Thursday, January 13, 2011
The COTO approach to False Flag MK-Ultra programming
Wow! What a spectacle. I never thought they would make such a production of this obvious MK-NWO ritual killing. MK-ULTRA the "unspeakable act"
Please note the "Touch of Gray" sprayed on Barry's head before the speech. Obama could not read scripture off cue cards. You'd think he actually knew these victims of government murder.
I love these Americans. These folks were particularly courageous in light of this "ORDER on the CHAOS" (NWO) event as Barry eluded to. Other key words included "self rule" (by committee) , "what TRIGGERED this vicious attack" (mk-ultra), "use this occasion to turn on each other" (no gun rights campaign), "old assumption to lessen the prospects of such violence in the future" (constitution outdated), "look forward" (transition), "priorities in ORDER" (global governance), "full of MAGIC" (WOT), and "all Americans" (less one)
Oh Barry return us to 911, tie the trauma up in a neat package with your comments on little Christina and other faces of HOPE, HOPE, HOPE.
Get on the plane Barry and fly to Pakistan and speak your fork to the families of drone attacks (more than six)
THANKS TO CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for their mind control techniques and ads. Their loathsome BS helped catapult the patriot movement to the best shots fired.
Congratulations to the patriot who fired this shot of real and valid revolution. THE WAR OF TRAUMA and other mind destroying bullshit dumped in massive and voluminous 24/7 schedules by the imagemakers and illusionists.
White House: No comment on Palin's remark
Winfrey's film flop caused mac-and-cheese binge
Lady Gaga, Eminem, Perry to perform at Grammys
Bankers amp; other Crooks,
COTO News,
Foreign and Domestic Terrorism,
Gun Rights,
Middle East,
Monopoly amp; Too Big To Fail,
NWO amp; Secret Societies,
Obama amp; Company,
Security amp; Safety,
Sleeping with the fishes,
Social Engineering,
Thieves amp; Crooks,
War profiteers
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“Well, they're there...and um..ner..ah...we're here, and...hmm...everything I said about that.”
ReplyDelete~Ronald Reagan at Bitberg.
I think that sums it up nicely.
It's a brainfuck...the whole thing. THOUGHTCRIME:
ReplyDelete“Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pennsylvania, said he will introduce legislation making it a federal crime for a person to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a member of Congress or federal official... Brady is particularly incensed over a web posting by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin during the 2010 election in which she targeted 20 House Democrats, including Giffords, for political defeat. The posting showed a map of the United States in the 20 Democratic districts identified by cross-hairs... 'You can't put bulls-eyes or cross-hairs on a congressman or federal official...' Brady said... it is now time to put an end to the hyper-charged language. 'The rhetoric is just ramped up so negatively, so high, that we have got to shut this down,'... Brady noted that he wanted to have it ready as soon as possible.” (CNN)
So click your heels together and repeat;
"we have got to shut this-down we have got to shut this down-we have got to shut this down-we have got to shut this down-we have got to shut this down...."
Mantranoodles and corexit soup, the ship has a special deck just for poop.
ReplyDeleteWhere was Jarred during the lost weekend. Loughner missing for a week and brainwashed mom and dad are clueless.
When we, the spiritual talk of the FAMILY UNIT DESTRUCTION, this is the danger. The GLOBALIST LUCIFERIANS have a very large pot from which to ladel out these Beta and Delta subjects. S_B_/_\ Once BLUEBEAM is in action, the zombies will be killing masses. The Law Enforcement Community will be out for lunch.
Bluebrain-Peacock combo
Can't you hear the hissing sound?
"Can’t you hear the hissing sound?"
ReplyDeleteYeaaaah...I used to make that sound with balloons, blow them up then hold the mouth piece tight and wiggle it...sorta like whale calls in the disternence.
Ima tellin ya Puddy the master cascade is beginning to slide like the first pebbles of an avalanch branch of davidian dividends.
"Scum together right now, over me"~The be-at-lass pablum, Abby's Toad
I was just thunkin...which I know is against Code D6628B-12-NENER-8-H.A.T.E.-C, Section 2011 J through D.
So I stopped.
CharterNet is wearing its MK on its veritable sleave...kinda like a cufflink for leather freaks.
The house bomb one was funny tho'.
"Where was Jarred during the lost weekend. Loughner missing for a week and brainwashed mom and dad are clueless."
ReplyDeleteTell me more. Do you have the URL? Can I have it daddy? Pulllleeeeze?
ReplyDeleteDuring the past two years, Loughner's behavior had gotten him fired from a job at a fast-food joint, booted from a volunteer post at an animal shelter and ousted from a community college.
Fellow students at Pima Community College, which banished Loughner for behavior problems last September, sketch a disturbing picture. At a summer class in July, he alternated between nice guy and troublemaker who disrupted a math class by blurting out questions about the end of the world. Mark DeBeliso, 19, says Loughner shouted out questions six or seven times during one 90-minute class. The outbursts focused on the apocalypse and death, DeBeliso says.
"It was the kind of stuff where you'd stop and think, 'What in the world is this kid talking about?' " DeBeliso says.
When algebra professor Ben McGahee reprimanded him, Loughner "would sit there with a grin on his face and mumble something to himself," DeBeliso says.
"I was afraid he was going to bring a weapon like a gun to campus," McGahee says. "One student sat next to the door so she could have a quick getaway."
Loughner didn't finish the six-week class, disappearing after about three weeks, says student Tim Damron, 19. Damron says he and fellow students would tell Loughner to be quiet in defense of the professor.
"We were trying to stick up for (McGahee) because Jared didn't respect the teacher. We would tell him to shut up because he was rude," Damron says.
Google has redirected the article and I can't find the link
Did you catch Barry reading his script, and announcing, "Gabby opened here eyes"?
ReplyDeleteUsing this critically injured professional woman's "pet name", in a situation like this -- LEAPT OUT AT ME!!! His tone was as her father, or very familiar friend and buddy. Neither of which he figures to be.
Professing sincerity, while capitalizing on another person's health improvement, while at the same time insinuating that you are chums and all huggy huggy -- this affectation is a big Red Flag. But to be expected.
Charter -- racket
Obama Bread and Circus
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama calls for an end to 'sharply polarized' US
"The 14,000 seat sports arena was filled to capacity hours before he arrived. The mourners gave a standing ovation and ringing cheers to some of those involved with the tragedy, including the two of the surgeons who have been treating Giffords."
Just more “bla bla bla” theater. Business as usual, yada ionkfarts. Obama will be happy to sign any anti-First Amendment legislation that arises from this psyop. That is after all, the agenda.~ww
No...REALLY think about it;
ReplyDelete"Mourners" standing and "ringing cheers"--a Whoopathon as mourning????
Gag me with political theater. Vomitable pathos.
Puddy, you might find this guy's "symbolism" hypothesis interesting...
ReplyDelete UFOs in sun...???
The link below brings up a point that seems to run through some of the latest multi-fatality MK-like shootings:
Thinking back over VATech, Ft. Hood, and now this guy, we see three disparate events with very high kill ratios and wounded. From guys with automatic pistols who were not noted to be marksman. Ft. Hood stands out as an event where many other guns "were" in the vicinity. With each instance, there is supposedly one guy with a gun and a grudge able to wreak serious havoc on innocents. publicly.
Obama shoots for the lowest common denominator again and scores big political points. The event had just the right combination of heroics, god fearin' speechifyin', and false sentimentality to make any Walmart-Stampeder happy. Oh, and the t-shirts were an especially nice touch.
ReplyDeleteAs they say..."Never let a good tragedy go to waste." Obama certainly didn't. Paradoxically, that's why there will be so many more tragedies just like it, in our future. The American zeitgeist is one sick puppy. But then, who really gives a shit.
This is now why I believe the entire Tucson shooting is a staged false-flag government operation.
ReplyDeleteIt's because of the out and out seamless exploitation of the event. Its all so staged. Like magic 14,000-thousand Tee-Shirts appear at a "rally"(?) "political event" (?), or memorial, (take your pick) in a setting that would make Goebbels sigh in admiration.
Has anyone ever tried to order thousands of anything in 2-days time? Not saying ordering 14,000-thousand Tee-shirts couldn't be done, but if our government can be so proficient at staging what is clearly an exploitation of a child's death, and the tragedy that is the false-flag, government run crime that is 9/11, all apparently to dredge-up that "all together" feeling, and along the way use this to demonize those of us that would question the governments involvement in the planning, execution and continued cover-up of the murder of 2,997 people, and than using that crime to start two illegal wars in which an estimated 1.5-million people have been killed, you can start to get the picture of just how corrupt our government has become.
How is it they can put together a huge PR production so quickly and couldn't get help our own citizens during Karina? How is it wars that we were promised would last "no more than 6-months," and would "pay for themselves," are still raging with no end in sight, and they still can't figure out, but when it comes to putting together a rally they're Johnny-on-the-spot?
And how come every time there's a great deal of human life lost because of our governments inability to protect us, (not that, that is their job, outside of protecting our boarders - something else they fail at) they come off like heroes? Not one person that was in a position of influence suffered for their failure to perform their jobs on 9/11 - not one. As a matter of record, everyone of them were however promoted, or received awards for their dereliction of duty.
And to witness this display of exploitation and manipulation that is the crime of 9/11 by the spin-misters using that crime to further exploit it through the death of a child should give anyone pause as too just how evil an enemy it is we face.
And even if I'm wrong about the Tucson shootings being staged, the governments and MSM reaction to it have most certainly have been, and is all so perfectly choreographed. If they were only half as proficient in producing jobs, or stopping the FED from robbing us blind.
Hopefully this will be the year that the reality of the horrible truth that is 9/11 sinks in too enough people in positions of influence, so that the next time the orders come down from the criminals that have ceased control of our government they can turn the weapons ordered to be used on us, on them. Or at the very least refuse to comply. One way or the other this insanity has got to stop.
And I still believe we can do it. There are times in history when more happens in a month than has happened in decades. And the truth of the knowledge of 9/11 is such an event. Once that percentage of people that are willing to act on their knowledge is reached its like a listing boat, it reaches a certain degree and then it suddenly flips. I would like to believe we're at the tipping point.
I'm not looking forward to the chaos and turmoil this knowledge would produce, but I can't help but believe that after the dust settled that we would survive this, and be much the better off for having the courage to hold the cretins accountable, no matter what the cost.
Puddy, way to go with that checkered butterfly in the all seeing eye. Black and white checkers are more than the City of London cop symbols, they represent to the masonic lightbearers day and night. You can see the checkers going through a body scanner in this Richard Branson illuminati advertisement:
Notice the human sacrifice of the stewardess through a trapdoor. Notice the all seeing eye symbol and the chemtrails wrapping the globe. It don't get much more obvious than that.
I got an idea, lets get a bunch of really crummy actors together and call them “government”.
"Like magic 14,000-thousand Tee-Shirts appear at a “rally”~Mr. M
ReplyDeleteYea...that was one of those things about 9/11 that spun my head.
All those American flags fit for autos--millions and millions of them, plus lapel pins.
Right there ready to buy the day after.
All of these things printed in China, and shipped over in containers.
Being in the 'Collectibles Industry" as a designer for years, I KNOW, you have to have all the design work and prototypes prepped by March, to get a product to the shelves by Christmas.
NINE months lead time. You are right in pointing the T-shirt thing out M. This had to have been preplanned months in advance. THAT puts a big whoopie cushion under those lard asses. A phony fart heard 'round the world.
Great comment mr. M
Right Boom;
ReplyDelete"His 20 hits out of 30 shots is very successful especially with 6 fatalities. The Glock 9mm is not really made to produce such results. Given that by the second shot most people would have been in motion and fleeing his results are even more impressive and unlikely. What was the extent of his marksmanship training?
As with Virginia Tech and Columbine the claimed effectiveness of the untrained shooter(s) suggests the participation of additional highly trained shooters."
Now add to that the lack of video. This was an ongoing political event; are we really supposed to believe Gifford's people weren't video taping??? Of course they the FBI have that footage tucked away like all the 9/11 stuff?
Scam bam thank you ma'am.
So...what do we got here Puddy? All this analysis should be compiled into a COTO Report and shoved up some official asses.
One note however--the Glock 9mm IS a fast shooting accurate weapon.
ReplyDeleteIt is the kill ratio though. 9mm is NOT a powerful round. Cops use the Glock 40 or a 45 variant for this very reason.
Thanks Boom,
ReplyDeleteFascinating; New Zodiac wheel.
Yes...the ongoing Pole shift that he mentions as well.
"Ch ch ch changes, changes..."~Bowie
'The wheel of fate spins I stand astonished
I don't know what's what anymore that's for sure
People point to what an act of will can accomplish
But they can never read the final score...'
~Lyric, ww
The Loughners were NOT Jewish, according to the interview Kall did with the Rabinette of the Synygoogin that they were supposedly attending.
ReplyDeleteThe kid being interviewed was just giving his take on things.
The Loughners are apparently Irish Catholics heretically according to the research of Michael Hoffman.
"Reliable hearsay" is an oxymoron.”~Michael Hoffman
purrrrrrrr ...
ReplyDeleteThe magician
distracts the eye
with one hand
while he does
his manipulation
with the other
ReplyDeleteThanks for that link Pod.
ReplyDeleteMeredith Whitney –- outlined in a “60 Minutes” interview last month — lays out expectations of “50 to 100 sizeable defaults” among municipalities, amounting to “hundreds of billions of dollars” worth of soured debt.
Well...what is surprising here? I mean, OF COURSE munis are going to punk and puke.
Cities are going to punk and puke. States are going to punk and puke. The whole world is going to punk and puke.
All bulls are bullshit that's where they got their name...some finely heeled lexiconist in the sky said; "Let there be bullshit". And verily I say unto thee all the way to Amen.
Good comments all. Nice to hear from M.
ReplyDeleteExposing the corruption and crimes should be #1 on American's TO DO list. Where to start is important. 9/11 remains the focal point. But I would say, the People should go for the low hanging fruit on the way to the brass ring... There are so many instances and events to choose from, that organization and cataloguing of the events needs to be done. Interestingly, small events can bring big results (the latest Silvio Berlusconi mistake of paying a 17 yr. old for sex, mentioned on may end up ousting the criminal).
A really ripe fruit begging to be picked is the Red Cross Emergency Fund for Haiti, as administered and marketed by Bush, Jr., and Clinton. These billions of funds have not been spent (on Haitians). With minimal research, it is easy to see that the MONEY certainly has not gone to help the people. Where is it? Why has it not been distributed? We know why, but most do not. When they sent in their check they did their part, and moved on. Meanwhile, answers need to be demanded of Bush, Jr., and Clinton, and an investigation commenced.
Pick one, and move on it. Expose the criminality so there is no answer left except -- GUILTY AS CHARGED.
The PTB are looking to re-up the Freedom-Burning Patriot Act:
More interesting info at:
ReplyDeleteWSJ says there is a video of the shooting
Keep you mind on the objective:
Aries the new sub age: NA moving into Apollo (Lucifer) to mark the Conflict part of WWIII, global murder.
ReplyDeleteThe New Mars mission program will de dubbed Aries. No matter what numerology
they follow it all comes down to the 13 ruling bloodlines. As you can see and already know the entire illuminati hierarchy is denoted by 13. The fiat dolar since 1939 (22) has been about thirteen colonies, arrows, leaves, stars, etc.
But when it comes to the New Age you are on the track. The serpent bearer, the kicker, the change, the TRIPLE CROSS!!!! Bullseye Boomer.
This is the false prophet phase running through aries and taurus. I predicted the first of the CHARISMATICS coming. The real one, not the Popes, Billy Graham, Joel Osteens, etc.
THE REAL MCKOY. (scottish rites) The alien, the AVATAR, the serpent, the MATREYA. Forming the 10 Govenors.
See the symbols
Form the concept of earth, the change, the astral event, the earthly events and the Aries/Mars event. The three, the triad. MIND, BODY, SOUL. The healer is coming. That is after we are all mentally ill and sick thanks to the TRIAD.
That forms well in Masonic and New Age rhetoric that does support their plans for an earthly eugenics cycle at the same time of Bluebeam and the comng Charismatic.
Yeah, we do too!
At least a .357 Sig
ReplyDeleteThe triad Obtuse. It always has three benefits (at least) and one is always redistributing the wealth up the pyramid.
ReplyDeleteThis wasn't a memorial as much as a celebration of Fabian Barry and the AZ Hopi hipsters. I'll bet our tax dollars went to get that sycophant soiree put together in record time.
Our government can get things done when they need to.
Medieval Amerika Inc.
ReplyDeleteTUCSON, Ariz. — For Jared Loughner, the morning of the deadly shooting rampage was a blur of activity. He hustled to Walmart twice. He ran a red light, with the officer letting him off with a warning. Back home, he grabbed a black bag from the trunk of a family car and fled into the desert on foot, his suspicious father giving chase.
Later, Loughner took a cab to a Safeway supermarket and began squeezing off round after round into the crowd.
The new details of the Walmart visits and the traffic stop emerged Wednesday, adding to the picture of the last frenetic hours the 22-year-old spent before the attack Saturday that gravely wounded his apparent target, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and killed six others.
Loughner's behavior grew from disruptive to deranged over time, but never violent, according to the reports. In one, dated Sept. 23, an officer called to quiet an outburst described Loughner as incomprehensible, his eyes jittery, his head awkwardly tilted.
"He very slowly began telling me in a low and mumbled voice that under the Constitution, which had been written on the wall for all to see, he had the right to his 'freedom of thought' and whatever he thought in his head he could also put on paper. ... His teacher 'must be required to accept it' as a passing grade," the officer wrote. "It was clear he was unable to fully understand his actions."
In a poetry class, he made comments about abortion, wars and killing people, then asked: "Why don't we just strap bombs to babies?"
Sheriff's reports detailed nine contacts officers had with Loughner or one of his parents, from May 1994 to March 2010. The first with Jared Loughner came in September 2004, when he reported that a fellow student pricked him with a needle.~HuffPost
The perennial question again arises; 'What does it mean to be well adjusted in a pathological society?'~ww
“In a poetry class, he [Loughner] made comments about abortion, wars and killing people, then asked: "Why don't we just strap bombs to babies?"
This is not insane. The US is murdering people all over the world. Amerikans can't seem to recall this in any traveling-conceptual fashion because their compartmentalized mental condition. All of these holier than thou commentators on the published stories on the web are as crazy as Loughner in their own collective way.
The officer who questioned him on Sept. 23 seems to have no idea of what the Constitution means, and obviously no one in his class did either. But, “it's Loughner who is the one who is “deranged”.
I don't think I am the only one in this fucked up country sitting here mulling over these things. It must be occurring to others that there is a larger picture that all of this goes into.
But I have to state clearly that I do not condone Loughner's acts of murder. Why do I have to do that? Why the caveat? Because Amerikans are as stupid as a bag of bricks, because they would leap to conclusions about what I am saying, and accuse me of “Thought Crimes”.
Many chemtrails and symbols appearing in an ad-
Excellent reply and info Puddy. We thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd since we're talking guns; the forensics on the different calibers (and any different weapons fired) are so easy to identify, and plain as day, that witnesses are one group who can spin the cheese, the forensic guys another, and of course, the Video of the event.
ReplyDeleteWhere's are the Waldos in this picture? They ought to stand out like a sore thumb.
Once, Jesus drew in the sand on the ground, the sins of the heart of those in the murderous crowd who were seeking to stone a woman for adultery. You know the story. Eventually, every accuser slinked away when they saw their own sins written on the sand and realized the point being made.
ReplyDeleteLoughner acted out his thoughts. But then so have a lot of politicians, bankers, corporate criminals, etc. The finance guys seem to get away with a snicker, and Loughner will be punished... This ought to be addressed.
My point is Rogue, "thought crimes" are "virtual" crimes. I know modern electronics has created a virtual world for many, but "thought crimes" composed of "virtual intent" to be punished with "real" consequences??? WTF! This is a laughably insane proposition, and the quacks who speak it need to go pass a "megalomaniac" test themselves. Home Page
ReplyDeleteWhile I was on the web looking into Small Schools Workshops just now 1:14 Jan 14, Internet Explorer suddenly messaged that it had to shut down.
“virtual intent” to be punished with “real” consequences??? WTF!"~Boom
But this has been the case for over a hundred years; something called Malum Prohibitum. Theoretical crimes against "community" punished in real physical terms.
Example: It is a theory that the community suffers because an individual partakes in some substance alone at home--not even interacting with others, but police are authorised to break down the doors and ransck-demolish the place, handcuff said "criminal" and eventually put the 'sinner' in prison for years.
Yes yes; WTF! WTF! WTF!????????????
BTW "They" so not want you looking into Small Schools Workshops, as is obvious by what just happened as I was doing just that and the Internet suddenly blinked off. The Conrollers are controlling.
Jacob G. Hornberger can articulate these things better than Loughner, who was abviously overwhelmed by it all.
ReplyDeleteI am still of the mind--even more so now with all the info on 'Small Schools Workshops', and the connection with the Chicago gang. They picked out their Manchurian Candidate.
There is even a chance that his parents are part of this; watch the movie Manchurian Candidate [the original] again if this sounds far fetched.
Read more:
No crash Boom--the Internet just flashed off with a note: "Sorry I have to go now."
ReplyDeleteIt encountered a "Problem"...ha ha ha ha ha...jeeeese
Yea, the real forensics on this will NEVER see the light of day.
ReplyDeleteCount on it.
I read somewhere the judge was actually the first one shot. And I still think he was the primary target. Every single AZ judge on the circuit recused themselves--oh great excuse for that sure. But really no a one of them want to get involved with this very dangerous game.
We have a Night of the 'Long Knives' going on in Amerika, right now.
“Clearly better gun control laws are needed, but won't be forthcoming even after Tucson, a tragedy America's media will tire of covering and fade, but not gun related homicides across America, mostly out of sight and unreported.”
ReplyDeleteLendman, who so often claims to be a champion of the Constitution, now spews this bullshit. This shows him to br a subtle shill in my book. I cross him off my list of "good guys"
Check this out:
We lost all the professors didn't we. Waldo, Camus and some others. Hmmm maybe bored or moved onto greeeeeener pastures. ;)
ReplyDeleteRemeber the cops always appear in the mix. For a handler and trigger sequence this can fill the bill quite nicely. Running a stop sign. I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteDoes the virtual reality arena exacerbate the violence or is it a means to dump the thought crime into a digital rampage?
ReplyDelete“In a poetry class, he [Loughner] made comments about abortion, wars and killing people, then asked: “Why don’t we just strap bombs to babies?”
We are. It's called PLAY STATION.
Meredith Whitney is one of the rare ones speaking truth about the financial situation. She has a good record on predictions.
ReplyDeleteThere are a record high number of bullish (or as Will observes, 'bullshit') financial advisors now, one of the better contrarian signals in a couple years. Add in the highly accurate bear predictor of a low put/call ratio, low VIX, near unanimous insider selling, and low fund cash reserves and you have an asset market poised for some spectacular cliff diving just when ten out of ten Barrons' experts are bullish on 2011. Even precious metals will be under pressure for awhile.
Shhh, don't tell anyone, but real inflation is much higher than the phony CPI, therefore the real return on so called AAA bonds at current prices is negative. Bonds were a great buy in 1980 and right up to the mid nineties but in these times they are an overbought bubble, not a conservative investment.
Now some say the munis will continue to avoid default by imposing user fees, so that Joe six pack can once again be the go to man after Greenspan got him to pay into FICA to provide the new taxes that will be necessary to make bond payments. The surveillance apparatus will come in useful in tax collection. Have your local politicians been breaking you into the mantra of "austerity and user fees," i.e., if you want what they used to provide for free now it is gonna cost you? Oh, and the military cannot be cut, ya know, it is we civilians who must be sacrificed to keep the legions in clean laundry despite shitting their pants over 12 year old Afghan boys having a good laugh at their expense, waiting for the American surrender and national bankruptcy.
Is there a way out of this engineered fiasco?
The states could begin state banks with state currencies...but the question is how such instruments would survive in the NWO and whether there would be convertibility into thalers, yuan, euros, or SDRs. If the Fed won't help the munis then the munis may just have to ponder going indy city state and getting free of the train wreck in Warshington. Federal troops may prevent such secessions. I think all this is still five to ten years off. Of course after a century of programming and a total lack of education in money creation, perhaps there will be such chaos--and the lightbearers proposing a new world order out of chaos--that these self help remedies will be prevented. The munis for now are much more likely to tax the shit out of the public on their property and all services, which will be stingy to begin with and of lousy quality, than to fall to chaotic default. I think even the Rothschilds have now figured it out they made a fundamental miscalculation back at the beginning. Oops...
"We are. It’s called PLAY STATION."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteHa ha, bravo.
Boom, did you notice this bit of interesting forensic information in the comments section?
Ballistic fingerprinting techniques are based on the principle that all firearms have inevitable variations due to marks left by the machining process, leaving shallow impressions in the metal which are rarely completely polished out. Also, normal wear and tear from use can cause each firearm to acquire distinct characteristics over time.
When a bullet is fired through a rifled barrel, the raised and lowered spirals of the rifling etch fine grooves called “striations” into the bullet. These can be matched with the barrel through which the bullet was fired. Examiners distinguish between striations common to all guns of a particular type (”class characteristics”) and those unique to a particular gun (”individual characteristics”).
The class characteristics depend upon the type of rifling in the barrel, which varies among manufacturers and models in number and shape of the grooves, twist rate, and direction. Colt, for example, traditionally uses a left-hand twist, while Smith and Wesson uses a right hand twist; a current production M16 rifle uses a 1 in 7 inch twist, while most civilian AR-15s and the current Mini-14 use a 1 in 9 inch twist. Marlin Firearms use a distinctive 16-groove Micro-Groove rifling in many of their firearms, while the M1903 Springfield rifle had two, four, or six grooves depending on the manufacturer. Polygonal rifling may leave striations that are difficult to match to a particular barrel.
- – -
Glock uses a polygonal shaped barrel; octagonal on the .45 auto, where the flat sides of the octagon perform the rifling, and hexagonal on the 9mm (i think).
- – -
Polygons with a larger number of edges provide a better gas seal in relatively large diameter polygonally rifled bores. In the Glock pistol, for instance, octagonal rifling is used in the large diameter .45 ACP bore, which has a 11.23 mm (0.442 in) diameter, since it resembles a circle more closely than the hexagonal rifling used in smaller diameter bores.
Polygonal rifling prevents the forensic firearms examiner from microscopically measuring the width of land and groove impressions because the lands and grooves have a rounded profile instead of a well-defined rectangular profile. In the FBI GRC file, the land and groove widths for these firearms are listed as 0.000.
- – -
Bottom line: experts can’t tell for sure what gun fired what bullets during forensic investigations. Which may be the underlying hidden agenda of the cops, and assassins, for using Glocks, or polygonal barreled guns.
A second shooter in the AZ massacre last weekend ? If so nobody could tell from the bullets !
The weight of the bullets is a tell, notwithstanding the markings. It is amazing to me that a crowd cannot discern (more than 1 shooter). But I haven't been in that crowd, so maybe it can happen. However, looking at the varied number of public shootings, there always seems to be a controlled "official story", which often is implausible or provides wide latitude for believability versus the "other stories" which try to explain the event based on the facts "allowed" to surface.
ReplyDeleteActually, I'm sick of every damn incident being a real brain twister because of the now permanent assumption of (many) Americans that our "officials" and "authorities" LIE as a matter of course.
I wonder if they tied "GABBY"S" vocal chords? I'd like to hear her take on the TI Loughner. The Committee will have to keep close tabs on her toungue throughout the recovery if they missed the targeted lobe they were aiming for.
ReplyDeleteHe broke through ONE POINT OF LIGHT THERE Boomer. Now he's got 999 more to expose and accept. Good point!
ReplyDeleteIt's a beta test for G6. They will carry this to the point of bodyscanners.
ReplyDeleteThe Chicago gang is getting ready for the columbine event for the northern midwest. I don't know if IL, PA, WI, OH or MI will be targeted but it will be there I believe.
This little AZ event (6) will be supersized later this year.
It's called Camelot Syndrome Boomer.
ReplyDeleteTie up the strings. This is quantum physics tires meeting the the silicon road.
Financial and social modeling, Black Swans, Ruby slippers, predictive theory, Linguistics, statistical freakonomics and the committee mainframe.
Down. As in the "gravity" of the state of being.
ReplyDeleteYes...the weight of the bullets would tell--but if several 9mm are coordinated in a crossfire...nons the wiser but the planner.
ReplyDeleteMarry Poppins twirls around in a Utpopian field of digital flowers singing, "The world is alive with the sound of fruitcakes"...