It's simple. He's an honest, principled man, same as Ralph Nader & Dennis Kucinich. Two men also marginalized when running for president. The powers that be don't like men of their stature. They prefer the slick, sellout snake oil salesmen that can sway the electorate with their sparkly smiles and glib rhetoric. That is why the tool for the elite, the main stream media, marginalize and flat out ignore Ron Paul and his popularity with the people.
Now I don't agree with everything Ron Paul says but I do agree with him on the most critical issues of today. Top of the list are: restoring civil liberties, which means repealing the Patriot Act...ending all wars and bringing our troops home NOW and ending the Federal Reserve and the reign of financial terror that's been waged against the people of the United States. He is the only man running for president today that is promising to do all of those things. I believe, if he were elected, that he would do his best to accomplish those goals in his first year in office. The question is, will they allow him anywhere near the presidency? My honest opinion is, no. With rigged voting machines and corrupt politicians in every little city and town, it's not likely. He doesn't serve the needs of the Corporatocracy.
I no longer believe our vote counts. I believe our system is gamed against We the People and for the continuation of the Corporate State. My last vote was cast for Ralph Nader in 2008. Though I believe Ralph was THE man for the job, I also knew he didn't stand a chance of winning against those odds. So, I considered it a protest vote. After that , I vowed I'd never enter the voting booth again.
Perhaps I'll have a change of heart as the 2012 election draws near. That change will most likely come if the msm talking heads continue to ignore the public groundswell for the only viable candidate in the race today, Ron Paul. Maybe I will be tempted to cast one more protest vote. I'm a sucker for an honest underdog. ~jg
Too many lies in this place Jersey... we can't even trust that we are not being worked over by the seemingly honest guys.
ReplyDeleteI just found this clip... got a lot out of it... it is very relevant...
My world is going to be an honest one.
Left, right, up or down... it does not matter.
ReplyDeleteEnd the wars- bring the military home.
End reckless spending
End the Federal Reserve system
All these things are going to end anyway. Pilots call this a "controlled crash." It's better to belly into a bean field than come to a sudden stop against the side of a mountain. Fly into the crash as much as possible.
Autopilot to this point for the past 150 years. Time to take control. If the "political process" can not handle it, some other ways will be found. The wars, the spying, the looting and lying are unsustainable. Out of fuel.
While the suits and nattering big hair heads piddle and preen about Iran or Libya or Greece or anywhere-but-here... the economic engine sputter. Lights of Duckburg below, and the mythical hills east over Uncle Scrooge's moneybin.
Time to set this sucker down easy as possible. Whether it's the Green party or the necktie party, there WILL be a party if the landing does not kill us and we are not too busy trying to breathe. Terrorists fly in to the money bin.
We still have other options.
That was a good video...I think that is one area where one would need a lot more training that this intro to really get the hang of.
ReplyDeleteBut the central premise, that there are so many accepted social white lies...that in itself is a fascinating concept. One we all know subconsciously and one we should examine up front.
I see it as a result of the cultural neurosis of this post modern society. Something that has a very long history - but is NOT necessary.
We are literally trained to have feelings as fragile as sugar glass from our earliest moments.
Which leads to the moment of now, and the recognition that all of this is not simply a POLITICAL problem that we are discussing on these forums.
Who are we?
Why are we here?
How did we get here?
Where are we going?
These are the real questions.
Wow Waldo... that's a great take on the situation. Not just because the MSM and alternative (?) medias continually blare the chaos scenario, but because it only makes sense... of course it would happen that way. Even the el-ites would not want total collapse as they would surely not get out alive.
ReplyDeleteWill... we are freakin' born liars !!!! That's pretty evident.
ReplyDeleteI recently heard this concept that we are demons and this place is hell.... that'll blow your mind after a good toke... we are of the dark airs of this world that live in shadows in daylight and rule over the night.
We are here to conquer our inner demon... mayhaps.
But you know... we are NOT born evil. No one is born evil and i can prove it...
ReplyDeleteare you curious.... hmmmm...?
I knew You would see the light Joisy. That cutesy Hedges guy had You beguiled but now all is well. I want to see Your house pasted with RP signs and banners. The cars too.
ReplyDelete"Will… we are freakin’ born liars !!!! That’s pretty evident."
ReplyDeleteNo, I disagree. We are born into a culture of liars.
That is different than it being in our DNA.
We are born needing, and therefore seeking attention.
There is much interpretation in any of these studies of 'HUMAN NATURE" - they are prejudiced by taking place inside the culture.
"Do as I say not as I do," is blather...all learn by imitation first and foremost. Babies learn to lie from their lying parents. As it may be generational for centuries - it is still learned behavior.
"Little white lies" are demanded by the neurotic and insecure.
Conformity is demanded by the insecure.
Read some Otto Rank and Ernest Becker - ART AND ARTIST by Rank, THE DENIAL OF DEATH by Becker.
Western "Civilization" may be insane [it is] but that is not natural is the most unnatural of man.
"Even the el-ites would not want total collapse as they would surely not get out alive."
ReplyDeleteNever underestimate insanity.
It is not the actors Korn - it is the system.
"Elect Ron Paul??"
ReplyDeleteThen you still don't get it. The "political process" is gone. If puppets in place now do not end the illusions before the next "election," they will end themselves.
By then, "elections" will be the LEAST of our worries.
There is no "Ron Paul."
For those who still 'believe in" the Constitution - who think that it has been nullified or abandoned, I urge you to understand the history of that document and understand that the Convention in Philadelphia was a coup d'etat against the popular revolution by the elites of that day.
ReplyDelete[ See: ]
Bear with me in this short section from that book:
The token usage of such egalitarian phrases as “we the people,” as Wolin correctly points out, was “a formula to give the Constitution a legitimate basis, not to encourage an active citizenry.” The vitality of the state would come not from a politically astute and engaged citizenry but from a highly productive and efficient economy. “Getting the economy moving again,” not “liberation,” would become the slogan of candidates running for political office. And here we come to the heart of the crisis which infects our political order. The concept of a reflective, politically active and community oriented citizen (a Ben Linder) must be displaced by the concept of the responsible citizen (a Lee Iacocca): one who gives “a due obedience to its [the federal government's] authority” (Hamilton) and who appreciates and longs for the imperial reward for obedience: material wealth and protection.9
What does this mean? It means that as long as we value the accumulation and protection of property, and a judiciary to protect us from the government more than we value playing a meaningful role in the decisions that affect our lives, we obey. We don't ask questions. We learn to care more about how much we earn than about what we do and even less about the impact that our work has on others. In fact, obedience implicitly means that when we go to work we leave our conscience at home. It also means that we agree not to care so much about the details of politics as long as the form of popular government and the appearance of democracy is maintained. We agree when we consider political issues to think primarily in terms of self-interest and consumer sovereignty. The Middle-East? That means the price of oil. Central America? There is the potential for more Spanish-speaking refugees to pour across our border. Social programs? Unless I am a recipient, they have a bad effect on my taxes and interest rates. We learn to admit that we are selfish and materialistic, as though it could not be otherwise, and then take pride for being honest in this admission. But notice: it is in the context of this obedience that I may claim my rights as a responsible citizen and expect the government to deliver to me as a responsible citizen the real opportunity to acquire affluence and comfort. It is in this context of obedience that my freedom of speech is protected. For if I don't obey, if I persist in valuing real democracy and community higher than the opportunity to obtain private power and affluence, then I am a subversive and my freedom of speech cannot be protected. The truth is that if we insist that we, the homeless, people of color, women, Native Americans, and workers - the majority - must govern ourselves, or, for example, if we agree that we are willing to do with less in order that we might genuinely share economic resources and power with the peoples of the Third and Fourth Worlds or in order that we might live in a cleaner environment, then we threaten the privilege and power of the few who have it as well as the entire system that makes their privilege possible. The Framers understood this levelling tendency, this distaste of empire. In 1798, the Sedition Act was passed which made it a crime to “write, print, utter or publish...any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress of the United States or the President...with bring them...into contempt or disrepute.” ...
Sad to say but will & waldo are right. The system is corrupt to the core and going to the polls to vote is a useless endeavor. Even if they weren't ignoring RP, he still wouldn't be "the one". Why would they allow any man in who didn't abide by THEIR rules? Look at the crop of reps running. All sleazy corporate boot licking pigs that love the police state. Each one is getting their day in the sun by the MSM. They rotate which one is their front runner from week to week. All except for RP of course.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and put those stickers everywhere as a last hurrah. Let RP know you support him. But I wouldn't hold out any hope that he will win anymore than I held out hope Nader or Kucinich would win.
Better you get out in the streets for OWS in your town. The people will prevail in the end and then we can argue about what type of system we are going to have.
The Founders? The worst of them were vile selfish men. The best of them were delusional hypocrites.
ReplyDeleteSomething new, or death. Your choice.
Well... we are born a survival instinct we cry when hungry, wet, cold... sooner than later we realize crying represents comfort and we love that so we begin to crave more love because that means comfort and care and needs taken care of... and crying as a means to achieve it... a lie is born.
ReplyDeleteSo, what came first, the chicken or the egg? What did the matrix have to do with that?
However, as you say, in a healthy society we would raise our young to mature out of said neediness and in a normal world such neediness would fall off because needs would be met by and large by a world that does love us. We are currently on the wrong social engineering loop... that can change, but we are still... i think... born liars.
Noam Chomsky has made the point well: “If segments of the usually irrelevant and apathetic public begin to organize and try to participate in some meaningful fashion in shaping affairs of state, that is not democracy, that is called a crisis of democracy as liberal elites in fact call it and it's a crisis that must be overcome by various means.”~Delivered in a talk at the University of Colorado at Bolder, December 1986.
ReplyDeleteKairys states that, “Our glorification of the history and modern reality of free speech has masked the lack of substantial participation in the decisions that effect our lives...The mythic version of freedom of speech is a central element of our national identity. It can be easily manipulated to legitimize the lack of adequate means of expression or participation, enlarged power for the already powerful and even military intervention abroad.”16
There are two issues, then. One is the clarification of the nature and degree of political repression in the United States and the second is the suggestion that our belief that we live in a country free from political repression is itself a necessary condition of political repression. Our discussion, like all politically engaged intellectual work, must be seen not only as a process of discovery, but as a process of self-discovery, of liberation.
Political repression in the United States, also contrary to popular myth, has been constant and widespread. And the depth and persistence of political repression in the United States, in light of our nation's self-understanding as a free and innocent people, is, in a word, shocking.~Ibid
"but we are still… i think… born liars."
ReplyDeleteWhy? You defeated that notion in everything you said before.
We are born naive, and must mature. That is different than being born liars. Born liars would never mature into loving individuals, as too many fail to do in post modern society. And as you note yourself, this is a contrived and false paradigm in-which we now live. Anything but 'natural'.
We are born human - a very complex entity, but one capable of wisdom.
I cede this argument to you because you are correct. If the need was not placed there... the lie would not evolve. There is no reason a baby should develop the need to lie... in a healthy society.
ReplyDeleteUncle... :)
Thank You Wanda,
ReplyDeleteFew are gracious enough to make such an acceptance.
Wow, so rare, congratulations Wanda.
Right is right.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I like your brain.
One thing common to all sociopaths is survival of self... they create a world of delusions for us and many might even buy into them themselves... but they think out the consequesces of completely effing it up... they always have a back-up plan. And it is also true that if you wish them to go away... you need only to shun and deny them.
ReplyDeleteNow for some comedic relief...
ReplyDeleteMy kind of video... 40 seconds... enjoy.
Hey Wanda, I saw a spectacular display in the middle of the Texas desert between Dallas and Houston one night in 1967...
ReplyDeleteIn fact there must have been close to a hundred people parked at the side of the two lane HWY watching. It was amazing, something I will never forget as long as I live.
ReplyDeleteHow I Was Arrested at Occupy Wall Street
By Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK
19 October 11
Naomi was arrested standing on the sidewalk in her evening gown in New front of the building where she was attending an event for the Huffington Post. Because she interacted with the protesters and advised them that they had the right to walk on that same sidewalk.
How do you show that freedom of speech is a joke in the "Land of the"....ho ho ho he he he ha ha ha....ahem...
ReplyDeleteYou show it is a joke by attempting to speak freely.
ReplyDeleteC'mon... that just smacks of a set up publicity stunt.
ReplyDeleteI saw my first ufo at around ten years old. Saw bunches of crazy sh*t UFOs when i lived in the mountains of Colorado just before i left around two years ago. The sky was filled one day... there were three different types of vessels i personally saw and one was massive, i will say frighteningly so, and only about tree top high. Found out later that one was a US military craft.
ReplyDeleteAnother day i was driving up the road and had my X in the car with me... he's a denier. For a full five minutes i'm looking at what impossibly appears to be a huge silver train car in the sky with a long row of windows. So i am on a back-road, very little traffic and driving about 5 mph because i am looking at this crazy looking thing in the sky. My X starts yammering at me to watch the road and i am like -look at that.. and describing it. He would not look. To this day, i regret not pulling over and making him look.
Here's where it gets weird... i go on line to search craft that looks like train cars... nothing. So, i convince myself that that was not what i saw. About six months later, i am browsing a UFO site, one of the more credible ones... and lo and behold... someone else saw that exact craft.
Tom Waits... The Road to Peace...
ReplyDeletethe killing has intensified out along the road to peace.
fill the children full of hate to fight an old man's war and die along the road to peace.
if God is great and God is good, why can't he change the hearts of men?
Maybe God hisself is lost and needs help... maybe God hisself needs all of our help and He's lost upon the road to peace.
I'm in a Tom Waits state of mind today......
Any doubts this place, with all its deceptions, is not a beautiful, magical realm? This is mesmerizing...
Tom Waits... i wait.... the world waits...
ReplyDeleteThis is the last one and i will leave you good people to your own devices. Don't forget to dance.... don't forget to smile...
I have been absolutely rapid cycling manic these past four days... energies are the highest they've felt in... ever. My emotions are all over the map... all in and around the sine wave... very intense.
Remember Fernwood Tonight?
Tom Waits performs The Piano Must Be Drinking on Fernwood Tonight...
I promise... this is the last one... this one is fun...
Okay... that video only proves it's phony. With all the knowledge Naomi has, why isn't she telling the cops they are breaking the "law" and violating rights? If i were dressed to the nines and going out to a dinner, i would be livid at such a bogus intrusion into my life. Where is even a hint of "i don't believe this is even happening!" going on?
ReplyDeleteYou know what that video is doing? It is brainwashing people that when confronted by the cops (cop outs) you don't make a wimper, you don't resisit, you just let 'em cuff you and haul you out of your life.
ReplyDeleteIt's bullsh*t... it's BRAINWASHING.
And......... now that she has everyone's attention, she will be sure to tell them to demand DEMOCRACY.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have any idea what you are talking about.
You are forming an opinion on a few moments of video.
"With all the knowledge Naomi has, why isn’t she telling the cops they are breaking the “law” and violating rights?"
She did tell them all that. Sorry I didn't give the URL to the article she wrote the next day after getting out of jail.
I will try to get that for you.
She was dressed up for a convention at the building she was standing in front of, a meeting for the authors who write for the Huffington Post.
Have you ever read any of Naomi Wolf's writing?
I don't understand this hostility towards her.
Wait a minute I DID give you that is just above in the threads....
ReplyDeleteYou must not have read it Wanda, it covers everything you misconstrued.
Yes, i have read some of Naomi's stuff. I believe her stuff is valid and good overall... but how naive (i pronounce it nave) would it be to think she wasn't doing some coded stuff? She would not be enjoying sunshine, i am fairly certain, if she didn't... none of these truth sayers would be.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, i would have to watch the longer clip to form a better judgement... or perhaps... before i pass said judgement. It doesn't change my overall point. Alex Jones avoids the "jewish" issues... Democracy Today doesn't touch the 911 inside job issue... on and on and on... ad infinitum... ad nauseum.
Whoa... slow down sailor... i am not hostile toward Naomi.
ReplyDeleteThere is a system in place there is no getting around. I try to view things with a critical eye towards what are the visuals are telling us because that is something the subconscious grabs... and what's left unsaid speaks volumes to the trained ear.
Naomi comes out with a statement after the fact detailing everything... BUT in the video, which more than likely was choreographed, you see her do the subliminal thing... submissively allow the "authorities" to haul her off. That is the message... everything else is window dressing.
ReplyDeleteThe phreaks that control our reality have been in business for centuries... they know how things work on a primal level and they utilize th at knowledge and permeate every aspect of this reality. Don't you think it astounding that they steal our awareness away before we can even focus our eyes? While we are in the cradle... that's mind blowing.
Well Wanda,
ReplyDeleteI don't see any indication that the video as choreographed.
I think you are wrong - but you have every right to your own take on this.
As a woman up against large men who have grabbed her and cuffed her, there is nothing subliminal in her submission, it is a matter of the others superior physical force.
And I have never been in the navy {grin}
Think that through Will... not the not being in the navy part... but the rest of it. They didn't slap any duct tape on her lips, did they?
ReplyDeleteEvery picture tells a story, don't it?
ReplyDeleteonce again' there IS NO "Ron Paul."