................................Flying in the 144000...................................
Is anything real?
Reality? It's all interference. The Truth is a harmonic constant like others and it's frequencies are subject to distortion, interference and the damped oscillations sine waves of the real and the unreal.
The sines of the unreal?
The lines, curves, maps, history, coordinates, linguistics, experiences and the relativity.
As in Einsteins theory?
You mean the 'special relativity?' No. I mean the absence of relativity. The truth absolute.
How does that work?
For you?
Well, first you will have to strip down to your base, your basic pre-eponymous anointing into the matrix. Down to your birthday suit in mind and body. You have to believe the truth as being opposed to all you have seen, heard or experienced. Special attention to the audible, though all senses have been distorted and damaged and their programming etched onto your brain like a proprietary eponym or branding of thought and more importantly, a tap, feeding on your energy. Simple, like sending a flea to the moon.
Simple, ha. How can one accomplish that?
Not easy but simple. Wax on wax off.
Wax on wax off?
Affirmative. The highly polished propaganda that you personally have come to see as shit from hi-gloss shinola, pardon moi. I'll use the phrase from one of the many sines of war. It is for most, the frequency of major distortion and easily seen now as wax on and wax off. It's still difficult for those who lived through the second war though the numeric designation is relative only to its special purpose and there have been a hundred wars, most of which have been silent and invisible. When you begin to identify these distortions and interference, you will also run into strong divergence. Your swimming against the waves of masses who are an obstruction to your energy. Some are dead in the currents, while some are resisting you physically and emotionally and then there are the Sinusoids. Sinusoids are powerful and they are current driven by means I previously mentioned. The power source is provided by the matrix and the energy from the relative. Like fighting against gravity itself, small steps are required until you can leap. Tibetan Monks had to escape the material industrial world trappings to study the natural metaphysical realm. How do you expect to accomplish it? Realistically, deliberately and thoughtfully.
How do we navigate the matrix? I mean how does one accomplish this?
Sines or the sin is complex, geometric, full of triangles, coordinates, symbols and functions. Unless you are planning to get your MBA in mathematics and physics you will likely crash and burn before reaching the true unified field and the being of one. Most have and it's a dangerous arc to traverse. Only one experienced in the ocillations should try to make the leap to zero. Others would find it fatal. It is best to work from the documentary approach and the testimony of witnesses whether they be you or someone or something else. Starting at the zero point and then navigate forward? No. It's the objective only to get back to zero for now. Even if you could leap the knowledge manifold it would be akin to the odds in the Infinite monkey theorem to hit the right key.
Why can't we start at zero immediately?
The contrary to law of thought is difficult to overcome and the true journey to becoming that which was interrupted at birth, if not during prenatal as well, was their primary function and the focus of their energy. These dark energies and alchemists have had a vast arsenal of conduits in which to transmute the being from the zero point circumventing the one of being and from there is was all downhill. The weight of these heavy energies constantly invoking interference in the unified true field and frequency. How far you deviated from center point is dependent upon your potential to stay focused as best you could during the enormous fluctuations.
So what is the antithesis to the matrix, the antidote to the chaos?
Though you may be able to realize the trajectory of these energies and their manifestations, compartments and negative fields, until you find true power from the zero point you are still vulnerable to the interference. Remember that humankind is where they derive their energy and their power is limited only by you disconnecting. The law of one is the result inasmuch as you are then able to reconnect to the unified field and power up from the the zero point. As in all the universe the constant is greater than zero but less than one. Now that you have the understanding to where you are, why you are there and the mindset to reverse your trajectory, your particular sine wave. Where λ is the wavelength, f is the frequency, and c is the speed of propagation so is your point and particular coordinate. Until you reach the zero point the frequency and sine are unique. Once we get to the zeropoint the harmonic frequency of all beings will be the same.
You were a witness to the interference of the World Trade Centers correct? You were in the matrix, you were in this atmosphere and at a particular coordinate receiving particular frequencies and interference correct?
Commander Frank Culbertson was the only American who was not a witness to real time event, the interference at the coordinates of this atmosphere, and as such the only American not on Earth during the September 11 terrorist attacks. He was on the ISS with two Russian Cosmonauts and only saw the 911 tragedy through taking photographs from the vacuum of space. The Expedition Three crew of the International Space Station enjoyed a unique view of the 2001 Leonid meteor storm. He said: "It looked like we were seeing UFOs approaching the earth flying in formation, three or four at a time....There were hundreds per minute going beneath us, really spectacular!" So Cmdr Culbertson most definitely was subject to a different frequency a different sine and from an especially unique coordinates. His trajectory to the zeropoint may be greatly affected by this unique variation and such is all the complexity of the matrix. unified field of consciousness is complex enough, even without the chaos of distortion and interference.
I must fly but I will come back to see your progress. Please document your progress with notes and observations and indicate how you are going approach your solo migration back to zero.
Funny You should mention 144,000. Its a sacred number. I knew an inheritance I recieved was straight from God when the check was $144,000.
ReplyDelete3 x 60°
ReplyDeleteThe sum of the interior angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees
If two interacting waves meet at a point where they are in antiphase, then destructive interference will occur. It is common for waves of electromagnetic (light, RF), acoustic (sound) or other energy to become superposed in their transmission medium. When that happens, the phase difference determines whether they reinforce or weaken each other. Complete cancellation is possible for waves with equal amplitudes.
What phase difference would be required between three identical waves for perfect cancellation?
The shape which satisfies these conditions is an equilateral triangle, so the angle between each phasor to the next is 120° (2π/3 radians), or one third of a wavelength λ/3. So the phase difference between each wave must also be 120°, as is the case in three-phase power
All of the electric utilities in the Western Interconnection are electrically tied together during normal system conditions and operate at a synchronized frequency of 60Hz. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tres_Amigas_SuperStation
Soon the majority won't need to disconnect from them. They'll be forcibly disconnected from whatever keeps them alive.
ReplyDeleteThe PTB are very used to the majority acquiescing to their demands because the majority does not stand up to them. Only a minority of the people have done so in all of history. Many to be smacked down again because they had no real army behind them. Or they were successful and the greedy, evil bastards once again took control.
It's time that EVERYONE stand up and not just a brave few regardless of the consequences. It would be the first time in history that the entire world revolted against tyranny at the same time, an Army of One. I do believe the monsters do not want that to happen. What is happening now is unprecedented. The internet and all of our methods of modern media have made it possible.
So let's take advantage of it while we still can. It does our heart and soul no good to let them crush everyone we know and love without a fight because we know who these monsters are.
Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. Should we be expected to do any less?
Koalice knows. Evan knows. Puddy knows
ReplyDeleteWhen you are ready to move back to the zero point, you have to accept the Dipole moment and the relation to time/space.
We are in a manufactured spatial Euclidean vector.
A Transition dipole moment away from the real Global Governance.
I wish that Koalice, Patricia and others may find the deeper transformation taking place and begin to post and exchange their knowledge. I need Evan to help. Why? because the big picture is here.
"Soon the majority won’t need to disconnect from them. They’ll be forcibly disconnected from whatever keeps them alive."
ReplyDeleteTrue Deb, but it does not have to be. Disconnecting is just changing the curcuit. It's reconnecting to the creator power source. Long before the philosophy, theology, brainwashing, Bio-interference, EMR took effect you have this connection.
The best clue is the Alex Jones phenomenon.
Sacred for certain. Understood maybe not. When they corrupt or hijack the truth the equations appear to be real but the final analysis will provide the reality in a much harsher truth.
ReplyDeleteEnergy conservation and powering up at the right time is essential now.
ReplyDeleteSorta an auld timey rhymie if it don't seem to slimy HE HE HE...HO HO HO...
There are NO mistakes but in perception.
I'm sorry, Patrick but I don't understand what you are saying. I'd ask you to explain it to me but I doubt that would help. I'm obviously on a different plane than you, Koalice and Patricia. I'm obviously not "there" yet.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is deep. You asked for responses, so here's mine:
ReplyDeleteNeverAlways, my Coto screen name. What does it mean? Well, it summarizes my every day thoughts into 11 little letters (lol, there's #11 again.... I just realized this, as I'm typing!)
Is everything real, or is nothing real? Do I know all the answers, or do I know nothing? Good and Evil, Yin and Yang, Nothing is everything, Never is Always! 2 completely opposite ideas can exist at the same time.
Sometimes, it feels like everything is in my own imagination. The universe, the earth, my family, you guys lol;everything is seen through my own eyes. The whole, "I think, therefore I am" idea. But, like a dream, even though this universe is all made up by me, I can't control it. Just as this idea begins to make sense, the pendulum swings, and the opposite idea rings true--that I am just a small speck of something much greater. So which is it? Am I everything, or a part of everything? Is it both?
As a child, I attended a Catholic private school, and I would often think of Heaven and Eternity. The thought of eternity would send me into some kind of zone, where I would imagine traveling through the universe forever. Now, looking back, I wonder if this is what happens when people meditate--all sense of time and space is lost, and it is a truly amazing feeling.
Ok, I'm off to read more about the spheres and frequencies.
Where is Alex Jones taking us? Where are the committee taking us? Where is the long linear line and coordinates?
ReplyDeleteWhere are they taking us each individual? Where are we on the sine wave. I know you can understand the psyops. You have reported it on numerous occasions and most recently 'contagion'
Read Evans next post and put him to the wall on what he says. Every COTO and OWO watcher has to put everyone and everything to the wall.
Would we know NA if we had never deviated from the true arcs of our world. Have we ever been free of the interference , distortion, chemistry, alchemists?
ReplyDeletePhilosophical theological comsological????? We might know
if we can get back to zeropoint. Harmonics, meditation, remote viewing, chants, herbal cleansing, fasting, full spectrum listening without noise, sabbatical, disconnecting, moving location coordinates, migration, debunking history, finding clues....and the list goes on and on.
What your frequency is , is that that makes you whole, happy, focused, determined, safe and powerful. Your sine wave, harmonic resonance, coordinates will be uniquely yours.
What Evan tries to explain is the easiest deconstruct of your beleifs and like you said real or unreal, beingness or nothingness, faith, hope, reason, doubt, find the way back to zero.
Clues is all I do here from day one. I throw them out like bread crumbs and you may choose to follow some or none. I need everyone to throw out the crumbs so that all may find the threads and the path to get to a point of zero.
Well...it depends on which bardo one chooses to transmit from...
ReplyDeleteAnywhere in the time/space/condominium is going to be a limit on the ONE...
Now aintits?
Yup, tis.
Why so cryptic? Why do I have to wait for Evan? Geez This is the Matrix isn't it.. Are you Morpheus and I am Neo ? Seriously, PD I prefer talking in simpler terms that my overtaxed and seriously shrinking brain can comprehend. I didn't study metaphysics or philosophy. Your article as do many of them shoots like a star right over my head. I'm sorry about that but it is what it is. SO......
ReplyDeleteWhere is Alex Jones & the committee taking us?
Firstly, I do put everyone and everything to the wall. More now than ever. Alex Jones is not a guru to me he's just another source of information. A very good source for the most part, I might add. I assume you must think so too because a lot of what he says sounds like a lot of what you say. However, I don't agree with everything he says or does and I certainly am not a blind follower of him or anyone. That's just not my nature. I don't think Alex is taking anyone anywhere especially to a demonstration so maybe he really is working for "them".
Having said that, "they" want us to trust no one. Don't speak of politics, religion or revolution in polite company is the mantra we all grew up with. That is the biggest psyop of all. Keeping us separated, hating, fearful and paranoid of each other( just as in the movie you mentioned.."Contagion)" has always been their goal. Why? Because they fear US. We are many they are few and they are not infallible..They are terrified we will figure this out if we start really communicating with each other. Otherwise they wouldn't have their media minions ridicule, blackout or simply skew the numbers of people that show up to protests,
Even with all their toys, we still have numbers over them. They know that which is why they are engaged in depopulation. The 99% worldwide are learning that and are pissed off. The 1% are long overdue for a takedown. Time for David to slay Goliath once again. Hey, it might not happen. But I'd rather know we tried and failed instead of never having taken the shot when we had it.
She scooped a double handful of suds from the sink. She brought them into the lantern light. "The Universe is like this," she explained. "Pick an individual bubble. Any bubble... it doesn't matter. Now imagine a point in the center of that bubble. That's the Alpha particle. Draw billions and trillions of strings in your mind out to the surface of that bubble. The surface is the Omega particle. Now, suppose you could poke your finger through the Omega particle and run it down a string until you touched the Alpha particle.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what would happen? The end of your finger would pop out of another side of the bubble aligned with the corresponding string. It would probe into the bubble next to it, right? And you would see the end of your finger in all the bubbles at the same polarity. That's because the Alpha and the Omega are one. That's because all the bubbles are mirrorcosms and orbit the same entity. That's where we are now. We're all sealed inside these time bubbles and they're all the same because they're part of this handful of suds.
Their interfacing surfaces remember all the polarity aspects of the mass like a hologram. This pattern can be changed, but never destroyed, see?" Otto cocked his head to one side like Nipper the dog. "You know," she exasperated, "like a hologram. You know how you can break off a piece and still see the whole picture inside each piece?" Otto nodded. "Then, do you know what's going to happen next?" Otto shook a slow negative with his head, transfixed by the fire of lantern light in the suds.
Mariah blew into her hands and the soapsuds scattered into the air, draping Otto's face like a hung-over Santa Claus.
-- Lady Messiah
yeh... eye tied to writ a balk a boot tat dunce...
Good One Waldo...fractals in the axles spinning spinning like da wheel of fate.
ReplyDeleteRite a bulk bout dat some-time-space-condo dood...
The sine wave... everything exists between the numbers 0 and 1... there are only four numbers... 1, 2 3 & 4.
ReplyDeleteAs above, so below...
8 is the mirror image of 1
7 is the mirror image of 2
6 is the mirror image of 3
5 is the mirror image of 5
9 = Zero
~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When using numerology, in adding any string of numbers, when you hit 9 (either at 5+4, or the sum of 18), simply start again at 0... try it.
Are we speaking the same language Puddy?
I am able to show my work.
Oooops... 5 is the mirror image of 4... (5+4=9.... 9=0)
ReplyDeleteOn green language... English is the language of the angels...
ReplyDeleteYou can pretty much throw out the vowels... they seldom have significance.
The sine wave.. the sin... sn -same thing.
English... NGLish... angel-ish. See how it works?
Yes Wanda...the mirror is the center of the mobius strip - connecting the dual circle - reflection IS awareness..."yin yang walla walla bing bang."
ReplyDelete"My Friend the Witch Doctor" - Lol
Shaman Yaman and the Bee Bop Bros.
Oinky Doinky and the Piglets
Wee WheeTone and the Tonettes
Rock Hard and the Boners
etc etc etc...
Funny Will...
ReplyDeleteAfter the Washington Penis Monument tilted, i posted that the Washington Yoni was going to pretty bummed out.
I posted that on Wes Penre's personal facebook page... he got it... he "liked" it. From the rest of his "friends"... crickets... i feel his pain.
ReplyDeleteI remember a woman astrologer from the 50s 60s era that said that "English" was the language before the Tower of Babble...and that it slowly reconstructed itself in the human psyche throughout the last 4000 years.
There is something very resonant with that...intuitively...her essay on this was brilliant, and now I can't even remember her name...she ended up a bag lady...after a big career in the newspapers all over America of the time...
So you know who I am talking about Wanda?
Anglo Sacks On...Lol
ReplyDeleteYes angels with meat sacks on.
We be the soul, not the suit of flesh...dats right.
Right... we are the soul... the sol. There's an instance wherein the vowel is useful.
ReplyDeleteSadly, i don't know the name of the woman... that would be a spectacular essay to re-locate. She was a couple decades ahead of her time... doh !!
I was born in '56... spent most of my life clue less. While i always felt things were off, i didn't fully wake up till 5 years ago... a bit slow on the up-tick, but not as slow as some.
Wanda, au contraire... you were not clueless.. the knowing that something was "off" meant you knew all along. You just didn't have all the details. I bet like most here at coto, you tended to question everything?
ReplyDeleteWell Wanda - I gotta feeling the Illuminoopies got to her...she was found wandering the streets and seemed to have forgotten who she was.
ReplyDeleteTragic, she was a biggie in her time as an astrologer. Numerology and Tarot as well...a real mystical whiz gal.
Puddy, your Blue Man Drill is really cool - again - the best headers on the web I say.
PD, Pretty blue monkey nose. That Hitler was such a stickler for detail, dammit!!
ReplyDeleteActually, a friend at work was just telling me that her son's teacher complained to her that her son was doing just that... coloring the grass blue and the sky green... maybe she's Hitler reincarnated.. Regardless, she still sounds like a nazi.to me.
Yeah... at least now it makes some sense as to why it was so damned difficult to find and maintain any level of "normal".
ReplyDeleteI don't envy anyone who has been awake longer than me... it has been a rough time...
ReplyDeletebut i do not envy anyone who still sleeps... they are not being intellectually honest. (to quote a term we all used frequently during the OpEd days)
OpEd... the Opposite of Education.
Geeze... how in the hell would you even begin to search that? That'd be pretty swinging to re-locate her work.
ReplyDeleteI was just in the mood for something weird...what could be weirder than Nina Hagen?
ReplyDeleteIt's from NUNSEXMONKROCK one of my faves from the 80s.
Yea??? But listen to that voice. She gotsda voice.
“We must reinstate the ability to think, re-think, view and re-view. We must restore the ability to ask for the sake of questioning instead of answering for the sake of silencing.”~Gilad Atzmon
Are we angry at the shadow? Are we angry here with the concept of opposites? Are we angry with that which allows for visual perception?
ReplyDeleteIf it were not for the obstruction, refraction, and reflection of the light, we would not be aware of it's or our own existence.
Some may recall my essay, DEVIL RUSE.
There is a portion in that that goes into the idea of the shadow.
A polar bear in a snowstorm is an allegory of the idea here.
At any rate, a meditation on the Yin and the Yang might be helpful.
I am trying to be helpful. I don't need to impose anything here.
I just want to share my thoughts and views. I think there is fear on parade, and that is part of being human too. But it isn't what I would consider helpful or 'healthy' in our particular present circumstance - ala the time/space zoomalong.
kORN... the 144,000 can be demystified. It is the numbers of the chakra, relative to the petals of the lotus (the 7 chakra) added together and then multiplied by the 7th, which is 1,000... the sum is 144,000... it is all of us.
ReplyDeleteYou can google: 144,000 is the sum of the chakras
You will turn up much. I had the perfect link that simply illustrated this... can't find it. I hate when that happens.
I also hate the hocus pocus that shrouds everything in mystery. My search has been to take that friggin mystery out of it. Therein lies the control, in my opinion.
There is truth, it is knowable. Mathematics, natural law... the "sacred" symbology is simply the language that nature speaks to all of us. It is imprinted in our dna and in our psyches. Hiding it away from general knowledge and using it against us to manipulate our emotions. In addition they've been separating us from nature... anything natural... is how they've hi-jacked our collective consciuousness.
Oh yeah... i am third eye open. That happened to me about six months ago... so, it's a real, physical reality... not metaphysical.
ReplyDeleteXianity, Budhism, East Astrology all 12 powers 12,12,12,12,...... houses, disciples, tribes, Stars, power. signs=energy
ReplyDelete"clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars"
Allegorical symbolism common to the power/energy and the the answer is easier than we think. Their assault on us is from the time of the ancient thru the star and JC thru today, this moment.
It's now the time for all good COTO to come to the aid of the flocks.
There is no religion of the creator power that is not under the divide and conquer and whatever your faith or spirituality is becomes mute to the process of getting back to the zeropoint and the position of power.
Evan is going to give us his take and we all need to contribute.
My comment to Deb was simply to point out one fact.
We can report all the things we find on the www of globalization but that's what they want. What don't they want. That's where we need to go.
We can report all the things we find on the www of globalization but that’s what they want. What don’t they want. That’s where we need to go.
ReplyDelete~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You nailed it Puddy. That's where we are going... they have tried to deny it, but they, more than anyone else, know it. Their corruption of the you-create-your-own-reality religion was a beauty... i feel for bewildered souls locked into that spiritual void. Will they ever snap to and realize it is your actions in the world that count.
And they gave us every religion on the planet. There are seeds of truth in all... but i can tell you of one major deception in all of them is the trininty.
The holy trinity in Christianity represents the father/son/holy spirit. A better representation of this trinity would be man/woman/creation... or God/Jesus/Mary. In essence, they removed the divine feminine and replaced it with a ghost. F-U very much. That's how they do it though.
There is truth... it is knowable...
ReplyDeleteWe struggle to wrap our brains around dogma and fake science...
the truth is usually the simplest explanation. Hug a tree and ask it for the wisdom... you will receive it... maybe not from the tree... directly... but you will receive.
When we get comfortable with the very real idea that it never ends... we shuck off fear of "nothing" and realize death is their biggest lie... they have lost their stranglehold.
The world is at the threshold of realizing there are fates worse than death. Perhaps it is just me... but i have felt a lightening of the vibrations these last few weeks. It no longer has that "you can cut it with a knife" feel to it. For the first time in years... i feel the future and it feels okay and getting better.
Unfortunately, that is changeable... but somehow, i think these ass-hats are going down. No one wants this level of control... no one wants our mother treated this way anymore... this death and destruction will end. Our job now is to help people release the fear and to know truth.
The job of the illuminati is right in their name.
ReplyDeleteill... speaks for itself
lumin... illumination or light
at i... note the last eye is the third eye
So what we wind up with may be interpreted as "casting man into a dark light... or darkness" or "darkening the third eye (the knowing) of man".
They tell us that latin is a dead language... yeah, right. All of the words we have in our language can be broken down and re-defined by looking into the root words and suffixes of latin and greek.
ReplyDeleteWhen you go through the indoctrination process they hand you a D-gree... which basically makes you unable to A-gree with anyone who tries to tell you truth.
Great comment Deb. So where does your gut and intellect tell you it's going?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to ask questions because we can all come here day after day and report the scam, Rogue can argue with shills, They can divide and conquer coto2 coto and everyone else trying to figure it out, but 99% divided against itself is no match to the 1% with the truth and concurrence. We know what happens to a dissenter with them.
It's much harder to get our dissenters on board. Do you think our power is in numbers? Let's figure out the numbers first then the forumula and then the strategems.
What I can prove is that numbers in the sense of beings is one to the infinite power. I think in numbers and my posting don't effectively convey my theories or thinking.
I find frustration. So I am enlisting the help. But I will provide some simple equation and have all my thoughts better conveyed. Words fail me.
1^ X-infinity = 1
XX+X (xx)(x) (x^3) their fomula
As you know, you can’t divide by zero.
What is the zeropoint? How to get there? What the power is in matter and energy?
BTW, I don't have cryptic desires. I just don't know. You and everyone here have the answers. Your answers, your conclusions, your theory. We all have our own interference, distortion and illusion(reality).
ReplyDeleteWhere we need to meet is at zero. Not the answers but the questions.
brilliant depiction and draws the visual. Now look at the web and see the reality. Nice post Waldo.
ReplyDeleteThe world is at the threshold of realizing there are fates worse than death. Perhaps it is just me… but i have felt a lightening of the vibrations these last few weeks. It no longer has that “you can cut it with a knife” feel to it. For the first time in years… i feel the future and it feels okay and getting better.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, that is changeable… but somehow, i think these ass-hats are going down. No one wants this level of control… no one wants our mother treated this way anymore… this death and destruction will end. Our job now is to help people release the fear and to know truth.
YES Wanda! That's exactly how I've felt the past few weeks. It's something I can't describe how or why but I just know it's real. I'm glad someone else is feeling it with me.
Oh and something weird happened again this morning. I was awakened by my laptop which was on the nightstand next to me. It beeped because the battery was low. I looked at the clock and it said 1:11.
ReplyDeleteOh yea, I can feel it in the air alright.
Does it speak to you Wanda? Does it answer a question, resolve a problem or indicate a a source to power?
ReplyDeleteI think Evan will explain the formulas and meanings to the real and unreal. I love numbers, yes that is true. And you can refer to 9 in numerology and in culture and understand more about 0.
What can this information do to explain their trajectory, the transformation they want and the degree they wish to move and then how can you move toward the ZP with this information?
linear plotting
This is a most inter/outer-esting yada stream.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I loves me COTO...
Patrick, my daughter's name is Evani...I thought that an interesting thing considering how we are attempting to even some things out here.
I just want to say that there is no avoiding Zero Point. So y'all can relax and maybe listen to some calming Led Zeppelin or Nina Hagen...{grin}
ReplyDeleteta panta nous, all is ONE.
Of course the deepest mystery is time; and how it takes a future to manifest that which always is/was/will be.
0 = 1 therefore 1≡∞
ReplyDeleteZero Point is, ∞ {All together Now}
ReplyDeleteWe are all at zero point. The immaculate feminine (the void... the zero... the yoni...) gives birth to the masculine (the one, the penis, the son... the SUN...).
The symbol for the sun is a circle with a dot in it. The dot is the sun, the circle is the void. If you extrude the dot, you get a penis... extrude the circle, you get a yoni. You cannot get back to zero point because that would mean you had left it at some point, and that's impossible...
Wanda.. I just noticed. This comment posted at 11:11
ReplyDeleteEvani.. what a PRETTY name! Calming led zep... ummm ..ok..lol. I prefer Pink Floyd ;)
ReplyDeleteYou can't get back to what you never left. Everything begins in zero point... nothing exists outside of zero point The void is the female and the dot is the male.
ReplyDeleteDraw a circle... put a dot in it... think about it.
The void gives birth to everything and nothing is outside of it... everything is contained inside the void.
Yes it does speak to me. It is not necessary to explain the trajectory, the transformation or any of the other big words you throw out there.
ReplyDeleteThere is truth... it is knowable. Some seek followers... some a guru?
I seek only truth... i serve only truth.
That's awesome... i've been getting lots of that lately too, now that you mention it... asked my son (odd, but a lot of the questions i asked were answered by a thing i gave birth to... he seems to have been born knowing)... he's getting a lot of it too.
ReplyDeleteI had a bird named Pink Flloyd. I loved her so much... pretty sure i'm going to see her again... she was a comedian and had a heart the size of the sun.
ReplyDeleteEvani is a beautiful name.
Zero Point is ∞ {All together Now}...
ReplyDeletestudy the infinity symbol... put a dot in the center of each circle... that's the big picture... it never ends. That is the sine... the alpha, the omega.
The mother (the circle) creates the son (the dot). Since the mother births all, she can and has birthed more than one sun. All is contained in the circle... that is zero point.
Puddy, i think you confuse zero point with when the sine wave flat lines... the flat line is the end of a thought... or consciousness... but just as the pendulum sways to and fro, the motion begins again. As above, so below.
Alternately, when the sine wave becomes too high... consciousness ends... only to re-boot again. Does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?
ReplyDeleteEach individual frame on a reel is a re-all.
Echo or Co-Inca-Dink In the study of music, and particularly Serial composition, the intervalic relationship of 2 notes when flipped, as in a chordal inversion - always adds up to 9, with a type of polarity shift in the process.
ReplyDeleteThus a maj 2nd becomes minor 7th
min 2nd.....maj 7th
maj 3rd .....min 6th
min 3rd .....maj 6th
Excepting the Ionian, Lydian & MixoLydian components which breed
Unison - (no cosmic pun intended), Perfect 4th which becomes Perfect 5th and vice versa - Whether sacred geometry at work or some purely mechanical physiological response which is hard-wired into our cells to detect it - the Unison, 4th & 5th elements have vibrational constants in their upper partials which engender patterns decisively different from other scale tones, as well as patterns of response to the listener, should they be there to hear or feel it.
Which begs the age-old question - If a husband stands alone in the forest with nobody else around - is he still wrong?
Hay Jersey... check it out...
ReplyDeleteI posted at 11:11
again at 11 to 1...
and again at 11 for 1
You gave the answer Wanda. What is the void? A vaccuum? Where does the void reside? ZP in the vacuum but where does the void fit in? Where would the dark energy reside? Inside the dot? Is this an Astrological conception?
ReplyDeleteThe void is the vagina... the void gives birth to all... the sun and the dark. Everything that exists exists inside the void... there is nothing outside of the void.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think the dark cabal has waged war against the divine feminine? They would like for it to be another way... their way... but they also know, they can't have it...
ReplyDeleteSo, they have sought to steal away our collective consciousness and keep us in darkness to serve them... they thought it would put off or delay the inevitable... the cosmos are proving them wrong. It will not be long now.
You might say i am making this up or putting a female slant on it... but look at nature. Does nature tell you i am lying? I don't think so. The signs are all around you. Can two males create a life? Does cloning create perfect life? Can you clone from a clone from a clone from a clone? No.
ReplyDeleteEverything springs from the feminine... here and above. Without the female aspect in the trinity, all ceases. This has been the big lie of religion... and it's one hell of a whopper.
I don't know if Jesus Christ really lived or was just a concept, i don't think it matters. Unity Consciousness is termed Kryst (aka crystal consciousness... the highest)... pronounced as Christ. Co-incidence?
ReplyDeleteWe have had unity consciousness, or Christ, on this earth. The promised 2nd coming of Christ is the return of this consciousness. Jesus's parables can all be explained when you look at them in terms of natural law. There are seeds of truth in all religions.
When the two become one, you can say mountain move, and the mountain will move. I used to think of it as the marriage between a man and a woman... but now i see it as this: When we come out of duality/polarity... the two sides of our brain become one, we can move mountains. Our third eye opens. We create heaven on earth. And the cosmos have been moving right along to help us out and is right on time.
As above, so below.
Sorry about taking up so much space here on this topic... it is not just my truth... these are universal truths.
Take up as much space as you can. Your posts are enlightening and powerful!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting discussion here so far.
ReplyDeleteMy comment would be - after absorbing what Wanda has had to say, is this;
Male and Female are merely "potential" in ta panta nous.
That we have manifest as such in the Earth bound version of space/time is certainly of significance to us as human beings.
However it's a BIG Universe...one having to do with many things many times many aspects, and probably an infinite number of bardos and segues and beyond our wildest dream scenarios.
I a certain sense - ALL of this is just stories. High stories, low stories, underground stories, pie in the sky stories, juvenile stories, sophisticated stories, modern stories, ancient stories, tall tales, whale tales, fairytales, and mushroom tales.
And this has been one. Just a story.
I agree with David. Religion IS the opposite of spirituality. It is the greatest form of mind control ever invented.
"God save us from religion..."~David Icke
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, I agree with David too. Religion is 'politics' by other means. The only thing it has to do with spirituality is to capture the individual's and put it in a box and compress it into a little blue pill and re-dispense it for a fee.
It is a form of mental slavery.
That is why it is good to see so many unique versions of spirituality described on this page by Coto...from Riane Eisler's 'Goddess story' [Wanda] to the scientific numerologistics of the Puddists to the loopy Zen/Taoist rantings of the Rogue weenie.
Oonie-Que....nuthin like a celebration of the unique to satisfy the eclectic taste buds Shiva and keep the swords sheathed one more day.
Now if I may posit that Abraham was a schizo...yes and thank you.
Always just making it by the seat of our pants...on this day in 1983, Soviet military officer Stanislav Petrov single-handedly averted a worldwide nuclear war when he chose to believe his intuition instead of the computer screen in front of him which indicated the US had launched a nuclear missile attack against the Soviet Union... (This remarkable incident proves one man can make a difference...for the whole world!)
ReplyDeleteLieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov was the officer on duty at the Serpukhov-15 bunker near Moscow on September 26, 1983, a time when the Cold War was at a peak. Just three and a half weeks prior, the Soviets had shot down Korean Air Flight 007, killing all 269 people on board the Boeing 747. It was Lt. Col. Petrov's responsibility to observe the satellite early warning network and notify his superiors of any impending nuclear missile attack against the USSR. In the event of such an attack, the Soviet Union's strategy was to launch an immediate all-out nuclear counter-attack against the United States, as the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction required.
You gotta wonder if that wasn't provocateured.
ReplyDeleteI read that recently on Wall Street, they sent an agent in to start some sh*t, but the protesters called him out on it... he was later found to have re-joined the police line... that's poetic.
Puddy mentioned remembering before the matrix grabbed you. That is quite poignant. Before it grabbed me, i had many visitations. I was raised by what i term as "criminally insane hillbillies". I wouldn't be the person i am today were it not for one particular visitor who showed up to explain to me that the people who were hurting me were confused and, well, ignorant... that i was good and basically explained right from wrong. I think i was around three or four at that time but the lessons somehow stayed with me all my life.
ReplyDeleteMy family, on my mother's side is rife with psychotics. My mother, recently deceased, is a sociopath as was her mother. My grandmother had thirteen children of which we can only trace the whereabouts of four... of those four, two are sociopathic. I also have one sister who falls into that category... she is the spit and image of my mother except for a tiny brown mole on the tip of her nose. We always said God put that mole there so we could tell them apart. I have a brother who is emotionally retarded, but who can read and write... i credit the nuns at the catholic school we attended till i was in 2nd grade, Eddie till the 5th grade. Eddie has had a job every day of his life since the age of 12 and has two retirement accounts, owns his home and has raised three children, not his -they sterilized him. Once my brother married a prostitute, she was found dead, stabbed and crammed in a garbage can... they interviewed my brother really quite briefly and ruled him out as suspect... he is completely guille-less. I have a sister who cannot fathom fractions (that's the psychotic one), and a brother who cannot read or write but who has a photographic memory and can tell you your phone number and address from thirty years ago and anything else you want to know. So, there is a history of interesting brain patterns in my family line... as jiggedy as it is.
The point i try to make above is that i know i have a powerful brain... i think we all do, but i have been made aware of mine all through my life. When in church the many life size statues would nod, blink, make had signals and move their lips at me... in the night i was constantly being woken up by visitors from what felt like they were from the spirit world, unlike my tall friend who taught me right from wrong... he was in physical body, as impossible as it was for him to be in that place and time. When alone, i would turn around and see someone trying to contact me... for what, i may never know now... the matrix, once it got it hooks into me, caused me to become terrified of these things that bump in the night... and day. I built the walls to exclude them. That kept the ones i could see from getting through, but the unseen remained for my guidance and protection, though i could no longer sense them... until i learned to take down the walls. I could only do that when i was taught by a very powerful psychic that i could instantly construct those walls in an instant to protect myself from any dark entity. It works like a dream.
More later.
Wow Wanda...
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing story. Fascinating situation to develop from to where you seem to be now.
The contrast to my upbringing is extreme...if you ever saw Ozzie and Harriet?
That was pretty much my younger years.
Yea, write more...very interesting.
Anyone hear anything from Colorado? Issa 27 Septoidal and I got no NEWSFLASH about the Martians landing or nuthin...
ReplyDeleteDayam..another no show...Lol
As far as reason and rationality are concerned, let us begin at the beginning; The bottom line--the pan this whole fruitcake is baked in: That is the concept of “The Chosen People”, the “Master Race”, however you wish to phrase it.
ReplyDeleteIs this a reasonable and feasible proposition?
I reject it, as it is unreasonable; and propose that it is a fiction.
It is my position that those who make such a claim suffer from hubris, megalomania, and deep psychological delusions of grandeur.
It is my position that those who laid claim to this concept, those who made claim to being the “Chosen People” of some conceptualization of deity, made up stories to back that claim.
Their being delusional, thus psychotic; reason would assert that these stories are fictions, myths, and self serving propaganda.
There is much in the form of contradiction in these tales that must be confronted. This is no small matter. When there are contradictions in text, one is left confounded. Those who will not admit this are, again, in denial. This is a form of 'doublethink', an Orwellian bind.
One can choose the route of dialectics, and synthesize a compromise. But it is my contention that this is to compromise reason itself. Two wrongs do not make a right, and this is precisely what dialectical thinking is all about. A synthetic is another term for plastic, fake, a term of art.
And by delving into all of this, one looses sight of the original conceptual fraud that lays at the foundation; the assertion of exceptionalism, “We are God's Chosen People”.
Now, is this proposition of mine a denial of the concept of God? [ 1≡ ∞ ]
No, I have met God, “face to face” as it is said.
This is what I know of it:
God does not speak in human languages.
There is no dogma.
God “speaks” through the Creation. It is up to man to discover this and find the truth by it.
Others have told their stories of it. But this is not YOUR story. You only discover your own story by knowing yourself—first and foremost.
You know what you're here for, you'd sing it if you had the chance. The world is the music, and life is the dance.
It is indoctrination that has turned your head. Come out from them. Find your true self, and you will find the true God. It is as eternal and infinite as the moment Now.
You keep making sense to me Will.
ReplyDeleteThanks for encouraging me to write some more... and i will. I am not playing anyone along here... i have too many things i got to fix in this tin can i live in (mobile home... by choice) before the snow flies... and i feel the need to get organized... not sure if that is a good thing or not. This is do or die week... and i hope that's the lot of it, but i have to stay motivated.
I do need breaks though... hopefully i won't get writer's block.
Wanda, In the creative writing classes I took, I was advised to pretend I was just writing a letter to a friend if the anxiety of "writers block" was ever to occur...
ReplyDeleteYou don't even have to pretend...you are writing to friends.
"THE ART OF FASCISM: "Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized." ~ Adolf Hitler"
ReplyDeleteNow, whether Hitler actually said this, or it was written by western war propagandists...
Lets think about it.
Anyone who has ever seen a bright fiery sunset, or the deep black of a starry night knows that the sky isn't always blue...
Anyone who has seen the fields after harvest time knows the fields are always green.
What color is the sky? Any color you can imagine.
What color are the fields? Sure, you know what I mean.
Elementary my dear Watson.
Patrick...where are you?
ReplyDeletethis is so cool… i like this.
ReplyDelete………. and i just met hank… he’s a nice young man. He and his friends do fire spinning. My son and his friends do fire walking… i personally have walked across hot coals – a 30 foot path of coals, which is respectable.
I think it’s an art form… very primal… i think. It feels like it brings back memories of our distant past.
...... i'll be back... i've been so busy lately, i absolutely need to deal with the reality i have to occupy in order to maintain this illusion. Pretty much everybody is maxed out, i imagine. Smiles.