Don't know if anyone here is aware of Alex Jones but brace yourselves, our fearless leaders (psychopaths} are at it again. Can anyone spell bait and switch? With the OWS demonstrations going viral worldwide, they'll do anything to distract us. Look up Heliglian Dialectic.
Sorry guys; meant this for facebook. I'm preaching to the choir here. Most over on facebook have their heads cemented into the ground but I like to stir the pot, ya never know.
If you check the Yahoo boards, nobody is falling for this crap anymore. Government lost its credibility in Iraq. Hell, even if it is true....who cares?
Okay - the plot to whack the Saudi Amb. is bullshit, that much is clear... It is to unwrap the sluts legs around the 'Fast and Furious' info impinging on Obammy and Holder...BUT there is this chatter:
Geopolitical experts have been consistent in their warnings that Israel was preparing to strike Iran this fall.
Back in July, 21-year CIA veteran Robert Baer told KPFK Los Angeles that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was planning an attack on Iran in September to coincide with the Palestine bid for UN membership.
Speaking with the Alex Jones Show today, former State Department official Steve Pieczenik, who has numerous inside intelligence sources having worked in several sensitive positions during the course of his career, also indicated that the terror plot was completely fabricated and that it would be used a pretext to justify a military strike against Iran. Pieczenik also pointed out that Israel had recently taken delivery of a large amount of bunker buster missiles.
As we have documented, the alleged assassination plot against Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, which is now being cited by everyone from John Kerry to John McCain as a justification for a potential military strike, is a complete fantasy.
Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer has revealed that an FBI insider with a high security clearance told him no records whatsoever detailing the plot existed within DOJ channels, clearly indicating the whole episode was manufactured.
State department officials have said that that it is Hillary Clinton who is pushing to complete the Globalists’ plans to take over the Middle East. She is using propaganda to target Iran for retaliation ahead of the CIA false flag attack against the United States. The U.S. false flag attack will be 2 fold. The CIA will detonate a improvised nuclear device in a major U.S. city and then release a biological weapon against the first responders. As this is happening Obama, Biden, Panetta, Hillary Clinton, the DHS, FEMA and the Federal Reserve bankers will be in the Deep Underground Military Base under Denver International Airport.
_________________Of course the visit [officially] of Oboomba has come and gone - how much does that mean?
Yes, this Peter and the Wolf scenario has been going on for the last seven years. So it is tiring...and yet we know the wolf is out there stalking Iran for certain. [?] All I can come up with is *maybe*. \\ll//
Hmmm:!, I'm feeling odd, my face is turning pointy, what's all this hair growing on me, No! No! it can't be. Sorry guys, the mirror's busted, I forgot to shave and I need another beer. Arrrrroooooo! to you too.
This national retarded cognizance is astonishing. It is amazing in that it still blows my mind after watching this absurd theater for the last fifty years.
After awhile you come to realize that it's ALWAYS been this way in human cultures. This is the neurosis Becker speaks to in his book FEAR OF DEATH, which harks back to Rank and his work, ART AND ARTIST.
The social pressure to conform, and the power of TABU. Fascinating in a post modern culture that prides itself in reason and critical thinking, but is yet still as superstitious as the any primitive neolithic society. \\][//
What can one say to someone who argues against an idea so self-evident as the totalitarian Homeland Security State? It is clearly no longer a matter of reasoning, but one of recognizing the cognitive barriers engrained emotionally into their psyche by social engineering.
Some are so traumatized that to even think beyond their own battered lives is simply too much work, they are simply worn out by the system and have folded into themselves to hide. To be unconcerned about the font of their own misery is a tragedy for the human soul. But to stir them is often to awaken the snarling guard dog of their vanity. To muzzle this beast is no idle chore, and may or may not be worth the while. This is a quandary best left to intuition in specific instance.
As is often their answer, “there are things I can do something about, there are things I can't change” - is true in fact as far as dealing with someone who has given up. Believe them, it is their right to remain sedated. There is that old saying about pearls and swine.
Ask what it means to be well adjusted in a psychotic society, and they will answer quite persuasively. \\][//
Iran has suspended a $16 billion gas field contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation International CNPC and replaced Russia’s Gazprom Neft with a local consortium.
I agree its a Hillary style deed. add this I wonder if its a plan to see how many places they can get mega pissed off, stirring the pot to get someone, anyone say enough! and create the excuse they need to go nutso. then see this gem fema and Xe and the rest, all paid and unemployed usefully.. and they sure dont weant to bring servicefolk home.pensions and employment and all that entails added to the crashed economy.. theres a lot of browned off people at home, theyd be worried about a lot more arriving with skills to remove banksters etc..
interesting:-) and china used two recent rail accidents (hmm after so many years safe??) to cancel all rail projects. saves face when the fact they dont have the funds for some massive debt accrued over steel; see here==========
The Communist Party is now struggling to cope with the fall-out. On Monday, the state investment fund Central Huijin began buying stakes in China's four top banks to restore confidence and halt the slide in share prices.
The relief rally ignited bank shares on Tuesday. Agricultural Bank of China surged 13pc in Hong Kong. Shanghai's bourse jumped 4pc but is still down 60pc from its peak in late 2008.
China's finance ministry is quietly intervening to underwrite China's railway system. This behemoth is drowning with $300bn of debts after breakneck expansion, is in arrears on $25bn of debts to its two largest suppliers and has run out of money to pay workers on the Lanzhou-Chonqing rail project. ====
so I suspect amerikkas interference in their monetary matters wont make any friends. and didnt Israel just do some luvvy dovey deals with Germany last month or so?
That "Cash Transactions" legislation is horrible intrusive State money grubbing on a persecuted populace. The audacity of policy makers is clearly seen when you consider that the American People are blocked from viewing/investigating any of the policy makers and their cronies personal assets, deals, side-deals, etc. Can't get a "look see" at the Fed Res, can't view the "bailout" recipients, can't see squat at the administrative level...but THEY want to stick their dirty hands into the smallest of Free Enterprise (sic) transactions for another pound of flesh from Americans struggling to survive the economic mess they created! WE see that they want to not only grope OUR physical bodies at Checkpoints, but also grope anything WE touch. Complete insanity! Citizens are being driven to revolt against such intrusive blatant State userpations.
"My dream is for that to happen…. for police and military to join with the people instead of working for the PTB who are out to destroy them as well" ~ Oz
Yes, the citizens need the backing of the military, police, etc. to swing their barrels around on the true enemies of The People. The Enemy is within the gates, and bent on destroying America from within with a thousand points of light (thinly veiled dark control methods).
The justifications for the egregious manipulations are now "on the table" for everyone to see. The emperors are naked in their arrogance and greed.
A series of veterinary and toxicology studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated that chip implants had “induced” malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.“The transponders were the cause of the tumors,” said Keith Johnson, a retired toxicologic pathologist, explaining in a phone interview the findings of a 1996 study he led at the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich.
Tommy Thompson
666 and the jews go first? yeah I know re tumours I refuse to chip my dogs, the councils here refuse to register a dog and now cats without a chip i got in before laws changed locally and my dogs will be living to immense ages... registered chipped dogs have died and had the same chip reimplanted in some reports to also counteract breed specific rulings. re soldiers, when theyre blown to fragments I dont think a chip is going to be much use, dna maybe?
Let US not forget the many, many, congress creatures that traipsed over to Israel a few months back for...what?
I'm sure they've got their asses back out of Israel before the SHTF.
I think WE can assume that things are going according to "the Plan". WAR = PROFITS for the elites. The only "trickle down" is the blood of innocents flowing in a steady stream...
well nailed! yeah israel chats usa and eu heads, and they have issues...with iran, and just about everyone else in the area..and off it goes. i hear things grow well on kiling fields, all that fertiliser...
Interesting note on la Biblioteque...It speaks of "Magog" - which is typically understood to be Russia.
Magog invades Israel in the story by Saint John the Divine...
Well just who are the Ashkenazim? They are genetically from the Steppes of Russia, the Caucuses. Who 'occupies' Palestine today and calls itself "Israel"? The Ashkenazim. And they have since 1947...
And the "Whore of Babylon"? It is now seen as New York by many current interpreters, as it has all the attributes given.
As I have posited before - I see the ancient books being used as a playbook by the Crown - the City of London - the Rothschild Zionists, to manufacture the appearance that the story of Revelations is coming to pass.
Never the less, it is coming to pass...we therefore have that double edge to this whole scenario >> Is it real or is it Memorex? It is dual, both... So what do you put in the pipe to smoke? A pinch of this and a pinch of that. And be sure to keep a rabbit in your hat...that trick top hat...rat tat tat. \\][//
As cynical as we are, or at least I am, when I see it in the Corporate Owned News Networks (CONN) I automatically take whatever it is as a half-truth or outright lie.
COTO knew that when resistance started to form that the cretins would start pressing whatever plans they have to quell the resistance. The next step is going to be the clash across the country with the Occupation protests and the police. This coupled with an attack on Iran will be enough for Martial Law, and the great crack-down will begin.
Being on the streets lately I've talked to perhaps 50-odd police, I haven't run into one yet that hasn't said they're behind what we're protesting. Of course I immediately say, "If that's true, prove it, arrest the people we're protesting." Fucking liars.
Things will most likely start to change very rapidly from here on. Or not. We may just stay in a perpetual state of tension for a few more months, or longer, but at one time or another the damn is going to break and I really have no predictions as to what will happen then other than that a whole lot of people are going to get caught in the rapids.
But the cretins have pretty much have no reason not to do whatever the hell they want. We still can't name a one of them that has suffered for anything they've done. So why in the hell should they not start another war? Why shouldn't they start rolling over the Occupation Camps with their tanks and put the survivors in the real "occupation camps" (FEMA)? Who the hell is going to stop them? The awakened? All the gun-owners?
Shit, one-half of the gun owners will be shooting at the other half as the real criminals laugh their asses off in their bunkers. Or what bunkers they may have left. ( I never did look into that supposed "Earthquakes were nuclear "bunker-buster" attacks" thing to form an opinion as to if it holds any water. There are times when I just can't keep-up, or know if I even want too.)
I was being radio interviewed yesterday and one of the other guests, a former NOPD forensic pathologist, now teaching at Tulane, took me off guard when she asked me what keeps me from putting a gun to my head and blowing my brains out? The question caught me a bit off guard, not that I haven't been asked that before, when you're COTO you take insanity in stride. I was simply talking matter-of-factually about various conspiracies when she asked me the question. I thought it funny coming from a women that said she enjoyed going to murder scenes and the blood and gore. (Cute-young women too.) Anyway, I blurted-out something about loving life too much and being too much of a coward to shot myself. I'd rather have the police do it and die a martyr.
But who knows? Maybe more than half those police weren't lying and will turn their guns around when the orders come down. I know the cops here are broke, and right now are under a microscope. But it's really not so much them as the Feds/FEMA elements that we have to worry about.
One thing is for sure, if indeed they attack Iran, (or is the "when"?) all bets are off. Things will surely start happening rapidly.
You summed up my own thoughts on all this nicely M.
I am frankly somewhat amazed that the big boom hasn't come down on Amerikas head yet...I guess with so many enchanted by the big spell of the TV, it doesn't matter much one way or another to them.
I too see an attack on Iran as a game I can't get my head around. It doesn't make any sense to actually do it...
I see the standing threat as much more effective. It is by the book strategy of tension.
Let's face it, the US is already under martial law - a very effective martial law, one not even noticed by the vast majority. They can pick off fringe elements at their leisure...... \\][//
The continuing 'demonstrations' are having so little impact on those topics which the pubic is still-demanding real-changes in and for the aggrieved public. Talk is not the answer. Free Speech requires ACTION if anything is to ever change. The crowds in New York should simply march through and occupy the New York Stock Exchange: to literally shut it down, in order to cause a real interruption in the "business as usual" that continues regardless of whatever might be happening in the demonstrations in the streets outside.
Therefore, until the public finally begins to kick-some Police-State-ass: Nothing will ever change because these power-mad sociopaths will never relinquish even one inch of their 'current powers" to a bunch of people that are promising Not-to-Resist!
You want Justice, you want Freedom: Then You have to take it back from those that have physically STOLEN EVERYTHING FROM YOU! Because nothing else will have any effect at all!~Kirwan
Your last two paragraphs including Kirwan's quote are on-the-money! "Asking" for entrance into the dwelling doesn't work. Just look at the Police State boys! They just bust in, because they've got a "license" of some kind. What about The People's license?
Once upon a time....Lol, [yea that's the way fairytales begin..]
Once there was the citizens grand jury - a lawful warrant of the people.
That was changed. Now the people need the 'guidance' of a 'prosecutor' [an agent of the state].
Once jury nullification was widely understood...
Once, many many things were more widely understood. But never alas the true heart of the matter...that we are NOT exceptional as a people. That's who killed Cock Robin ; Magister Arrogance. \\ll//
""I don't know whether it's the finest public housing in America or the crown jewel of the American penal system." – Bill Clinton, on the White House."
>Did Clinton really say that? It's funny.
You sure do some of the finest header/banner art on the web Puddy. This is another great. \\][//
I believe in the sustained operation and influence of mysterious cosmic force in all matters human and otherwise. Believe is too mild a word. In this one instance I must use the word ‘know’. I don’t like to use that word because of the many times it has proven not to be so or incomplete, given following revelation and evidence. In this one regard, evidence and revelation have always erred on the side of ‘know’.~Visible
Another bait and switch? What with the OWS demonstrations going viral, this points to complete insanity at the top.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if anyone here is aware of Alex Jones but brace yourselves, our fearless leaders (psychopaths} are at it again. Can anyone spell bait and switch? With the OWS demonstrations going viral worldwide, they'll do anything to distract us. Look up Heliglian Dialectic.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys; meant this for facebook. I'm preaching to the choir here. Most over on facebook have their heads cemented into the ground but I like to stir the pot, ya never know.
ReplyDeleteWell...The US and Israel have been microseconds from bombing Iran for at least seven years now...
ReplyDeleteThey were just moments away even while I was still in GA.
Seems like a Peter and the Wolf deal here - ne'er can tell when the wolf might actually attack.
It is probably another strategy of tension - and like Veri says, a distraction from all the people in the streets of major US cities.
But, hell with things like this, and the lunatics running the planet - one never knows.
One note of interest is that, Shakuri is still "at large."
ReplyDeleteThings are moving 'fast and furious' it is said.
Well there are lots of things on the either-or stack here folks.
[?????] >> The BIG WAIT.
If you check the Yahoo boards, nobody is falling for this crap anymore. Government lost its credibility in Iraq. Hell, even if it is true....who cares?
ReplyDeleteJust cought a glimps of a full moon out my window - Arrrrrrooooooooooooo
Okay - the plot to whack the Saudi Amb. is bullshit, that much is clear...
ReplyDeleteIt is to unwrap the sluts legs around the 'Fast and Furious' info impinging on Obammy and Holder...BUT there is this chatter:
Geopolitical experts have been consistent in their warnings that Israel was preparing to strike Iran this fall.
Back in July, 21-year CIA veteran Robert Baer told KPFK Los Angeles that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was planning an attack on Iran in September to coincide with the Palestine bid for UN membership.
Speaking with the Alex Jones Show today, former State Department official Steve Pieczenik, who has numerous inside intelligence sources having worked in several sensitive positions during the course of his career, also indicated that the terror plot was completely fabricated and that it would be used a pretext to justify a military strike against Iran.
Pieczenik also pointed out that Israel had recently taken delivery of a large amount of bunker buster missiles.
As we have documented, the alleged assassination plot against Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, which is now being cited by everyone from John Kerry to John McCain as a justification for a potential military strike, is a complete fantasy.
Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer has revealed that an FBI insider with a high security clearance told him no records whatsoever detailing the plot existed within DOJ channels, clearly indicating the whole episode was manufactured.
State department officials have said that that it is Hillary Clinton who is pushing to complete the Globalists’ plans to take over the Middle East. She is using propaganda to target Iran for retaliation ahead of the CIA false flag attack against the United States. The U.S. false flag attack will be 2 fold. The CIA will detonate a improvised nuclear device in a major U.S. city and then release a biological weapon against the first responders. As this is happening Obama, Biden, Panetta, Hillary Clinton, the DHS, FEMA and the Federal Reserve bankers will be in the Deep Underground Military Base under Denver International Airport.
_________________Of course the visit [officially] of Oboomba has come and gone - how much does that mean?
Yes, this Peter and the Wolf scenario has been going on for the last seven years. So it is tiring...and yet we know the wolf is out there stalking Iran for certain. [?] All I can come up with is *maybe*.
Hmmm:!, I'm feeling odd, my face is turning pointy, what's all this hair growing on me, No! No! it can't be.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, the mirror's busted, I forgot to shave and I need another beer. Arrrrroooooo! to you too.
Wanko World Plastic Planet
ReplyDeleteThis national retarded cognizance is astonishing. It is amazing in that it still blows my mind after watching this absurd theater for the last fifty years.
After awhile you come to realize that it's ALWAYS been this way in human cultures. This is the neurosis Becker speaks to in his book FEAR OF DEATH, which harks back to Rank and his work, ART AND ARTIST.
The social pressure to conform, and the power of TABU. Fascinating in a post modern culture that prides itself in reason and critical thinking, but is yet still as superstitious as the any primitive neolithic society.
And so I continue to ponder...
ReplyDeleteWhat can one say to someone who argues against an idea so self-evident as the totalitarian Homeland Security State? It is clearly no longer a matter of reasoning, but one of recognizing the cognitive barriers engrained emotionally into their psyche by social engineering.
Some are so traumatized that to even think beyond their own battered lives is simply too much work, they are simply worn out by the system and have folded into themselves to hide. To be unconcerned about the font of their own misery is a tragedy for the human soul. But to stir them is often to awaken the snarling guard dog of their vanity. To muzzle this beast is no idle chore, and may or may not be worth the while. This is a quandary best left to intuition in specific instance.
As is often their answer, “there are things I can do something about, there are things I can't change” - is true in fact as far as dealing with someone who has given up. Believe them, it is their right to remain sedated. There is that old saying about pearls and swine.
Ask what it means to be well adjusted in a psychotic society, and they will answer quite persuasively.
Iran has suspended a $16 billion gas field contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation International CNPC and replaced Russia’s Gazprom Neft with a local consortium.
Petrodollar warfare:
ReplyDeleteOil, Iraq and the future of the Dollar
by william R. Clark
I agree its a Hillary style deed.
ReplyDeleteadd this
I wonder if its a plan to see how many places they can get mega pissed off, stirring the pot to get someone, anyone say enough!
and create the excuse they need to go nutso.
then see this gem
fema and Xe and the rest, all paid and unemployed usefully..
and they sure dont weant to bring servicefolk home.pensions and employment and all that entails added to the crashed economy..
theres a lot of browned off people at home, theyd be worried about a lot more arriving with skills to remove banksters etc..
ReplyDeleteand china used two recent rail accidents (hmm after so many years safe??) to cancel all rail projects.
saves face when the fact they dont have the funds for some massive debt accrued over steel; see here==========
The Communist Party is now struggling to cope with the fall-out. On Monday, the state investment fund Central Huijin began buying stakes in China's four top banks to restore confidence and halt the slide in share prices.
The relief rally ignited bank shares on Tuesday. Agricultural Bank of China surged 13pc in Hong Kong. Shanghai's bourse jumped 4pc but is still down 60pc from its peak in late 2008.
China's finance ministry is quietly intervening to underwrite China's railway system. This behemoth is drowning with $300bn of debts after breakneck expansion, is in arrears on $25bn of debts to its two largest suppliers and has run out of money to pay workers on the Lanzhou-Chonqing rail project. ====
so I suspect amerikkas interference in their monetary matters wont make any friends.
and didnt Israel just do some luvvy dovey deals with Germany last month or so?
That "Cash Transactions" legislation is horrible intrusive State money grubbing on a persecuted populace. The audacity of policy makers is clearly seen when you consider that the American People are blocked from viewing/investigating any of the policy makers and their cronies personal assets, deals, side-deals, etc. Can't get a "look see" at the Fed Res, can't view the "bailout" recipients, can't see squat at the administrative level...but THEY want to stick their dirty hands into the smallest of Free Enterprise (sic) transactions for another pound of flesh from Americans struggling to survive the economic mess they created! WE see that they want to not only grope OUR physical bodies at Checkpoints, but also grope anything WE touch. Complete insanity! Citizens are being driven to revolt against such intrusive blatant State userpations.
ReplyDelete"My dream is for that to happen…. for police and military to join with the people instead of working for the PTB who are out to destroy them as well" ~ Oz
ReplyDeleteYes, the citizens need the backing of the military, police, etc. to swing their barrels around on the true enemies of The People. The Enemy is within the gates, and bent on destroying America from within with a thousand points of light (thinly veiled dark control methods).
The justifications for the egregious manipulations are now "on the table" for everyone to see. The emperors are naked in their arrogance and greed.
thanks oz, here's the pdf if anyone wants a source
ReplyDeletehave a read, Israel buying verichip rfid from usa for their army??
Justin Raimondo comments on the "Terror Plot"
More info to understand the BS "game":
Sibel Edmonds "claims" the 3 branches of gov't are in collusion:
A series of veterinary and toxicology studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated that chip implants had “induced” malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.“The transponders were the cause of the tumors,” said Keith Johnson, a retired toxicologic pathologist, explaining in a phone interview the findings of a 1996 study he led at the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich.
Tommy Thompson
666 and the jews go first?
ReplyDeleteyeah I know re tumours I refuse to chip my dogs, the councils here refuse to register a dog and now cats without a chip i got in before laws changed locally and my dogs will be living to immense ages...
registered chipped dogs have died and had the same chip reimplanted in some reports to also counteract breed specific rulings.
re soldiers, when theyre blown to fragments I dont think a chip is going to be much use, dna maybe?
Let US not forget the many, many, congress creatures that traipsed over to Israel a few months back for...what?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they've got their asses back out of Israel before the SHTF.
I think WE can assume that things are going according to "the Plan". WAR = PROFITS for the elites. The only "trickle down" is the blood of innocents flowing in a steady stream...
well nailed! yeah israel chats usa and eu heads, and they have issues...with iran, and just about everyone else in the area..and off it goes.
ReplyDeletei hear things grow well on kiling fields, all that fertiliser...
Eiusque rei ergo macte suovitaurilibus inmolandis esto
Interesting note on la Biblioteque...It speaks of "Magog" - which is typically understood to be Russia.
ReplyDeleteMagog invades Israel in the story by Saint John the Divine...
Well just who are the Ashkenazim? They are genetically from the Steppes of Russia, the Caucuses. Who 'occupies' Palestine today and calls itself "Israel"? The Ashkenazim. And they have since 1947...
And the "Whore of Babylon"? It is now seen as New York by many current interpreters, as it has all the attributes given.
As I have posited before - I see the ancient books being used as a playbook by the Crown - the City of London - the Rothschild Zionists, to manufacture the appearance that the story of Revelations is coming to pass.
Never the less, it is coming to pass...we therefore have that double edge to this whole scenario >> Is it real or is it Memorex? It is dual, both...
So what do you put in the pipe to smoke? A pinch of this and a pinch of that.
And be sure to keep a rabbit in your hat...that trick top hat...rat tat tat.
As cynical as we are, or at least I am, when I see it in the Corporate Owned News Networks (CONN) I automatically take whatever it is as a half-truth or outright lie.
ReplyDeleteCOTO knew that when resistance started to form that the cretins would start pressing whatever plans they have to quell the resistance. The next step is going to be the clash across the country with the Occupation protests and the police. This coupled with an attack on Iran will be enough for Martial Law, and the great crack-down will begin.
Being on the streets lately I've talked to perhaps 50-odd police, I haven't run into one yet that hasn't said they're behind what we're protesting. Of course I immediately say, "If that's true, prove it, arrest the people we're protesting." Fucking liars.
Things will most likely start to change very rapidly from here on. Or not. We may just stay in a perpetual state of tension for a few more months, or longer, but at one time or another the damn is going to break and I really have no predictions as to what will happen then other than that a whole lot of people are going to get caught in the rapids.
But the cretins have pretty much have no reason not to do whatever the hell they want. We still can't name a one of them that has suffered for anything they've done. So why in the hell should they not start another war? Why shouldn't they start rolling over the Occupation Camps with their tanks and put the survivors in the real "occupation camps" (FEMA)? Who the hell is going to stop them? The awakened? All the gun-owners?
Shit, one-half of the gun owners will be shooting at the other half as the real criminals laugh their asses off in their bunkers. Or what bunkers they may have left. ( I never did look into that supposed "Earthquakes were nuclear "bunker-buster" attacks" thing to form an opinion as to if it holds any water. There are times when I just can't keep-up, or know if I even want too.)
I was being radio interviewed yesterday and one of the other guests, a former NOPD forensic pathologist, now teaching at Tulane, took me off guard when she asked me what keeps me from putting a gun to my head and blowing my brains out? The question caught me a bit off guard, not that I haven't been asked that before, when you're COTO you take insanity in stride. I was simply talking matter-of-factually about various conspiracies when she asked me the question. I thought it funny coming from a women that said she enjoyed going to murder scenes and the blood and gore. (Cute-young women too.) Anyway, I blurted-out something about loving life too much and being too much of a coward to shot myself. I'd rather have the police do it and die a martyr.
But who knows? Maybe more than half those police weren't lying and will turn their guns around when the orders come down. I know the cops here are broke, and right now are under a microscope. But it's really not so much them as the Feds/FEMA elements that we have to worry about.
One thing is for sure, if indeed they attack Iran, (or is the "when"?) all bets are off. Things will surely start happening rapidly.
You summed up my own thoughts on all this nicely M.
ReplyDeleteI am frankly somewhat amazed that the big boom hasn't come down on Amerikas head yet...I guess with so many enchanted by the big spell of the TV, it doesn't matter much one way or another to them.
I too see an attack on Iran as a game I can't get my head around. It doesn't make any sense to actually do it...
I see the standing threat as much more effective. It is by the book strategy of tension.
Let's face it, the US is already under martial law - a very effective martial law, one not even noticed by the vast majority. They can pick off fringe elements at their leisure......
The continuing 'demonstrations' are having so little impact on those topics which the pubic is still-demanding real-changes in and for the aggrieved public. Talk is not the answer. Free Speech requires ACTION if anything is to ever change. The crowds in New York should simply march through and occupy the New York Stock Exchange: to literally shut it down, in order to cause a real interruption in the "business as usual" that continues regardless of whatever might be happening in the demonstrations in the streets outside.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, until the public finally begins to kick-some Police-State-ass: Nothing will ever change because these power-mad sociopaths will never relinquish even one inch of their 'current powers" to a bunch of people that are promising Not-to-Resist!
You want Justice, you want Freedom: Then You have to take it back from those that have physically STOLEN EVERYTHING FROM YOU!
Because nothing else will have any effect at all!~Kirwan
Your last two paragraphs including Kirwan's quote are on-the-money! "Asking" for entrance into the dwelling doesn't work. Just look at the Police State boys! They just bust in, because they've got a "license" of some kind. What about The People's license?
ReplyDeleteThat's OK Don. They know who you are now ;)
ReplyDeleteNice to meet ya.
OWS-COWS-SOWS and's just a matter of degrees and frequency. Energy and Force. They are expending a lot. We need to conserve ours.
That's the information war Hillwitch was referring to.
ReplyDeleteOh, the incompetence, oh, the humanity.
Once upon a time....Lol, [yea that's the way fairytales begin..]
ReplyDeleteOnce there was the citizens grand jury - a lawful warrant of the people.
That was changed. Now the people need the 'guidance' of a 'prosecutor' [an agent of the state].
Once jury nullification was widely understood...
Once, many many things were more widely understood. But never alas the true heart of the matter...that we are NOT exceptional as a people. That's who killed Cock Robin ; Magister Arrogance.
""I don't know whether it's the finest public housing in America or the crown jewel of the American penal system." – Bill Clinton, on the White House."
ReplyDelete>Did Clinton really say that? It's funny.
You sure do some of the finest header/banner art on the web Puddy.
This is another great.
I believe in the sustained operation and influence of mysterious cosmic force in all matters human and otherwise. Believe is too mild a word. In this one instance I must use the word ‘know’. I don’t like to use that word because of the many times it has proven not to be so or incomplete, given following revelation and evidence. In this one regard, evidence and revelation have always erred on the side of ‘know’.~Visible
Witnessing the deteriorating process is in of itself deteriorating. I don't know anyone but the mad that will be glad to see what's about to happen.