THANKS FOR THE LAUGH OZ.............(hoping for change)
THANKS FOR THE LAUGH ROB.............(hoping for loose change)
[I am writing to you, for the first time ever as a former donor to Opednews, using the new democracy in action system that we started investing in back in June. I'm hoping you'll read the latest news about the work of Opednews and be inspired to make a donation supporting us. This email will give you an idea of how your past investments in supporting Opednews financially have made a worthwhile difference. This is looking like a very tough month and we won't come close to meeting our minimum budget needs without your robust help. Click here to contribute now. The past few days I was in Washington D.C.First, I was invited to speak at the International Whistleblowers Association, advising whistleblowers on how to use Opednews, how to use social media to support their cases, their work. It was very gratifying to be told by many, many whistleblowers, including leaders of the organizations, that has become the go-to place where whistleblowers can tell their stories. It was very gratifying to be told again and again that these whistleblowers regularly read Opednews and valued it as a news source and as a vehicle for helping them. I've learned that when whistleblowers make the decision to blow the whistle, it often totally changes their lives. The company or organization they are blowing the whistle on will do all they can do destroy their credibility and, in the process, their and their family's lives. These are very courageous people. Back around 2005, 2007 I had been expecting to hear from whistleblowers about corruption in the Bush administraiton. Finally, I learned that there were over 3000 whistleblower reports that the Department of Justice had sandbagged. That makes the role of even more important. At the first day's conference, where OEN senior editor Joan Brunwasser and I were invited speakers, the opening session had four empty chairs representing whistleblowers who had been jailed or killed. One, under house arrest, was there on a computer screen by way of skype. I wrote about that session and the day's conference in this article: Rough Times for Whistleblowers
Yeah Rob Kall loves whistleblowers, if they payoff
Gimmicky strategem for Martial Law and illegal home invasion isn't it boys?
'Earthquake In Physics' Over Einstein Claim
The Swiss are watchmakers and their cheese is always full of holes.
Has something changed in the Earths Axis ?, Indiginous people say so. Should we listen?
I've only read the first article, and I just had to comment.......
ReplyDeletewhat a load of crap!
So, they're being forced to come up with explosion theories now. They will come up with outlandish theories, all while avoiding the one true theory (inside job, that is!)
And, how does this theory explain Building 7? Off to read more....
I keeping with the tropic of the topic;
Which has become a sandwich maker for OEN and is packaging in simulator bungowrap, and banning on simulatzmatic cindercharges.
Kuntananda Prominenda Profo Laxtix Panoptic Mimicators in Seranrump As Per: Elephantendi in the reading room while the Bingo caller yells out the numbers and the white rabbit eats the tubers and the stooges blow their goobers.
Maybe she'll be able to afford that tubular operation one day and become a MANLY YOMAN.
Be sure to hit that 'WePay' button to help the penile cause.
I wonder what exactly mkes Christian Simensen a "leading scientist' besides his proclivity for protecting the status quo?
ReplyDeleteThis has got to be the stupidest load of bunk since, cow farts are causing global ramjets sending the planet towards the sun in a backwards spin, designed by third graders using Scrabble letters on a Monopoly board.
Science???? This is science???? No wonder Norway is norwhere since Eric died.
\\ii// the latest bogus twin tower theory. Are they serious? People will buy it though.
ReplyDeleteRob Kall.. LOL
Yeah... i got that email from the Kall guy too. I just knew you guys would cover it. Oddly, this is the first communication from him since i 86'd my account a couple years back. Maybe his bosses checks aren't clearing.
ReplyDeleteHe still has the nazi banker hair-do. Lowlife.
A lot of folks in the comments section were pointing out that there were no aluminum airplane parts at No. 7
ReplyDeleteI think "scientists" who write this shillshit get funding from the Syndicate.
This one is so bunky it raises chunky in my blowpipe.
S'far as I can tell the Indiginoids got more ducks in a row than "modern science."
ReplyDeleteThey sure seem to have more fulfilling life scripts, despite the propapergagdna spelt agin em in all the mode-hern funny papers.
Europe shoulda let Turtle Island be...they wuzza curse.
On the news first I heard particles were discovered faster than light. The next story was about a couple paying to fly into space on Virgin spaceplane. The reporter stated "they will reach speeds of 2600 miles an hour, 4 times the speed of light" Einstien is safe for now.
ReplyDelete" 2600 miles an hour, 4 times the speed of light”
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha ha...yo well ahem.
Problem is, the report on the speed of the particles comes from CERN itself.
Only just found out about oen. Looks like I can pass on that one. The dude sounds desperate. I understand that someone we know and love "EH Wil" had some sorriful dealings there. Just wondering how Chaz is doing and if it works at the urinal.
ReplyDeleteI opted out two years ago. He needs the money bad to be spammin.
ReplyDeleteNot a sound was heard ;)
ReplyDeleteNow Fermilab (IL) get's to spend our money and deliver us a mighty fine funeral for our pesos.
ReplyDeleteRob banished a dozen of his best whistleblowers and now he's pandering for change with them.
ReplyDeleteHOPO-CHANGO two of the more Obsure Marx Brothers.
I dunno Veri,
ReplyDeleteDid Chaz get the plastic model or the inside-out flesh built model-P?
I didn't have the strength to read the article- just glanced at it and saw the pics {yuk}...
"I believe that Ronald Reagan will someday make this country what it once was… an arctic wilderness." ~ Steve Martin
ReplyDeleteLove the new header Puddy...but the quote by Martin is stellar...
Poor Sonny. Murdered and now this.
ReplyDeleteIt just keeps getting stranger and stranger in this strange land. One flew over the nest and it became a fad.
Hey Deb I have to confess that each day for a brief moment I think the chemtrails are the viral seeds for the mindbodysnatchers and the iPod is the pod.
I may soon see the dog with Rob Kalls head and that will confirm it.
Thanks Rogue. Getting ready for the big chill and hunting wooley mammoth. If first I dont go insane.
I Love the most underrated guitarist ever.
Patrick...ewwwwww.....that would be the desecration of a perfectly good dog.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.. Lindsey B... so underrated. Say goodbye is a beautifully haunting song.
ReplyDeleteI don't like bingo or sammiches. Every time they called G6 I fainted. Had I been eating the sammich I mighta choked like mama cass. That's another stone in the well.
ReplyDeleteAre you guys talking about Chaz Bono? There are pictures? On oen??!!!
ReplyDeleteyea me the steve martin quote. I always loved Steve Martin anyway :)
ReplyDeleteHuffPo, COTOReport, and everywhere else. I think the only woolly mammoth is on his face. I hope we see no more than that. Circumspection of foreskin is preferred to circumcision of forethought.
ReplyDeleteNope, Chaz was on Coto with pictures of beard and pump up device and all. Had a lot of fun with that. Very educational in a perverse sort of way
ReplyDeleteYea...I certainly never realized Buckingham had such a great and original picking style like that.
ReplyDeleteFleetwood was not one of my faves in that time period...
I liked the original Mac with Green on guitar...and ignored the new band as "pop" I like it looking back.
Live'n'learn, aye?
Very nice music for a wet and weird evening here...thanks
Yea Veri...the C2 offering of the Chaz tale is penny porno pap smear rope dope...
are things all different again???
ReplyDeleteAwesome song, thanks for putting it up P.D.
ReplyDeleteAsk -- What has your government done For You lately?
ReplyDeleteAsk -- What have government(s) done for the World's People's lately and historically?
I declare -- "If THIS is what governments DO, they are not the People's friends nor benefactors...and We most assuredly do not need Enemies". Especially, the broken-hearted, assaulted, robbed, fear driven, revenge-filled native people's of foreign lands that have suffered eternal indignities at the hands of perverse governments.
Ask -- Why do you need a President, a King, a Big Sis, a faux Federal Reserve, Any authoritarian, Any MSM shillstoryteller telling you how to live your life and what you should do?
Having witnessed the insane Acts and Strategies of "government(s)", I must declare "They are all corrupt and anti-human(e)". The burden of proof is upon Them.
WE will deliver the verdict. As We ARE the Population(s), They are the Parasites. This fact is plain, and cannot be disputed. Justice cannot and will never be found in the hearts and minds of Authoritarians. They know not what it nor compassion is... yes, what is the meaning of "is"? That is an example of a psychopath's deflection and minimization of his immoral act while representing the highest office in the land.
Their despicable acts are Legion in all Regions.
We will not forget, nor can we the Population minimize the Total Onslaught upon US.
Ask again historically when was the solution or the compromise not a benefit to policy or finance.
ReplyDeleteProve that any dollar of aid or any commodity was free from committee agenda.
Prove that any medicine, research, discovery has not taint from fraud, corruption, profit or propaganda.
Look to where the massive amounts of taxes have gone that on the surface have no profit and connect the relationship to the greater triad or ponzi.
Read any diary or journal from historical independent figures and find one that blindly followed or did not warn of government power and kleptocracy.
Find any portion of the chaos today that we could justify the expense, benefit and the results.
From the creation of population centers since time one, it has proven the agenda of relinquishing independence, containing knowledge, promulgating propaganda/education, crime, prisons, slums, fear and hatred.
Tribal civilizations had to be eliminated as quickly as possible and thus began the wars, crusades and currencies. Then it was all eventually tied together.
If the sheeple cant follow this simple comment, they have no foundation on which to build their fortress.
Homo Vishnu Amerikanus...must be in the genes...and the mysticus is upon us...
ReplyDeleteDifferent...difernt...always knew I was different...wuz dirernt...the offering isn't burnt it is perfectly done, well blended and looked after with care...even nurtured - but not cultured like a phony pearl...but REAL - born of the belly of consciousness.
It was never there or was always here.
It was never then or will be - it is always now.
NOW kapow - now.
\\ii//: From Zen Gardner at Before It’s News:
ReplyDeleteAt mid-day on Friday, September 23, 2011, the popular alternative news blog,, was taken offline. Activist Post receives over one million views per month and has been hosted by Google’s Blogger since its founding in June 2010.
“We remain puzzled as to why Activist Post was erased completely by Google,” said chief editor and co-founder Michael Edwards. “When we tried to load our back-up file into our secondary Blogger account, that was blocked as well,” he added.
It remains unclear whether Google has acted to censor for their controversial reporting. Google is becoming somewhat notorious for clamping down on truth and liberty activists, of which Activist Post is known for.
“Clearly, this is a huge set back for us and the work we do,” said co-founder Eric Blair. “Our entire crew is working on resolving the issue and restoring the website. We certainly look forward to an explanation from Google.”
Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies
Blogger sucks. For many reasons. Now you know another one.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Rogue1, but the Truth is WE called Treason first! Truth Trumps Treason.
ReplyDeleteIn the Land o'Lies, being American used to be synonymous with Free Men and Women. That is, it was a good concept. Then Freedom got "militarized", and therefore euthanized.
Yeah, everything good has been twisted to fit the New Paradigm and Plans of the NWO sickos. Sure, many 'celebrate' the circuses of football games with the singing of our Nat'l Anthem, with their right hand over their hearts, while USA bombs burst with red glare over foreigners' wondering heads. Pink mist flies, and family members cry. Then, 2 or 4 or more $60 Million each Attack Jets roar over the fanatics heads generating what? Awe at the wasted expense billed to taxpayers? A Patriotic emotional high that our War Birds are superior air cover for a football watching populace? Makes you feel all warm and safe all over doesn't it? Pay no mind to the mandatory personally invasive probing patdowns you received at the gate, so you could enter the "Coliseum". Fun and Games!
Creeping communism and freaking fascism has come out of the closet. Now IT is on steroids, malevolent, and coming to a town near you at breakneck speed.
Ask Why?
Why the ramp up, the roll out, the removal of freedoms, while calling the strategic actions "protections of your freedoms". A most blatant lie if ever I heard one. A hotdog that's a turd. Americans should be able to tell the difference by now. I don't eat hotdogs.
I've been commenting on this in various sites since I found it two-days ago. The following is one of my funnier posts.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS! Sprinkler Companies Threatened With Being Sued!
Sprinkler companies world-wide are having to tear out their systems and replace them with burlap bags in order to beat-out the fires.
Since it has been uncovered that water causes explosions sprinkler companies are having to remove the dangerous water pipes from buildings.
A spokes man for "Sprinkler-Sprinkle Little Tinkle", one of the nations largest supplier of sprinkler systems says, "We had no idea water was such a hazard. All our lives we were lead to believe water puts out fires. How foolish could we have been? If we had known water is an explosive material we never would have started using it to fight fires. All we can say is although this will destroy our business and change the laws of physics, we're glad to do this so no one else get's blown-up." He went on to add, "It's too bad NIST didn't perform the tests they were set-up to perform, I shutter to think how many lives we put in danger over the past 10-years,"
Pres. Obama has chimed in saying that although the loss of jobs in the sprinkler industry will not help the unemployment crisis, he noted the plus side of the temporary jobs being created having to rip sprinklers out of millions of buildings.
Water causes explosions, gee, who knew?
ReplyDeleteThis article is so far-fetched that it actually will back-fire. I've read several comments stating that up until now some people were on the fence and once they read this article said "enough" and flipped to the Truthers side.
They are getting desperate.
I pointed out that if NIST had done their job at the time and tested for explosive material there would no need for this bogus article.
ReplyDeleteSgt. Scott DeCarlo NYPD: arrested the 5 Dancing Israelis on 9/11....
Ha ha ha...I see the face of a stranger in our house...Lol
ReplyDeleteGlad you like the page.
“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” ~Frederick Douglass
ReplyDeleteIt seems an absurdity, a hypocrisy in fact- to think of what site I just picked this up from.
To think this could be posted where the hostess is so timid as to balk at the slightest snide remark to a steaming stooge...who is so afraid of upsetting the apple cart {now that she can sell a few..} A site that continues to fain "free speech"...Lol
Is it tragic or comic?
Toto pissed on her rug.
these type of articlles are to be dismissed without comment. they're too ridiculous to even consider as the arguments are immediately clear to anyone who has psid attention, even casually, to the last ten years. To respond to them lends credence to an idiotic subject.
ReplyDeleteWhich of the three stooges was smartest??