Midwest. Lee moves westward under the front expected to tip under oklahoma
LITTLE HELP - Lee remains stationary until front arrives and is push north prior to front arrival meeting storm cells moving ahead of the cool front. Weak El Niño driven period should keep moisture to Southwest low. This is the best chance for Texas rain but with help the dought continues.
Worst Scenario - Ohio Valley flooding, seismic activity in Madrid, Nuclear FF to cover EMR and FUKU winds.
Mold toxins and chemtrails are option for massive flu season. The symptoms appear to be flu and sheeple will go for shots of soft kill adjuvants when the culprit will be biological blamed on H3N2 H5N1.
More unneeded rain in the midwest and northeast. Controllong the Jet Stream ala Nina Haarp will continue through November. I expect Katia and Rina to hit the US.
ReplyDeleteAlaska quake..
Rather relentless...Is that a huge fire in south Texas, or just the drought dry zone??
I don't believe I told you guys about the toxic cloud over metropolitan area of New Orleans, caused by a marsh fire, said to have been started by lighting, when we hadn't had any rain for nearly 3-weeks.
ReplyDeleteOn top of the blistering high heat in the 90's with heat-indexes going up too 107-degrees, w/ high humidity, there was an eye & throat burning, chemical laden smoke blanketing the area for 3-days. They said they couldn't get to it to put it out, because, well, it was in marsh, and the only thing that could put it out was something on the nature of a god long downpour.
It's now been raining fairly steady for 24-hrs.
Coincidence? Could be. Weather happens. That's what makes "plausible deign-ability."
Do I think somewhere in all of this the Evil Ones with their wicked toys have had a hand in manipulating any of it?
Sure. (gee, I just flashed on how much I sound like Donald Rumsfeld, answering my own questions) But unlike Rumsfeld, he thinks, he and his ilk are in control of the situation. I don't believe they're in control of shit. What they have unleashed has a life of its own.
boy, am I tired of hearing about the nwo and associate ilk and what ill they are causing us. The "Evil Ones' is as good an appellation as I've heard. Pardon, please, my unbridled emotionalism... but I wish so much for the 'removal' of the elites and the minions who serve them.. Let the 'Evil Ones' reap what they sow.
ReplyDeleteIf there ever is a mad max world...and who knows.... they are the ones I would like to visit. A visit is not necessarily a nice thing.
And to quote laughnmatter... "What they have unleashed has a life of its own."....... and to laugh I prescribe is its opposite. I think such an action would, for me, resolve the philosophical problem of intentionality. Thier's and ....mine.
Some info and comments on GOF storm:
I see the gulfs leaking oil again. and yeas theres a new strain of flu, and the cdc cant be bothered to update since jan/feb? curious that.
ReplyDeleteh3 with a twist ?so recombinomics.com said.
sure looking like you guys are going to get similar to what aus did, the index is dead centre right now for the pdo yet aus is expecting a continued wet and cooler summer too.
pray or whaever that fault line doesnt go.
my report
"Murder by Numbers" Grim Reaper death by nature or natural causes.
ReplyDeleteAs if the HAARP's Jet Stream, NASA interferometer, CERN, and the WWW, the scythe to swing at their command cutting swaths across the planet. As a scalpel can be used to dissect in study it can also sever a carotid.
Every tool in the bag can be explained in (+-) with ease. Every scientist, student or sheeple can be diverted from the grand scheme and simply focused on the experiment at hand, studying the phenomenon and reporting it.
The Weather is no different. The accuracy of the farmers almanac and the Weatherbees who predict correctly must use the numbers now or face complete failure. What happens subsequently is all manufactured from the ice stations and Projects Coldfeet.
Though many would discount Kruschev's remarks about a weapon that could destroy the world as nuclear, it was clear based upon the artic race that the technology was investigated, research at the Polar points, used in experiments at multiple points in time and location and covered up by the ONR, CIA and MI6.
The design by the MICC was to use nuclear race weapons and technology to justify the acoustic, microwave, ELF and all EMR for what would be known as STAR WARS. The Nuclear reactor facilities are no exception to the tool bag.
The triad always provides the financial funneling of money to the group tank corporate and laboratory, education research centers under the committee control. Without needing a degree you can see the merging of the www, gps, satellite, scalar interferometry, cern and bluebeam into one complete system of domination.
Only a bunker or submarine could provide some protection from these systems and even then the attack could be seismic in nature.
Therefore space dominance is key and that these DUMBS and VA class anti EMR submarines are temporary.
Trillions of dollars and trillions of stars, meaningless to the committee and useless eaters are assets or liabilities. This is a race to save 1% and price is no object, slave power is infinite and the success is exigent to the means or miscues.
We have felt both many times. though a great emphasis has been placed upon natural events, black swan, improbables, incompetence and coincidence it all correlates to G6 and conjoins all projects to one purpose. The truth, ratiocination and intuition muddled under a world wide web of deception. Wealth is for lackeys, while control is for gods.
With all of the above, they had the power to finish us off years ago. Why the slow drip drip of chinese water torture? Is it the old.. cat playing with the mouse until dead theory or something else?
ReplyDeleteFire Wall might be better. Area of most sporadic wildfire
ReplyDeleteWe can estimate hundreds of billions of dollars for 2011 by design.
Hurricare Irene - 35 billions. Wildfires, tornadoes, earthquakes and a doomed economy. The greater majority of sheeple will know nothing, care nothing and do nothing proactively to stop it. Obama jobs bill will be a wasted infrastructure proposal to put a bandaid on a bullet wound that was fired by the very folks that make his head swivel and jaw drop in a series of ventriloquist skits.
IMO Deb it's simple. The Pyramid is not finished.
Bout 15 fires across Texas. 40 homes gone in 2 days. Over 2 million acres burned this year.
ReplyDeleteThey gotta squeeze all the blood out of our turnip before the coup de gras. Its a long slow-motion trainwreck that only the connected are programmed to survive. I love X - factors.
ReplyDeleteA one-inch wide, four-foot long crack was spotted Wednesday in the Washington Monument's pyramidion, near the very top of the 555-foot obelisk.
0029z 09/04
ReplyDeleteI cried yesterday for friends I have from Vermont to Texas. Helpless. It occurs to me FEMA is the Red Cross for the Nazi's
ReplyDeletetransformation by natural events? me thinks not...
ReplyDeleteCIA, MI6 helped Gaddafi on dissidents: rights group
But of course
I tell you to get ready for this. This was the easiest prediction for jobs. If you cant grasp the fragrance, it's 1984.
ReplyDeleteLooks Like Obama Intends To Propose A Jobs Program That Gets People To Work For Free
Not for FREE... for the FUHRER For the MOTHERLAND
Are you f'in kidding me? Omg. This is unbelievable. BUt then, we should have seen this coming with CIty Year. I truly hate this guy and everyone that supports him, the republicans that he kowtows to and all the bastards pulling his strings.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you and Mr M are in my thoughts. Stay safe..
ReplyDeleteRichard, trust me, for them there will be a hell whether in this life or the next. Its guaranteed they will all suffer in it for all eternity.
ReplyDeleteYou can look right now at the landscape. I hear people still call him socialist minded. I hear people excuse what he inherited as a reason he cant "Change" anything. I hear people say he he's a man of reason in a battle with the unreasonable. He's hard working and focused? pleeeaaase....
ReplyDeleteThose carrying the Barry OWO water are the ones you can label as administrators and enablers. You can see Beyonce Knowles exclaim he's doing a great job.
Celebrity guests at the prestigious event included actors Whoopi Goldberg, George Lopez, Eva Longoria and Beyonce's husband Jay-Z. Beyonce joined Mexican musical duo Rodrigo y Gabriela. President Obama and his wife Michelle hosted 200 guests at an elaborate four-course dinner party in the White House's East Room to honor Mexican president Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala.
"You know what, I'm very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is that charming. Really, I could be charmed by anyone. I'm just a sucker for somebody that is charming" - BK
No shit!
"I don't use backing tapes when I am singing and
dancing on stage. I can do cartwheels and sing" - BK
Barry can't.
Pussy is one of the most powerful things in the world, and a lot of people don't understand how powerful pussy is.- Jay Z
Yes we do.
BULLSHIT!!! Listen to this obviously staged piece of crap from Mark Bingham's mom...apparently they don't recognize each other's voice.. He with, hi mom this is mark bingham and her in his vm....Mark, this is your mom...wtf.....How calm she remains knowing her son is near death....FAKE ...btw, yahoo erased the comments on this video (mine was one of them) and then removed the comment button. .
ReplyDeletePlease tell my children? Aren't they his too??????
Land Line phone receiver being hung up with very telling evidence.
FISA was operating since Jimmy Carter. Voice Morphing can be collected easily with several phone conversations
United 93 Cleveland to NewFoundland plane down passengers disembark to call center and calls recorded with Baretta 92's pointed at their temples.
PD...this stuff is like watching a very bad B movie. How can anyone buy this shit? Again, that black woman talking to her husband and asking him to tell "her" children she loves them says this all in the calmest of voices just like Bingham's mom.
ReplyDeleteI am a mother and I know to not hear anxiety and outright fear in their voices for their loved ones is more impossible to believe then the fact that those cell phone calls got through(impossible) while in flight with terrorists with boxcutters(hahahaha)hovering over them.
Btw, I think they seriously screwed up and showed their hand at the end when that monster voice breaks in :)
ReplyDeleteThe whole world knows what is going on except the majority of Americans. There they know they will fly from the balcony or see a street mugging should they speak as we do. We'll get ours soon enough and macho couch potato whimps will cry like babies for mama.
ReplyDeleteThese bastards shoot women and children for sport and then on the weekend go to their kids soccer game. Yet when we get pissed and counter the MSM BS they can call us whack jobs.
You should review the DSM-5 by the APA for 2013 and see what afflicts the sheeple and the new names and DX for their disorders.
To be normal by their terms you must not be depressed, angry or an obstruction to their psychopathic behavior lest you be diagnosed and Baker Acted into a fema hospital. Mark my words, it's coming.
You will go on the offender list, unable to be employed, get a DL, gun permit, government clearance or passport. Negativistic (passive-aggressive) personality disorder. This is how they get conscientious objectors and whistleblowers out. That and gangstalking.
ReplyDeleteCriminal Ted Olson trades in for a newer hotter sports car.
Some think the deal was Barbara got the full NAZI makeover but really can't a guy set his wife up for a deal like this to get a deal like that?
Absolutely PD. All you need to do is count the number of commercials for anti depressant drugs. Everyone has a mental illness. An xray tech I work with has been taking xanax since the 90's. When the hurricane was raging outside her 30 year old daughter said to her, let's just take our ambien and go to sleep now.
ReplyDeleteMost of america is already convinced they need drugs to sleep, to stay awake and to not feel sad :(
I know our day is coming. I can feel them breathing down our necks. Especially since I posted inside job comments all over yahoo today along with Mr M. I just can't help myself....
As for Olson's wife.... It could go either way. I do wonder what happened to the rest of them.
ReplyDelete"I do wonder what happened to the rest of them.."~JG
ReplyDeleteHot dogs and baloney...they ended up in a rendering plant from the NASA compound in Cleaveland. They got DNA samples first of course.
Think that's too far out for these demons?
no doubt, rogue