Hey M, where was this program aired? Wonder who owns that station. They did what no one else that I know of has done. They not only spoke of Ron Paul but seriously reviewed what he's been trying to say in the debates with his 58 seconds of air time.
With a system this corrupt, there is no way an honest man can become president and if he did by some miracle fluke, what could one man possibly do to restore what we've lost ? Think of it as a condemned house with it's structure destroyed by termite infestation. It's too late for the exterminator to save it. What it needs is to be torn down and rebuilt.
Ron Paul will not be "allowed" to win unless he is one of them or being used by them. We know this, right?
JG, we cannot indict RP at this point. He certainly stands out from the crowd of puppets however. Go look at the photo/pic at the top of www.rense.com to make the point. RP's "run" may just flush out into the open the criminal and corrupt "hands" behind the curtains. He is also making people think, challenging the BS memes and paradigms normally gobbled and swallowed by the Sheeple. I say, he is refreshing and makes all the other candidates appear like the bought & sold puppets they are. All other candidates are jokes upon the People.
Cynicism is helpful. A key survival tool in today's times. I also reserve judgment. Putting faith in one man who can easily be taken "out" is unwise. I also do not believe in Leaders as answers for society. I eschew that idea.
Boom, I wasn't indicting RP. For the most part I agree with what he says I was simply stating what Coto speaks about here 24/7. And that is what? That our system is corrupt at it's very core.
The point I was trying to make in my comment was that, if that is the case, then why would those that pull the strings allow Ron Paul to win unless he is under their control?. I'm not saying he is, I'm saying if he wins he probably is.
Just think about what I just said for a minute. The whole freakin "system" has to crash and burn before an honest person has any chance to make a difference in how this country is run.
I got this thing against Ayn Rand see...yea and I got this thing against, the van's of the Austrian school see..yea yea, and I got another thing against the ability to dance around in a structure that I know is full o'shit, and wonder how it is o'Ron maintains his grip within the 'merrily merrily we go' - yea, sure, that's right...and I got this discomfort that isn't from a toothache or sumthing, you know? It's like a buzzing of doojie voojie, an alarm going off in the future??? WTF? Yea yea, but it's there anyway.
We all know what TV is right? It's that tool Big Brother uses like a can opener to get inside your head. And we all know that DC is like Mordor ...right? So you tellin' me this guy Ron Paul is like Frodo or something?? Nahhh...this is some sort of worm with a shopping list scouting your gardens dearies...
Somebody roll me a taco - make it herbal..
Right quick now go dammy, I ain't got all day. \\][//
Yea Boom I got a pack of eschewing gum the other day and all the ideas stuck to my molars and I had to use a mini jackhammer to get my dentures cleared up. and I realized everybody is a hairy tic on somebody's groove. So I relaxed and learned to love the bomb. \\][//
Yea, Fabian had that hit in the early 60s 'Turn Me Loose' - a pretty face with zip for talent...but the words of the song fit the tile on the floor, and those ol'brit-o-barbs of the royal flush society never get it when the fates play poetics with their moniker and sour chamberlain maids oder d'tuna.
You know how a sugar free soda leaves that weird metallic aftertase? That's the sensation I get offa this Paul clan. \\][//
That's what Paul thinks too...He said something to that effect the other day. I got this feeling that Paul is out to educate on constitutional issues, not to win the presidency, and that if he gets the nomination it will scare the shit out of him - because that is essentially a horses head in his bed...you know, an offer he CAN'T refuse.
Some dangling 'charm' wave in front of Dennis on AF1 that time.
We gots showboats and battleships...the showboats are the more dangerous. \\][//
The MF Global meltdown, big as it is, is not "just another" major bankruptcy another Lehman Brothers. It provides irrefutable proof of the tactics employed by top financial players in a prelude to the unraveling of the world's financial system.~Celente \\][//
Well, considering Putin's comment of a few weeks ago, telling his general staff to "prepare for Armageddon," and now Russian ships due at Syrian waters...I guess he was serious.
NATO and the US are now faced with a real problem. They may squawk about Russia being in their sandbox, but that is just noise.
You're right in that the "system" is corrupt to it's core, but not the people.
The system seems to be panicking. Could it be because a general awakening is taking place among the heretofore brain-washed masses?
Good question. I sure hope there is, otherwise, we're fucked. And maybe we're fucked anyway? I wish I had the answers to any of these questions.
I just have a hard time warping my mind around all this being for naught. So I keep on. If I am wrong in my conviction, let it still stand as my last sentiment.
If anyone has a better answer other than "fuck it, let it all burn to the ground and rebuild from the ashes," please let me know.
Ron Paul, like Kucinich was the token politician they'd allow to hang around. Problem is he hung around too long.
Maybe he's for real, maybe he's not? Who is to say?
And so what? You have someone, or something better outside of every man for himself?
Do I agree with everything the man says? No. But I do believe he'd stop these damn wars. And if that's all he does. Good.
If he doesn't. Well, God help us.
And if he isn't a plant, and they should pull a Kennedy on him, they best not do it too soon with his son in the wings.
Either way Ron Paul represents, rightly or wrongly, something many people believe this country once, or should of stood for. And if that sounds to hokey, so be it.
I am not betting on any horses...I'd like to get the fuck away from the race track...but it seems to stretch from here to there and back again.
I still have a systemic analysis, and that means it's not the just the horse, but the owner and rider as well. the "triad", as Puddy keeps pointing out.
If they do put the horse in that can win - that much in itself will be a matter of wonder.
I am in a constant state of wonder all day and all of the night lately. Anything is possible and anything can happen, but I still don't think whoever wins the 2012 will serve anyway. I think some Big Interupto wedges in. Just me and my strange visions... \\][//
“The French revolution of 1789 is the one that provides the key to the mystery. It forms the link between the English one of 1640 and the Russian one of 1917 and reveals the whole process as a planned and continuing one which, having passed through these three stages, clearly will reach its final orgasm at some moment not far distant, probably during this century. That climax, foreseably, will take the shape of an attempt to consummate and complete the world revolution by setting up a world-government under the control of the organization which has guided the revolutionary process from its start.”~Douglas Reed \\][//
Well, if we're fucked anyway, then none of our worrying will matter. If you're wrong, then it won't matter anyway. So, with the freedom of nothing left to lose, we can hope that Ron Paul is for real. I do like him, but I'm still cautious, just in case. Alex Jones too. Heck, my own family has screwed me over before, so I'm cautious of everybody. If Ron Paul and Alex turn out to be evil insiders, then I won't support them. Until then, they are some of the best we've got, and I do like them.
I have to say this, as doomy gloomy as it may seem.
After all the analysis and digging deeply into the situation in Amerika that we have gone through on COTO, the suggestion that VOTING is the answer to anything...I mean WTF?
As far as I'm concerned it is no different than the HOPE and CHANGE fruitloop jamboree of Oboomba hotcha cha, just an inverted model.
Skip to the Lu my darlings, I'm peeing in the bushes.
Yea, it's every man for himself - there is NO government, it is a criminal syndicate fronting for the Money Changers - if we haven't gotten that far in out thinking then...again, WTF? \\][//
The analysis seems to be here, reliant upon a still mythological view of the past, of something wonderful just recently gone bad. This is lollipop history that has been fed to the people for countless generations. The idea that if the nation “went back to the constitution” everything would just be honky dory is ludicrous – it was not honky dory for one moment in federal America's history.
This system is utterly and absolutely corrupted. And it came to this point because of the weakness and misdirection of the Constitution from it's very conception.
“The framers of the Constitution wanted to insure that the government created by it could never become strong enough to become tyrannical.” ~John Kozy
I am convinced this is not the case after long years of study – the Federalists who attended the convention in Philadelphia were the elite who wanted protection from “too much democracy” that was challenging their own privilege. This is why the Constitution is so seemingly easy to disparage – it has one function, to protect the power elite. “Interpretation” is the bane of the language, and Jay, Hamilton, and Madison all knew this and took advantage of the concept.
Now I could fill several pages here with documented historical data and testimony to back this up. But if anyone wants to believe that the "Founding Fathers" wanted anything to do with "Democracy," take a refresher course with the 'Federalist Papers'.
Understand this work as a direct elitist reaction to Shays' Rebellion, and get a grasp on the grievances of the Shays' position.
As far as the Declaration and the Constitution – those are two diverse documents.
The Declaration I see as the most brilliant and eloquent political document penned by the hand of man.
you wrote what I suspect. he is gaining popularity, he seems sane and honest, he isnt playing the game their way. he may get elected...but.. if so he will be removed fast. the double use there is to not only show everyone their power. but to take any hope away from the ones who dare resist their statusquo. it isn't only in usa any show of him is supressed, all media here in Aus is purposefully oblivious to any mention of all but the approved oldboys romney and whatever.
We too in Japan. No one here knows who in the hell Ron Paul is. But we do whatever the CIA hints at us to do anymore. No more of this getting publicly humiliated, followed by being strung up in our own bedroom under the light fixture. No sir. No way.
And the answer than is what? Revolution? Okay. Then what? Replaced with what?
Outside of a revolution and hoping that whatever it is that takes the place of what we have, what do we have?
Using a lot of "ifs" here, what if Ron Paul is for real. What if he takes Iowa and NH? What if his message in spite of the media blackout get's out? We have to take into account even with the media blackout he's still running strong. Where would his numbers be with media coverage? What if he does happen to win?
Could he save the system? I doubt that, but I do believe having a Ron Paul upset would throw a huge monkey wrench in the works of the power-that-be and perhaps slow the decline.
Looking at history though can give us both cause for hope and a claim to despair. Perhaps an unknown factor creeps in and upsets the entire applecart. We are dealing with factors here that have never before graced the theater we live in. The speed of knowledge that exists today and is only getting faster and stronger is something mankind has never had. The closest analogy would be the invention of the printing press, and that pales in comparison to hand-held computers. Do any of us really know what the impact of this will be? I can't help but believe it's going to have a positive effect. David Rockefeller once blurted out saying "Maybe we would have been better off without the Internet." Of course the "we" he was talking about are the cretin elites he is one of. But the other "we" benefit from what they don't like. And they don't like Ron Paul.
And if Ron Paul is just another lackey for the broken system than he's the best con-job they've put up ever. Because none of us fell for Barry. And I'm not going to pretend Paul is going to walk on water and save the good old U.S. of A. But he would shake things up in a positive way.
I don't know. Perhaps I am dreaming. Maybe I'm just hoping against hope and know in my heart the the inevitable is the inevitable, much like the obvious is the obvious and I'm just kidding myself. Maybe the course is set and there is no effort put forth by mankind that can stop this Hell bound train from going over the cliff into the abyss. But you have to believe in something. So what is it that you believe in besides the abyss?
Perhaps it all does come down to having faith in something you otherwise suspect to be impossible. What if ideas are bulletproof? What if they prevail?
I don't think Ron Paul is insincere M. That is not really my point at all. History has it's own inertia. As you say, the train is Hell bound.
Three choices are then apparent:
1> derail the train
2> let it run off into the abyss
3> jump from the train.
My personal choice is door number 3.
Politics is bullshit.
Voting is part of the system. If you vote you are part of the system. If you vote you collaborate with the system. If you vote you declare and side with the system. If you vote you are responsible for the system. If you vote you lend credibility to the system.
I have to agree with Will on voting. I voted last election simply as a protest vote for Ralph Nader. Knowing of course he didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. Seeing how disgustingly that last election went for the black crowned prince of hope, I said I'd never enter a voting booth again. I meant it. I won't be voting.
I have nothing against anyone else holding out hope that Ron Paul could win. Losing all hope only makes you physically and spiritually sick. I won't go there.
However, knowing elections are totally rigged, What's the chance of a man proclaiming to end wars, the fed and the partriot act will be allowed to win? Hope I'm wrong. There's the H word again.
As I said, I like a lot of what RP says but then again his son is named Rand and I don't like that guy even a little bit. Does the apple really fall THAT far from the tree?. Especially considering Ron named his son after Ayn Rand?. That's the thing that always sticks in the back of my mind and creeps the hell out of me. I don't see Ron Paul as a man standing up for the working class and that bothers me too.
You know enough about Ron Paul to understand he is a champion of the Austrian school of economics, right?
This is as 'conservative' as it gets. This is what Libertarians clamor for. Those who don't understand what the agenda is should read Von Hayek and Von Mises, and get that this is mercantilism. Pure mercantilism is the system of of Europe during the 16th through the 18th century. It is the system that built the banking and corporate paradigm.
It is also the system that the American Revolution was fought to disengage from.
Well, what happened to that revolution? It was repudiated by the elite Federalists who were appalled by "too much democracy."
And this brings us to your comment; "I don’t see Ron Paul as a man standing up for the working class and that bothers me too."
Understanding the Austrian school of economics, and the constitutional coup d'etat of the Federalist will explain that aspect of Ron Paul. Mercantilism is NOT people friendly - as it's history proves, it is the system that created debt bondage and expanded imperialism.
So my advice to those who see Ron Paul as a savior; "Be careful of what you wish for - you just might get it." \\][//
SEE: “Hard Road to World Government” by Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner in a seminal April 1974 article in 'Foreign Affairs' \\][//
Exactly Will. He is not a man of the common people but of the moneyed class. He preaches free markets. Really? How the hell is that gonna ever work in the little guys favor? The big guys are bullies and always buy out or force out the little mom and pops. Unless he intends to do away with all large corporations when elected. His economic policies can go to the bottom of the deep blue sea along with Peter Schiffs in my opinion.
RP never saw a minimum wage hike he could vote for. That's because he doesn't believe in minimum wage. If we take that further, where that takes us is back to the sweat shops where people worked for slave wages, working incredibly long hours for little pay. RP doesn't have a problem with that apparently. No regulation for him, dammit! Let the employers do what is best for the shareholders and goodness and light will follow.,,,oki doki.
Also, Dennis Kucinich(more marginalized than RP) took on 9/11 and the poor treatment of the first responders, He called for the impeachment of Bush by submitting 35 articles of impeachment to congress. Over ten years ago he put forth a bill to ban chemtrails (really? YES over 10 years ago) And he has come out in support of the OWS movement.
Where does RP stand on these issues and why doesn't he speak of them? What has RP done specifically for the little guy or even proposed? I honestly don't know so I'm hoping someone can educate me on that issue.
I like half of what he says. The other other half is pure republican bs to me.
PS: I must be fair here and state I am no longer a Kucinich "fan". He may have been threatened or he may just be another politician playing their game.
If his life or his family's was threatened then I feel bad for feeling this way but I have felt totally sold out by him since he took the "plane ride to Obamacare."
I do have a feeling there was a horse head on the AF1 flight Kucinich took with Oboomba. We'll probably never know what it was. But for a man as principled as Kucinich, it must have been some very persuasive medicine.
All of us have a Price or an Achilles Heel. Either will do in the dance of power.
All of this has one lesson for us here - centralized power is the bane. That is exactly what the Constitution provided to the Money Changers, a central point of power. As we have seen, none of the words mattered or matter - all that matters is that power point presentation from the barrel of a gun. \\][//
*Hamilton even said so much in a private letter after the adoption of the Constitution. He was chided for loosing the battle in the inclusion of the Bill of Rights that took place for ratification. His response in his letter was that it didn't matter. Nothing would matter as to what the contracts say - only in how they are interpreted. What was important was the imposition of the centralized power - with that power one interprets as one wills.
That's politics - 'King of the Mountain'. Machiavelli deluxe. \\][//
Ron Paul has become the perfect Occupier of WallMartStreet. He provides the receivers with plenty of data, a perfect barometer for HAARP and massive potential for American Spring winding. There's so much potential here I can imagine immediately a dozen scenarios for a transitional event.
I hear a lot of bitching and explaining about what is wrong and were we're heading, but I don't hear what anyone's proposals are too any solutions.
Okay, voting sucks. What's the alternative? Jump off the train? Okay, than what?
Another "what if." What if enough people showed-up at the polls that the PTB couldn't tip the scales? They've admitted that they don't have the power to stop a genuine popular up-rising. And if they did steal another elect would it tip a revolution? The people are certainly mad enough to storm the polls. So is this a good time to quit? And again, quit to what?
Do I like everything Paul stands for? No. Do I trust him? Not half as much as I detest the others. Could he too be a plant? Perhaps.
But do you really believe the media black-out is a ploy to get people to believe he's truly anti-establishment when in reality he's not?
Whatever he's got has to be better than what's coming. And what we have isn't just going to go away if a Paul presidency should prevail. As far as that goes I don't believe Jesus Christ Himself could prevent what's about to befall this nation and world.
But again, what if? As smart as we think we are, as right as we've been in the past, can we collectively knowingly say we know what's going to happen. As I have asked, what other solutions are other there than declaring anarchy? Declare yourself a "Sovereign Person?" And then what? Move to the mountains and eat bark?
M, I'm not for eating bark unless it's peppermint bark :) I am not a camper/outdoorsy type at all. I'm a city girl who was transported to the country like suburbs years ago. However, I am also very adaptable and will go with whatever flow is sent my way if need be.
What is the answer? I don't have one. I haven't heard anyone that does except to say let the mother f'er burn and start over. But start over how? I don't know. Smarter minds than mine are contemplating this and disagreeing over what it should look like.
What's AJ's answer if RP wins? End the fed? End the wars? RP can't do a flippin' thing if the congress is paid off and the fascist regime is firmly in place. If he doesn't win, then what's the answer?
All I can say to you Michael is this.... go with whatever your heart and conscience tells you. That's all any of us can do.
I could be very wrong about them being able to totally control the election and I love that you feel like me and haven't given up. You don't think the monsters are invincible either.. Nobody has a god damn clue what the end game really will be. Nobody that is but the creator of the universe and apparently he isn't talkin'.........or maybe he is and it's classified due to the issue of national security.. ha.
Yea Will, maybe that happened. I think it could have . But think about this, If it did, why the hell is he still there? Why not leave the District of Criminals and keep your family safe from ever being threatened again? How can a good, honest man survive in such an environment and why would he want to??
Wtf, is he being held there against his will? Doubt that very much. He sure as hell isn't making an impact on the draconian laws being passed now is he?
So WHY is he still there? Every election cycle I get a letter from him asking for monetary support to keep him in office. WHY ?
If RP should win, a very unlikely scenario, but let's say he does, the shock-waves that would send would reverberate throughout Congress. He's already changed the tone of the debate a great deal. Everyone of the sycophants are out-doing themselves to sound like RP.
Point being he isn't the be-all and end-all to what ails us. But can anyone argue that if we get more focus on the FED, or possibly even end it, and that if we could end these wars, that this would be a bad thing?
The one thing the president does have is the ability to stop the wars. He is after all CIC.
As far as I can speculate Ron Paul's run will draw the lines and make them more definable, whether he wins or not, and especially if he runs on a 3rd party ticket.
I don't know. Maybe I'm getting heady because out on the streets a good many of the people understand that both parties and the system is fucked-up, but that there is also enough of the structure left to perhaps make it work if we run with it.
False hope? Okay, but it's the only hope we have. But what if?
I think M, that all of these "what ifs" are already answered.
What we are dealing with is Amerika's Caretaker Government, this is not, and has not been a sovereign nation for a long time. We live at this very moment in the North American Union. It just hasn't been announced. This is why the so-called southern border is a sieve - it in fact does not exist in any practical manner.
What is happening is all a game of make believe. Maya - illusion.
I cannot get excited about participation in this make-believe paradigm. All I can do is roll with the punches. When most of those around us are clueless, how do we communicate with them? The OWS movement is clueless as well, and I will step on a lot of COTO toes for saying this, but it is part of the grand illusion as well, a manufactured barn for the sheep to huddle in and "bah."
Let me conclude by pointing out, there is a difference between problems and troubles. Problems have answers. Trouble is trouble from any angle you can gauge it by.
We have passed the point of having problems - we are in trouble. It is as if we are in the Tower of Babel, communication is broken.
I advise finding solace within, the world is already on fire. \\][//
Herodotos is an historian who trains you as you read. It is a process of asking, searching, collecting, doubting, striving, testing, blaming, and above all standing amazed at the strange things humans do’ Poet and translator of ancient Greek, Anne Carson, Nox (2011) Intellectual quest for truth: According to the Greek historian Herodotos, quoted above, this is most humane thing you can ever hope to do. \\][//
I agree with your sentiments on the Moreau quote Jayjee. And we can all tell the difference between hack BS "art" and the real thing...that is all of us but the dyed in the wool TVZombies. Or are they 'died' in the wool - same thing I spoze. \\][//
SCRATCH: "The OWS movement is clueless as well, and I will step on a lot of COTO toes for saying this, but it is part of the grand illusion as well, a manufactured barn for the sheep to huddle in and “bah.”
I have changed my mind after viewing the newest video Jayjee posted just recently. I see it totally different now, thanks to Luke's astute observations. \\][//
Honesty has become such a foreign concept its like inconceivable to the sheeps.
ReplyDeleteHey M, where was this program aired? Wonder who owns that station. They did what no one else that I know of has done. They not only spoke of Ron Paul but seriously reviewed what he's been trying to say in the debates with his 58 seconds of air time.
ReplyDeleteWith a system this corrupt, there is no way an honest man can become president and if he did by some miracle fluke, what could one man possibly do to restore what we've lost ? Think of it as a condemned house with it's structure destroyed by termite infestation. It's too late for the exterminator to save it. What it needs is to be torn down and rebuilt.
Ron Paul will not be "allowed" to win unless he is one of them or being used by them. We know this, right?
JG, we cannot indict RP at this point. He certainly stands out from the crowd of puppets however. Go look at the photo/pic at the top of www.rense.com to make the point. RP's "run" may just flush out into the open the criminal and corrupt "hands" behind the curtains. He is also making people think, challenging the BS memes and paradigms normally gobbled and swallowed by the Sheeple. I say, he is refreshing and makes all the other candidates appear like the bought & sold puppets they are. All other candidates are jokes upon the People.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry...perhaps I'm too cynical...but I can't help but think..Fabian...no matter how nice the taste...
ReplyDeleteCynicism is helpful. A key survival tool in today's times. I also reserve judgment. Putting faith in one man who can easily be taken "out" is unwise. I also do not believe in Leaders as answers for society. I eschew that idea.
ReplyDeleteBoom, I wasn't indicting RP. For the most part I agree with what he says I was simply stating what Coto speaks about here 24/7. And that is what? That our system is corrupt at it's very core.
ReplyDeleteThe point I was trying to make in my comment was that, if that is the case, then why would those that pull the strings allow Ron Paul to win unless he is under their control?. I'm not saying he is, I'm saying if he wins he probably is.
Just think about what I just said for a minute. The whole freakin "system" has to crash and burn before an honest person has any chance to make a difference in how this country is run.
I got this thing against Ayn Rand see...yea and I got this thing against, the van's of the Austrian school see..yea yea, and I got another thing against the ability to dance around in a structure that I know is full o'shit, and wonder how it is o'Ron maintains his grip within the 'merrily merrily we go' - yea, sure, that's right...and I got this discomfort that isn't from a toothache or sumthing, you know? It's like a buzzing of doojie voojie, an alarm going off in the future??? WTF? Yea yea, but it's there anyway.
ReplyDeleteWe all know what TV is right? It's that tool Big Brother uses like a can opener to get inside your head. And we all know that DC is like Mordor ...right?
So you tellin' me this guy Ron Paul is like Frodo or something??
Nahhh...this is some sort of worm with a shopping list scouting your gardens dearies...
Somebody roll me a taco - make it herbal..
Right quick now go dammy, I ain't got all day.
Yea Boom I got a pack of eschewing gum the other day and all the ideas stuck to my molars and I had to use a mini jackhammer to get my dentures cleared up. and I realized everybody is a hairy tic on somebody's groove. So I relaxed and learned to love the bomb.
Yea, Fabian had that hit in the early 60s 'Turn Me Loose' - a pretty face with zip for talent...but the words of the song fit the tile on the floor, and those ol'brit-o-barbs of the royal flush society never get it when the fates play poetics with their moniker and sour chamberlain maids oder d'tuna.
ReplyDeleteYou know how a sugar free soda leaves that weird metallic aftertase?
That's the sensation I get offa this Paul clan.
" I’m saying if he wins he probably is."
ReplyDeleteThat's what Paul thinks too...He said something to that effect the other day.
I got this feeling that Paul is out to educate on constitutional issues, not to win the presidency, and that if he gets the nomination it will scare the shit out of him - because that is essentially a horses head in his bed...you know, an offer he CAN'T refuse.
Some dangling 'charm' wave in front of Dennis on AF1 that time.
We gots showboats and battleships...the showboats are the more dangerous.
LOL! Thanks for the HaHa. Hairy tic? ugh. Not groovy.
ReplyDeleteHeretics love their mommy's too Boom.
ReplyDeleteJust not in a biblical way...
None of us came to stay.
It's just a way-station here.
The MF Global meltdown, big as it is, is not "just another" major bankruptcy another Lehman Brothers. It provides irrefutable proof of the tactics employed by top financial players in a prelude to the unraveling of the world's financial system.~Celente
Now, doesn't it seem that who ever is selected as prezydoink in 2012 won't be sworn in, nor 'serve' at any rate?
ReplyDeleteStormy teacups...
"It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings..."
ReplyDeleteAnd she just got strangled back stage.
I heard the gurgle.
Randoid Paul is not earthy-crunchy. The Manitou will dance on his stones.
Let me throw this at ya`.
ReplyDeleteSuppose the X-Factor is the never before seen speed of knowledge?
COTO disturbs people. Even if you don't know why or how, you know something is wrong.
A "tipping point?"
God I hope so.
Would I bet on it?
Of course.
Well, considering Putin's comment of a few weeks ago, telling his general staff to "prepare for Armageddon," and now Russian ships due at Syrian waters...I guess he was serious.
ReplyDeleteNATO and the US are now faced with a real problem. They may squawk about Russia being in their sandbox, but that is just noise.
Now the dance begins...
Does Ron Paul walk on water?
But in this political landscape, dealing with little semblance of sanity there is to hang onto, he's the best we've got.
Is he a plant? Another "Barry `Dunham', `Soetoro', Barack, Husein Obama?"
If he is, they're better than I ever imagined, and we're really, really fucked.
Sometimes the meek inherit the Earth.
Or so they say. Only this isn't the meek. And even if it is, a whole-bunch of pissed-offed meeks still is a force.
I'm still betting on this horse even if he comes in last.
ReplyDeleteYou're right in that the "system" is corrupt to it's core, but not the people.
The system seems to be panicking. Could it be because a general awakening is taking place among the heretofore brain-washed masses?
Good question. I sure hope there is, otherwise, we're fucked. And maybe we're fucked anyway? I wish I had the answers to any of these questions.
I just have a hard time warping my mind around all this being for naught. So I keep on. If I am wrong in my conviction, let it still stand as my last sentiment.
If anyone has a better answer other than "fuck it, let it all burn to the ground and rebuild from the ashes," please let me know.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul, like Kucinich was the token politician they'd allow to hang around. Problem is he hung around too long.
Maybe he's for real, maybe he's not? Who is to say?
And so what? You have someone, or something better outside of every man for himself?
Do I agree with everything the man says? No. But I do believe he'd stop these damn wars. And if that's all he does. Good.
If he doesn't. Well, God help us.
And if he isn't a plant, and they should pull a Kennedy on him, they best not do it too soon with his son in the wings.
Either way Ron Paul represents, rightly or wrongly, something many people believe this country once, or should of stood for. And if that sounds to hokey, so be it.
I am not betting on any horses...I'd like to get the fuck away from the race track...but it seems to stretch from here to there and back again.
ReplyDeleteI still have a systemic analysis, and that means it's not the just the horse, but the owner and rider as well. the "triad", as Puddy keeps pointing out.
If they do put the horse in that can win - that much in itself will be a matter of wonder.
I am in a constant state of wonder all day and all of the night lately. Anything is possible and anything can happen, but I still don't think whoever wins the 2012 will serve anyway.
I think some Big Interupto wedges in.
Just me and my strange visions...
Good point. Can we cautiously hope for the best? Something has got to give, and maybe this is it.
ReplyDelete“The French revolution of 1789 is the one that provides the key to the mystery. It forms the link between the English one of 1640 and the Russian one of 1917 and reveals the whole process as a planned and continuing one which, having passed through these three stages, clearly will reach its final orgasm at some moment not far distant, probably during this century. That climax, foreseably, will take the shape of an attempt to consummate and complete the world revolution by setting up a world-government under the control of the organization which has guided the revolutionary process from its start.”~Douglas Reed
Well, if we're fucked anyway, then none of our worrying will matter. If you're wrong, then it won't matter anyway. So, with the freedom of nothing left to lose, we can hope that Ron Paul is for real. I do like him, but I'm still cautious, just in case. Alex Jones too. Heck, my own family has screwed me over before, so I'm cautious of everybody. If Ron Paul and Alex turn out to be evil insiders, then I won't support them. Until then, they are some of the best we've got, and I do like them.
ReplyDeleteI have to say this, as doomy gloomy as it may seem.
ReplyDeleteAfter all the analysis and digging deeply into the situation in Amerika that we have gone through on COTO, the suggestion that VOTING is the answer to anything...I mean WTF?
As far as I'm concerned it is no different than the HOPE and CHANGE fruitloop jamboree of Oboomba hotcha cha, just an inverted model.
Skip to the Lu my darlings, I'm peeing in the bushes.
Yea, it's every man for himself - there is NO government, it is a criminal syndicate fronting for the Money Changers - if we haven't gotten that far in out thinking then...again, WTF?
The analysis seems to be here, reliant upon a still mythological view of the past, of something wonderful just recently gone bad. This is lollipop history that has been fed to the people for countless generations.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that if the nation “went back to the constitution” everything would just be honky dory is ludicrous – it was not honky dory for one moment in federal America's history.
This system is utterly and absolutely corrupted. And it came to this point because of the weakness and misdirection of the Constitution from it's very conception.
“The framers of the Constitution wanted to insure that the government created by it could never become strong enough to become tyrannical.”
~John Kozy
I am convinced this is not the case after long years of study – the Federalists who attended the convention in Philadelphia were the elite who wanted protection from “too much democracy” that was challenging their own privilege.
This is why the Constitution is so seemingly easy to disparage – it has one function, to protect the power elite. “Interpretation” is the bane of the language, and Jay, Hamilton, and Madison all knew this and took advantage of the concept.
Now I could fill several pages here with documented historical data and testimony to back this up. But if anyone wants to believe that the "Founding Fathers" wanted anything to do with "Democracy," take a refresher course with the 'Federalist Papers'.
Understand this work as a direct elitist reaction to Shays' Rebellion, and get a grasp on the grievances of the Shays' position.
As far as the Declaration and the Constitution – those are two diverse documents.
The Declaration I see as the most brilliant and eloquent political document penned by the hand of man.
The other is a repudiation of the first.
you wrote what I suspect.
ReplyDeletehe is gaining popularity, he seems sane and honest,
he isnt playing the game their way.
he may get elected...but..
if so he will be removed fast.
the double use there is to not only show everyone their power.
but to take any hope away from the ones who dare resist their statusquo.
it isn't only in usa any show of him is supressed, all media here in Aus is purposefully oblivious to any mention of all but the approved
oldboys romney and whatever.
We too in Japan. No one here knows who in the hell Ron Paul is. But we do whatever the CIA hints at us to do anymore. No more of this getting publicly humiliated, followed by being strung up in our own bedroom under the light fixture. No sir. No way.
ReplyDeleteAnd the answer than is what? Revolution? Okay. Then what? Replaced with what?
ReplyDeleteOutside of a revolution and hoping that whatever it is that takes the place of what we have, what do we have?
Using a lot of "ifs" here, what if Ron Paul is for real. What if he takes Iowa and NH? What if his message in spite of the media blackout get's out? We have to take into account even with the media blackout he's still running strong. Where would his numbers be with media coverage? What if he does happen to win?
Could he save the system? I doubt that, but I do believe having a Ron Paul upset would throw a huge monkey wrench in the works of the power-that-be and perhaps slow the decline.
Looking at history though can give us both cause for hope and a claim to despair. Perhaps an unknown factor creeps in and upsets the entire applecart. We are dealing with factors here that have never before graced the theater we live in. The speed of knowledge that exists today and is only getting faster and stronger is something mankind has never had. The closest analogy would be the invention of the printing press, and that pales in comparison to hand-held computers. Do any of us really know what the impact of this will be? I can't help but believe it's going to have a positive effect. David Rockefeller once blurted out saying "Maybe we would have been better off without the Internet." Of course the "we" he was talking about are the cretin elites he is one of. But the other "we" benefit from what they don't like. And they don't like Ron Paul.
And if Ron Paul is just another lackey for the broken system than he's the best con-job they've put up ever. Because none of us fell for Barry. And I'm not going to pretend Paul is going to walk on water and save the good old U.S. of A. But he would shake things up in a positive way.
I don't know. Perhaps I am dreaming. Maybe I'm just hoping against hope and know in my heart the the inevitable is the inevitable, much like the obvious is the obvious and I'm just kidding myself. Maybe the course is set and there is no effort put forth by mankind that can stop this Hell bound train from going over the cliff into the abyss. But you have to believe in something. So what is it that you believe in besides the abyss?
Perhaps it all does come down to having faith in something you otherwise suspect to be impossible. What if ideas are bulletproof? What if they prevail?
I don't think Ron Paul is insincere M.
ReplyDeleteThat is not really my point at all.
History has it's own inertia.
As you say, the train is Hell bound.
Three choices are then apparent:
1> derail the train
2> let it run off into the abyss
3> jump from the train.
My personal choice is door number 3.
Politics is bullshit.
Voting is part of the system. If you vote you are part of the system. If you vote you collaborate with the system. If you vote you declare and side with the system. If you vote you are responsible for the system. If you vote you lend credibility to the system.
"Come out from amongst them"~the Naz
Choosing not to choose is still a choice.
I have to agree with Will on voting. I voted last election simply as a protest vote for Ralph Nader. Knowing of course he didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. Seeing how disgustingly that last election went for the black crowned prince of hope, I said I'd never enter a voting booth again. I meant it. I won't be voting.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing against anyone else holding out hope that Ron Paul could win. Losing all hope only makes you physically and spiritually sick. I won't go there.
However, knowing elections are totally rigged, What's the chance of a man proclaiming to end wars, the fed and the partriot act will be allowed to win? Hope I'm wrong. There's the H word again.
As I said, I like a lot of what RP says but then again his son is named Rand and I don't like that guy even a little bit. Does the apple really fall THAT far from the tree?. Especially considering Ron named his son after Ayn Rand?. That's the thing that always sticks in the back of my mind and creeps the hell out of me. I don't see Ron Paul as a man standing up for the working class and that bothers me too.
ReplyDeleteYou know enough about Ron Paul to understand he is a champion of the Austrian school of economics, right?
This is as 'conservative' as it gets. This is what Libertarians clamor for. Those who don't understand what the agenda is should read Von Hayek and Von Mises, and get that this is mercantilism.
Pure mercantilism is the system of of Europe during the 16th through the 18th century. It is the system that built the banking and corporate paradigm.
It is also the system that the American Revolution was fought to disengage from.
Well, what happened to that revolution? It was repudiated by the elite Federalists who were appalled by "too much democracy."
And this brings us to your comment; "I don’t see Ron Paul as a man standing up for the working class and that bothers me too."
Understanding the Austrian school of economics, and the constitutional coup d'etat of the Federalist will explain that aspect of Ron Paul. Mercantilism is NOT people friendly - as it's history proves, it is the system that created debt bondage and expanded imperialism.
So my advice to those who see Ron Paul as a savior; "Be careful of what you wish for - you just might get it."
ReplyDelete“Hard Road to World Government” by Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner in a seminal April 1974 article in 'Foreign Affairs'
Exactly Will. He is not a man of the common people but of the moneyed class. He preaches free markets. Really? How the hell is that gonna ever work in the little guys favor? The big guys are bullies and always buy out or force out the little mom and pops. Unless he intends to do away with all large corporations when elected. His economic policies can go to the bottom of the deep blue sea along with Peter Schiffs in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteRP never saw a minimum wage hike he could vote for. That's because he doesn't believe in minimum wage. If we take that further, where that takes us is back to the sweat shops where people worked for slave wages, working incredibly long hours for little pay. RP doesn't have a problem with that apparently. No regulation for him, dammit! Let the employers do what is best for the shareholders and goodness and light will follow.,,,oki doki.
Also, Dennis Kucinich(more marginalized than RP) took on 9/11 and the poor treatment of the first responders, He called for the impeachment of Bush by submitting 35 articles of impeachment to congress. Over ten years ago he put forth a bill to ban chemtrails (really? YES over 10 years ago) And he has come out in support of the OWS movement.
Where does RP stand on these issues and why doesn't he speak of them? What has RP done specifically for the little guy or even proposed? I honestly don't know so I'm hoping someone can educate me on that issue.
I like half of what he says. The other other half is pure republican bs to me.
PS: I must be fair here and state I am no longer a Kucinich "fan". He may have been threatened or he may just be another politician playing their game.
ReplyDeleteIf his life or his family's was threatened then I feel bad for feeling this way but I have felt totally sold out by him since he took the "plane ride to Obamacare."
I do have a feeling there was a horse head on the AF1 flight Kucinich took with Oboomba.
ReplyDeleteWe'll probably never know what it was. But for a man as principled as Kucinich, it must have been some very persuasive medicine.
All of us have a Price or an Achilles Heel. Either will do in the dance of power.
All of this has one lesson for us here - centralized power is the bane.
That is exactly what the Constitution provided to the Money Changers, a central point of power. As we have seen, none of the words mattered or matter - all that matters is that power point presentation from the barrel of a gun.
*Hamilton even said so much in a private letter after the adoption of the Constitution. He was chided for loosing the battle in the inclusion of the Bill of Rights that took place for ratification.
ReplyDeleteHis response in his letter was that it didn't matter. Nothing would matter as to what the contracts say - only in how they are interpreted. What was important was the imposition of the centralized power - with that power one interprets as one wills.
That's politics - 'King of the Mountain'. Machiavelli deluxe.
*I do have that quote in my files SOMEWHERE...Lol
Totally bitchin' header today Puddy...damn, you have to send that one to me as a jpg.
Ron Paul has become the perfect Occupier of WallMartStreet. He provides the receivers with plenty of data, a perfect barometer for HAARP and massive potential for American Spring winding. There's so much potential here I can imagine immediately a dozen scenarios for a transitional event.
I hear a lot of bitching and explaining about what is wrong and were we're heading, but I don't hear what anyone's proposals are too any solutions.
ReplyDeleteOkay, voting sucks. What's the alternative? Jump off the train? Okay, than what?
Another "what if." What if enough people showed-up at the polls that the PTB couldn't tip the scales? They've admitted that they don't have the power to stop a genuine popular up-rising. And if they did steal another elect would it tip a revolution? The people are certainly mad enough to storm the polls. So is this a good time to quit? And again, quit to what?
Do I like everything Paul stands for? No. Do I trust him? Not half as much as I detest the others. Could he too be a plant? Perhaps.
But do you really believe the media black-out is a ploy to get people to believe he's truly anti-establishment when in reality he's not?
Whatever he's got has to be better than what's coming. And what we have isn't just going to go away if a Paul presidency should prevail. As far as that goes I don't believe Jesus Christ Himself could prevent what's about to befall this nation and world.
But again, what if? As smart as we think we are, as right as we've been in the past, can we collectively knowingly say we know what's going to happen. As I have asked, what other solutions are other there than declaring anarchy? Declare yourself a "Sovereign Person?" And then what? Move to the mountains and eat bark?
What's the fucking solution!?!
M, I'm not for eating bark unless it's peppermint bark :) I am not a camper/outdoorsy type at all. I'm a city girl who was transported to the country like suburbs years ago. However, I am also very adaptable and will go with whatever flow is sent my way if need be.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the answer? I don't have one. I haven't heard anyone that does except to say let the mother f'er burn and start over. But start over how? I don't know. Smarter minds than mine are contemplating this and disagreeing over what it should look like.
What's AJ's answer if RP wins? End the fed? End the wars? RP can't do a flippin' thing if the congress is paid off and the fascist regime is firmly in place. If he doesn't win, then what's the answer?
All I can say to you Michael is this.... go with whatever your heart and conscience tells you. That's all any of us can do.
I could be very wrong about them being able to totally control the election and I love that you feel like me and haven't given up. You don't think the monsters are invincible either.. Nobody has a god damn clue what the end game really will be. Nobody that is but the creator of the universe and apparently he isn't talkin'.........or maybe he is and it's classified due to the issue of national security.. ha.
Yea Will, maybe that happened. I think it could have . But think about this, If it did, why the hell is he still there? Why not leave the District of Criminals and keep your family safe from ever being threatened again? How can a good, honest man survive in such an environment and why would he want to??
ReplyDeleteWtf, is he being held there against his will? Doubt that very much. He sure as hell isn't making an impact on the draconian laws being passed now is he?
So WHY is he still there? Every election cycle I get a letter from him asking for monetary support to keep him in office. WHY ?
I agree about that header.. awesome! I also agree with jeanne moreau.
ReplyDeleteAgain, another big "if."
ReplyDeleteIf RP should win, a very unlikely scenario, but let's say he does, the shock-waves that would send would reverberate throughout Congress. He's already changed the tone of the debate a great deal. Everyone of the sycophants are out-doing themselves to sound like RP.
Point being he isn't the be-all and end-all to what ails us. But can anyone argue that if we get more focus on the FED, or possibly even end it, and that if we could end these wars, that this would be a bad thing?
The one thing the president does have is the ability to stop the wars. He is after all CIC.
As far as I can speculate Ron Paul's run will draw the lines and make them more definable, whether he wins or not, and especially if he runs on a 3rd party ticket.
I don't know. Maybe I'm getting heady because out on the streets a good many of the people understand that both parties and the system is fucked-up, but that there is also enough of the structure left to perhaps make it work if we run with it.
False hope? Okay, but it's the only hope we have. But what if?
I think M, that all of these "what ifs" are already answered.
ReplyDeleteWhat we are dealing with is Amerika's Caretaker Government, this is not, and has not been a sovereign nation for a long time.
We live at this very moment in the North American Union. It just hasn't been announced. This is why the so-called southern border is a sieve - it in fact does not exist in any practical manner.
What is happening is all a game of make believe. Maya - illusion.
I cannot get excited about participation in this make-believe paradigm. All I can do is roll with the punches. When most of those around us are clueless, how do we communicate with them?
The OWS movement is clueless as well, and I will step on a lot of COTO toes for saying this, but it is part of the grand illusion as well, a manufactured barn for the sheep to huddle in and "bah."
Let me conclude by pointing out, there is a difference between problems and troubles. Problems have answers. Trouble is trouble from any angle you can gauge it by.
We have passed the point of having problems - we are in trouble.
It is as if we are in the Tower of Babel, communication is broken.
I advise finding solace within, the world is already on fire.
Hava Nagila, hell have two of em the're giving them away..
Herodotos is an historian who trains you as you read. It is a process of asking, searching, collecting, doubting, striving, testing, blaming, and above all standing amazed at the strange things humans do’ Poet and translator of ancient Greek, Anne Carson, Nox (2011)
ReplyDeleteIntellectual quest for truth: According to the Greek historian Herodotos, quoted above, this is most humane thing you can ever hope to do.
[Yes, it is also spelled Herodotus.]
I agree with your sentiments on the Moreau quote Jayjee.
ReplyDeleteAnd we can all tell the difference between hack BS "art" and the real thing...that is all of us but the dyed in the wool TVZombies. Or are they 'died' in the wool - same thing I spoze.
EDIT TO: 5:40 pm
ReplyDeleteSCRATCH: "The OWS movement is clueless as well, and I will step on a lot of COTO toes for saying this, but it is part of the grand illusion as well, a manufactured barn for the sheep to huddle in and “bah.”
I have changed my mind after viewing the newest video Jayjee posted just recently. I see it totally different now, thanks to Luke's astute observations.
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