Phobos (which means "fear"), a son of Ares (Mars)
Deimos is the twin brother of Phobos (meaning "dread") was the personification of terror, another son of Ares (Mars)
Phobos Monolith Phobos Moon Deimos MoonPhobos Crater
Stricken Mars probe stays silent
[If control of Phobos-Grunt cannot be re-established, the focus of interest will very rapidly shift to the spacecraft's certain fall to Earth.
Residual air molecules more than 200km above the planet will generate drag on the probe and pull it down faster and faster - although it could be some weeks yet before there is an impact.
The spacecraft weighed some 13 tonnes at launch - double the mass of Nasa's recently re-entered UARS satellite.
What is more, most of the 13 tonnes is made up by the propellants unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) and dinitrogen tetroxide (DTO), both of which are toxic.
It was the presence of a large quantity of toxic propellants on the returning spy satellite USA-193 that the American government used to justify its decision to shoot down the spacecraft with a missile in 2008.]
note: NORAD forecasts that, unless control over the spacecraft is reestablished, it will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere on 26 November. Mars moon hoax- In 1959, Walter Scott Houston perpetrated a celebrated April Fool's hoax in the April edition of the Great Plains Observer, claiming that "Dr. Arthur Hayall of the University of the Sierras reports that the moons of Mars are actually artificial satellites". Both Dr. Hayall and the University of the Sierras were fictitious. The hoax gained worldwide attention when Houston's claim was repeated, apparently in earnest, by a Soviet scientist, Iosif Shklovsky. - source wikipedia
Those who worshipped Phobos often made bloody sacrifices in his name. In Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus, the seven warriors slaughter a bull over a black shield and then "touching the bull’s gore with their hands they swore an oath by … Phobos who delights in blood…"(Atsma). Ares’s son, Kyknos, "beheaded strangers who came along in order to build a temple to Phobos (fear) from the skulls." (Atsma).
According to Plutarch, Alexander the Great offered sacrifices to Phobos on the eve of the Battle of Gaugamela. This was believed by Mary Renault to be part of Alexander’s psychological warfare campaign against Darius III. Darius fled from the field of Gaugamela, which makes Alexander’s praying to Phobos (in all probability asking him to fill Darius with fear) seem successful as a tactic.
Sacrifice to their gods we are. Just lab rats, cattle and chattel to be stricken, decieved, scammed and fleeced. A prelude to 2012? For those with fear and terror maybe. For COTO another illuminati numbered day to a global governance and false flag world. This may be nothing more than the sacrificial offerings for a middle east finale.
Aye! Nothing nefariously heinous today on 11-11-11. Perhaps their ceremonies took precedence. So we wait. But why? Vigilante justice seems so apropos for this time? Lack of targets is not a problem. Why does humanity ignore, rationalize, demonize, and dote on the dailies when Monsters are Among Us?
ReplyDeleteIf they want FSD, Martial law, check points, gun confiscation, infant pat downs, child kidnapping, fema camp openings, military exercises, no elections, habeas fucktus and more, then lets just piss people off so bad that they cannot control thier rage.
ReplyDeleteBy George I think you've got it!
Have you kept up with how many missions to Mars have failed?
ReplyDeleteThat leads me to strange and far out thoughts...
Yes Rogue I am a junior Astronomer. NASA is my watch and barometer. The Russians have tried and failed. About 40.
ReplyDeleteOriginally the scam was the Nazi's and Japanese in 1945 THule Industries followed up to the Reds with Phobos I and II which ended in failure in 1989. Since then propaanda and government controlled meme about these moons being sattelites, hollow asteroids or ships.
This brings the whole enchilada for ufologists to the brink of the rapture event. Such a expensive con and scam that would have fed all humans and changed the technology for real heaven on earth. Instead of the grand chessboard of death and conquest we were given.
I remember the night of the shock and awe blitzkrieg on Baghdad in 2003.
ReplyDeleteI was on the road, on my way to GA moving from San Diego.
We had stopped for the night early in Barstow, it was March, if you recall.
I went outside with my parrot Peeper on my shoulder - it was not cold, but a slightly cool evening. I went from the parking lot of the motel into the desert a short way to get away from the parking lot lights.
The moon was full and high. there was a great ring around it, and inside the ring was a sharper indigo than the grayer night sky out side of a purplish outer edge. It was rather like the moon was in a disk some ten times the diameter of the body itself.
About two thirds of the way from the moon to the edge of this spectacle was the planet Mars, with a very obvious red color to it. It was very large compared to most of the other objects in the night sky.
I downloaded a lot of symbolic information that was obviously a cosmic moment pregnant with the horrific future it projected symbolically and psychically. I was driving into novelty personally that night of the beginning of our journey.
It is hard to grasp it has been more than eight years since that night...even though some of the moments within that time seemed eternity in themselves.
This world in entirely different than the world was when I left California that day. Like some parallel bardo, as if I had switched the channel on some device and am projected into a surreal twilight zone.
If nothing else, it has certainly been fascinating.
Junior Astronomer - ah yes. Myself as well. I had a large reflector telescope when I was William the Younger. My Grandfather gave me scientific instruments for most of the gifts I received from him on holidays. I also got a microscope in the coolest wooden case, with another case of slides and such...
ReplyDeleteThe telescope was an eight inch mirror in a tube about three feet long. I could see the mountains and craters on the moon like I was hovering over it in a space craft. The thrill of it was grand. I was around twelve when I first got it. I spent many nights with my eye to that lens. I had read all the books on Mars and astronomy I could get my hands on all throughout my school years.
Weird, I got A+ on my report cards for physical sciences the same years I got D's in algebra...ha ha ha - go figure.
Do you remember the canals of Mars according to 1950s science books? I made a globe of Mars and copied those canals from photos and illustrations in the books of that era. Paper mache' over a four-square half at a was quite a project at around fourteen years old.
It was a fun and inspiring childhood I had...the world seemed so different then.
NOTE: A "foursquare ball" is about the size of a basket ball, but made out of a soft pink rubber....for those who never played the grade school game.
ReplyDeleteDo they still have foursquare courts in schools these days?
Monkey bars, parallel ladders? We had a slide two stories tall at the grade school I went to in Montclair...and the sand pit must have been ten foot deep before the earth under it...a huge sand field rather than a sand box.
BTW, my 'sign' is Ares {grin}
Your angel of light banner is beautiful Puddy dood.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't I copy those as jpgs anymore???
Not sure what you meant by your reply PD. Those people with their eyes and ears open ARE super pissed off! "Who" should WE piss off?
ReplyDeleteWhen I state "vigilante" justice, I don't mean killing the killers outright. Though that seems appropriate for their crimes. A bounty? How about, mass citizens' arrests of Bad Guys and Gals, bringing them to local police, demanding justice? Clog the corrupt system with the riffraff repeatedly? Aw, that's a stupid idea too. They might fight back or their security, and Then, they'd receive field justice. They'd just be released anyways. But that would show the corruption at the judicial level quite well. What do you propose?
Making noise isn't working.
My son, and the neighbor kids have recently gone on a "foursquare" jag. 5th graders. They use the expansion joints in the driveways to create the 4 squares.
ReplyDeleteYep -- cool header PD!
This is CCTV footage of the Turkey earthquake. It is eerie to watch it, because there is no sound. As you can see, time to escape to safety is minimal --
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I have a few of those moments or periods where I have been thunderstruck by my particular point and the specific times. In these episodes I realize things like the color of the sky being different or days when there is not a sound (bird or cricket)
ReplyDeleteI feel like everyone is gone and only I remain. Maybe we each have a planet where we reside exclusively and everyone else is a holographic except on thier planet where I am the hologram.
Anyway, the Thunder is still ready to take us under.
Pump up the volume boy's because we are still not listening.
Weather Changes -- EF4 November Tornado
I have heard that the statue of libertty is really lucifer,a trick played on us by the french iluminati.
ReplyDeleteNo tricks here. I filed with the commissioners court to give a fifteen minute presentation on "the clear and present danger" we are facing here. I got a letter yesterday they are giving me three minutes to speak. I was so pissed.l may run for office just to force the newspapers to address the damning documents. And then again I might win the election.
That makes you an ornery bastard like my scorpio makes me a contrary and cantankerous fils de pute. Good thing I'm not french too.
ReplyDeleteIndicitive of a shallow VLF-ELF. And because it comes so strong and behind so much interference from another site the dogs and cats don't know either.
ReplyDeleteNormal deep quakes arrive like a train.
MAP 5.6 2011/11/09 19:23:33 38.429 43.229 5.0 EASTERN TURKEY - 5 kilometers
ReplyDeleteMAP 5.2 2011/11/10 17:25:40 38.430 21.906 6.9 GREECE
Are you on one of those Apple Jobbies?
ReplyDeleteI think they are doing exactly what they want. It's to make the norm so stinking bad that any new global scheme will be acceptable.
ReplyDeleteThe Art of Crap - Sum Ting Wong
Keep shitting in the house and we will all eventually move to the tent in the yard and appreciate it.
Hegel - Engels - Dan
Psy-Ops - D&C - Two Party - Slinky Effect - spirals, not circles - downward transformation from quantity into quality.
In the archive analysis they will dump the banks, the bankers, the generals, the terrorists, the useless eaters (non-greenies) non-conformists, the viruses for a sustainable utopia. The world is 10% populated, the financial model sustains no taxes, birth rate economics goes in the toilet with all the previous problem-reaction-solution spirals and you have a owrld of janitors and super intendants.
The idiot masses (because they are) will accept this because the do not understand the negation of negation. What is sold is FSD in a peaceful world after the big bang (human-event) negation of negation after a plague, virus or force of the universe blows once again.
Survival will be seen as devine by some cosmic cow who now rules under the grid of total IT and the intelligence (smart - matter) and the masses will put on Rome-Greece plays once again. Slaves and Addicts will be necessary for sport fucking and lion food and the super intendants. Then we will see the negation of negation again and it will be the exact same spiral as recorded in the KJV and all history books. And then we start all over again. I Claudius signing off.
Gravity and Change
I played 4sq, dodgeball and kickball-baseball with those red balls. Pink? more of a dirty red as I remembered.
ReplyDeleteI predicted a string to hit Utah but that never happened. OK got some small quakes and a rare tornado. Vortex from microwave endothermic pulse-plasma. Bounceback maybe?
ReplyDeleteNo a windows PC.
ReplyDeleteUSed to be I could right click and chose save I just get the option to save the whole page to file. [???]
This began at the time I asked for the Rhapsody Blue banner from you..
did you change your protocol in anyway at that time??
Maybe it's something wordpress did>?<
Please post it in it's entirety King, and remember the time for the big bang was much less. Hit em with the neutron bomb buddy.
ReplyDeleteThat's a Wordpress change. One of those Intellectual Property rights nuggets.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you present your arguments to a sack of potatoes out in a field on a moonlit night Korn?
ReplyDeleteIt will make about as much difference.
Saving us from ourselves...Lol
ReplyDeleteThey will do ANYTHING to make it harder on us...
Wonder when we'll lose a hand for swiping an image??
Yes...they came in a few hues - ruddy red to eraser pink. with a matrix of astral stamps as a non-slip surface.
Free the electrons!!!!
....................... (.) -help me!
Never ceases to amaze me what an unmitigated prick O'Reily is.
ReplyDeleteThe rest is all a bunch of juvenile sci fi to me...we have had the sophisticated stuff for years. Why bother with hacks like these?
I'm not discounting a bluebeam scenario - I'm not discounting that there probably are extraterrestrials...
I can't discount ANYTHING entirely, other than humanity's gross foolishness.
Oh those damn Royal Blues and their NASA Clock. IXXI
Where to now St. Peter? verse
I took myself a blue canoe
And I floated like a leaf
Dazzling, dancing half enchanted
In my Merlin sleep
Crazy was the feeling
Restless were my eyes
Insane they took the paddles
My arms they paralysed
It took a sweet young foreign gun
This lazy life is short
Something for nothing always ending
With a bad report
Dirty was the daybreak
Sudden was the change
In such a silent place as this
Beyond the rifle range
So where to now St. Peter
If it's true I'm in your hands
I may not be a Christian
But I've done all one man can
I understand I'm on the road
Where all that was is gone
So where to now St. Peter
Show me which road I'm on
Which road I'm on
I took myself a blue canoe
Throws around that HaHavad Decree like so much machismo. What a dink. Even when he's on target, what he fires smells like sulphur.
ReplyDelete"You can't own a piece of the spectrum. ~ Adrian Cronauer "
ReplyDeleteMaybe he should check out the newer FCC rules...
I'm also an Ares. My birthday is March 22, which, to my horror, is also the birthday of the Georgia Guidestones (unveiled one year before my b-day) It's also the infamous 322 from Skull and Bones (March 22=3/22.) Eerie!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's name is Arianna, and her nickname is Aries. I chose that name 9 years ago, before the birth of my first child. He turned out to be a boy, so the name was saved until my daughter came along.
Oooh, what an interesting thought! I often wonder if I am real, and everything/everyone else is only within my imagination.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea about holographic planets. That could be true...who can say if it is or isn't? Anything could be possible. Ah, having an open mind is so much fun! (Although it can also be maddening at times, lol!)
ReplyDeleteDo chemtrails cause pedophilia or do pedophiles cause global warming. Ask Penn State. They know.
Inquiring minds want to know.
This is my favorite O'Reilly video.....
ReplyDeleteThe soles of feet the feats of souls
It sure would throw a simeon wrench into their divide and conquer. We can't seem to shake that big blue monolith tho.
It's an unending loop lol!
ReplyDeleteWe've been chemtrail free for a week now. I'll stare up at the pure clear sky, as if it were a rare sight. It is! When was the last time you saw a pure, clear blue sky?
I wonder where Mary Sunshine is?
Dave Hunter?
And all the other gatherers of Cotoismisticoidals...???
And so I waited for a time to make note of this so I would be sure to be as gentle as possible with my observation:
ReplyDelete"Aye! Nothing nefariously heinous today on 11-11-11."~Boomer
Have you re-read this since posting it Boom?
"Nefarious" means covert or hidden. If it is covert then you wouldn't be aware of it. Da? So you do not know, and cannot come to the judgment that nothing heinous happened on 11/11/11.
It may very well be that something totally repugnant happened behind the closed doors of power yesterday, and the ramifications will not manifest until later down the line.
What decisions were made at the economic summit that was in attendance yesterday will now come about? We already know that they are punking the people of Greece with jackhammers - what is next but a thermate enema?
Yes, this thing is like a car crash in slomo. We can see it, and yet it is moving like a fly in molasses.
What will develop with the Penn State scandal? Could that not be another opening of vast lifting of veils?
We don't yet know what we don't know.
"Well it's a gawd awful small affair to the girl with the mousy hair
ReplyDeleteBut her mommy is yelling no and her daddy has told her to go
And her friend is nowhere to be seen as she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view...
As I ask you to focus on sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man look at those cavemen go it's the best selling show
Take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy
Wonder if he'll ever know - he's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars???"~David Bowie
I'm still around, Will. I hope yall are well. (hugs)
ReplyDeleteOh cool...thanks for dropping in for a howdy.
ReplyDeleteGood to know you are still shining.
"Both the proton and electron of a hydrogen atom have spins. The atom has a higher energy if both are spinning in the same direction, and a lower energy if they spin in opposite directions. The amount of energy needed to reverse the spin of the electron is equivalent to a photon at the frequency of 1,420,405,752 Hertz (Hz)."