Monday, August 8, 2011

HRW: Obama Broke Law By Not Prosecuting Bush & Cheney


Whats wrong with this picture?
Well, it's about eleven years out of date. What about when there was actual discovery of wrong doing.

And while I'm on the subject (wrongdoing), how about voter fraud, coup d'etat, committing us to war by deception, terrorism abroad, terrorism on home soil, mass murder, illegal legislation, treason,, 'god when will this guy shut up?? When someone finally tries the entire bush league and does a "Hang Em High" scene in public. What a terrific warning to any future leaders who may be tempted to fuck over the people of the United States of America.

And if we don't? We can expect a continuation of the current rule of thumb; any political figure who serves a powerful constituency may break any laws they care to without retribution.

I realize many here think of me as militant, even violent. I'm really not. I just believe in the rule of law. I don't mean smokin pot and I don't mean doing whatever we must do to preserve our rights under the Constitution or survive under an illegal regime. I don't like to be fucked over,, do you? If someone were to make a serious threat against me or my family I would do whatever had to be done to head off the threat. I refuse to live in a state of fear that this person will  eventually harm people I love. That threat must be eliminated, permanently. Does that make me violent or does that make me logical?

Now we're speaking of , supposedly, intelligent people who, just by their position, having taken an oath to uphold the laws of the land for the benefit of the country as a whole. I offer no apology for wanting to do to these people exactly what they would do to us under far less dire circumstances.

It's way past the time to punish these people and if the courts are held under duress to dissuade punishment then it's up to any able body person of  like mind to take the matter up personally. Not only for justice sake but for the sake of our future. A serious warning must be conveyed to all people in power. As I've said before, "Nothing say's 'straighten up' like a noose".

It's a goddam shame and an embarrassment that other countries around the world have to resort to punishing our politicians, as we did with Saddam Osama. And the fucking nerve of US! We trained, armed and financed these guys, then, these self righteous bastards hunt them down and kill them for doing the exact same things that they did to their own country. What the fuck ever happened to logic and common sense?

To those of you judgemental enough to say I'm wrong, you tell me what our options are. There's a man holding a knife to your six-year-old daughters neck and you're holding a gun. I say "shame on you if you don't blow a hole in his head". What do you say?

I say "If a country is overthrown by fascist dictators, you revolt with the agenda of killing each and every one of them".  What do you say? Vote them out??

War is not an answer to anything, nipping a situation in the bud is the answer. "Kill one, warn a hundred". Do we have any reason at all to kill Iraqis, Afghanis, Vietnamese, Japanese or any other of the millions of innocent men, women and Children we've annihilated in the past fifty years? If you answered 'yes' then you just approved the killing of any politician who lied, deceived or broke the law to go to war against any country without provocation. So? 

Killing is justified under certain circumstances. Remember that word, "Justification". With justification, anything is condoned by someone. They claimed justification while committing these acts of treason. With their version of justification, which was always perpetrated with lies and deception to serve their own purposes, we, and the rest of the world are now suffering the consequences of those circumstances. Had we 'nipped it in the bud' in 2000 when the coup occurred then we would not be in these circumstances and anyone considering running for any office of the government would surely give a lot of thought to deceiving the American people for any reason. Am I right or am I right?

I'll be damned embarrassed, as an American, if  Norway has to pick up our torch. The only ones who won't be are ameriKans, sheep, the morons who allowed each and every violation of international law and our very own Constitution.

Everybody dies,, it's just that some deserve to die right now. It would be no big loss but a great tactical defense to preserve our Constitution and prevent future bastardization of our rights.


  1. I'm sorry for not being computer savvy.
    Here is the post which instigated this statement.

  2. boomerangcomesbackAugust 8, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    Peter, I hope you don't mind if I post this info on Chemtrails here on your thread. I had not seen this info, and I wanted PD and others to see it. You're on a roll lately bro!

    "Military responsible for 4 different Chemtrail Programs"

  3. Hi everyone, I'm that Verity2 guy from the other side, I suck at the computer thing also, hence my title change. I sympathize with you Peter as I'm sure everyone on here does. I'm curious that you've mentioned The Real News Network and have been following them for some time now and attended their townhall meetings right up til the last one as they started in my neck of the woods. I've watched them and others like Democracy Now evolve from being middle of the road to more sounding like how conspiracy theory was a while back when I first became aware of it. The Real News Network had one of their reporters roughed up and arrested by the fuzz at the G20 conference in Toronto last year and my read is that Paul Jay is a little annoyed to say the least and have watched what they've been reporting since turning to what I would consider to be raw'er journalism. No point in going off on one of my tirades here because I wouldn't want to think that I'm causing anyone here to yawn but corruption's at all levels. The very system we're trying to out creates it, it's the modus operandi that reeks through all levels of society. Honesty has become a word that doesn't hold much value in this day and age, especially at the top

  4. Welcome Veritable1. If you would like to author your thoughts in postings just open the join tab on the header and send the email you used to open your WP account to the email provided. Anyway it's good to have your comments as well.

  5. Thank you, I'm honored to be here. I've been following for awhile and have had fun on Coto Report especially with Agent Albury Smith as Willy will attest to. That posting started on April 29th and is still going. It's got to be a record for Coto.

  6. Not a problem Brother,

  7. Welcome veritable and thanks for taking the time to read my comments.
    We don't yawn at coto

  8. We are the OPED NEWS guillotined gang. It's always a pleasure to know Albury is hanging around. He's not as spooky as the 'Anytown United States. or Virginia visitors we get. Rady does a fantastic job covering the news.

    This side is more where we come to collaborate on the reality of the twilight zone and the more extreme theories. Feel free to express your wildest imagination as it likely will become fact before too long.

  9. Chinookered: Chopper downed by "Flying IED"

    I-mprovised E-xecution D-iversion while we initiate a

    I-onosheric E-lectromagnetic D-isaster and an

    I-mploded E-conomic D-etonation in hopes of acheiving an

    I-mperial E-litist D-ictatorship

    By George, I've think they've got it.

  10. Welcome aboard Verity, I had assumed it be thou, in our first exchange here.

    Verity has gotten hold of an actual real world material-manifest copy of Douglas Reed's, THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION. Which we both agree to be one of the most important history books of the last century and a half.

    Yes, Verity, tells us your dreams...and your nightmares.

  11. Here ya go Peter. A little expose' on the Obama gang (starring Timmie Geithner) and why he would never prosecute the Bush crime family. He's one of 'em...ALL OF THEM LIARS AND THEIVES !

  12. Thank you veritable . We are honored to have you here.

  13. Mornin D,
    Man that man could move you three states with his voice,
    how appropriate, this song for this situation.
    Maybe Freddie was tryin to tell us something, huh?
