What is FRAUD? Since the corporate "United States of America" was built as a "Matrix-Like" false system of government based on deception, to control "Americans" -- how can it stand as a beacon of Freedom? Slavery never has been abolished has it? It was refined with legal language in secrecy, and rolled out to cover an entire country of souls. The picture of America's history to the present is getting clearer now, isn't it? We are beginning to understand the "Why?" and the "How?".
WE the People are NOT CHATTEL! {Movable Property -- an item of personal property that is not freehold land and is not intangible. Chattels are typically movable property chattels personal, e.g. furniture or cars, but may also be interests in property chattels real, e.g. leases}.
[caption id="attachment_16326" align="alignleft" width="343" caption=""Adjusting the Balance""]
CATCH-22 October 15, 2011 Kirwan
This illustration is another of those done right after the Millennium that illustrates exactly what was going on then, and if anything it is far more relevant today than ever.
What we are facing now is a massive coverup of the truth about what the Constitution became; after the public thought they understood what it really was.
Here’s the current TRUTH about the now perverted version of the Constitution of the United States Incorporated.
“Basically, your Legal Person obscures your valuable American rights, described in the Declaration of Independence, and subjects you instead to the commercial world of a gazillion statutes, licenses, regulations, registrations, income taxes, permits, and sundry other burdens. Do these seem familiar?
These insidious events began when southern States, with cause, seceded from the U.S., which on March 27, 1861 temporarily disabled Congress, and therefore the “United States” central government, for lack of a quorum. Within weeks Lincoln, as Commander in Chief, declared martial rule by Executive Order, the nation’s first. You should be very angry that, thousands of Executive Orders later, we are still under martial rule.
During the turmoil of the Civil War, and the ensuing decade, the strong, pent-up commercial interests of emerging industries such as railroads, steam power, electrification, gold and silver mining, banking, and the like, began dismantling lawful control of the U.S. government through devious means, including un-ratified constitutional amendments, with the intent to advance commerce and commercialism.
In 1868 the phrase “citizen of the United States” became a new form of citizenship for emancipated slaves, trusts, corporations and other “fictional persons,” which provided them limited civil rights;
In 1870 the U.S. Supreme Court lost much of its power to the Executive branch’s newly enacted Department of Justice.
In 1871 a private, for-profit, internationally owned British corporation, dubbed the “United States,” was seated in the District of Columbia by act of the U.S. Congress, which included its territories, possessions and commonwealth.’
By default, the several States outside the “United States” are still known as the “United States of America.” (See US Code Title 28, Section 1746 for evidence.)
The consequence of these and other changes is that subsequent statutes, and the entire court system of the United States, emerged under a Law Merchant system that neither man nor woman, as sovereigns in their republics, are obliged to obey. However, to obligate men and women, Legal Persons (a form of “fictional persons”) were created:
At childbirth the mother is encouraged to describe her newborn child to the government, and provide the information using her maiden name.
This certificate of live birth is forwarded to the Department of Commerce, establishing the newborn’s future rights to the commonwealth of the nation.
In return, a government Birth Certificate is issued, typically with the child’s name spelled in all capital letters, or with an abbreviated middle name.
However, the Birth Certificate is not about the child. Instead it is the embodiment of the newly created and naturalized Legal Person, as a 14th Amendment “citizen of the United States” and subject to the jurisdiction thereof (i.e., the statutes, etc.). This Legal Person is the property of a trust to which the child is the Beneficiary and full owner of its equity; and to which the state, by default, becomes Executor (because the child, born to a maiden, is legally disabled!). The government became the Trustee, and therefore holds title to the Legal Person. Upon reaching majority (18 years of age) the child, still as Beneficiary, becomes the Master, and can appoint a new Executor (usually himself) at any time, except for the fact he is unaware of the trust, due to our public, government-managed, cookie-cutter education.
So, what happens next?
Typically, the 18 year-old Master acquires a driver license and his first car, which is also licensed, and will someday register to vote. During these formative years he finds himself in occasional trouble with the law, even though he has not committed intentional harm to anyone. The Master believes he is subject to the statutes, but in reality it is the Legal Person that is being charged with infractions, and then only on the presumption that the Legal Person is somehow engaged in performing functions as a government employee or contractor, based on the existence of those licenses, and other such evidence. Unaware of his non-involvement, and that it is his responsibility to refute the presumptions of the Legal Person, sadly the Master then either satisfies the fine or goes to jail.
We now learn that the remedy for the Master is to appoint himself as Executor of the trust, which he has right to do, and then as Executor to demand to see the contract that binds the Legal Person to the statutes. Unless the Master himself is a policeman, judge, government agent, or by some other direct means under contract to the government and performing that function at the time of the infraction, thereby obligating government liability to his harmful ways, no contract should exist.
So, when charged with violation of a statute, consider refuting the charges by declaring yourself in advance of the court date to be both the Master and Executor (or other title of authority) to the Legal Person trust, in which the government is Trustee, and demand proof that the Legal Person was performing under valid government contract at the time of the infraction. You will then be able to sleep much better at night. To become more familiar with this conundrum, your remedies and precautions, watch Dean Clifford’s excellent video presentations at”. (1)
The fascinating aspect of all this is that all the members of every SECRET SOCIETY have always known this; all the members of the government have known this, including all the lawyers; and all those in the controlling positions of the New World Order have known this since they began to participate in this international coup that has taken over the old USA. The only “people” that have remained in the dark about this are the people themselves—those who have been most directly affected by all of it.
So here’s the CATCH-22. Since everyone in “authority" has known about it since it happened to us all: and since the public apparently remains ignorant of the truth surrounding what our rights are or are not: given the fact that another low-life private-for-profit corporation has stolen even the US Constitution:
Don’t YOU think that we ought to do something about this?
Once upon a time this was our nation and in theory our country: What it has become is just another income stream for yet another corporate scam; except that this one includes all our money, all our FREEDOMS, and virtually everything we might ever want to become!
It is certainly no secret as to why no one in an official position would want us to ever know about this crime against the nation and its people: But right now when it matters the most the government is still NOT choosing to tell the public what they have allowed to happen to the US Constitution! No wonder the cops refuse to hear about the First Amendment or anything else to do with the Constitution: They know the whole damn thing is NOTHING BUT A SERIES OF LIES – but most of us did not KNOW this or we would have already had the REVOLUTION that so many in power today live in fear of happening on their watch.
So maybe the demands coming from the protestors ought to include the TRUTH about what happened to the US Constitution? As in WHO STOLE IT AND WHO IS NOW IN CHARGE OF THIS FASCIST POLICE-STATE, according to the actual laws of the Corporation and NOT the Republic! The CATCH-22 is that if they tell us we might well hang the lot of them, and if they don’t we might just rebel anyway and destroy everything they think they’ll get by continuing to control us.
The truth is that for instance: In NYC there are only 34,000 cops and over 8 million people. How long do you think the cops could hold out if the entire population were to discover THE TRUTH behind this sordid little SECRET deal that awarded this NATION to a CORPORATION for sordid money and criminal control over this whole country!?
Given the fact that all of our National Guard troops are overseas fighting in bogus wars to make evermore profits for that same illegal corporation—the bloated BLUE LINE would not last more than 24 hours before the public would not just overrun them but would crush their filthy bodies into the cracked-concrete that they so viciously have abused with the blood of so many who only wanted to draw attention to the fact that their government had deserted them in their hour of real need!
The only positive thing to come from this would be the fact that huge amounts of POLICE-STATE-ASS would be kicked and maybe killed if it comes to that. But IF the pubic chooses to use this knowledge to change the facts surrounding what this country has become – back to what it once was expected to be; then just maybe the confrontation could be foregone and the TRUTH might in the end really set us all FREE of this Tyranny and Treason that has nearly engulfed us all? (2)
Jim Kirwan
Also, see the Vatic Blog, which led me to this Kirwan piece -- "What About the Children?". http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-about-children.html
2) Free the 99%
I'm posting this HybridRogue1 comment from another thread, here, because it is getting to the "meat of the matter":
ReplyDelete"And so, to finally come awake here, one must begin to understand that the Constitution itself is written in Newspeak.
Taking as example, the opening words in the Preamble: “We the People.”
Being that the document was argued over and written by a committee of men in a secret meeting, and that the discussions were not made available, only the final work. Then the “people” that the preamble refers to is limited in reality to the members of the convention who wrote and signed the document.
And has been documented, the meeting of these men was by subterfuge, a con game and in fact technically illegal in the eyes of the contract they were breaking, the Articles of Confederation.
It was a coup d’etat by racketeers, which as since been propagandized as a great moment for freedom and liberty by the scoundrels who usurped the revolution from the people. It is a harsh judgment, yet one that is verified by the history of that constitutional republic itself.
The revolution has been interrupted for too long. It is long past time for it’s revival.
It is true that all men are created equal as to the rights of liberty, but in the expanded sense of all people everywhere, not merely the elite white men who first uttered those words.
Liberty is not an INVENTION of revolution – Liberty is the DISCOVERY of enlightened reason". ~ \\][//
Hell yeah, they all know exactly what they're doing... this i have personal experience with because i have challenged them twice. I got two tickets for not wearing my slave-belt while driving. I went full tilt boogie each time because all i had at stake was a $135 PENALty anyway you sliced it.
ReplyDeleteThey gang up on you and they pull out all the stops to insure they get their claws on your money... no shame, in fact they are proud of what they do, they are very cliquish and smugly superior... very odd behavior considering what they are actually doing and the state our nation is currently in.
Have a look at this pdf, linked below, that compares and contrasts the "founding fathers" Constitution against the corporate CONstitution... side by side on the same page and i think it covers about everything discussed in this article and more... you can blow past page 1, the meat and potatoes starts on page 2.
Thank you Boomer for beginning the discussion with a quote by my self.
ReplyDeleteI suppose it should be frankly stated at this point that, "Government" is a racket.
Government is always a rigged game by those who control it.
Perhaps it is time for a new idea. New ideas for structuring our lives as individuals, families and communities. Following leaders always seems to lead the followers to the benefit of the leaders. Does it not?
The questions and answers will be complex until they are broken down to simple principles. So bring out the hammers let's begin breaking down. The old and unworkable needs clearing away.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”~Goethe
it may become a moot argument soon, I read Russia seems to think that neither the Eu or US can "manage" the NWO correctly..
ReplyDeleteand seeing as they cant manage money or the needs of their people, Russia may have a valid point:-)
see France just sold greece some nice new ships on tick till the economy improves..
think its going to go waaay beyond arguing your rights as a us citizen, rather soon
Resource List you should save and file:
ReplyDeleteList of Articles / Documents by "S" (Updated April 3, 2008)
The Public Statutes at Large of the U S of A -- Organization of the Government in 1789 to March 3, 1845
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises
***The Lieber Code - Washington, D.C., April 24, 1863
USDC has an EIN
JFK Motion for Constitutional Jurisdiction with Comments by "S"
THE ULTIMATE DELUSION: Queen Elizabeth Controls and Has Amended U.S. Social Security
The Avalon Project - Madison Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
ACT OF 1871 - from "S"
Government instituted slavery by franchises PDF -- http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/us_constitution/news.php?q=1207192619
Here is a resource pdf you should save:
“The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire fact of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source. A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the Union than a particular member of it, in the same proportion as such a malady is more likely to taint a particular county or district than an entire State.
ReplyDeleteIn the extent and proper structure of the Union, therefore, we behold a republican remedy for the diseases most incident to republican government. And according to the degree of pleasure and pride we feel in being republicans ought to be our zeal in cherishing the spirit and supporting the character of federalists.”~Madison, Federalist 10
"... go waaay beyond arguing your rights as a us citizen, rather soon"
My personal argument is not for the "rights as US citizens" but as to the rights of human beings throughout the whole planet.
Be that as it may there is something even more alarming said by Putin:
Most frightening of everything in this FSB report, however, is the reply Putin gave to Russia’s top generals yesterday when asked what preparations should be made and he answered…. “Prepare for Armageddon.”
Sensing these developments, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin prior to his departure for China, cautioned his generals to prepare for Armageddon. A similar message was also delivered to the Chinese leadership that has the Chinese Forces also on high alert. Apparently in the same context, Putin has resolved all differences with China to forge a clear unity for times ahead.'
" The Lieber Code was adopted by President and Commander in Chief Lincoln April 24, 1863. The Great Writ of Habeus Corpus per the Organic Constitution was summarily suspended in order to more efficiently prosecute a false flag war against the ten southern states."
Let it be noted that " The Great Writ of Habeas Corpus per the Organic Constitution" Is NOT articulated as a RIGHT in that "Organic Constitution" - but is indeed proposed to be a 'Privilege' only; and suspension is prescribed in the text of that constitution in instances of Insurrection and rebellion.
Added by Boomerang -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeus_corpus
The American Constitution of 1787 was explicitly designed to prevent the emergence of an internally sovereign and accountable political power structure. James Madison quite properly referred to it as
ReplyDelete* “our feudal constitution.” *
Walter Dean Burnham - The Current Crisis in American Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), 260. [ Burnham's theory of elite, capitalist control of the political system in the 20th century has gained less attention and support. >Lol, No doubt – and therefor no surprise that the quote by Madison above is found in only one direct reference on the web - and that is to Burnham's book.
The National Government in DC represents not the people of the United States but, the Wall Street-London oligarchs.
The bipartisan “Gang of Six” today briefed members of the "Super Committee" on Deficit Reduction, but the content of the closed-door deliberations remain secret as the deadline to come up with a proposal for $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction approaches next month.
One of the committee’s co-chairs, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, told reporters that he does expect to hold more public hearings in the future, although he declined to elaborate. 10/19/11
"Hard times lie ahead comrades but cheer up, things are getting worse."
ReplyDelete~Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky
An "Obvious" fact WE see is the exponential increase of "secrecy" in all-things-government. One must ask the question "Why?". The promises of increased "transparency" by leaders such as Mr. Obama are clearly seen to be rhetorical statements not corresponding to actions and reality. Again -- Why?
ReplyDeleteThe "National Security" meme is subterfuge, used in an offhanded manner to shield Truth and Reality from the population at large. Deeds done in the dark usually cannot stand the light of day and public scrutiny. The inference then, is not that the population is too dumb to understand the import { The People are the one's who bear the results of the policies and administrative decisions of "civilian" and military agencies doing the "thinking" and implementation of such decision making }.
In an Information Age such as we inhabit, it is therefore an affront to The People, to be kept in the dark purposefully. So, yes, this "secrecy" policy is intended. Seeing that we also inhabit an age of astronomical corruption at all levels of society, WE again must ask "What is the reason for such secrecy?".
Well, WE are left with two answers to the question:
1) WE are told to blindly trust the leaders and policy-makers. When has this ever been a good policy? Only when you have benevolent and wise leaders. Do we have that situation? Can they be trusted? Think now!
2) The decisions, the policies, the legislation, The Agenda does not Serve the People. Someone's best interests are being served. It must be "other parties" besides The People, or WE could be allowed in on the planning, discussion, decisions, and policies. However, WE have been left out in the cold. A Cold War is going on between government(s) and The People.
This is not an epiphany to most. My opinion is that it is impossible to build a world WE want to live in on a foundation of lies, secrecy, and subterfuge. Telling me to "trust us!", we know what's best for you, doesn't fly.
Once this New World is Ordered, and they finally unveil their remarkable creation, will WE thank them for their secrecy and protecting our fragile minds from their Big Plans? Will WE like the cake they've baked in the dark?
The Republic has been hijacked. Trust is earned, not imposed. WE have government by fiat. WE have seen that fiat money is dishonest money, enriching a few, stealing from the populations.
Why should WE expect wondrous things from a closed, darkened decision and policy-making body? The facts are that these "public servants" (sic) cannot manage the financial, economic, military, environmental and other areas entrusted to them. Look around...
The only way this adds up is for the elite policy makers. WE the People have been shut out of the process altogether. Thus, WE see Revolutions sprouting everywhere.
"Thus, WE see Revolutions sprouting everywhere."
ReplyDeleteYes...and nothing sprouts full grown. Will it grow into a real and determined revolution? That is the question...will it happen quickly enough?
Millions upon millions are still sleeping in front of their TV...
I think only when the switch is thrown - when the lights go out, will they notice anything at all. It is most difficult to save a people from themselves...
When the lights go out, it's Zombie Time. The kids know it. Some of them are even rehearsing for it. All in fun, of course... but most of them know they are whistling past the graveyard. Here in Duckburg, the Duckburg Capitalist$... yes there really is such a group... are yammering about a "counter-protest" and they think they believe in the "free market" and all that other normative bullshit that's fucking GONE. Like when the Roadrunner goes meep meep PAZOWW... and there's that phantom dust cloud image that lingers briefly... that is what they think they are seeing. They live in a fucking cartoon. They think the Road Runner is still there.
ReplyDeleteWhat's funny is you read some of their stuff... they're saying some of the same shit we are. http://www.examiner.com/capitalists-and-the-free-market-in-fort-wayne the government's fucked- the market's fucked- bladeblade bla.. There is no government. There is no market .They stole the flag. They rigged the elections. They took all the boodle and they're GONE. Oh, you could find them. You could try to make them giv e back the boodle. But the carriage has turned back into a pumpkin. Why? Because it always WAS a pumpkin.
The "Fairy Godmother" was some crack-whore from Qeens who got paid for the Murphy. Or maybe she really was a Fairy Godmother. Whothefuck cares? It's OOO-VERRR. If we wait until the grid goes down, we're ALL in deep shit- so let's take the grid "public" before they fuck THAT up. The Duckburg Capitalist$ can rag about "socialism" until they piss themselves. Just tell them the rails are next and they'll have a cow trying to buy up everything that looks like a caboose. They're irrelevant because "money" is irrelevant because they crapped in their own skillet. They ruined their own game.
They convinced everybody that "money" was Capital. "Money" is only a medium of exchange, not the exchange itself. Well- at this point, it does not matter if money is a duck in a sailor suit. We can quack about that after we have secured energy and food/ transport. Unfortunately, the grid will probably have to flicker. People may have to freeze and starve before the survivors secure food and energy. Energy. Environment. Economy. Peace. Until we get the order right, the zombies will keep sending it back.
You can count on it.
It's going Road Warrior as far as I see..."when the wind blows the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all..."
ReplyDelete10, 9, 8, 7, 6......
Energy is Capital. Charlotte (the distraction) says, "Versatility means I can change with ease from one thing to another." Energy always does that. "Money," not so much any more, People must stay warm, fed and healthy. All the means to do so directly must be in care and trust of the People. You know- those mythical folk to which the Flounders alluded.
ReplyDeleteSometimes a distraction is a clue, sometimes a clue is a distraction. Whatever it is, the "capitalists" aint got one.
I donno...chances are werph aucht.
It really is a rotten behemoth ain't it? Through and through. The shit skit players on the stage say their lines, play charades in front of the cameras, whilst their pants are around their ankles. Some of us see em and are disgusted, many others are Family Guy'd stone cold oblivious. Its all a ridiculous distraction from the reality of a real life lived on this once-beautiful ball.
ReplyDelete“Will the snow and ice of cold weather end the protests, or send them into public buildings? How long will the local authorities, subservient to Washington as they are, tolerate the obvious signal that the population lacks any confidence whatsoever in the government?
ReplyDeleteIf the protests last, especially if they grow and don’t decline, the authorities will infiltrate the protestors with police provocateurs who will fire on the police. This will be the excuse to shoot down the protestors and to arrest the survivors as “terrorists” or “domestic extremists” and to send them to the $385 million dollar camps built under US government contract by Cheney’s Halliburton.
The Amerikan Police State will have taken its next step into the Amerikan Concentration Camp State.”~Paul Craig Roberts
"Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do..."
~David Bowie
"It began as "peaceful protests" on the 17th day of September - the month of the Autumn Equinox...
ReplyDeleteIf you think I am describing the 2011 OWS (Occupy Wall Street) and America the Beautiful, you are wrong. I am reciting the exact history of the Bolshevik Revolution (Red October) that eventually dismantled the Russian Republic of Czar Nicholas."~A. True Ott, PhD
Hmmm....food for thought...
So easy, a person can do it.
The monolithic and corrupt system of governance cannot stand on it's own without massive ongoing infusions of fiat money. This proves to me that these administrative idiots cannot manage anything. Even with Trillions of dollars used to prop up their "system" it still cannot function. The People need to demand that their "public servants" PROVE they can operate under the same rules as applied to the People. These PISS (public idiot society suppressors) agents should be stripped of their privileges and subjected to the onerous laws and regs they force Americans to live under. Fly on regular airlines, subject to TSA gropings. Open their financials to scrutiny by The People. Hold them to a standard that removes their TBTF insulation. They can't manage anything. They've built a Machine upon fraudulent cornerstones. Without continually ripping off The People, and charging their errors to the Taxpayers, they could not exist! What is The Revolution about? Corruption. Fraud. Lies. Oppression. Tyranny. Their only recourse for survival is to enact more and more "Laws" to keep the "masses off their asses". Strip their pensions, strip their ill-gotten wealth, strip them naked, and ALL can see that they are but sold-out criminals in suits. No? PROVE IT THEN YOU SHYSTERS! You can't exist without parasitically sucking the blood of The People. That will change -- soon!
"I spoke just before this lecture to a person from an American oil company, a company that I know. He is pleased about the cooperation that they established in Russia, with Russian companies. But I must say that when people speak out strongly, in a way that cannot be rejected or ignored, it’s the big corporations, particularly the military-industrial complex, especially in your country and in our country, that are not happy about it. But perhaps, finally, we are witnessing a process when people are becoming sovereign, when they are in control. I have said to American friends – politicians, scholars, and others, “It looks like you need the military-industrial sector, the defense sector, for your economy to prosper. If that is so, that is a sick economy.” I said that very seriously. I am not saying that to rankle anyone. I am saying these same things to my people at home. So we need to think about this. Those who think about the future, those who want to build prerequisites for the future, to build the tools for democracy and freedom, to build a society at the center of which is the human being, where poverty is abolished – those people will ultimately win, I am sure. It’s very important for the military-industrial complex to understand that, because a lot of brainpower is concentrated in that sector. I believe that that brainpower should move from military plans to other goals, and I believe that the people who are now working there can make a great contribution to change." ~ Mikhail Gorbachev
Interesting, coming from Gorbachev. However, I believe him to definitely be an elite of the highest order. He was holed up in the Presidio for quite some time working on...what? Thanks for the post red triangle.
ReplyDeleteSee this link for recent commentary on Gorbachev: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=219280
I think it is certain that there are a variety of opinions, regardless of "class" differences. I don't doubt that Gorbachev is sincere.
ReplyDeleteDo we not have a variety of opinions even here among ourselves?
Gorbi was an apparatchik - a puppet of the Soviet system...one he was instrumental in dismantling. That is one feather in his cap.
"Gorbachev... However, I believe him to definitely be an elite."
ReplyDeleteI think he is a tool of the elite. That is different than being an elite...I mean as far as being the 'Elite of the elite'. He is not in the Cap of the Pyramid, is what I would assess.
Oft times men of genuine compassion are held up by the system as spokesmen like a mask for the real Power Elite.
I wouldn't want the guy lurking around any of my "parties". He's a world improver, soros, kissinger, et.al., and has been in the thick of things at pivotal moments in recent history. He's a "Player" any way I look at it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good consolidation of the hidden history - with footnotes.
One Stop Shopping for a lot of great information.
Highly recommended.
Yes Boomer, absolutely. I did not mean that he is our friend by any means...many working for the world order really believe it is best for mankind. That mistake is as insidious in the long run as any ponerist's dreams of domination, for it lands us in the same place - dominated by the few as serfs on the plantation.
Comprehensive document, Rogue1. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIts best to know what the demons are about...
Yes Boom...often you will hear debunkers claim that this whole Rothschild thing is something long past - that in modern times they have become irrelevant to power...
ReplyDeleteWell the modern documentation up to the 21st century in that book proves this is simply not true. The Rothschilds are still at the peak of the Pyramid of Power, the very center of the Elite structure:
"Lord Wakeham was the Conservative Chief Whip from 1983 to 1987 and
Secretary for Energy from 1989 to 1992. He authorized Enron to buy into the
privatized water and electricity systems, and then, in 1994 when he resigned as
leader of the House of Lords, he joined Enron as a non-executive director and sat
on its audit committee. Lord Wakeham had also awarded a contract to N. M.
Rothschild to advise the Government on coal privatisation. In 1995 he became a
director of N. M. Rothschild.(12)
In November 2003, Oliver Letwin resigned his directorship of N. M.
Rothschild, which he had held since 1991, to become Shadow Chancellor of the
Exchequer for the Conservative party. He is author of the book 'Privatising the
World' and has worked as an adviser to foreign governments on privatisation.(13)
Norman Lamont was the Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1990-1993.
After he graduated from university, he worked for N. M. Rothschild for eleven
years and was a director of Rothschild Asset Management. After leaving
government he became a director of N.M. Rothschild 1993-1995.(14)
Eddie George was Governor of the Bank of England from 1993-2003. After
retirement, he joined the Rothschild group and sits on the board of Rothschild
Continuation Holdings A.G., the Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland,
and N. M. Rothschild . (15)"
[stupid PDF formatting]
"How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?' By making him
ReplyDeletesuffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and
humiliation... Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain."
"The continuance of the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an incentive, as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization of power."~Report From Iron Mountain
According to Greg palast's interviews with Stiglitz, "IMF riots" were virtually
ReplyDeletewritten into the 111 conditionalities formulated at the end of the 1980s. One of the IMF condionalities on Ecuador was to raise the price of cooking gas by 80% at the same time as they were cutting back pensions and laying off government workers. Poor Andean Indians came down from the hills and set fire to cars in the capital bringing troops onto the streets.(23) In Argentina, when the banks put their interest rates up to 21-70%, the government had to change the law against loan-sharking because the banks would have been in breach of it.
One must surely consider this in light of the OWS movement...
“Everything is under control.”
ReplyDelete~Robert Anton Wilson, in his ILLUMINATE books.
Mic check.
ReplyDeleteMic check.
We The People. We The People... we say what will be.
Rail and water, highway air... energy is free.
We will NOT freeze. We will NOT starve.
the energy grid will be public... to keep our dwellings warm. transport will be public to move food. there will be no famine unless there is a war. when violence begins the revolution ends. when violence ends the revolution begins.
we will occupy our houses in peace when the transition revolution begins in energy, environment and economy. the revolution is peaceful.
the beginning is near.
Aha...at the crystal ball again aye Waldo?
ReplyDeleteWe shall see. The ball is still in play.
ReplyDeleteSelf Evident
Good stuff fellows!
ReplyDeleteSubstantial financing and leadership of the United Nations came directly from
ReplyDeletethe corporate elite as well as from national governments. In 1946 John D.
Rockefeller Jr. brought the U.N. to America by gifting $8 million for the purchase of the land for the U.N. building in New York. Canadian multi-billionaire and Rockefeller associate, Maurice Strong, was the first Director of the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP) created after The Stockholm Conference, ('Earth Summit 1') in 1972. Mr Strong was secretary general of all three Earth Summits 1972, 1992, and 1997. He initiated The Earth Charter Project in 1994, the 'Ten Commandments' of sustainable development. Gorbachev was co-chair of The Earth Charter Commission and Stephen Rockefeller was Chair of the drafting committee. The ceremony to launch the Earth Charter initiative in May 2000, involved the presentation of the document to regular Bilderberg attendee, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands.
This illustrates how top-down the environmental movement is, despite its significant grass-roots support.
We must think with our hearts to discover what is good, and what we want.
ReplyDeleteWe must think with our brains to assess the situation, and how to get from there to where we want to be. The wishes and hopes of the heart must be realized by practical actions driven by reason aligned with the love in the heart.
We do not confront simply ideas which we abhor - we confront structures and systems long in place - we confront material things driven by those ideas we abhor. Things things already exist, they are "realized."
Let us not kid ourselves that the task faced by humanity is not daunting, for it is. It will be more daunting if it is not faced head on as what it is as some try to dream it away.
Yes, I have 'bent that spoon with my mind' metaphorically in my own experience - but I have also met so few others who have.
Consider that ours must be for a time a destructive force. It must dismantle the structure meant to imprison the human race. Understand that this is a dangerous power to unleash. Once out of the box it is hard to control.
"Meet the new boss - same as the old boss," is generally the result when such forces are unleashed.
"Be careful of what you wish for....you just might get it."
[A thought experiment]
Romans Roads Reality Revetments of Insanity
Realty and the Racket of Civilization
Sirte, Libya: “Not one building is intact. Windows are shattered. Shops are shuttered and the city’s 120,000 residents are nowhere to be seen.”
ReplyDeleteUS/NATO did this...
“So this is a momentous day in the history of Libya. The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted. And with this enormous promise, the Libyan people now have a great responsibility — to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic Libya that stands as the ultimate rebuke to Qaddafi’s dictatorship.” President Barack Obama [Nobel Peace Prize winner] ,October 20
FBI REPORT on Gangs In Military:
ReplyDelete"Through transfers and deployments, military-affiliated gang members expand their culture and operations to new regions nationwide and worldwide, undermining security and law enforcement efforts to combat crime. Gang members with military training pose a unique threat to law enforcement personnel because of their distinctive weapons and combat training skills and their ability to transfer these skills to fellow gang members."
DESIGN masquerading as DIAGNOSIS:
How to create an “Afghan Warlord” model for the US for the new North American Union.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-gang-assessment-us-military-2011-10?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29#ixzz1bivhbYDm
"Well if you've come here for grace you're in the wrowong fuckin' place"...
ReplyDelete~Shooter Jennings
ReplyDelete"The Evil 1%" by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
"Hippies" by Johnny Silver Bear
(Editor's Note: Warning: the following rant contains dialog prompted by the emotional application of Truth, Justice and the American Way, and is intended for mature audiences that have managed to retain, at least, a portion of their capacity for critical thought. It also deals heavily in subjects considered to be "taboo". If you suffer from an over delicate comfort zone, you may want to skip what's coming (not only in this essay, but also in the next six months). In order to skip the immediate future, you might have to leave... - JSB)
It's not what you don't know that will screw you up, it's what you are absolutely sure of that is absolutely wrong." - Mark Twain
Yup, \\][//
Thanks Boomer,
Thanks for reading and commenting Rogue1!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure entirely Mr. Boomer.
ReplyDeleteExcellent reads.
Collecting "dots" as usual. I put em in the dot box for safe keeping. Lotsa dots now. Connecting em gets easier the more dots you have. Thanks to all the Cotoheads who share their dots. The picture ain't pretty, but it's true to form...
ReplyDeleteI want to see each and every one of these psycho killer reptilians dragged out into the streets, publicly humiliated and then to the guillotine and off with their heads! And this from a person who thinks capital punishment is barbaric. THAT's how strongly I feel about the monsters that are waging a war of terror, death and destruction on the entire human race.
ReplyDeleteIgnore the previous link... that's to my email. I didn't know that could happen, i was only trying to link to a video i shot to my email......
ReplyDeleteI'll start over... What is fraud? This is fraud....