Tuesday, August 16, 2011

There Is But One Specific Group of AmeriKans Who Are Directly Responsible For The Impending Collapse Of Our Financial System And All It Encompasses. They Are The Cult Of AmeriKa.


They are Comprised Of Rich And Poor, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/23/opinion/23blow.html  Black And White, Jew and Gentile, Employed And Unemployed, educated and barely literate.

Most have nothing more in common than that they breath air yet they fight with a non-existent commonality as though their very existence depends on it. A minority, (the Rich) understand Why They Fight.  The Majority (Middle Class And Poor) Have No Clue. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/7997069/civility_watchdog_charles_blow_accuses.html]

 Their duality is the largest obstacle to overcome.

They work for minimum wage and vote republican.

They are against war yet they enlist in the military. They are virtually broke but swear by capitalism.

They are 99% of the 98% of the people who are being swindled the most and they are 99% of the 2% who have it all doing most of the swindling.

They throw their trash into the street and mindlessly pollute our lakes, rivers and streams with their garbage.

They don’t ever have enough, even when they have it all.

They refuse to admit that they know the problems are so that they don’t have to fix them. Greed is their motivation.

The 98% don’t comprehend the power that they have as a whole so do nothing. The 2% are well aware of their power and use it at every opportunity.

If you happen to recognize that you are an idiot then you’ve taken the first step toward redemption. Now you must recognize all of your idiot friends and family and convince them that they too have been idiots.

 Idiots know no boundaries, they encompass every facet of society; black, white, Hispanic, young, old, religious, atheist, intelligent, un-educated, rich and poor.

 They place blame for their problems on inanimate objects, drugs, alcohol, guns and Rock and Roll but refuse to accept the responsibility for the action it takes to utilize these ‘tools’ to accomplish bad things.

They kidnap, molest, rape and murder innocent children. They perpetuate their genetic lineage when they haven’t successfully raised a single human in six generations.

 They criticize everyone and everything yet never offer a viable solution to real problems. They focus on problems which are a direct result of the ultimate problems, greed fed idiocy and don’t comprehend that , in order to fix one you must obliberate the other. They will follow blindly but in the wrong direction.

They, collectively, have the power to institute positive change for the masses but will not. Their greatest fear is criticism from their peers. They don’t have a clue as to who their peers are. No matter how much they are persecuted they don’t comprehend just ‘who their enemy is.

They always ask "why" when things go poorly for them but never contemplate ‘why’ when things go well.

 They pray to ‘god’ even though god never responds. They are all narcissistic and the number one attribute is that they all think they are "Special".

They are not left, right, rich or poor, employed or un-employed or black or white and the sooner that they realize that their numbers are strong the sooner we win.

 "THEY" are the "Idiots!

Plain and simple, Idiots with delusions of grandeur.

Of course, an idiot will never recognize their idiocy so trying to educate them is a losing battle in itself for they have the same loop subconsciously playing in their heads; "I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot,,,,,", with no reprieve and no chance of them ever recognizing the loop.

This is the "Cult Of Amerika". "Idiots".

How do we defeat this ‘cult’? They are seemingly the majority yet they are controlled by the minority, fundamentally cracked, hardly believing ‘en masse’ of the same fundamental doctrines. About the only things that they have in common is that they all want "their’ way with no consideration of how it will affect the rest of humanity.

Inasmuch as ‘Idiots’ comprise the vast majority of the population, how can they be reached on an individual basis in order to involve the majority?

Should we begin with the religious zealots and hope that they ‘can see the light’ and then will shine it on everyone else? How about the wretched poor, who have lost so much to the ‘Cult,’ finally opening their eyes and taking a stand? This in itself would constitute a ‘majority’.

I have always felt that my approach is the most logical for a wartime situation.

Attack the minimal amount of the people who have created the largest proportion of the problem. This would be the ultra-rich 2% who have bastardized our government and Constitution for the sole purpose of manipulating the wealth, thus creating hardship on the rest of the populace, showing no regard to the masses. By definition;  PSYCHOPATHS

The only question remains; ‘Attack them where, how and when?

Answers; wherever they are, with whatever means necessary and at every given opportunity.

Time is of the essence.



  1. http://www.scragged.com/articles/obama-s-riotous-london-friends?utm_source=subscriptions&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Obama%27s+Riotous+London+Friends&utm_content=%27Read+the+rest%27+link&utm_campaign=articles
    Obama's Riotous London Friends
    What's the difference between the looters and welfare taxes?
    By Hobbes | August 16, 2011

    "When images of the London riots splashed across our TV screen, many people's first and decidedly un-PC reaction was, "Yup, it's welfare blacks causing trouble again." For a while, especially since the media refused to report the race of those involved, it certainly seemed so just by looking at the pictures."

    **********************My Comment:
    You are all blatantly insane.
    There is not even room to talk to fascists like those who write and comment in this nuthouse appropriately called Scragged. For this is indeed scraggly nonsense. You've choked yourselves senseless long ago.

    Bought in, gone along to get along, acquired that old Hitlerian "law and order" mind set...the love of Big Brother and his water cannon and tasers.

    I'm surprised your articles don't end with "sieg heil," because you have perfectly nailed the cadence and tenor.

    They censored it...and the next comment as well...because they are cowards like all nazifucks and sycophnts and "Amerikan Exceptionalist" idiots...YUP


  3. PD one of my favorite "bush moments'. My sister & I were talking on Sunday . We are both rabid GWB haters. Little could we have guessed that we would hate BO even more. At least Bush supplied some comic relief as we see above. I thought W was pure arrogance incarnate. BO with that chin pointed up pose has Mr monkey face beat by a mile in that dept. Mr constitutional lawyer has used W's goddamn piece of paper as toilet paper. What a wicked game they play.

  4. It's time to remind ourselves that this is the reality of all future CIC's and Reps.

    Whether Islands are going to tip over or coexisting with fish, we will find it impossible to put food on our familes while these pathetic excuses for integrity and intelligence are manufactured out of the Bilderberg inbreeding clown factory.

    Prick Perry, Sista Palin, the good witch Bachmann, Ron Reagan Paul and a trail of losers behind them will never get elected without serious help by committee stagings.

    Four more years of Barry or any of his distant relatives previously mentioned is the final straw. I think we need Lyndon LaRouche and Bob Barr ticket just to survive four more years. Not that it would be a good four years but something out of the ordinary over the last forty years.

  5. Jersey,
    I didn't recognize ya.
    Beautiful as ever.

  6. ,,,,and what about all those OB/GYNs' who want to spread their love to women all over the country????

  7. The order of business for the two-party con is to have the people themselves walk into the fire. They cannot, like the Nazi and Zionist teams run fascism and dictatorships anywhere.

    People jump to at that, that is too obvious and too identifiable. Willie knows the real action lies in the Newspeak and imaging and that simple stimuli of perceptions will do the trick. This requires propaganda at all times. 24/7 repetiton, bandwagon invitiations, celebrity and fanatic endorsements and bait and switch.

    There is no crime that can compare to the offensiveness of the lie and the liar. It's a poison so toxic to the moral spheres of human natures that it can destroy without a single blow or slug, yet it has been the fuse for everyone ever fired in the history of the world.

    I say that today, any sweet talk is 10-1 a lie because the truth is harsh.

  8. Yes another pearl from swine. Fool me once shame on..............BOTSWANA!

  9. Botswana!!!! hahahha

    lol Peter...see? At least the monkey clown gave us a laugh now and then. LIke....Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.....
    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

    Occasionally he was trying to be funny but wasn't... he was instead speaking the truth..
    "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

    And this one...

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

    and this:

    "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

    And the most truthful bushism of all:

    Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.,,,,,,,,,,

  10. Thanks Peter:) It was time to take a new pic and post it since glasses are a permanent part of my face now......blah

  11. doesn't it just PISS ya off???

    That's what makes you coto

  12. well said, from the guy who say's he's not a writer.

    A single lie is forever, it spreads through peoples lives and relationships like ripples on a pond.
    when presented with a lie, the average person responds as though they've been told the truth and live so accordingly. They, in turn, unknowingly pass this lie on to whomever they engage in social intercourse and they too, live their lives accordingly. and so on and so on.
    but once the lie has been found out, the anger and shame and outrage at this ultimate misuse of trust, will thrash upon the shores had a mountain been dropped in the pond.
    Long live the Revolution
