Thursday, September 15, 2011

Evan's Blue

Evan knew. He knew at a very early age the difference between messages. Delivered in dreams and visions, the place and time, the numbers and dates. His words, their meaning laid on the ground, were imprinted on the leaves and etched on bark and stone. He knew these were messages.

For this lad, his days were etched in drawings,  time spent in silence and in solitude were the tutorings for learning the reality of Deja Vu and Entendu and were just events of past messages received earlier and were of common occurrence in the etchings and drawings.

As a young artist from an artistic family, his interpretations were always in graphic form and in his preferred pen and ink. Like the messages received through natures material forms, Evan gave shadows especially close attention, as shadows were perceived as the strongest of messages. As if the shadows were the illustration to the numeric and symbols, the energies were a composition. 

For Evan, the boy, the man, were at odds constantly. The trappings of society, adulthood and vice were a constant distraction from the messages and as time continued on it became a huge struggle, manifesting as an assault on reason, faith and truth. Evan became ill.  The affliction became infirmness and infirmness became malaise and to the distress of his family and friends, Evan retracted. Being concerned, his friends came to rescue but Evan was neither to be lost or found. The affliction grew more and more debilitating over time and the in a flash in 1976 a great awakening occurred. Evan emerged from the indolence and began to reconstruct the event.

When in consciousness you are faced with two choices and two only. Do something or do nothing. If you decide to do something you again have two choices. Do the complicated or do the simple. In the messages are always the complicated energies of the master illusionists to have you do nothing. For all their trappings, diversions and vices are nothing. One might say the state of being is doing something. Evan agreed. The state of being is true, uncomplicated and without interference. It is up to masters to interfere. Their sole purpose is not to make the events but to make you the event itself. Simply the answer to the complicated messages, chaotic streaming of false information, illusions and actions are directed specifically at you.

The energies are far more sophisticated and have provided a far easier capability for their messages to be tailored and specific. Everyday they learn and act on your choices and direction while they move you to make the events. Evan says that most are no different from you with the exception that some are instructed to the furthest extremes and are most often the most social, celebrated and exposed beings. Is it any wonder at this point in time why they want to make you a star on FACEBOOK? Google me that my friends.

Evan made the connection but only after he had fully explored the domain of both worlds for he had become one of these extreme beings for a brief time,  and therefore experienced both energies and both choices. I believe he spends his time now trying  to disseminate the real messages, how you are  to find your messages, the clues, the frequency and emerge from the state of being that is in reality a long hibernation from the truth and the decision, the simple choice of awakening. Evan determined that the hibernation was necessary to know the difference. He spoke often in terms of hibernation and it's importance.

I had over 1000 pages of Evans messages, I had them for over twenty years and they directed me to my ford at the Rubicon. It was then I started not only receiving their messages as interference, but knowing the difference and trying to obtain the hidden message, the one I missed. It was in 2003 that I lost the messages from Evan along with my papers, research, editorial letters sent to newspapers and what were deemed as conspiracies were important enough to take as well as my mortgage documents and other personal papers. Another message came when I discovered that not only were my documents missing but the PTB had no records of my deeds.

I got the message when I was to return home that day to my dogs who laid drugged in the loft where they rested until my return at which time they would bound down the stairs and be waiting for the front door to open. It was the most obvious of messages I admit but one which I immediately knew was of consequence.  It was laid out very well by the PTB to have the right vehicle arrive the right placement of the truck to obscure the activity and make the event happen.   Somewhere there are a few thousand papers sitting in some nondescript warehouse or incinerated ash blowing around China. I assume the editors at the papers who had received had thought like we see today, to see something-say something. I expect as much and harbor no ill will to them. They didn't kill my dogs and only took what they were told to.

I'll never know which letter or paper got their attention for as you know I have many theories on many events. Just my messages? Maybe it was the one where I proposed that the WTC were built to come down at a later date and the architecture and engineering were clearly designed as such. Maybe the Challenger and HAARP. I have no clue, no message.

Now I have to decide the message to the japanese was Fukushima and not to get caught up in the 911 truth movement by spilling the beans. A Financial message or warning?  I'm not Evan so I did not get the message on that one though I got a message on Unzen, Volcano and Tsunami.  Somewhere Evan got the message I suspect and I missed Fukushima.  My unconscious made me post the information on WWII and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki survivor before the event happened but I never consciously knew why I was compelled to post it.  Who was responsible for that message of the Royal Scam? Deja Entendu in musical messaging?  Thank you Evan and thank you Donald Fagan.

Since that time in 2003 I have tried to recreate all the knowledge that were in Evans graphics and messages but it is far too much for me to do. Though I occasionally get one that comes in such a bizarre way that I know it is from Evan. I also realize that if I were to simply state one fact in a court of law under oath it would be that all this effort is to encompass the third rock from the sun in a shell of instant messaging controlled only by a few for the benefit of the unknown and for the remainder of all human existence. Now that may sound somewhat hopeless or defeatist but I would assure the court that it is not a death sentence and I would take it to their banks and to their gallows.

I wish some day to meet Evan in person and thank him for his most important message.  Though I get angry, fall into spells of their domain and react to their messages I will always hunt for the real messages and do so without fear of the shadows.


  1. I never knew Evan...but I have my own muse, she guides me softly most, but at times will grab me by the nape of the neck and sling me into the swirl where I can only land on my feet in grateful acknowledgement.

    Great tale Puddy.

    You know what you're here for
    You'd sing it if you had the chance
    The world is the music
    And life is the dance


  2. Patrick are you talking about spirit channeling and automatic writing here?

  3. Cheers, Mate! Thank you for sharing...

  4. Thanks all for the comments. Yes Willie I dance to the wind. We all do I do believe. Deb, Evan was real. In 1976 pre internet you had to go to libraries as you know to get real research. But there was another invention. The great mailing lists. From the ads in magazines to the want ads in papers. I got to Evan from my favorite underground paper from Coconut Grove FL.

    The ad was for truth and I bit. We had a mailing relationship for years. I got his monthly newsletters and personal notes. The days I remember best when his packages would arrive. It became a retroactive communication and I saved all the newsletters and notes, His sketches were amazing and the recent drawings from B-thing made me think to open up to Evan.

    An American living in Canada for reasons unknown but I assume for the same reasons I moved often. I had two large catalogue breifcases with his and my articles and drawings in these cases alond with my personal and important documents, In case of fire they would go out the door before everything but the mutts.

    In 1999 the mailings stopped. The letter I sent returned and no more Evan True came to my mailbox. It's funny that four years later I got the call, maybe from the same troupe.

    I'll never know if it is a spirit channeling, muse or if he may still be living. His age would be a guess but his knowledge made him about 200 years old to me. I think he just left an imprint in my brain and gave me the messages that he cared most about.

    What messages have you received that you remember forever. I repeat his on COTO all the time. I should not take credit for some and should [et] them in the future.

    I think Evan was a boy as in the sense all men here can identify but he was so wise. After mentioning Bill Cooper recently I was once again reminded of Evan. I was a fan of Bill Cooper but was a fanatic for Evan. His reads and art were killer and he could have taken it to the heights of fame but he professed he did and that was when his troubles and hibernation began.

    I often wonder his real name and what articles he did for Playboy, Esquire or the Stone. I'd like to meet him someday.

  5. I'd like to experience that Rogue. I'd settle for a gentle kiss on the lips followed by a smack across the chops :)

    Nice verse.

  6. Did you ever wonder if Evan might be Brad Holland?


  7. That's a pretty amazing story PD and a pretty amazing "pen pal." As with the internet, communicating strictly through snail mail back in the day meant you could remain anonymous and yet forge such strong intellectual and emotional relationships.

    Obviously, the one you share/shared with Evan was even more than that. The phrase other worldly comes to mind. I hope you do get to meet him physically someday or at least solve the mystery of who he really is. I have a strong feeling you will. If not here, than on the other side.

  8. Just like that Rogue. Someone who was illustrating. Someone out of the Warhol or CIA? aka Leary's shrink? Smart dude smarter than any of the above.

  9. Have you given much thought in why they are going to discontinue mail service? Surface mail international and now insolvency? anonymity? I hate email. but I hate Maryland anthrax too.

    Evan disclosed the Kodachrome conspiracy to me. This is not much different.

    I'll bet he got raided for illustrating for someone like OZ, took a porno rap as a front. They gathered his mailing list and we all got a looksey. I have no idea the size of his mailing list but it was not about money. I think it was last at 35 bucks a year.

  10. Postal service is another benefit of the people they are curtailing. The hot shots will always get their mail on time though. It means many more people out of work too and I don't just mean postal workers. Works on many levels for the monsters, doesn't it?

  11. Willie pointed to the 6. quake in Cuba. Shallow HAARP attack for this

  12. Hey Alleyboy7, that is cool news for COTO.
    Thanks for letting us know.


  13. Yea Puddy, it's obvius Cuba got a message from the Hootie Boyz.

    We are all due for a post card soon. Aye?

