Audit The Fed 2011
You all know I don't play the political games of badmitton but I will always sign the petition to audit the Granddaddy Madoff Federal Reserve. Not since it's inception has there been the opportunity to review the books. 14 trillion? Likely 30 according to some of my sources. Even the GAO has to provide it. How long will we wait for this audit? 100 years? That'll be too late. I'll sign again as a defense when the PTB come for their money.
Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion. As they say it has teeth. the head of the beast resides under this shroud.
Dear Patriot
Trillions of dollars have been stolen from U.S. taxpayers.
You and I, right now, are seeing the worst plundering of a country's wealth in the history of civilization, led by an out of control Federal Reserve.
But you and I together CAN put a stop to it all.
With your help (including completing the petition to your Representative and Senators) today, Campaign for Liberty are ready to take the battle straight to the heart of the problem - the Federal Reserve itself.
Last year, we came close to enacting a full Audit of the Fed.
This year, with more Fed opponents put in office and the economy still reeling, we have our best chance ever.
But you must act today.
Just think about the scope of the problem for a minute.
The massive, outrageous amount of dollars committed to the economic bailouts in recent months totals:
More than the socialist New Deal...
More than the entire Iraq debacle...
More than the 1980's savings and loan mess... More than the Korean War...
Where will it all end?
It's time you and I put a stop to an out of control Federal Reserve.
And Ron Paul has a bill before Congress to do just that.
That's why it's vital you fill out your personal "Audit the Fed" petition in support of Congressman Paul's bill.
This bill, introduced in the House by Congressman Ron Paul and in the Senate by Senator Rand Paul, will finally pull the lid off the FED and expose it's out of control power grabs.
Now is the time to make sure your Representative and Senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!
If you and I don't act today, I'm afraid this crisis will end with the economic ruin of every man, woman, and child in the United States.
Today, nearly 14 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars in bailouts and loans have been agreed to by Congress, the Bush and Obama Treasury Departments, and the out of control Fed.
So is it really any wonder more and more folks are starting to realize the Washington, D.C. establishment is hurtling us toward complete economic disaster?
Whether it's watching a phony "stimulus" package get rammed into law or seeing Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank "bailout," the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.
You saw the result of that anger in the Tea Parties last year and then in the November elections.
Statist, pro-Fed politicians were tossed out of office left and right!
That means it's a perfect time to unleash the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out of control Fed today!
So please agree to complete your petition urging your Representative and Senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill - the first step toward ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE once and for all!
As I know you're aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy.
Its meetings are off-limits to the public.
Its inner-workings are off-limits to the public.
Fed leaders know coming clean with Congress and the American people on how they create money out of thin air would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.
So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit?
You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:
*** Constant economic crises - the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally-planned interest rates and money manipulation;
*** The destruction of the middle class - as fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;
*** Currency destruction - history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
And unless you and I do end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we'd like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand, right here on the streets of our towns and cities.
That's why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed Bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.
Just a few years ago, there was no chance of passing any legislation like Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.
So I guess there has been one "CHANGE."
You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in out of control "bailouts" of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they're "being responsible".
What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from U.S. taxpayers?
More and more Congressmen are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.
I've even received word Audit the Fed could move in the coming weeks in the U.S. House.
When that happens, you and I must be ready to fight.
There will be many battles you and I must wage over the coming months to take back our country.
But this one is set to rage in Congress in just a few short weeks.
And, it's both a bill we CAN pass and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and downright evil at the Federal Reserve.
You see, after regulating, taxing, spending, borrowing, and printing us into what looks like the worst recession in decades, establishment politicians and power brokers are assuring us they're working hard to "fix" our economic woes.
What is their solution?
You guessed it.
More of the same!
I'm convinced that if you and others will insist on Congress passing Audit the Fed, the votes will be there.
Then the question is whether Barack Obama will sign it.
But here's the thing: even if Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill is vetoed by Obama, just forcing him to do it is a win/win situation.
Can you imagine how it will look in the 2012 election when you and I tell the American people President Obama refused to even LOOK for the trillions of dollars stolen from the taxpayers?
Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.
Here's how we plan to do that.
First, we're already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" Bill.
But that's just the beginning.
We'll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress.
And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we'd also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.
This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to Congress - Any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve Audit should look for another job.
But such a massive effort won't be easy - or cheap.
So, in addition to your signed petitions, I also hope you'll agree to chip in a contribution of $10 to Campaign for Liberty.
If we don't take action, the America we see in just a few years could look far worse than even the one we see today.
Can I count on you to join the fight to AUDIT THE FED by filling out the Petition and chipping in a quick $10 contribution right now?
In Liberty,
John Tate
That's why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed Bill - and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle - is so vital.
Just a few years ago, there was no chance of passing any legislation like Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.
So I guess there has been one "CHANGE."
You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in out of control "bailouts" of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they're "being responsible".
What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from U.S. taxpayers?
More and more Congressmen are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.
I've even received word Audit the Fed could move in the coming weeks in the U.S. House.
When that happens, you and I must be ready to fight.
There will be many battles you and I must wage over the coming months to take back our country.
But this one is set to rage in Congress in just a few short weeks.
And, it's both a bill we CAN pass and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and downright evil at the Federal Reserve.
You see, after regulating, taxing, spending, borrowing, and printing us into what looks like the worst recession in decades, establishment politicians and power brokers are assuring us they're working hard to "fix" our economic woes.
What is their solution?
You guessed it.
More of the same!
I'm convinced that if you and others will insist on Congress passing Audit the Fed, the votes will be there.
Then the question is whether Barack Obama will sign it.
But here's the thing: even if Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill is vetoed by Obama, just forcing him to do it is a win/win situation.
Can you imagine how it will look in the 2012 election when you and I tell the American people President Obama refused to even LOOK for the trillions of dollars stolen from the taxpayers?
Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill.
Here's how we plan to do that.
First, we're already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" Bill.
But that's just the beginning.
We'll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress.
And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we'd also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.
This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to Congress - Any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve Audit should look for another job.
But such a massive effort won't be easy - or cheap.
So, in addition to your signed petitions, I also hope you'll agree to chip in a contribution of $10 to Campaign for Liberty.
If we don't take action, the America we see in just a few years could look far worse than even the one we see today.
Can I count on you to join the fight to AUDIT THE FED by filling out the Petition and chipping in a quick $10 contribution right now?
In Liberty,
John Tate
P.S. Please complete your petition DEMANDING your Representative and Senators cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed Bill TODAY!
With federal spending at record levels, and TRILLIONS of new dollars flying off the printing presses, it's never been more important the Federal Reserve's abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all.
"It's a Satan Sandwich...well I'm all for it"...????
ReplyDeleteThis and my previous piece are perfect companions to one an other in aspect.
I am reminded of THE FINAL BATTLE that said the people would one day find themselves fighting for their very lives against the Money Powers, that all of the major founders referred to in their dialogs.
Is LaRouche "the Man"?
He is saying it straighter than anyone in his postition so far.
Let's get the FED audited and see...
End the fuckin' Fed. It's time to cue the "V" music and the fireworks
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of music..this is an excellent choice for this video..
For years they said LaRouche was a nutjob. He's not looking so nutty now...
He's been a target for sometime. Much like Perot, his twenty year predictions were pretty much righton.
ReplyDeleteThat "Giant Sucking Sound" was the money and jobs flying out of the country. Like Larouche he knew. This deal was signed and sealed under Bubba C and it was his families death threats that killed his plan to stop the gutting of this fish called America. The grunion called him a kook too.
I could not believe the WTO in the northeast and the riots were the closest thing to a revolution we had ever seen. It was the death knell. Clinton sold our future and the blue team was rewarded with glass -steagall assassination.
So basically it was were destroying America but we give you twenty five years of looting for free. Phil Gramm, Bliley and Leach, the real leeches who put the blood in the water and then came the sharks in droves for a feeding frenzy on the carcasses of grandmothers and babies.
I'd say it's just stone cold obvious that the Empire only wanted Amerika as the garrison - the Military/Industrial Complex.
ReplyDeleteNow that that is accomplished, tool in hand the Empire is off to batten down the global hatches leaving the infrastructure here to rot, and "even off" with the rest of the worlds suffering serfs.
And there are still those who think the elite Moneychangers who 'own' everything everything were simply 'Lucky'....
Ha ha ha ha ha....WTF???
"No they didn't plan it this way, it just 'happened to fall into their laps."
Now tell me anyone but a moron could think the above statement.
But that is exactly what those who call us "Conspiracy Nuts" are saying in the subtext of their every argument.
"For years they said LaRouche was a nutjob"~JG
ReplyDeleteHey they even prosecuted him on some phony trumped up bullshit.
He got scragged at one point.
But don't go buying ANY messiah's during space-time...
Fake Birth Certificate = Fake pResident ???
ReplyDeleteHow are Americans liking their fraudulent pResident???
This guy here says, "I created the fake Birth Certificate!" Check it out:
What mentality defines unending immigration and wars as progress?
ReplyDeleteShort answer: economists, politicians and fools!
There will be no superannuation, pensions or social security: Just get over it. All this was set in place in September, 2010.
"S & P's downgrade may prove the first domino, a metaphor for the historic, life-changing, world-changing transformations that could vaporize massive amounts of wealth."~Martin Weiss
“As a result, living standards are plummeting as economies teeter. Where it all ends looks bleak for growing millions left high and dry on their own.
Short of revolution, there's nothing in sight to help because Washington and other governments prioritize wars, super-wealth accumulation, and power. If that doesn't produce rebellion, what will? If not now as deprivation grows, when?”~Stephen Lendman
The depraved predatory Amerikans...and I do not speak merely to “government” here, but the mass of the people themselves - these have Hell to pay. They cared not about such deprivation while going along with a system that caused such throughout the rest of the planet.
That which they begin to experience is simply karma, cosmic reckoning if you will. Cause and effect is a basic rule of physical science. “Ye reap what ye sow” is a poetic way of putting it.
Of course you are culpable. If you went along with this system willingly, without strong complaint and argument against it, then you are a collaborator. Those who still assert that spurious half measure will somehow do, are dupes and propagandist shills. The majority, simple Home Vishnu Amerikanus are culpable for criminal gullibility, certainly not a survival trait by any reasonable assessment.~ww
"Fake Birth Certificate = Fake pResident ???"~Boom
ReplyDeleteI told you this the day the White House published the thing on their web site.
It is an Adobe Photoshop document in layers. The puds that produced and published this fraud had to have done such on purpose.
Another 'revelation of the method'.
All one had to do was to flatten the doc as a jpeg, or other compression and published it instead. It could have still been proven a fake but not so quickly for so many of us who work with Photoshop and illustrator.
Obama is total 'Legend', there is nothing authentic whatsoever to this bot, a total 'creation' of the controllers.
so i signed the petition. Not real sure about Randy Paul or La Roosh, and i dont have squat to donate at present, but they cant be any worse then Manchurian naked emperor bots. Did we all sign? Do we feel better for it? Is there some danger therein? hope so.
ReplyDeletethe fab four header...?? symbolic of..?? london protests?\
When your prized posessions start to weigh you down
Look in my direction, I'll be 'round, I'll be 'round
ReplyDeleteRand Paul??? Ron Paul??
Ron named Rand after Ayn Rand, the groopie of psychopaths, and her psycho literature, that has been turned into pathological dogma by these 'right-wing' lunatics.
No, I did not sign the petition. Lobbying despots is futile gullibility.
One does not petition tyranny. One submits on their knees, or fights back first with information, and then physically when forced into self defense.
And to be clear here; I do not address my word to the tyrants, who will seek them out as "evidence" at any rate - I address myself to those on the cusp of awakening. Those who might be ready to hear the message of truth.
Call me a cynic....but every time I hear about Ron Paul....
ReplyDelete1. He's been in politics for 30 odd years.
2. Based on where we currently find ourselves...he hasn't accomplished much.
3. His words sooth me so....but I've learned to question that feeling....
4. End the Fed....I agree...but...would've been better 95 years ago....
5. End the Fed... wait for the'll be fun.
6. The system is corrupt and evil, apparently has been for a long time...could a good guy last that long?
7. Life ain't like the movies...sometimes the hero is a bad guy too...
Maybe I'm off on this but my spidey senses tingle non the less.
Yeah. Though I was thinking about the chaos in the blue collar oznes, it really reminds us that this transition had already begun 50 years ago. It is my general philosophy that work solves most problems Camus.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to be the decider, it would be there that I put my priority. If the boys from Liverpool and everywhere else were working hard days into nights many of the other problems would have no teeth. When 'working' like a dog, there's less chance of rabid episodes.
Cameron, the OWO scmuckster had to shorten his vacation. Tsk tsk! That pissed him off. There will be hell to pay. Not likely. Austerity and employment have in common what prison and rehabilitation do.
This is the expected and planned designs of false fiat, socially accepted greed, caste system redefining, useless eater fear and self loathing and social mutilation. What better recipe for global governance under a panoptic prison planet.
How would Camus have described it?
I am not a Ron Paul supporter nor advocated his agenda's with the exception of driving the masses to step out of the credit system. I remind you though, that the coto blood knows the left right paradigm is real, the triad works in all things 'World Order"
ReplyDeleteThe TeaParty is there to turn the left right paradigm into a triumvirate. Infiltrate, divide and conquer. Uniting the phoenix in death by the TP, al-qaeda, boogieman and other phantasms just plays further into the damaged minds of lemmings who will have an additional cliff from which to jump.
Signing off to audit the fed is at least directed to the source. It is the power plant for all transformers. I appreciate the comments but remind you that you and I are coto and though we may not be lost, we are still deep inside the Bretton Woods.
Tee Hee :) It's a counterfeit world.
ReplyDeleteI'll be buying my toilet paper with toilet paper, today.
ReplyDeleteEven passionate pop tarts can't address auditing where the money goes
He speaks a lot of truth in that late dollar short though...pins it on a sold out congress....says an honest pResident can fix it...not too worry...we've got the super (better than before, new and improved, arid extra dry) version of congress -- the UNsold out -- to solve the problem...
ReplyDeleteReally though...this new version of US government gives me great pause for thought.
Ahhh, wait...nothing to worry about...just heard that John Kerry is an appointee for the Super C....twas a close call....
I sometimes babble...
Reality says to me loud and clear - 'Congress', the regime, all of it is pure Bullshit Theater.
ReplyDeleteWhat rules Amerika is the Public Relations Regime - the mind control jabberwacky.
The day Amerika turns off the TV and walks to the street with an iron rod headed for DC is the day Amerika becomes America again.
And that might not happen because there is a real good chance 'America' was ALWAYS Amerika is disguise......
ReplyDeleteCan't see past the Bretton-Woods to take any blame-- the right left model working here.
Yes Rogue1, this Barack O'Bot Fly was seen by myself at least, as another installed Demolition Man from the get go. Look at all the maggots he brought with him from the similarly installed Shrub Administration to facilitate his Marxist "Change" upon America.
ReplyDeleteThat Despots are not brought low in any timely manner is a most strange reality. I can't think of one country's figurehead, not one, anywhere, in my remembrance, that "helped" his country's people.
ALL are criminals. Look at what "THEY DO", and how their personal wealth skyrockets as they rape the people and resources of their countries. It is mystifying why people anywhere clamor for "Leaders" when ALL of them have proven to be sociopathic predators.
When will Mankind wake up to THIS reality?! Power corrupts absolutely.
It is said this won't make it on the BBC news:
Blue Beam over Boston?
ReplyDeleteDylan Ratigan Rants. Getting closer.
.Metals Date Time (EST) *Bid ***Ask ***Change from NY Close
ReplyDeleteGOLD 08/10/2011 20:23 1806.40 1808.00 +11.00 +0.61%
Ref: Kitco
After NY closed w/Gold at 1796.42 the Asian/European markets continued the zoom...
The Dollar is tanking zoomtime - remember metal prices are stable throughout history - they do NOT go up - currency worth goes DOWN.
Hitting bottom is just weeks to a month away without some real market manips...and those are just bandaids on a gushing mortal wound...Big Shits are coming sown the I said, ZOOOOOMTIME
Yea Dylan Ratigan rants out a good one, and then the ditz choir starts chanting the same old zombie chant..."The President is the most powerful bla bla bla..." HORSESHIT the president is a fucking of the bankers, just llike the US Knesset fraudulently referred to as the "Congress"...
ReplyDeleteRatigan ought to know this as well...maybe he does, but wants to get back on TV again. Seems you can only speak so much truth there before they take you out back and shoot ya.
Amerika has Hell to pay........
Hmmmm? Interesting Boom.
ReplyDeleteEither the veil is lifting from MSM or it's by design. I never assumed they don't want us rioting and getting our faces blown off.
ReplyDeleteNice tandem of points Boomer made. Many think I am off the wall when I speak of the scalar effects of ELF and zombiism. When the real McKoy comes to "Our Town" we will understand the most dangerous weapon ever created. What they did in the prisons of Utah was scary and that was years ago.
Monarch Mind Control? Maybe it's their thing. Mormon-Scientology? It's enough to make the Iraqi army drop in fear waiting to be slaughtered.
Future Legend
ReplyDeleteAnd in the death
As the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy thoroughfare
The shutters lifted in inches in Temperance Building
High on Poacher's Hill
And red mutant eyes gaze down on Hunger City
No more big wheels
Fleas the size of rats sucked on rats the size of cats
And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes
Coveting the highest of the sterile skyscrapers
Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass fronts of Love-Me Avenue
Ripping and rewrapping mink and shiny silver fox, now legwarmers
Family badge of sapphire and cracked emerald
Any day now
The Year of the Diamond Dogs
"It’s enough to make the Iraqi army drop in fear waiting to be slaughtered."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteYea...that's why the Chinese call them "Magic Weapons"
When the Big Weird really comes it will be truly Weird, fantasy sci fi weird.
Out of this world weird...
Holy moly chambered in broad swords of strange light.
Howling banshees raging in the night...screaming inside your own head.
Whatta party, what a final act.
That will be an experience to die for...
PD -- check out , most recent -- he put up a bunch of stuff yesterday after having been busy fighting with Youtube trying to straightjacket his stuff. Latest HAARP readings are seen to be correlated with his predictions...
ReplyDeleteWhat's to say about the state of Africa. Death from Civil wars from Ivory Coast to Al-Shabob in Somalia. I guaratee over 2 million dead before the end of the year due to the MIC whether HAARP weather famine or ethnic cleansing.
ReplyDeleteCholera is back to Haiti again for their third outbreak since their shallow haarping. Rains and other assistance from Ft Detrick will kill thousands more.
I was comforted today to see the Super Congress now being called the Super Committee. I'd like to take credit for that but know that they dropped Congress because the single digit approval rating might make people hesitiant about supporting the twelve.
Didn't Hitler have his inner committee of twelve?
CME raises gold margins by 22%+...say its "normal". Right.
The casino "house" is as fraudulent as a Titanic filled with politicians.
I put his link under the cotoeye on HAARP section Boomer.
ReplyDeleteI predicted Utah, WY, NV will see later tornadoes. I'll watch for the Dakotas as Dutch has predicted.
I think we will see a quake soon in CA between LA and San Diego. Heavy Rains to mississippi valley Iowa, MN and WI. We'll see.
I think all will like this from Duff...on Disclosure:
For decades we have been bombarded with UFO stories, tales of government mind control, secret death rays, mysterious aircraft “reverse engineered” from flying saucers, nuclear weapons the size of baseballs, it never ends.
With the rise of anti-government feeling, rage and anger, some of it carefully engineered from the inside out of something more than partisanship but as an obvious tool to undermine public participation in democracy, we call it “the Murdoch effect,” conspiratorialism has become a disease. It is also a tool of deception.
At one time the FBI infiltrated, first organized crime, then trade unions, then the Klan and now, they are after 9/11 Truth, environmental groups and, particularly, any political group that, no matter how peaceful, espouses creation of a 3rd party"
9/11 is the grand daddy of all scandals, a long exposed and admitted coverup that would expose the US government in a scandal so evil, so frightening that its severity alone is what protects it. There may even be more to this story, something we will be getting back to....\\ii//
I kinda think propaganda (via co-opting via infiltration) is like fiat (fake) money...
ReplyDeleteEventually, people "get it" that the whole shebang is bogus, when it is all seen as butt wipe. Can't buy nothing with it. Nobody wants it. Anathema.
Falls on its face by the sheer weight of the lies built around it to prop it up. The audacity of fool's gold traded in place of substance, reason, and common sense.
That the voyage, the trip, to sanity takes soooo long is difficult to grasp.
The government's "story" regarding the 9/11 Crime of the Century is so flatulent that future generations (if there are any) will marvel that anybody ever believed such balderdash. A psychological "fantasy" that says something very dire about the American sheeple.
By the way...
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones was going to bust loose 2 days ago with inside info on the Seal Team 6 theater, and seems to have "forgot" about it. Dropped it like the steaming hot potato that it is. Hasn't said a thing in two days. Like we're supposed to conveniently forget he was coming out with Breaking News on this matter. Stinks!
"Dead Seals" by Karl Schwarz. Some ideas about history and the present:
I started to read this Boomer but it was like reading my articles on Pipe Dreams and Need Warrant Opportunity
BZIG CHESSBOARD? RISKBOARD is a better title. The facts are obvious from Reagan-Carter Iranaian hostage scam to the grooming of Clinton through GHW Bush that Bubba was the Kosovo man and the Osama creator.
What Lewinsky was to Bubba was the same as we have seen over and over again. TOW THE LINE. SO the NAFTA, KOSOVO and DEMESTIC FALSE FLAGS would get the masses in line for the riskboard game.
What I do not believe is birth certificate incompetence. This is Obama's Lewinsky. There are others. Obama is a much a victim of his own culpability as the rest of Congressional sellouts. Their Lewisnky's are all on file and waiting for the stepping out of line and then it's fence-mending time.
Seal Tem Six was just another mending that goes the master list of political figures from the inception of this plan. I think somewhere in the early part of 1986, this plan was concocted by the box gang and it connects the post Carter crew as one in the same.
Thanks Puddy.
ReplyDeleteHey, what the Hell do you make of this bizarre thing? A cloud that falls to the ground and gets stuck in a fence in UAE.
Aye Boom,
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones has one major problem - he makes his living doing his act.
He has sponsors...he has compromises for self interest.
Guys in that game always get backed into corners, no matter how sincere they are to begin with. He still never squeaks the tiniest little fart about Israeli and Zionist connections to anything.....
Karl Schwarz has some pretty deep and rational analysis...I liked that last on on Dead Seal Squeals.
"What I do not believe is birth certificate incompetence."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteThat is what I have been saying - that was done on purpose...too lame for anybody to put up the damn thing with all the layers and everything and try to claim it was a scan...It was outed all over the Intercoil the very first day.
***Just not on MSM***
So it hovers there in the background, a spectre that can solidify at any opportune moment.
The Birth Cert is a 'sting op'. If the guy on WND is the true creator of the piece - he didn't 'wait for Scopes to post it and for the administration to pick it up" - glaring bullshit, he was part of an op that was co-ordinated along that line.
ReplyDeleteI would bet if it is checked out the one on Scopes is a flattened jpeg, which would dump his story like a turd down the swirl water.
Another Bail-out of B of A, shiftily shifting the toxic crap onto the people's backs. Total B.S.!
Waiting for COINTEL to write the script. I am holding my breath. Max Keiser is on the mark mostly.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone remember my resurrection of Bin-Laden post in March 5 weeks before the staging?
So Google me this? Is there an upswing in the economy coming? Is Sarkozy cozy with this plan? Does Gaddafi know he’s being set up by your pal Chad? Is Timmy going to make an appearance or is is he going to take a number two instead? Is Puddy going to see his French Fried event cooked in crude oil or will they just be microwaved? Will the American Midwest city see the false flag fast food terror instead? Will the MSM ask us if we want cheese with our triple decker? Will sheeple be watching the latest episode of “winning” or will it be “the biggest loser” when the hammer falls?
Well Mayday we got the answer.
Watch for the Keiser report. What happens in France happens here and vise versa. If you are a historian then you know where this plan takes it next step.
Seriously -- what is this?
Seriously Boom??? Are you serious?? [Liveleak video]:
ReplyDeleteIt is synthetic excelsior; stuffing that is put in couches and pillows.
Haven't you ever seen this stuff before? Very lite and easily shredded .
We used it in taxidermy as well.
Naw...just wanted to know what it was.
ReplyDeleteYea...even before the 'cloud' lands you can see it is a matress shape, straight edges twisting around in the wind..some shredding. Probably blew off an open back truck and kicked up into an updraft wind.
ReplyDeleteWe used to make model clouds out of it and cotton for static [still] shots in miniature scenes for sp fx films.
Looks like a lint cleaning from their washing and drying filter:)
ReplyDeleteDid it appear to be some kind of suds or emission? Wierd1