[caption id="attachment_12730" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="AGENT OF ILL"][/caption]
It is all making sense now. BP's Tony Hayward, the monster of the Gulf of Mexico, approached about directorship of Glencore. Glencore is owned by Marc Rich, the Mossad smuggler who was pardoned by Bill Clinton thanks to Scooter Libby and one Eric Holder. Is oily and Corexit-soaked fish kosher, "gefoiled fish?"
Article at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jan/23/tony-hayward-glencore-approach
Snip >
Gun Control Fight this a.m. coming through the Back Door:
There’s a big fight brewing in the U.S. Senate...
.... no, wait. Not brewing. It’s boiled over.
Senator Harry Reid is pushing for rules to enable gun control in the U.S. Senate.
And unless you act NOW, he just may pass those rules -- and enable gun control for decades to come.3
Harry Reid is pushing Senate Resolution 10, which does away with the tool that has stopped more gun control in America than anything else: the filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Please take just a few minutes to call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-2131 and ask for your senators at their Washington, DC office.
Tell them both to oppose changing the rules in the Senate, and that you’ll be watching their vote.
You see, our founding fathers put the filibuster in place as a last line of defense against a government run amok.
And it’s the last real hurdle Harry Reid needs to overcome to enact gun control.
The truth is that virtually every gun control scheme ever offered in Congress has had to face the filibuster. And anti-gunners like Sarah Brady have to devise schemes to get around it.
And this time, the gun-haters believe they have a way around the filibuster: just do away with it.
Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to get rid of the filibuster rule precisely because it has stopped so much liberal, anti-gun legislation.
So please, make those two phone calls, and send those two e-mails, and do them as soon as possible. Any delay means you might miss the vote.
The information again is:
the Congressional switchboard
202-224-2131 (The Line is Busy, Busy, Busy…)
ask for your senators at their Washington, DC office
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. This morning the U.S. Senate is voting on a rule change that could enable gun control for years to come.
Please take just a few minutes to call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-2131 and ask for your senators at their Washington, DC office.
Tell them both to oppose changing the rules in the Senate, and that you’ll be watching their vote.
dont end up like aus did, no guns for most, insane rules regs and fees to the few who do own them. by all means do a sanity check, but the rest? just control.
ReplyDeleteAllrighty then -- two folks from U.K. have arrived here at COTO. This Tony Hayward S.O.B. is a criminal of the highest order. You Brits want to weigh in, speak up, tell us your thoughts?
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! Interesting...the Brits signed off almost immediately upon my posting the comment above. What? Don't want to comment? Left a footprint though. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteHello there City of London who just arrived 4 minutes ago. What say you?
ReplyDeleteI can not put into print here what the answer to this action by the criminal syndicate ensconced in DC should be.
ReplyDeleteBlue stiff fingers, that thought lingers even though Ben Hur is long in his grave.
Blue stiff fingers, Blue stiff fingers, may this thought become the rave.
Just remember folks, the government does not grant our rights, they are ours by our birth as free human beings.
I ask no quarter, and I shall offer none once the starting gate opens.
As I posted earlier, Puddy, the phone line was..."busy". Interminably.
ReplyDeleteThat is an OMEN. NOBODY IS ANSWERING. NOT LISTENING. Whatever. Oh, bummer, can't get through to the PTB. They're DEAF to the WILL of the PEOPLE.
Reid, Pelosi, and other shitheads are TREASONOUS to the United States of America.
Reid it. Read it. Remember it. That Asshole will be one of the first "gatekeepers" along with Dodd and Pelosi to feel the wrath of Americans whom they have sold out. Yeah. Sold OUT -- let's see an investigation and accounting of these shysters offshore accounts.
Off the Cuff -- is our Military entirely braindead, or can do they maybe have an inkling of the treason THEIR bosses have committed while putting these soldiers in harm's way? I wanna know? Anybody out there want to speak UP?
"Nothing can help you"~ a Hebrew curse.
I have a feeling the Nature herself is going to wipe "politics" off the map.
ReplyDeleteToo bad that scenario throws out the baby with the bathwater. But maybe with such poison bathwater the baby's dead anyway. Allegro Mundo.