Love the boots on the ground pic.
Looks like the NATO-al Qaeda alliance has just about finished the job of wiping out Libya’s infrastructure, and are beginning the bloodbath in the streets with their “humanitarian intervention.”
Gladio shakes hands with fanatical Islam aka CIA. Whatta world….
By: hybridrogue1 on September 5, 2011
at 12:44 am
I expect the Lone Wolfs and small aircraft episodes will make another appearance as the Joseph-Andrew-Stack (/_\) IRS affair.
A hit on Walmartstreet would go a long way in the continuing SPLC, ADL, FBI, ATF MKlansmen.
Missing weapons from Libya arms caches raise fears
~ By BEN HUBBARD, Associated Press
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Crates of mortar shells sit unguarded and empty boxes for missiles to blow up tanks and bring down airplanes are strewn about arms depots around the Libyan capital.
Former rebels say they took some ammunition for the fight against Moammar Gadhafi, but U.S. officials and others have expressed fears Libya's weapons could fall into the wrong hands.
The six-month civil war that ended Gadhafi's 42-year rule and sent him into hiding also threw open the gates to his regime's extensive armories. The country's new leaders, who are struggling to establish a government, have failed to secure many of the caches, making them free game for looters, former rebel fighters or anyone with a truck to carry them away.
Since Gadhafi's fall last month, American and U.N. officials have warned that the failure to control Libya's weapons could destabilize the whole of North Africa.
Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called on Libya's new leaders to secure the ousted regime's weapons. "They still have a huge hill to climb," Clinton said. "But they are working with the international community to secure both chemical weapons stockpiles as well as conventional weapons."
However, visits by The Associated Press to weapons caches around Tripoli show that many remain poorly guarded and have already been heavily looted. About a dozen rebels wandered around one site the AP visited on Wednesday, where a large hangar was strewn with the boxes of missing weapons. Rebels at another site were leaving with a load of tank shells they said they were taking to a safe place for storage. They acknowledged, however, that they'd found the site unguarded.
It remains unclear how many weapons have been uncovered in Tripoli since Gadhafi's fall, said Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch, who has been searching the city for them.
Lots of munitions appear to have been hidden in civilian buildings to avoid airstrikes by NATO, which bombed regime military targets under a United Nations mandate to protect civilians.
At one unguarded site, Bouckaert said he found 100,000 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Elsewhere, he found weapons caches hidden under fruit trees.
"The problem is that the locals usually find out first and by the time we arrive and we can get some guards there, a lot of the most dangerous weapons have already been taken away," he said.
A green sign at the entrance of a site the AP visited Wednesday said the facility belonged to the Libyan Education Ministry. The large hangar was strewn with hundreds of crates of mortars and tank shells.
Empty boxes of rifle ammunition and the anti-aircraft guns the former rebels fixed to the backs of trucks to fight Gadhafi's soldiers were scattered on the floor. Among them were dozens of long skinny boxes for missiles — all of them empty.
Numbered codes on the boxes and packing slips inside indicated some were Russian-made anti-tank missiles. Others held shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles designed to bring down airplanes, helicopters or drones.
Salim Badi, a rebel who said his brigade came the day before to secure the site, said he'd been there 10 days earlier and found many more weapons.
He guessed the rebel fighters had taken the rifle and anti-aircraft ammunition, but doubted they'd taken the missiles.
"None of the rebels would take this stuff," he said, standing over an open box of tank shells. "These here, we don't even know what to do with them."
Bouckaert said the missing missiles could be used to down airplanes.
"If these weapons start flooding around, it's an absolute disaster for commercial flights in this region," he said.
Neither of the warehouses the AP visited had traces of chemical weapons, and Bouckaert said he'd seen no evidence of chemical weapons in his search. The U.N. chief weapons watchdog said Wednesday that Libya's remaining chemical weapon stockpiles are believed to be secure.
Ahmet Uzumcu, director general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, said his inspectors left the country in February when the anti-Gadhafi uprisings started and will return "when the conditions allow us."
Uzumcu said Wednesday he had heard from sources that the "remaining stockpiles of chemical weapons are secured." He did not identify his sources.
In 2004, Gadhafi agreed to dismantle his weapons of mass destruction, and his regime underscored its commitment by using bulldozers to crush 3,300 unloaded bombs that could have been used to deliver chemical weapons.
But more common munitions, like mortars and tank shells, could be used to make roadside or car bombs by anyone wishing to fight Libya's new government.
"If people want to mount an insurgency against the new rebel government ... all they have to do is drive some trucks into some of these buildings and they can remove enough to fight an insurgency for years," he said.
Rebels were leaving a second site the AP visited Wednesday with a large truck full of crates of mortars. Fighter Abdel-Hamid al-Koti, 30, said his group would cart the munitions back to their hometown of Misrata for safekeeping.
Inside, a hangar with four large storerooms stood behind a row of building supplies stores and next to a house with grapevines growing over the entryway.
One room held hundreds of crates of tank shells. Another was full to the ceiling with mortars. Yet another contained thousands of land mines.
The remains of hundreds of empty munitions boxes littered some of the rooms and the sandy alley outside.
Al-Koti said he didn't know how many munitions had been taken from the site before his group arrived or who took them.
"When we came today, this is how it looked," he said, gesturing at the empty weapons crates. "We didn't find anyone here."
Associated Press Writer Donna Bryson contributed reporting from Cairo.
Northmoor, a research and development facility under contract to the U.S. government, was secretly manufacturing nuclear weapons using foreign material and foreign specifications. It was intended to be traced to foreign nations if they are used as dirty bombs.
This is such a pathetic cycle of events. We often wonder how much money has been stolen by Committee and their bankers but never stop to imagine the huge weapons and dirty material that has disappeared over the last twenty five years. This is from as far back as the fall of the Soviet Union to date. There are many examples of this CIA assisted effort to take these weapons and I imagine a warehouse somewhere such as Iron Mountain where there is a whole shelved inventory of foreign traceable weapons from an assortment of regimes and fallen despots that can be planted at such a site where the false flag will be staged.
Not that the real terrorists couldn't get Israeli or Saudi's to front the sale, but Iran Contra made it slippery as did Marc Rich. Whistleblowers were a problem too which explains Yellowcake and why likely the bush league never planted the weapons. But I am certain they will get around to this operation soon enough and hang the crime around Iran, Pakistan or the coup de jour, Libya.
It's really not that hard to connect the dots. It's really not that hard to find those who hate America. Hell, we hate American Government. To the world thats America. It's not hard to see the trail through the hatred and into America. Especially with the al-CIAda and BATF and E assisting them.
E= Explosives
Sleep tight little lambs. The Boogieman is busy and won't be under your bed tonight. Tomorrow? Well that's another issue.
ReplyDeleteSorry boys, it is a convenience store
Put it together and what have you got? 'Hickory dickory" {hard cock}, "dock" {da pussy, the 'dock' the hard cock settles in}
ReplyDeleteSee, it's all filth and always has been - this be the hairless apes we be talkin.
Then there's Merkah where nekid pussied are "obscence" but blowed up, hacked up bloody chop chop knife kill happy hour is okay for kiddies of any age...
And Peace is War is Peace is Hate is Love is to bring on da donkey.
And it's all "FAST AND FURIOUS" at the Home Depot...
Yea...and I ain't kiddin bozoz.
Nifty Header, PD! Yeah, these MK droids always seem to conveniently kill themselves after wreaking havoc. There are probably only a limited number of psychological profiles for this ending act to a rampage; like coward, afraid of prison, depression, etc. But the Self Destruct "programming" of MK-style mind control seems to offer the best explanation.
ReplyDeleteCheck this out: "Snopes Fraud - Elena Kagan Supreme Court Nomination Cover-Up". See why Kagan was "placed" on the Supreme's bench... she's a condom for the pResident. Not like we didn't know, but this ties a few things together.
You've got to read the AP bullshit.
ReplyDelete1. They were worried about it being a widespread attack? Yeah right the meme is set for an invading army of AK zombies. So they lock down the capital to protect the elites. How about locking down the mall where it happened?
2. Make sure the TI Delta uses a AK assault and have some bystnader who failed to act say "But when he came at me, when somebody is pointing an automatic weapon at you - you can't believe the firepower, the kind of rounds coming out of that weapon."
3. "Sencion was born in Mexico and had a valid U.S. passport. In interviews with investigators after the shooting, his family raised concerns about his mental health, Furlong said. Sencion worked at his family's business in South Lake Tahoe and had no criminal history. The minivan he drove to the shooting was registered to his brother." ~ FAST & FURIOUS IN ACTION-ALL BY DESIGN
Was he illegal? Of course. Family raised concerns of mental health? Sure. They sacrificed him for profit or to save their business.
4. The shooting shocked some who knew him, including Joe Laub, his lawyer in a bankruptcy filing in January 2009, who called it an "aberration of his character." (of course, MK Delta and government gangstalking)
5."He's a gentle, kind man who was very helpful to friends and family," Laub told The Associated Press. "I couldn't venture to guess what would cause him to do something as horrible as this."
Sure we get the drift, right. Everyones an assassin, even grandma.
Jesus might be carrying as well.
6. In the bankruptcy filing, Sencion listed more than $42,000 in outstanding debts for a car, several credit cards and some medical expenses. At the time, Sencion reported having $200 spread over three bank accounts and $923 in disability income, mostly from Social Security.
Where's an illegal get so much credit, disability? A social security number? With a passport. Guess he slid through the system by the corrupt internal revenue and affiliates.
Let's trace the gun which we know will be from F&F criminal CIA led BATF.
7. "You go a whole tour in Afghanistan and no one is shot. And you go to IHOP and several are shot," said 31-year-old Sgt. First Class Cameron Anderson of Reno, a Nevada Army National Guard member. "It's a shock. I came to work today and had no idea I'd be driving the chaplain here (to the hospital.)"
8. "I've lived in Carson City since 1961 and I've never seen anything like this," said Fran Hunter, who works at the Sierra Le Bone pet shop just north of the IHOP. "This is the kind of thing that happens in New York City or L.A., not here."
If the guy did have an AK47, why was he such a bad shot?
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, have you seen this info re: Flt.93?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget mastermind Cass Sunstein. Operators have been stacking red/blue players since FDR big time. These playas all under Soros red team.
I've read certain entries they refer to. You know my resolve on this. None of the missing planes hit anything [0]
ReplyDeleteAll went to alternate landing strips and this was all done with drone aircraft loaded to gills with contraband/flammables. No black boxes, no terrorists on the drones and Vigliant guardian and cheney gang orchestrating it.
The scalar activity was being tested that day in multi experiments. As a howitzer weapon, interferometry (cyclonic atlantic activity and mind control) It was as usual the event that never wastes an opportunity and I believe the scalar helped bring the towers down and the first responders and people in the area were subjected to more dangerous things than just the thermite and toxic dusts of plastics and chemicals.
I agree with your hypothesis, Puddy. It lines up with how events transpired. Thanks for your input.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mean for my comment about "bad shooting" above to sound crass. What I was contemplating was how the history of these kinds of mass shootings offer some similarities and some not. What accounts for these?
Just recently, the account of Dutch Sinse's friend being shot 5 times with an AK47, and the guy living, seems extraordinarily lucky for the victim (by the way -- no coverage on the event and the 1 shooter who was caught, far as I know...odd). Now, we've got another guy with an AK47 (clip usually holds 30 rounds), and he shoots up a bunch of people, but kills 3 only, then offs himself? The Norway MK shooter(s) also used an assault rifle, but tallied many victims. The VA Tech MK shooter used pistols, and also tallied many victims (33 wasn't it?) before offing himself.
Pistols vs Rifles. Accuracy of weapon in particular environments. Shooters committing suicide, or not. Comments from those who knew the shooters seem perplexed as to their "out of character" massacres.
Is there a commonality here that jumps out at anyone? A repeated common thread? Just wondering.
Perry grabs Paul and attempts to bully him during a commercial break --
This is important regarding 9/11 info still being withheld:
And regarding Libya weapons being stolen:
And, Libya health minister reports 30,000 Libyans killed to date in the NATO humanitarian mission to liberate Libyans from Killer Gaddafi (hmmmm...):
That was bizarre. I said in 2009 Rick Perry is a very dangerous man. He's got Bush's balls and Cheney's treachery and he's a double agent in the triple cross.
ReplyDeleteHumanitarian is keeping the sheeple from seeing images and hearing news about unspeakable violence. Yet the upper committee members meet regularly to view these massacres during their cocktail events when they can't view their personal private collection of snuff films.
This Perry poking at Paul story is all over Alex Jones' sites. I hadn't went there until after seeing this photo. The comments are typical at AJ's.
ReplyDeleteOMG.. listen to this bs !!
Vast floods of BS. Watched Matt Lauer's interview of Ghouliani this a.m. at Ground Zero. A completely staged dialogue. Sickening on so many levels.
ReplyDeleteMatt Lauer had the innoculations, EMR and Bisphenol A and then lost his hair in six months. It was either that or the huge stress of reporting lies for the MICChine.
ReplyDeleteMore and more I'm thinking Dutch is a phoney. That "shooting of his friend" started me thinking. Then the drama about his youtube vids being pulled. After him proclaiming he was done with it all, in the short interval between the vids going down and them all going back up again he revised his website and made it really cool and high tech !
ReplyDeleteHis latest vid tells me who he is and I don't like him much... He's a self promoter who on one hand thanks the people who called for his youtube reinstatement and on the other hand pretty much says David Icke and other supporters of his are nuts for believing in the NWO. So what's that symbol of his mean? I asked the question under this video and never got an answer. ()smoking pyramid that now has the heart over it) about then?. What else bothers me about him is that yea, he talks about haarp rings but doesn't say what that means. Weather mod ...yea.. but for good or bad purposes? He doesn't say. I could be wrong, but I just don't get good vibes from this guy especially after this video. Whose side is he really on? I wonder. But then I question everyone and everything these days ...........