Terror Scare on Delta Flight 235 from Amsterdam to Detroit
Biden’s brother says suspicious package to Palm Beach home mailed from India
New Fast and Furious docs released by White House
Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?
Why Isn’t Obama’s Teacher Lie National News?
Because our problems are our fault. Don't blame the bankers and don't blame the foxes and owls. The PuppetMasters, the Vatican Rothschild's and Royal Czars with their Fabianism and Freemasonry created hive. We got what we asked for and just like the welfare staters and immigrants want, we want too.
Now it's about the money, tomorrow the cost, Monday it will be the tax, Tuesday, the war that gives us our job and by Wednesday, World War will kill your brother. Thank GOD it's Friday so you can get out of the mine and fill your guts with instant gratification, while complaining about the cost of your new liver.
Meanwhile we can decide on another liar to star in our reality sitcom because it does not matter that they lie. It's about a new and improved liar. Sleek, sporty and in the new color. The commercial runs for about eighteen months now while the actual story plot keeps getting thinner and thinner. The orchestrations and writing, though repeats, always get a progressive facelift and some new twists along with old and some new supporting cast.
Barry Soetoro is a mythomaniac, like others we have had but he is a rare bird. Unlike the usual pathological megalomaniacs like Nixon and Bush, he does not need the support staff that the others did. His pathology runs to Grandiose delusions.
We, the sheeple on the other hand are far more ill than this. Our Erotomania to these parasites, our dilusions of vainglorious self-importance and assumption that the puppetmasters even acknowledge our existence as a sovereign being or even a living constituent is folly. This Delusion of poverty the TP American Spring that is the core of the OWS movement is another one of these repeat performances rewritten for the transition of "you get what you ask for" and nothing else. To assume these afflicted are sicker than we are is unjustified. It has to be a process through grooming and the full monty of committee mind frontal lobe assault.
It only took a hundred years or so to get the psyche of Americans wrapped up in the righteousness of American militarism and exceptionalism and so deeply entrenched into the lures and hooks that it was an easy and classical movement in dance and music to bring it to the crescendo. For us from foible to forte and then repeat. Listen to the music and watch the dance. If you haven't read the Adventures of Pinocchio, that would help as well.
Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?
"Because no average citizen ever wants war, it leads some to believe that all wars have been baited by these beneficiaries -- and they wouldn't be wrong. Unfortunately, for too long we have taken the bait and they have gotten their spoils."
BULLSHIT Sir. You have gotten the spoils as well. You constructed it, abetted it and continue to fund it. If you don't know that by now you lose. You aid the Market who runs the Corporations, who run the MICC, who run the wars, who run the economy. There is no human face behind the curtain. Just a techno-energy loop that cycles. We sine smoothly in that wave as well. No doubt no denial.
Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?
Hey Geniuses. So was every President and Congress since Wilson. Don't tell us, tell your mommy and daddy. The War Machine needs funding and your fucking Ipod and Imaxipad need microwaves. Go screw yourself, that's what's next. Your King, Jobs is dead. You will soon have no job but you can send your resume to thousands of employers in China in a single click. Now don't forget to send it to the Pentagon as well. They need janitors and X-box killers. Lucky your apathetic sorry ass spent hours of finger fucking your joystick.
Money is the excrement of war you assholes and your little self-indulging tweets and facefarts are killing the world. That's right Jackoff. Every time you send one of your little mindless lies to some loser you kill a baby in Indonesia.
But I digress.
Hmmm...face to face with the psychotic society. Aye Puddy, yea it is ugly as mad doosa and as wiggly of head...
ReplyDeleteA culture is but the scum grown in a petri dish.
For my part, I plead extortion has played the major role in any acceptance I have made of all of this - and of course I bitch on it everyday and advise the rupture of this demonic woowoo that has us in its clutches.
We do not howl in the utter wilderness my friend...many flags attest to this.
We are in a period of great novelty - nothing is decided - all is in flux.
A right good rant there Puddy.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that bugs me is "do I have to watch this shitty sitcom of Liars Lair again?" I so want the bent and twisted merry-go-round to stop so we can all get off. I want it to bust an axle, blow the bearings and screech to a halt. Then we all get off this insane circle jerk of national nauseousness, and decide as a population to never allow spin meisters to spin the records again.
This bullshit fear-ride needs to fail. Just like all the TBTF institutions. Plow them into the ground, and maybe something worthwhile will grow up in their place. If it needs to be watered with banker's blood, we'll pump THEM dry. They're the blood bank.
What's the next catastrophe coming? I don't know. But removing all the Liars from their stations surely will provide a cleaner line-of-sight to see what's coming and what's real.
I feel and share your pain PD. But the last page of the book is still unwritten. I will not go quietly into that dark night. It appears many are sharing that sentiment today and I'm loving it.
ReplyDeleteI don't care that many of the people's reasons for supporting OWS aren't my reasons. It only matters that they are there in the first place. Finally.. a real reaction from Americans.
I don't know how this will end. What I do know is that so many people are mad as hell and are tired of taking it. I agree with Will when he says
" We are in a period of great novelty – nothing is decided – all is in flux."
As for the "terrorist" on a plane..... He sounds like a cotoer finally gone mad...
ReplyDeleteThree hours into flight 235 from Amsterdam to Detroit and witnesses report claim a man began yelling that he was a terrorist.
"He seemed liked a possessed person" says a man who sat in seat 12C, just across from the unruly passenger.
"He said we're all being lied to and he began to kick doors of the plane" 12C continued, one of the 293 other passengers who endured the in-flight outbursts.
An on-board air marshall handcuffed the man to his seat.
When the flight landed hours later at Detroit Metropolitan Airport the man was taken into custody and placed under arrest.'
Yea, Book 'im Dano... he's a homegrown terrorist. No, he's just a private citizen who knows the truth and can't take it anymore or he's set up to look like one as an example of what will happen to you if you start crazy talkin'...........
Btw, more and more I'm noticing these "news" articles are full of typos. Don't these idiots have spell check?
think I was at the Independants web page? article on Romney talking up us aggro yet again, how the us would go it alone be the best etc etc.
ReplyDeletedamn the guys a putz.
see "they;re(msm) also not liking ron Pauls topping the polls either:-)
The eyes desire, what are you looking for? Some wisdom or knowledge from these groups of squigiggly shaped symbols that your've been trained like a good dog to re-cognize to have meaning, Is the voice in your head at this moment mine or yours? Good question you just asked yourself,.. I'm in your mind. However, you can tell me to leave at any time and I will, but for now you just keep reading and I must say, I enjoy being here, It entertains and dis-tracks us from all the other crap going on. So while I'm in your mind may I have a look around?.. Thanks, nice place you've got here, a little dusty but feels like home just the same. What's this over here? oh, you want to save the world, ha! little itty-bitty you save the big-o world, may I ask; save it from what, itself?.. I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you but with you. It's a crazy and wonderful world we live in aye, I mean just think about it, I type on this keyboard and presto, an inner voice say's my thoughts, you feel my emotions, we transend space/time together yet no 'expert' can really tell us how this happens. I mean, they could go into explaining how the computer works and the brain bla bla bla, but what about the mind, where is it? What is that whereby you hear my words with your inner voice, or a surrogate voice you've created for me? Hold on.. what was that I said? ..rewind.. "you've created for me".. wow, thanks for creating a voice for me. And that's another question; how do we create, I mean, what is that whereby we create things? Have you ever noticed how some people think they're the only people allowed to create? The Department of Creation Control, the DCC. ha! Sir, you need a license to create! or, UNauthorized creators will be fined! Ah, but I'm working on my creation cerification. Do you think I'm certifiable? purr..
ReplyDeletekitty...we should occupy our streets by day and occupy our minds by night. If a small circle of people standing around a table can lift it simply by concentration and focusing on doing so with their minds, think of what the power of the 99% could do to the Federal Reserve :)
ReplyDeleteWhy do we need wall-street to create jobs for us? why do we need the treasury to create a medium of exchange for us? why should we give our ability of creation over to them? Congress aka wall-street investment banks, create nothing for us and never will. We are the government !
ReplyDeleteWe the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. !!!
Guard your Mind Garden. Compost the biodegradables. One man's fertilizer is another man's shit pile. Some own a garden on their shoulders, others just have shit-for-brains.
ReplyDeleteTPTB ~ "We're going to Tax your creative thoughts. None will escape us".
See -- "Owning is one thing -- Using us is another", by Jim Kirwan.
WE are the Government!
ReplyDeleteYes, when The People decide to Wake Up! and take back Their Own People Power (which they cede daily) from this totally contrived "Government" of the corporations, what is left? A huge number of criminals without a job! FIRE the Government. They don't work for YOU, they work for themselves and the corporations.
The police and military should begin to see this "reality" which has been masked by psychopropaganda mass-groupthink.
Ask the one important question -- show me all the "good" things government is/has been doing for society? Mankind?
Now, list the evil anti-social, inhumane activities governments have been actively involved in. Which side of the list is more heavily weighted?
CHOOSE which side you are on.
That's right! When protesting anything, it automatically assumes you to acknowledge their exisitence. Wallstreet is and has been a Ponzi scheme and have included lawyers, private traders and the banks thanks to Gramm-Bliley-Leach.
ReplyDeleteAnybody to blame for perpetuating the ponzi is us Americans for our own selfish reasons. I myself knowing the scheme took profits in the dotcom scam and the mortgage scheme. Those that got took are standing on Wallstreet as we speak. Along with the socialist Fabian instigators who want to crash the whole thing.
This is a scheme in itself. The ultimate goal is to clear the slate, steal the profits of the middle class and convert the banks into a global governance banking system on debt issue.
As in all these events since 29, the goal is to strip you and you only. The banks and fractional frauds, derivative Kings, mortgage brokers and minipulators will covert to the new system intact.
The books are clear, the fiat disappears, the debt distributed to you and the fractiona reserve debters. Those who danced with the devil and profited don't want to pay for their risk/reward gains, yet those who were happy to put their 401k and pensions in it were counting on it and now that they have lost, they are just the proverbial poor losers.
Savings with conservative interest rates, blue chips, real estate and home purchasing with substantial down money or outright was America. Those who accepted debt credit made their mistakes.
The liars and predatory thieves should be jailed, the manipulators on WS and Banks should be as well. The FED was just playing the same game..
I'd be protesting at the DOJ. That's where the real criminal behavior is being capitulated.
Right. Now you have identified the right problem. The planned rape and plunder by corpo-bankers has gone just as planned. Now they want a Big Govt global solution.
ReplyDeleteThat was the plan and here it comes like clockwork. We lose again. The sheeple think there is something in this for them? Sure austerity, total dependence and no hope for anything that is'nt sanctioned by the new green machine.
Pretending they don't hold the power and not holding them accountable is where we've been stuck for decades. We can no longer ignore reality. By letting them know that we are aware they are the ones causing the destruction is what's new here. (banksters, corps, MIC) PD, they've ALWAYS blamed US. By doing so we also let them know that we don't think they are all knowing nor all powerful and that they are indeed capable of going down in flames at the hands of we the screwed people of the U.S.
ReplyDelete" I’d be protesting at the DOJ. That’s where the real criminal behavior is being capitulated."
Give em time PD. Their object is to occupy everything to do with those that enslave us.:) The movement is growing. Even the lame stream media can no longer ignore it. It's having an effect. Even Obomber, who has been doing his best to ignore it, had to acknowledge it this week and give it his very slight nod of approval. Haha.. As if that holds ANY water with the majority of those protesting. They know who he works for.
"I’d be protesting at the DOJ. That’s where the real criminal behavior is being capitulated". Aye -- the DOJ should be high on the list. Totally corrupt.
ReplyDeleteReal true justice will have to rest with The People. It Does Rest with The People. This has been the "game". Co-opt, buy, and/or payoff the very bastion of protection of The People's Rights. When anything of substance finally arrives at this weigh station of "justice", the train is derailed onto a side track that goes nowhere.
As WE can all see clearly, this is why there is zero accountability, zero justice, zero arrests and prosecutions of criminals of all colors in the most criminally corrupt administrative, corporate, and cronified MIC crackerbox in world history. The "system" doesn't work for The People because it is NOT SUPPOSED TO! It is designed to work for the above named institutions and individuals, while frustrating and stymieing The People.
Have WE had enough of this Bullshit? Only WE The People can fix this 'problem' by smashing this bent machine into a million pieces. It is OBVIOUS that The People cannot work "through" the "system" their grievances. The "system" is a maze meant to neuter any and all comers that threaten the gatekeepers and the criminals celebrating beyond the walls and halls of justice.
Laugh, and toast for now, ye reptiles, for soon you will swing when your ramparts are torn apart by those you persecute. Your figureheads have lost all credibility, they are naked before The People, not realizing that Perception has changed. The curtain has been pulled back revealing the hideous creatures and machinery who have been running The Scam on humanity. You are no longer protected by secrecy. You are no longer protected by sociological "legitimacy". You are seen for what you are -- criminals against humanity.
The bill is due, and you are the ones who will pay it.
We the STRAWPEOPLE must know how we enable this prisonplanet. Connection to the grid must be the bare minimum for survival.
ReplyDeleteA slow backing out as not to alarm the committee plan makers. This is the zero point.
Coming full circle is trading one Obamanation for another Abomination. Antipodal opposites are the same and they are geometrically aligned.
For those who struggle with the concepts of the illuminati Triad [Need-Warrant-Opportunity]
As enablers we cannot know what you say is true unless we dump the comfort zones of our own making in their system.
I liked sports, I liked making a wager too, I'd rather eat out than cook for myself, digging a garden isn't my choice of spending my time. I'd rather see a movie than read a long boring scientific article and I'd rather be making love than buying ammunition. But that's what is required if you are serious.
All that stuff is interference and smog. You cant have the cake and eat it too. If you do then you are just one of them. Survival, independence and freedom are costly and commitments.
Sheeple want other things more and when they don't like what they have they finally get off their fat asses and gripe. The fight is one on one. The rest is a mob of aimless interests and chaos.
In the years after the First World War, particularly in the fields where the Battle Of The Somme took place where more than a million men perished and were blown to dust to settle into the soil. To the day, the region is lush with very fertile soil. Well fertilized earth. As the bullshit of this paradigm gets harrowed under, what kind of crop will flourish, or will we just be fed more GMO factory farm crap? Time will telL
ReplyDeleteRomney is the most obvious liar. Day to day he flips. Mormonism is a cult, like Greed, Protestants, Green, Congress, Democracy, United Nations and the committee.
ReplyDeleteJoin any and you are stuck with the junk. Mind control aside, you have a free will membership to any poison you choose. You also have more power in one.
That's the trap of the NET. When you identify and join you are giving them not only your allegiance and wealth but your information (weaknesses) Being independent creates the unknown and that is your power. The unknown quantity is growing and it's there we need to educate (in my opinion only)
I think your just bitchin' cool Ko...that was really...well right in my mind with a rather generic pleasant voice speaking calmly...a lot like a dopplegang of my own in stereopods.
ReplyDeleteI am He as You are He as who the hell can tell the differnce, see how they fly like slugs from a gun see how they fly...I'm stranded.
You have an elegant place here...I'd stay awhile, but I hear the coffee pot making it's 'finalizer' noises and can smell that hot java brew.
Leya satyr gagabater, \\]|[//
easier than catch'n sailors with cheap whores
Ahh...sorry, I no be the government....I bow out...I am not joining in on being the government. This "We the people" jive has landed on a hard and barren rock over soil for that packet of stardust moonjive.
ReplyDeleteI don't dig no Constytootshun buggaboo rumcakes no mo.
Been out on the perimeter have I...immaculating all over the ooniverse...I don't want nuthin todoo with no diaper loading hootpooters at the foursquare jamboree.
No no, not while the meatpacks joiny no joiny.
Let's skip the doily dodah and the saucer, give me a sailors mug, and that crusty slangodang that makes the ladies blush.
Don't try to 'civilize' me darlin, it's time to fly.
Something else created it. They co-opted it. The mind is energy only. It chose to be domiciled in your gray matter by the creator with the help of your village to nurture and protect you. But the mind was all thanks to the omnipotent.
ReplyDeleteAll knowledge is there and buried amongst the fog and smog of artificial intereference. "It's a wonder I can think at all."
OWS is one step forward to two steps back. It fails because it's not coming from truth but manufactured reality and that is what moves us 99 percent of the time. It's all momentary and instamatic for a pocket-size, fixed-focus, snapshot reality. It was predictable kinetic movement to the post 911 war. Now it's the lead into the new war. This was is the final if they are able to predict and orchestrate the dialectic further.
The War on Terror ends tomorrow if they wish it. But the algorithm suggests that the OWS and other staged events are needed to identify critical thinkers and rejectionists to the 'mark' of transition off the face of the OWO.
If you want a parallel, please review 1941 Nazi Germany and "Einsatzgruppen" I wish TonyForest was still coming here.
Drone warfare as we see it today is a mere outer shell of the deeper collaboration of bio-techno-panoptic cleansing that will become a mainstay for progression and transformation into a world of peace.
Mission Accomplished right JG. The transition to US and THEM. It's just a matter of degree, frequency and time til we find the insanity the norm and we as the sane become the insane.
ReplyDeleteThis plan wreaks of obvious social engineering and the terms, extremists and rejectionists right from the Talmudic anti-semitic, racist, xenophobic divide and conquer.
They know about the power of the one and that is why they created the LONE WOLF meme. That's for me and those like me who wont join any of the camps. This guy was no different than the rest. Purpose driven events, all of them .
where are you going to fly to?
ReplyDeletewhen did corporation become persons?
HAW! Ride on, Roguebert! Me no join pork tenderloin nieder. But...
ReplyDeletePaddy-man: bein' a little bit harsh on the Slacksters? They gob da same ding we did. Coulda seen the signs instead o Holden em up. Oh mad impetuous youth thinks we all smell like knows-drops.
Day say dear do tops. I call dem Pops.
so what'cha going to do, hide
ReplyDeleteIn the final analysis, it's with them or against them. When the line is drawn in the sand will you be a terror to world state?
ReplyDeleteYes you will. If it does appear as flux to you I'd argue it's just a divergence from the original vector of the Global Spring, if you will and that the only flux is managable under the containment. In any experiment the direction is determined from zero to the end point. The scalar unknown quantity is being recorded as we speak. The collective data, media and algorithm is in flux but within the social transformation the frame is fixed and vector remains consistent.
It's all wasted energy for us but will provide valuable data and vector adjustments for them. We are infinite scalar beings being moved within a frame of their creation.
Gonna put on my best Steve Hurkle. Gonna pull up my pants over my belly, tighten my belt, put on my best goomba and shuffle away whistling with a sideways glance at the man while he's rustling the crowd. Silly to enjoin a battle you can't win best to regroup and come back at it with a better strategy. Guerilla warfare, it worked in Nam.
ReplyDeletewhistling is a key veritable, or should I say whistling in key. so tell me, the wave length of middle C is longer than head, yet I hear it in my mind, does this mean I'm out of my head?
Aw...I learned string theory flying kites when I was 9 years old...thing is, ya gotsta relate to the kite and the kite flyer at the same moment - the moment of power is now.
"where are you going to fly to?"
ReplyDeleteWay up high in the sky like a big pizza pie - that's amoure'
The kite - the string - the kite flyer all be ONE.
Or whistling while getting head. I've got a string theory for you. After a night on the town, you wake up with a massive hangover, a hosebag in your bed, a lump in your throat and a string hanging out of your mouth, now there's a string theory.
ReplyDeleteParadox exists to divide the whole - there is only one that cannot be divided.
"Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?"
ReplyDeleteThe guy swinging it.
being that time is a measure of change
ReplyDelete- the change of energy is change?
Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height...
let me guess, you hear the merry poppins version in your minds ear. or maybe Ben Franklin in drag
"We the People" clearly refers to humans
The Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787
( before corporate personhood )
In the United States, corporations were recognized as having rights to contract, and to have those contracts honored the same as contracts entered into by natural persons, in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, decided in 1819. In the 1886 case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, 118 U.S. 394, the Supreme Court recognized that corporations were recognized as persons for purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment.
- wikipedia
Me reads here Rogie, he don't like you. He must think you is me and me is you. Looks like we got us another revenue'r. Hide the hootch, break out the scatter gun, call in the McCoys. .
ReplyDeleteRogue and Boom, the reality for me is clear now. Theres no face to the evil. Just the programmers and mathmeticians who created it. It's taken a life of it's own and human factoring like the financial just subsets.
ReplyDeleteEvery being is a slave to the institution. Like all institutionalists the arrive by choice and like all constructivists the equation based upon schemata. The Grid, the laviathan the mechanisms and the complex rigorously defended and formula used in all genres or domains. The LIAR Paradox included :) We think of proofs as objects, and it is supposed to be decidable whether a given object is or is not a valid proof.
Brouwer's second act of intuitionism gives rise to choice sequences, that provide certain infinite sets with properties that are unacceptable from a classical point of view. A choice sequence is an infinite sequence of numbers (or finite objects) created by the free will. The sequence could be determined by a law or algorithm, such as the sequence consisting of only zeros, or of the prime numbers in increasing order, in which case we speak of a lawlike sequence, or it could not be subject to any law, in which case it is called lawless. Lawless sequences could for example be created by the repeated throw of a coin, or by asking the creating subject to choose the successive numbers of the sequence one by one, allowing it to choose any number to its liking. Thus a lawless sequence is ever unfinished, and the only available information about it at any stage in time is the initial segment of the sequence created thus far. Clearly, by the very nature of lawlessness we can never decide whether its values will coincide with a sequence that is lawlike. Also, the free will is able to create sequences that start out as lawlike, but for which at a certain point the law might be lifted and the process of free choice takes over to generate the succeeding numbers, or vice versa.
Iemhoff, Rosalie, "Intuitionism in the Philosophy of Mathematics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
When in Physics and Mathematics the system sets are placed and contradictions emerge. I propose they use a Deconstructivist approach unpredictability and a controlled chaos.
affirmative rogue, that whereby the heart feels is the mystery of which the sages speak
ReplyDeleteKo - that's the crux of the matter, the 14th Amendment. The Santa Clara "decision" - the postmodern "interpretation" of "implied powers" granted vie the Articles of the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteSome time during the day - not a promise, but I hope to get around to it; I will pick out a phrase used in the Declaration of Independence, that was one of the indictments of the Crown on England...and then show you that very phrase used as the granted rights to the Congress in Article I, Sec. Part 8.
This power only applied to the citizens of DC until after the Civil War and the passage of the 13th and 14th amendments...
I will note here that "Involuntary servitude" is banned as ultra vires by the Constitution....however, "voluntary servitude" is not. And therein lies the crux of the biscuit in our present state.
The original Federalists were traitors to the revolution...especially Hamilton and Jay - veritable Tory moles. A long range plan put Amerika on the map of the western continent, see: Sir Francis Bacon...note the Freemason symbolism of the "National Mall"....
There is more - much more to this trip called the United States of America than has ever been sufficiently revealed.
A system created for eventual total tyranny can not be used to avoid that tyranny.
We discuss more...Ja?
I purr-furr catnip ... tea
ReplyDeleteUS Constitution:
ReplyDeleteArticle. I.
Section. 8.
Clause 17: >To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever..
Declaration of Independence:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested >with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
What do words mean? What are the lawful boundaries of "all cases whatsoever"?
Have you then agreed to become a citizen of the United States in voluntary aspect?
Do you have, and have you signed a Social Security card? Can it be reasonably asserted that you do, and did sign under no and without any direct coercion?
Have you perhaps been in the military, or held public office and "sworn to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic"?
Have you had, or do you now have a US Passport? Does it state that you are a citizen of the United States of America?
You are a dual citizen of the state you reside in, and of the United States, from the time of the 14th Amendment.
You are subject to the same laws as the citizens of DC have been bound to from the beginning of it's reign.
Ko is cool Veri....and very intellectual - of knowing. Ko is COTO through and through...all on the board today are.
ReplyDeleteSome times I go 'round with Waldo too...heez funny, has the debubonics down like a crown.
Hachahahchacha - let the ritual of the stone pipe begin.
Paradox becomes the art of not being there.
ReplyDeleteSo just what is this 'voluntary servitude' I speak to here?
ReplyDeleteWell that is the debt bondage we have been griping about here all along isn't it? The bondage to the Bank and the taxes used to support and enrich it.
By this token I point out why it is considered lawful in the eyes of those who front for them. This may all be legally pigally nonsense to you and any sane human being - but it is nonetheless the view and assertions of the Federalist Society legal cult.
The system cannot be mended - the system must be utterly destroyed, and new safeguards erected for the benefit of the people.
So, let us watch, and see what "the People" are up to...where will they go with this? They are, and we, all of us are on a tightrope. Only the abyss waits below should we slip.
[All of this predicated on experience in the Time/Space Meatfarm]
Was that tongue-in-cheek or paw-on-tail?
ReplyDeleteSuppose prison is also Voltairey servitude, because you "chose" to violate the "law," you know... that thing that forbids rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges...
ReplyDeleteahhh Boom... I LOVE your passion for the rebellion. It matches mine :)
ReplyDeleteAnd watching we are as the reverberations of startlement wash through the paradigm. You can almost feel it in the air. It makes one feel very much alive. Too bad this is what it takes to come alive.
ReplyDeleteThat's Angelish darlin'....
That's right Waldo, choosing to break a statute is like breaking a statue of Zeus in the Roman Empire...
ReplyDelete"Arff wiffizz hayad"....
"Those who OWN America should run America,"~John Jay [Federalist - 1st Supreme Court Chief Justice...grin]
*** RIPPLES ***
Ripples it is then. I had a gallon of ripple once. Nasty hangover
ReplyDeleteWP, that was an anomaly. I got into some bad vibrations last night. Not like me to lose it like that. Not my proudest moment.
Achhh...revenge of the vine...most terrible...
ReplyDeleteThe size, weight and angle of decent of the stone causing the ripples will effect the impact on the bank of the the lake of the bank, whichever applies in this aspect of the larks tongue.
Bullseye -------> @
ReplyDeleteWell the ripples are certainly going through this lake. It wasn't too long ago (last week) MSM wouldn't touch the story with a ten foot pole. Now they can't ignore it. The storm clouds are gathering and the wind's coming up. I think we're going to have more than ripples.
ReplyDeleteDo we have the right to disavow an oath?
ReplyDeleteYes we do.
We have the right to do and think anything we so choose.
What are the consequences of disavowing an oath?
Only those which can catch up with you.
I'd say there's some coming up on those that did.
ReplyDeleteThese are not regular humans. These are psychopath beings who are going to crash the planetary (mostly USofA/UK/EU centered) financial system over these next few weeks. Our data suggests that the most likely target date will be October 17th (a Monday), after very shocking developments emerge on October 15th.
And these days are when the data says reality gets really interesting. It is with tip of the cap to Calleman that we note how close the Grunch, and the subsequent Revealing, and the Unleashing/Unbinding/Free'ing are to his calculations of the Mayan (meso american) Long Count results. As the derivative implosion proceeds, the banksters, and their minion slaves, are going to be attempting to steal every possible 'dollar' of value anywhere obtainable.
What will be very interesting for those of us not emotionally involved in the process of death of paper debt will be to watch and wait for the howls of emotional dick crushing when the banksters discover their loot gone missing from their hidey holes.
By the way, this absence of the 'loot' is showing in our data as creating 'fatal circumstances' for many of the bankster class who will not be able to pay back when hunted down and taken prisoner over these next few years as the planet transitions to whatever terrestrial humanity will invent of it next. ~Clif High
Now LaRouche has put out an emergency call that a Hitler style fascist coup is in the works and only days away - it could be a replay of the Night of the Long Knives...what? perhaps the bombing of Congress while in session??
ReplyDeleteWhat? Who knows?
We are just about to hit the bottom of the trough of novelty in the TWZ chart, and coincidentally the Clif High info coincides, and now the LaRouche video alert...
Almost everyone in the alternate finance genre is saying the crash is days away...powdered poopie, just ad water...kaboom.
I'm on the edge of my proverbial seat...luckily it is more plush than the real desk chair I'm sitting on physically.
Getting near that moment in the movie when the heroin is turning on the shower and about to get in....and the screechy music is about to wail...
yea it's all woowoo now.
Good Night COTO...and good luck.
Alright - alright, let's put on our special ops COTO goggles and peer through the fog off all the yada here.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the question?
I see it posed as, will the Amerikan people wake up and take down the Bankers and the illegitimate 'government'?
I see the answer as crystal clear - No they will not.
I have lived with these people my whole life. They are fucking idiots in the main. They are even bigger idiots now than they ever were. They are, some 80+ percent TVZombies that are on autopilot, programmed by the Public Relations Regime.
This is the same crew of numb-skulls that voted for "Hope and Change" with the umn...
What exactly are we thinking here as we look out upon this chaos developing in the "Occupied Cities"? Is it real or Memorex?
Ha ha ha ha ha....I'ma tellin' ya kids, nothing is going to change during meatsuit time....
Oh yea, something's coming, but it isn't about politics or money - it is WAY beyond any of that down home bullshit.
Nah...make that 37 years of war against the Afghan people by the Evil Empire.
Target the ones who will not surrender. It's clear to those who investigate the Persian empire. What was the real civilization was coopted the same way, following the Roman, Byzantine, the Grecian the khazars came rolling along. The Khans, Xerxes, Caesars, Tsars and other usurping pimps moved in.
ReplyDeleteApethetic, naive, peaceful, trusting leaders took the poison bait. Americans are the marks of all marks. It was only a matter of time before the decadence would jelly the gray matter to a putrid yellow goo running down their spines and spewing from their wretched weakened orifices like bile and clap.
It's bow season here in the hills and you can't find a hunter anywhere. All sitting on couch using a domino's pizza box as a coaster for their six pack while they gurgle and haw over a first and ten never realizing they are doomed to be in the endzone for the rest of their lives.
Come rifle week they'll lumber out to a deer seat with another six pack and an assault rifle and take scent-free so they can freely fart from their perches.
Real Men
Yea, I worked in a taxidermy shop for about a year in GA - met a lot of those 'real men'. Some of the most stupid wankers I ever met.
ReplyDeleteWhat a looneymart that was.
The craft was actually quite similar to special effects make-up.
But in film work you design and produce your own dermis rather than skinning a real creature - makes all the difference in the world...I was filled with horror in the back of the shop where that sort of stuff went on...never got used to it.
And the killers were all - to the man - utter dipshits. Fuck'm all.
ReplyDeleteOne of the founders of Otpor, student resistance movement that played a critical role in the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia.
Coto Nose
Freedom House took an active role in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, specifically in training the nonviolent student movement, known as Otpor. Formed in 1998 at the University of Belgrade, the organization adopted an organized strategy to turn the people of Serbia against Milosevic in the 2000 election.
Modern bourgeois society, with its relations of production, of exchange and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells. [...] It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put the existence of the whole of bourgeois society on trial, each time more threateningly. In these crises, a great part not only of existing production, but also of previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed. In these crises, there breaks out an epidemic that, in all earlier epochs, would have seemed an absurdity — the epidemic of over-production. Society suddenly finds itself put back into a state of momentary barbarism; it appears as if a famine, a universal war of devastation, had cut off the supply of every means of subsistence; industry and commerce seem to be destroyed; and why? Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce. The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions. ….. And how does the bourgeoisie get over these crises? On the one hand by enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces; on the other, by the conquest of new markets, and by the more thorough exploitation of the old ones. That is to say, by paving the way for more extensive and more destructive crises, and by diminishing the means whereby crises are prevented.
freedom house funding