Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"The Capitalist Judaic system"

Submitted to the community here, please review and comment about this man's formulation about the situation at hand. (See video, below.) Thx.


  1. Aaaaahhh, hmmm. Well, it seems to ramble.

    But the key features are that the world has been held in sway by the Talmudic system of "the chosen" and usury--historical fact.

    Were you seeking a more expanded comment?
    I could only take it from here by giving MY take on the world situation. That would not be exactly what this man is saying...{Henry Makow?}

    I would say that there is more of a chance of the Egyptian thing being nipped in the bud by western machinations than the scenario given here. But if the uprisings spread further, and the Saudi regime comes under threat, then the spread will be a global cascade.

    For the US, austerity is about to put us in a whole new paradigm--at that point all becomes fluid--in flux. The world is on the brink of major chaos, but not necessarily stemming directly from the events in Egypt. It is the whole global system itself that will convulse.

  2. I expect people to see people in Israel. Calling Israeli's trigger happy is a small group.

    I call Zionism, Committee and IMC what they are but reject the broader inference of Muslim extremist and Iranians or Israelis.

    WOT by design was too take the face of all muslims with the Bush regime. Barry does sometimes address that. He picks up points for that and has increased his standing globally now that he has that unnoble Nobel but it is by design as well as indicated on his view of gunhuggers, extremists and sovereigns on a global scale.

    When he links conservatism with isolationism, sovereigns with civil rights, non-interference with democracy he can never argue to those countries who see that we have had a far more historical roadmap of civils rights, torture, racism and vilent aggression than those countries he speaks down to.

    I example Tolley-Band inferences, Muslim women issues, Free elections (right Barry, sure) Corruption and theft. Who the hell in this country is missing the native Americans rights, civil wars, human rights, financial rights, womens sufferage?

    Any of these over yet? I suugest you consider immigration - Native American inequities, welfare state, taxation, civil rights, Affirmative Action, Planned Parenthood, Bio-testing human lab rats, Late term infanticide all other eugenics pogroms under the UNWO. Can you sell this abroad with a McDonalds franchise?

    COWBOYS TO GIRLS - NWO sung by uncle tom. Get with the whitey and you too can have blue eyes, keep your place and be a weenie, then you can get into the bun.

  3. There are 193 people named William Whitten in the US.

    And I am only three of them.


  4. Now, I have wanted a revolution to overthrow the National Security State in Amerika since the 1960s. By the time I was out of HS I thought this. It is self evident to any sane person that the US is not the republic founded by the Constitution. This “government” is pure pretense, nothing but a criminal syndicate.

    The hour is getting late. Either the people of this world take their lives back from the brutal march of this New World Order or the those who survive will be nothing but slaves in cruel and utter bondage.

    Yes, I have had a life of relative freedom, but only because I took that freedom personally at the disdain of many conformist critics and ignorant delusional jingos. It is such people that are still the problem today, those trapped inside the mythical world constructed by TV and mainstream entertainment.

    Even now they are lost and have no idea what is in store for themselves in the very near future.

    "You have seen what others have done or tried to do around the world to end this nightmare: Yet most of us have chosen to do nothing whatsoever about any of it. Next-up will be the United States and those people here that are unwilling to surrender to the International Police-State that has replaced the nations inside this New World Order which is nothing more than a colossal bunch of organized death-squads whose only goal is to torture, to maim or to kill the vast majority of the current population.
    If you think that this ought to be part of your world than do nothing: But if you actually believe that you do not want to live in the prison that's coming then I suggest that you at least attempt to do something about it-now!"~Kirwan


  5. Egyptians just throw rocks.

  6. "Egyptians just throw rocks."~Korn

    The Egyptians don't have a Second Amendment.


  7. purrr ...

    yada yada yada ...

    these are our prison bars

    that's right,
    you and me, we are junkies
    hooked on u.s. dollars
    hell, the world is hooked
    and the FED keeps cut'n
    pinch'n our bag more and more
    steal'n our labor by the forced tax
    of currency devaluation
    I don't know about you
    but if my bag of catnip
    weighs out lite
    it's time to look
    for another pusherman

  8. I'm fed up with the FED. Gross purveyors of Fraud in extremis.

  9. Amerika is criminally insane. This is self evident to the sane minority.

    From Newspeak to Newspook by decades of leapfrogging blandwagons.
    ...ah, the banality of evil.

    "Somebody get me a cheeseburger."



  11. Nice suit...

    Ahh Amerika...doncha it or leave it.

    Okay, I left it...I live in the Mt. Olympus of the mind. "I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles...oh yea...."~Who?

  12. purrr ...

    and travel through time and space
    in your police box the TARDIS

    Time And Relative Dimensions In Space

  13. spacebirdsong...yum

  14. That reminds me of Mimi...Mimi Birdsong. me thunkin' she was Lacota...oh my ota, what a caboose she floata...over me to get my soda.
    Bubbly suds O'memories.

  15. "capitalist-judaic system:" it's a big sweep to go laying the funny-munny system on the Jooz... the European class forced to work in that shit-pit (not that they didn't do it willingly- or greedily- like anybody else) because they could not "own" land- a whole 'nother fictional construct, btw.

    Eye specks most attempts to lay some kind of "ethos" on a "religious system" will fail... because most of them are a business "capitalizing" on the natural fear of death- no more/less- and same goofy-ass tinkertoy "epistemology" has worked for thousands of years.

    Not to beat a dead horse... but what did K Marx say about that "religion" shit?

    Sure, there are brief flashes of "self-rule,"

  16. ...but the usual jackals and bottom-feeders rush in to provide a definition of "self," usually involving their own popcorn-stand

    Because we have been taught that one turd-buttery paper-flake sticking to our own shit-blasted ass is the center of the universe (an idea- "individual sovereignty"- that we find so appealing- for what *should be* OBVIOUS reasons) we think "self-rule" is accomplished when we have out own little Hank-Hill "lawn."

    So we defend out bird-bath with our "2nd Smendment rights" while the "Jooz" laugh sll the way to the "bank."

  17. Joooos is obviously not he issue here Waldoo

    We are talking about the Rothschild dynasty, not the lesser brethren.
    The SYSTEM of the Money Powers. Blueblood "royalty" and Greenblood Talmudists blended together in one mighty Golem.


  18. The "Rothschild Dynasty" has evolved into such a giant cluster-fork it's impossible to tell the wretches from the leches without a program... and the "program" is written by sock-puppets who have been taught that "packaging" is everything... and "skeelz" are merely a commodity.

    When some fracking bag of genii decided that ass-paper funny-munny ruled the world instead of shovels and sweat-equity, the Keys to the Kingdom were handed over to the money-changers.

    “If a young man came to me and said, ‘Gerald I need to ‘ax(e)’ you a question,’ I have to tell him honestly, ‘If you go into a Fortune 500 company and say that, there will be a whole set of assumptions..." yadda yadda blah blah.

    Notice... any answer to the "question" fell to the floor with the mummified Happy-Meal fries.

  19. Hi there...(sorry to resurrect this thread)

    I had just about digested Kevin Carson's book, Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, and boy was I ever surprised when I came across his term "slave-operated latifundium". If my indirectly derived concept is intriguing to any of you, then perhaps consider pointing me to a better forum, or have a private discussion with me.

    In the mini-computer days I used to license my Global Integrated Information Systems for the effective planning of all resources of manufacturing companies and sold mainly to multi-nationals.

    For thirty three years, in parallel and on my own, I've been re-developing a completely different pioneering software prototype that could provide an alternative form of economic expression using eigenvector information, rather than money, for use in a reason-based post capitalist society. The strange loops that would underlie such an elegant global economy have no synonyms or antonyms in the Judaic Capitalist world. This conflict has been dealt with by using this exclusionary licensing term.

    ' \\ Permission is only granted to non-supporters of the Judaic Capitalist
    ' \\ world to use this Anti-Capitalist AI within reason in any related code,
    ' \\ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
    ' \\ subject to restrictions:

    Hopefully yours,
