which place would you rather live?
Me, I'm with Thomas Jefferson and I oppose communists, dictators, tyrants and thugs. You seem ready to forgive the communists because why? Because their opposition - true genuine authentic human rights people - are not true, not genuine, nor authentic because George Soros gives money to the cause? With all of his giving to human rights groups, has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps George Soros is pro-human rights? No! In your ideology, Soros is the one rotten apple that makes all human rights people bad, and therefore you give a free pass to communists and dictators, including Ben-Ali, Mubarak, and Gadafi.
I'm not down with that turgid reasoning. I'm still against the communists, dictators, tyrants, thugs and banksters.
For discussion, say that the legacy of Geo. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison has been co-opted, taken over, and hijacked by globalists, banksters, and IMF/NWO types.
ReplyDelete'Seems to me that in your rage against globalists and the NWO, you would depart from the legacy of Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. Throw out the baby (their legacy) with the bathwater (globalism).
That's the difference between us, perhaps. Even while fighting globalism, I would not walk away from the legacy of Washington/Jefferson/Madison. Indeed, my objective would be returning to that legacy. I am not sure where you're going with your rage, but I know where I'm going with mine.
I don't know what gives you the impression that I forgive the communists John.
ReplyDeleteI am not going to explain myself to you anymore John - you don't have the capacity to understand what I say. So I will forgo the futile.
The problem I have with seeing eye to eye with you John, is that you buy into myths that you have been raised on, and don't realize the amount of bullshit you are submerged in.
ReplyDeleteYou are concerned about "democracy" and still yet do not get that the "Founders" of this republic, the Federalist, profoundly despised and railed against democracy. Haven't you ever read the Federalist Papers? It's there in their own words.
As far as the Declaration and the Constitution - those are two diverse documents. The Declaration I see as the most brilliant and eloquent political document penned by the hand of man.
The other is a repudiation of the first. I'm not going to give you any history lessons on this because you as an adult who is supposedly sophisticated enough to be a leader of a political movement should already have a full knowledge such things.
This is why I don't like politicians, because the are generally only half assed historians with some plastic ideology based on bullshit.
Im against them too John. Unless they are in League with the OWO globalist in the Dialectic of P-R-S.
ReplyDeleteIn the perfect triad the synthesis is too one system for all after the looternomics and redistribution of wealth has apexed.
The culmination will be in the failure of Eurozone as planned but with a EuroMark to One currency in the technocratic version. Another Bilderberg/Rothschild effort right out of the Maastricht seat of the throne. The three pillars gang of finance, justice and military. The groundwork laid like American FED and CB and then the BIG BUBBLE presents.
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides.... but it riseth as the holy Roman Empire soon.
ReplyDeleteLooks like your call on the Olympics is in the works...
There is a post in the comments section citing some interesting info on a "dissident" Iranian team being assembled to be nailed as patsies and duped participants, while the weapons are provided by western Intel...
I would advise reading the article as well and then finding the comment in the thread below it.
Well, at least the first emu is cuter!
ReplyDeleteI just want to make clear to John Kusumi, that I am not here to "monitor" his work and ideas, nor to attempt to censor him. I am only here to state my own opinions. I welcome John to state his as well. I would hate to see John bow out because of our disagreements.
ReplyDeleteDo understand this John. I think it is the openness and diversity of such opinions here that give COTO its greatest strength.
I wish there were more postings of diversity here, like yours John. There seem to be so many with thin skin who bug out under the slightest criticism.
I value you for your opinions at variance to mine - so stick around and argue back and perhaps we can both learn from one another.
Rael forgot to add "Is" to the first part of his name - no, not forgot...deceitfully left off the" Is", from "Is-Rael"...what a puke monger.
ReplyDeleteAt least the bile raised in my throat listening to this Utopian oinkfest.
What a pompous ass...especially his costume.
The subtext = "accept world government or become a nukemelt sandwich."
The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it"
Timing is everything. As John reminds us of Reaganomics, (starwars included) the Iron Curtain fell and as if the EU issues are not enough for them Britiain will get to revel in the "Iron Lady" rejuvination of Baroness Thatcher played by Merryl Streep.
ReplyDeleteNo Fascists or communists there. Just technocratic green zombies looking to bring the nazi-commie-fascists-stalinists to the OWO. Picking your poison is getting harder these days.
ReplyDeleteAs long as there is a fight we have a chance but the train is heading for global order where the elites will have their cake and eat it too.
I will be surprised if Iran is there in London for zion12 games. Beside the fact they hate England and the history.
When you look at the history of ME and Arabia, you see who owns them in the EU 10.
Like Libya and France-Italy, Britain owns Israel, US and Iran rights.
Kudos on the connection to the Neptune Triad and how the Bin Laden staged death was the beginning of the great ocean event and the iran-israel showdown. Remember the EU and US cannot run all the pogroms and pillaging. Israel has to step up to the plate as well. But we know that the only difference between the Mossad-MI6 and CIA is their trademarks and signatures.
Whoever was sacrificed in the compound attack and seal team chinnok will provide them a magnificent harvest for Spring and it will be Spring when the action begins.
Beware the ides of march.
La dame de fer
I am not talking about Iran being there Puddy, I am talking about a patsy unit developed for a psyop by western Intel. There was cited evidence given in one of the comments.
ReplyDeleteYes the world's Intel agencies are all run from a single center.
I am not qualifying that to simply "western Intel" either. I know you get that.
REALLY Patrick,
ReplyDeleteA jpeg copied from a freeze frame from the video on the article preceding this one is important to document.
"The French revolution of 1789 is the one that provides the key to the mystery. It forms the link between the English one of 1640 and the Russian one of 1917 and reveals the whole process as a planned and continuing one which, having passed through these three stages, clearly will reach its final orgasm at some moment not far distant, probably during this century. That climax, foreseably, will take the shape of an attempt to consummate and complete the world revolution by setting up a world-government under the control of the organization which has guided the revolutionary process from its start."~Douglas Reed - THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION 1956
ReplyDeletePatrick Willis narrates a Visible text above.
I question Mr. Kusumi's desire to work "within" politics as a force for change. A fish entering the Shark Tank of Corruption with the intent of enacting reforms seems to me as a waste of time and energy. Cynical I realize. How can he expect to win any battles surrounded by a feeding frenzy of cold-blooded sharks? Ron Paul is marginalized and demonized at every turn. What does history tell us about such efforts? Dead, at the choosing of time and place of the system's operators.
ReplyDeleteCan he expose the corruption? Expose the conspiracies from within the tank? How can organized psychopaths be argued with? Will they change their scales by argumentation and logic? Never. Can Kusumi create a groundswell of righteous indignation among the victims, enough to make a difference?
Good luck!
Thumbs up. A XXXmas tale for all the kiddies.
ReplyDeleteSee:, "International Free Range Chicken Ranches of the Apocalypse" 11-14-11.
ReplyDeleteWell my dear Boomerangutang, it is about time you woke from your nap...we always look forward to you salient word salads and the tangy dressings you apply.
ReplyDeleteI think that John has not so much "chosen" his path, as is set upon it as habit. He started into this "politics" arena very young, as you might be reminded from time to time. So you know how it is when you know a groove and it is comfortable...well it is comforting to do what you know, and it is difficult to make deep changes after awhile.
There is a time and place for everything, and sometimes the timing gets off's hard to dance to some far out forms of jazz, for instance. A trident makes an odd tuning fork, but boy can a Zulu jump.
ReplyDeleteAudit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts
$16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments.
The Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places...
And the Amerikan taxpayer is stuck with the bill.
That's, "You and me you and me babe."
ReplyDeleteGood One Rogue1! I don't "nap" much, though. I hope Mr. Kusumi will contemplate the changes/courses available for reforms, while evaluating his personal and idealistic goals. COTO is a fantastic forum for presenting "ideas" on any subject, to receive feedback from thinking and aware individuals. The responses and "conversations" are often laser-beams useful for questioning each of our own thought processes, ideas, and personal beliefs we hold dear. Sometimes we get blown out of the water, sometimes we crystallize our reasoning, sometimes we're edified in areas we had not even considered. This is an "operating room" for Brain Salad Surgery. Only the brave, the courageous, the inquisitive post and comment.
ReplyDeleteI urge other readers to jump in with both feet, and get involved in the process. I enjoy this forum as a learning experience par excellence. Bullshit doesn't hold up for very long here, nor should it. And it is FREE to obtain lessons you may not learn anywhere else. Put your egos on the shelf folks, and Get Smarter Faster!
I've seen that info Rogue1. The Public needs to realize they're being robbed and scammed by political and financial criminals on a Historically Unprecedented level. The first thing is to realize what's happening. The Why is easy to understand -- because They can get away with it without accountability. How to fix the problem(s) is wide-open. Justice and accountability will only come from the Public shining a spotlight on the egregious crimes and criminals continuously through publicity and discussion of the crimes and perpetraitors. The "system" will not address or fix the problems, as we have seen. Therefore, the "system" itself must be indicted. Justice stands on the sidelines, waiting to be called onto the field. Get in the Game by continually raising the issues folks. Use Big Sis' catch phrase "If you see it, say it!", and point your fingers right back at the Problem Creators. They want US to think We the People are the problem. Wrong! The policy makers, cronies, criminals, and sellouts of the American People are They who are doing the stealing. WE SEE YOU!
ReplyDelete"Court rules in favor of protestors... Mayor Bloomberg and Police defy Court order to stand down...Has Rule of Law gone?"
Interesting times...
THIS is very important to the American People:
ReplyDeleteU.S. Sheriffs Wake Up, Wise Up, and Rise Up!
Poor Americans...
ReplyDeleteRipped Off by Suits and Shylocks who fraudulently use the "system" of privatized profits and public taxpayer debt transference. This is done with the blessing of the Guv. Time for a reset and accountability. Below is just one recent publicized instance. There must be 10's of thousands or more of such egregious criminal fraud occurring daily.
Why are you poor Americans? Count the ways...
"Outrage as Fannie, Freddie execs score $100 million payday"
How does this happen? What's the linkage? Business to Government, Government to Business whoring. Follow the money, and see who's pockets it is pouring into. Start with the unconstitutional Federal Reserve system and its Rotten Money, and then examine the myriad ways Americans are fleeced.
Outraged? understatement.
I often use my mom as "TYPICAL" in my analysis of what the "normal" TVZombie is going to think of these things.
ReplyDeleteSo I sent her the information you are commenting on - in the exact format that I posted it here.
Her response was, and I quote:
"Not me, I'm an American, not an Amerikan."
Do you get that? She wasn't concerned about the INFORMATION in my message, she was INSULTED at my use of the term 'Amerikan'.
Now average this REACTION out by the numbers. The majority, the VAST majority of "Americans" get ALL of their news from TV...this "NEWS" is actually "PROGRAMMING"...conditioning to react - not think.
So when faced with real information, rather than considering what it means, they flush with hormonal emotional reflex...
This is why I use the term ENCHANTED. They are under a spell, a great electro-necromancy.
Again - we are not dealing with a problem of information, we are dealing with a problem of induced psychosis.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."~J. Krishnamurti
There you have it.
ReplyDeleteShit! I wasted so many words there above. And Rogue1 slogans me with 5 well placed and resounding words. There's a writer there folks! Kampai!
ReplyDeleteand bingo was his name-o
Ha ha ha ha...Boom, you slay me.
Get the "Skewed News" and you get skewed.
ReplyDeleteFeelings mutual Rogue1! We need some good humor now and then.