[caption id="attachment_12507" align="aligncenter" width="287" caption="Don't Ask Why?"][/caption]
In fact, the folks who know the law, make the laws, and know how to abuse them, have determined that this hideous ? “mark” is simply too revolutionary by it’s very nature to allow it’s further use by citizens/peasants. Deemed a “gateway” to terrorist activities like free thinking, forming one’s own opinion instead of choosing from the multiple choice answers provided by government and media – QUESTIONING is on the way to being outlawed.
Administration officials have been viciously attacked with mountains of emails and phone calls by frightened GameShow hosts who realize their socially important “jobs” will be eliminated if they can’t ask questions or seek answers. Apparently, they have been arrested and detained indefinitely for (you guessed it) asking too many questions publicly. . Journalists are not fearful of the change, as their "questions" are always pre-masticated by their handlers anyways, before being hocked up as journalistic loogies, to then be spit in the faces of the gullible peasantry as "facts" and the real "reality".
Marketing focus groups assembled to find the best way to sell this turkey have concluded that Americans in general will welcome the change to a non-questioning society. With open arms and closed minds, will Americans embrace this “Change”.
The biggest boon to throwing out the hideous mark and the thinking for which it stands, will be the immediate peace that descends upon the population by ridding it of the burden of questioning and thinking. With the heavy pressing responsibility of information gathering and thinking removed by government fiat, tremendous economies-of-scale will be realized in the private sector.
Citing the fabulous track record of recent administrations in managing the colossal growth of government and the faux debt economy, Congress agreed that it is best if “they” do the thinking around these parts. It is so much simpler and efficient to command and control -- rather than cajole, persuade with rational arguments, take democratic polls, or seek the will of the People. Bush the junior did not realize how prescient his comment was, when he stated how much easier it would be to run the country as a dicktater. For it was his father, Bush, Snr. who made the statement, "If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will hang us from the lamp posts". This lament can now be tossed into the "official secrets" bin of history, for without questions and investigations, why worry, aye?
To ALL AMERICANS: RELAX! If there is any thinking to do, your authorities will do it for you.
On a parallel path with the programming, Dana Jill Simpson, the Alabama attorney who stepped forward in 2007 to provide sworn evidence on how her fellow Republicans were framing Democratic former Gov. Don Siegelman on corruption charges, today released a statement saying that President Obama's Department of Justice has declared a "war on whistleblowers." She stated, "We are getting dangerously close to becoming a "Dictator Democracy' where even our thoughts can get us in trouble," wrote Simpson, "and anything we do to bring truth to our citizens can get us thrown in jail."
"THINK NOT, AND SERVE YOUR COUNTRY" shall be the refrain throughout the "Homeland".
By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Article located at: http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/peace_freedom/patriots_and_protesters/news.php?q=1294669755
(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson yesterday, the mainstream media is now desperately trying to blame the attack on "anti-government" sentiment. USA Today ran a tabloid journalism piece that selectively cherry-picked certain phrases used by Jared Lee Loughner in order to create the impression that he was some sort of anti-government nut. Loughner was actually a mentally deranged individual who ranted about everything from "grammar" to imaginary birds (http://www.naturalnews.com/030953_G...). His state of mind, as evidenced from his YouTube posts, seems incapable of holding any traditionally-recognized political philosophy.
The Associated Press, meanwhile, actually blamed the "political climate" for the shooting, saying, "The nation's caustic political climate has become a suspect of sorts in the rampage that left six dead and a lawmaker critically injured in Arizona." The implication from these kinds of stories is that if you criticize the government, you therefore promote violence.
That is, of course, a silly idea, especially considering the fact that the government nearly always uses the threat of violence against its own citizens to get what it wants. To use the example of Obamacare, the law itself says that if citizens don't buy health insurance, the U.S. government will essentially extract a large sum of money from you by force through the use of IRS agents and, if necessary, the government seizure of your assets.
On the health care front, remember it was the U.S. government that committed medical violence against children by forcing teens with cancer to undergo chemotherapy against their will (http://www.naturalnews.com/019617.html). Various local governments also routinely threaten vegan parents with having their children taken away by Child Protective Services if they don't start feeding their children processed factory foods such as hamburgers.
The FDA, for its part, routinely sends extremely threatening letters to natural product companies (cherry growers, walnut growers, green tea importers, etc.) that contain extremely threatening language that imply company executives will be "criminally prosecuted" by the FDA, or have their assets seized, or even have their businesses shut down if they don't agree to admit to crimes they never even committed (selling "unapproved drugs" which are really just cherries). (http://www.naturalnews.com/019366.html)
No one is surprised when the government uses the threat of violence to get what it wants these days. Today, the government actually commits felony crimes against the American people on a daily basis! It's called the "enhanced pat-down" by the TSA. If you did the exact same thing to another person at your office, you would be arrested as a "violent criminal" and charged with sexual assault.
The FDA, too, has a long history of armed raids against innocents (http://www.naturalnews.com/021791.html) who were merely trying to help others improve their health with the power of nutritional supplements. These raids are always conducted with the use of firearms.
The FDA even sent agents into Ecuador last year to illegally kidnap Greg Caton (http://www.naturalnews.com/027750_G...) and fly him out of the country, in complete violation of international law. This, too, was conducted with the use of multiple armed agents wielding firearms.
More recently, the U.S. government led an armed raid on a Venice, California food cooperative selling raw milk (http://www.naturalnews.com/030136_R...).
When the government commits acts of violence, it's okay?
There are many other examples of similar acts of violence by the government committed against the People of America, but it all brings me to this important question: Why are people so outraged when citizens commit acts of violence against a government official while relatively few people seem to care when the government commits acts of violence against the People?
The outrage expressed in the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords is entirely justified, as violence is never the answer to disputes. Yet shouldn't we all be similarly outraged when the government uses violence or the threat of violence to achieve its own political aims with the People?
The mainstream media is dedicating a tremendous amount of coverage to this story on Giffords, and that is certainly appropriate for its own reasons. But did that same media cover the armed raid of a raw milk food store in California? Of course not.
Or how about the story that the U.S. government is conspiring with the GMO industry to threaten "a list of retaliatory targets" in Europe who resist the introduction of GMOs there? (http://www.naturalnews.com/030828_G...) You won't find that story in the New York Times, USA Today, LA Times or any other U.S. newspaper that I'm aware of.
The language used by the U.S. ambassador to France -- the "list of retaliatory targets" -- is precisely the kind of language that Sarah Palin is now accused of using against her political opponents in America. Sarah is being called out as an instigator of this shooting, yet I'm not aware of a single mainstream news outlet in America that bothered to cover this story of the U.S. government's GMO conspiracy to push toxic crops into Europe. By the way, I'm not a Sarah Palin supporter, so that's not where this is coming from. I'm a Ron Paul supporter, but now it seems that even supporting something like a desire to audit the Fed or honor the Constitution is going to be characterized as "radical" speech that will somehow be blamed for these acts of violence carried out by the mentally deranged.
Non-violence must be a two-way street
This is not meant in any way to excuse this act of violence against Giffords and those who attended her meeting. I'm already on the record condemning this act, and in every case that I have pushed for grassroots advocacy on this website, it has been done with the strict urging of non-violent action.
Yet, unlike so many in the mainstream media, I believe non-violence should work both ways. I believe the United States government should stop using violence and the threat of violence against its own People in its efforts to oppress food freedom, to vaccinate children against their parents' will, and to force people to buy into a health care plan they do not wish to purchase or use.
If you do not yet understand that the government uses violence as a matter of course to get its way, then I challenge you to stop paying your property taxes for a few years and see what happens. Before long, your property will be taken from you (seized) and then sold in order to pay your "liability" to the government. And when they come to remove you from your property, will they bring happy people bearing flowers? Nope. They bring men with guns. The guns, of course, are at their sides to let you know that your compliance is not voluntary. (I pay my property taxes, by the way, and I'm not opposed to financially supporting local government where it makes sense. I use this as a simple example to point out one way in which the threat of violence is used by government.)
Real peace requires governments to be kept in check
If we truly condemn violence, we must condemn it from all sources, including our own governments which are, strictly speaking, the most violent and murderous organizations in the history of the world. Virtually every mass-murder that has taken place in human history has been carried out by a government claiming to be working for "a better world." (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, you name it...)
This is why the most peaceful society is one in which the government's power is not absolute, and where the government is held in check by the citizenry who watch over the actions of government. This is also precisely why the founding fathers of the United States of America specifically created a limited federal government structure while guaranteeing certain freedoms and rights to the People as enumerated in the Bill of Rights. When Bush was in office, the government took huge steps to weaken that Bill of Rights with the setting up of secret military prisons and the Patriot Act which allows the government to arrest and detain you indefinitely, without being charged, with no attorney, for any reason they claim is related to terrorism.
The Patriot Act, of course, exists in complete violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. President Obama actually ran on the platform that he would shut down Guantanamo Bay and end the secret military prisons. (There's another broken campaign promise, eh?)
Statistically speaking, the risk of violent acts occurring in any given country is far, far greater when governments rule over their people with absolute tyranny (Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.) than in a more balanced scale of power where governments must answer to the People. The most important way to prevent violence over the long term is to keep government in check and make sure that its power never nullifies the rights of the People.
This is not a conservative nor liberal point of view. This is a practical peace philosophy that recognizes this simple inescapable fact: Most of the violence committed in our world has been committed by governments against their own people (or against the people of other nations).
As someone who finds the application of violence to resolve problems deeply offensive, I am appalled by the mainstream media's "selective" outcry of violent acts in certain selected situations while they ignore the threat of violence used every day by the government itself. The violent resolution of disagreements is unacceptable in a civilized society, yet the media apparently has no problem whatsoever covering their eyes and allowing violence to be committed against the People by the government.
Stop government violence against innocents
That is the real tragedy here. How many more innocents must be killed by acts of violence committed by the government before we will wake up and realize that peace is a two-way street?
When the government stops allowing the poisoning our water supply (fluoride), poisoning our food (GMOs), and the mass poisoning of our children (vaccines and psychiatric medication), the anti-government rhetoric will quickly reflect such changes and naturally morph into something far less confrontational. There is a sensible reason why the anti-government rhetoric of today is so strong: Because government is not listening to the People.
When the federal government bails out rich Wall Street banksters to the tune of trillions of dollars while everyday people are losing their jobs and homes, people tend to get irritated (to say the least). When people are treated like cattle by the TSA and sexually molested for merely trying to travel on an airplane, they tend to not like that very much. When farmers are arrested for selling raw cow's milk to their neighbors, and people who carry homemade chocolate are arrested and treated like drug smugglers, it tends to tee off more than a few citizens.
And when the Obama administration forces us all into buying an insurance police for a sick-care system that we neither use, nor support, nor believe in, people can get downright angry about it. This is not irrational; it is entirely understandable. And it deserves open debate which must include people being able to stand up and point out what's wrong with various government laws, or policies, or regulatory agencies. This is part of the Democratic process.
Maybe instead of asking why so many people are speaking out against the government, the media should be asking why the government has so little respect for the rights and freedoms of the People in the first place.
And perhaps instead of condemning the People so often, the government should spend a little time trying to figure out how to serve the People. That is, of course, what government was supposed to do in the first place: Serve the interests of the People.
Questioning your government is necessary in any functioning democracy
To the extent that government continues to betray the People (FDA, TSA, CDC, etc.), it should surprise no one that the People aren't happy about it. Questioning government is one of the most patriotic acts in which an American citizen can engage, because it is that questioning -- and a demand for accountability -- that forces bureaucrats to answer to the People in some small way.
It is shameful and inexcusable that the mainstream media would now exploit this act of extreme violence committed in Arizona and use it as a condemnation of those who seek to keep their government in check by asking intelligent questions. It's almost as if the media now wants to order Americans to "shut up and do what you're told" because Big Government has all the answers for you. Just take your vaccine shots, buy your rip-off sick-care insurance and keep sweating away to earn a few dollars while the Federal Reserve effectively steals your money by creating trillions of dollars that are used to bail out the world's wealthy elite.
If the mere act of questioning the integrity of the federal government is now going to be blamed for every violent act, then we truly live under a society where the insanity of Jared Loughner has infected the minds of the newsmakers, too. It is a cowardly act to hide behind these deaths in Arizona while shouting out, "The questioners caused this! No more questioning the government!" This is precisely what the government-controlled press announced in the Nazi era. Anyone who dared to ask questions about Hitler's ever-expanding power was arrested and (usually) put to death.
I believe this is a time when, more than ever, we all need to be standing up and asking questions such as: Is the FDA's censorship against healthy nutrition part of the reason we have so much mental illness in America?
There's a question that makes the mainstream media extremely uncomfortable. Pharmaceutical advertising money is at stake, of course, and the last thing the media wants is people asking questions that really threaten to expose the truth behind why so many people in America suffer from mental illness. Hint: It has everything to do with nutrition, which has everything to do with the FDA's tyrannical censorship of free speech about nutritional therapies.
We'll cover more about that in a follow-up story. In the mean time, keep questioning government. It is your duty as a free citizen to do so. It is essential to the health and long-term sustainability of any democracy. It is patriotic and fundamentally necessary for the protection of freedom in a functioning democracy.
Do not let the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords be the beginning of America's jack-booted march down the dark path of stifling Free Speech and demonizing rational dissent.
My heart goes out to Giffords, her staffers and the others who were killed or wounded in this senseless act of violence. I literally pray for a world where all such violence comes to end, including government acts of violence against the People.
Jan. 9, 2011
And..."All the hallmarks" of al Sqidea umn er, the CIA, more pointedly the NWO Intel Serivces.
ReplyDeleteAll the repercussions in the above article are the anticipated reaction in the Hegelian plant of a "Problem". They describe the coming so-called "Solution", or "Reaction"
Points in fact that indicate Loughner as a Monarch brainwashed "Mancherian Cantidate", are screaming bells and whistles and dancing lights--like hitting the jackpot on a Vegas slotmachine.
I've posted on Puddy's, Protocols article many of the links in the chain of indicators; but as a special update on those, this information is at least the 'smell' of cordite, if not the smoking gun, that this is a MK Psyop we are dealing with:
"His newly appointed lawyer, Judy Clarke, stood beside him as the judge ordered Loughner held without bail. The next court hearing was set for Jan. 24.
She was the defense attorney for Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh.
Clarke has helped defend several high-profile clients including Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, alleged 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui."
Clarke is a "Handler", just like Dr. Louis Jollyon West in the Sirhan Sirhan case.
These are paralell lines drawn directly from the data available that fit a historically well worn template.
It is my opinion that Loughlner was profiled as a "Receptive" candidate for this op when He attempted to join the military, and that he was shepherded into it from that time forward.
Here we have with Loughner, the first bonefied "Homegrown Terrorist"
ReplyDeletesince Mc Veigh...with perfect timing for the unfolding agenda of the coming CRACKDOWN.
Look for a cascade of such things waiting in the wings.
BTW Boom,
ReplyDeleteExcellent article. Full of nitty gritty for the natyal snitty.
Thanks, ww
Cheers, mate!
ReplyDeleteHey, the Get Rid of Guns sharks are surfacing everywhere as expected. WHERE was the police presence at this function? And can you imagine, if only 1, but perhaps 3-5 or more of the Arizona residents attending had been carrying a firearm? The damage would have been considerably smaller. So, don't try and tell me disarming is the answer here. Always, Always, Always, the criminals and deranged get guns, or something else as required to fulfill their "mission".
So...where was "anybody" with a gun? Or perhaps, some were carrying, and decided for themselves that, "Shoot, this might be a government operation, and I could get in trouble for interfering".
Now, of course, we'll see legislation passed on emotion to "fix" the problem. They're already working on some Funeral legislation that I caught wind of, but don't understand yet the implications of said ramrodded legislation.
This guy here is inquiring...is that a question? What is the meaning of "is"?
We now live in a world where conspiracy is Occam’s Razor. When can you get a member of congress and federal judge in a parking lot, middle of town, public rally, both under death threats, no police in ten miles, no US Marshals, no video cameras (Gifford always brings a video team)?
Kennedy warned us that secrecy would bring us tyranny". {end quote}
I suppose this is all only going to get worse, crescendo^.
ReplyDeleteAnother recent demise of a politically linked individual (Ex-congressional aide, Ashley Turton)
This piece is from PrisonPlanet. The Phoenix lapel pin gets addressed along with lots of folks comments regarding gun rights, oddities regarding this entire event, and specific details about the actual number of shots fired. The bizarre attending doctors confusion regarding the "entry" and "exit" wounds on Giffords smells something fishy is rotting in the light of day.
Where is everybody t'nite? Froze in place?
ReplyDeleteyes, indeed.
ReplyDeleteour hearts go out to the Giffords,
her family, friends and staffers,
and to all the others who were killed
or wounded in this act of violence.
Question ?
"Why are people so outraged
when citizens commit acts of violence
against a government official
while relatively few people seem to care
when the government commits
acts of violence against the People?"
I'll weigh the concepts of group mind
versus that of the individual
inside an economic reward system
which have conditioned both.
The group, the herd, the collective,
the sheeple of this world need to belong.
The idea of 'go along to get along'
has manifested in our corporate structure,
that being our present form of governance.
At the genisis of the United States of America
the dogma was that governments
are instituted to secure the rights
of life, liberty, and the pursuite of happiness.
Liberty being a man's sovereignty onto themselves,
and where any two or more sovereignties associate
without forced abdication the State begins.
It seems to me, today at present,
the "State" begins with fiat funny-money.
And "the People" are but slaves
to their despotic corporate masters,
willing to sale their grand children's labor
for financial returns from a fraudulent Ponzi scheme.
If I were to pass a bad check, I'd be punished.
bad, bad kitty, bad kitty !!! squrt-gun run ...
A private Bank writes an insufficient funds check
for $600,000,000,000.00 .. nothing .. crickets ..
If Podzemi eats the neighbor's parakeet, yum !
bad bad, bad kitty, !!! no more friskies for Pod
If Bankers invade another nation to inforce
petrodollar hegemony .. standing ovation applause.
The sheeple only care about their check in the mail,
Blood money ! a pay-off, hush-money, etc.
Tell me Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming ?
purrrr ...
Wow...what a spinout for my pc when I got to the Duff article...but never mind.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate Duff has essentially the same take on this as I do, even to the details of Loughner being tagged as the perfect 'Profile" at the military induction center.
Yes...the videos...where are they? The event was in progress and it had to be all on hard disk.
This is definitly one of those WONDERLAND events...go ask Alice when she's 10 ft tall.
There seems to be a large 'damage control' op going...Wheeler, Judge Roll, Giffords, Turton,,,even a "Born on 9/11" innocent manipulated to the scene, just to fluff the icing.
ReplyDeleteThere is some info floating around like a heavy gas wafting through the Halls of the congressional offices, the significance of which few recognise yet. There are those targeted for elimination, others can be blackmailed or intimidated otherwise.
I don't think they know what they know yet, but are being bumped prior to something else that will happen that would put 2+2 together for them. All who are privy to "whatever it is" must be corralled or silenced.
Therefore, I think we should antisipate some larger event as in the offing.
I have been here but jumping to your leads to come back for comment--got iced by the computer wigglies and took a long time getting back up and prepped for comment.
ReplyDeleteHey--this job turns into real work sometimes, ya know???
standing ovulation and applesauce indeed, for good kitty.
ReplyDeleteThat's the funny thing 'bout all this Podz, here we are going the "Not Along" route, and doing it pro bono. There are no vegas like flashing light adds here at COTO to SELL gold, silver, mashed potatoes or sugar gravy. No checks in the mail.
So yes, Applesauce and Ovulating Praise to all at COTO from within. Nobody else will thank us...but perhaps history--if there is to be a history.
But yes..."froze in place" as well. I am snowed in solid. I saw flakes the size of quarters falling, right out my window...amazing. It's some big white here.
4th hand info says local law enforcements are actively training for Martial Law imposition and civilian unrest. Admitted by an officer.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the squigglies.
ReplyDeleteWe can add some stuff if ya want it...
ReplyDeleteMUST WATCH - FINAL WARNINGS REPORT : Economic Precipice Near
Yea...yes...it comes. I mean didn't we sort of "countdown" to this as we have poatulated its arrival?
ReplyDeleteThat DRAGNET scenario is due and upcoming. We are in overdrive now going [FFWD>>] like a cruise missle.
The oinking TV STILL has the masses in trance stroking softly the right side of the face and jamming fear and loathing voodoo pins into the left side.
Split schizo manufacture on le grande scale via del ludis.
As Shakespeare said, “Hell is empty and the devils are here,” ~The Tempest
ReplyDeleteBilderberg Group's grand scheme that Daniel Estulin exposed for:
-- "one international identify (observing) one set of universal values;"
-- centralized dominance of world populations by "mind control;" in other words, controlling world public opinion;
-- a New World Order with no middle class, only "rulers and servants (serfs)," and, of course, no democracy;
-- "a zero-growth society" without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;
-- manufactured crises and perpetual wars;
-- absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;
-- "centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;" one size fits all globally;
-- using the UN as a de facto world government, imposing a UN tax on "world citizens;"
-- expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;
-- making NATO a world military;
-- imposing a universal legal system; and
-- a global "welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination."
Obama's New Team, Bilderberger Approved
William M. Daley:
"International financial markets are becoming increasingly competitive, and we need to step up our game and respond," adding that there's "a perception around the world that we've got problems because of a regulatory and legal climate. Whether it is true or not, the fact is that perception creates its own reality."
In other words, he wanted already loose regulations removed to give Wall Street unencumbered free reign to pillage. As White House chief of staff, he'll assure it at the expense of working Americans.
Gene B. Sperling will replace Larry Summers as Director of the National Economic Council (NEC), a job he held in the Clinton administration where he and Summers were principle negotiators for passing the 1999 Financial Modernization Act (also called Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), repealing Glass-Steagal (the Banking Act of 1933) that prevented banks, securities firms and insurance companies from merging.
The day of reckoning is now at hand!
"The day of reckoning is now at hand! There's no overstating how serious or how pressing this crisis is," affecting the nation, states and cities. Default is a major risk, a view Weiss shares with noted banking analyst Meredith Whitney, telling a December 60 Minutes audience to expect massive nationwide defaults in 50 to 100 cities and towns, amounting to "hundreds of billions of dollars" as pension liabilities dwarf tax revenues.
~January 10, financial expert/investor safety advocate Martin Weiss
The day of reckoning is now at hand!
Because this goes fist in glove with the crackdown scenario. The collapse and crackdown must coincide it is an interwoven agenda.~ww
This in no way means the end of empire for what is referred to as the US. It is the final death spasms of the Republic, or rather beating it's dead corpse. The People now get to see where going along to get along has brought them to. This is what it ultimately means to be a serf, a debt slave:
ReplyDeleteAttrition and eventually refugee camps, and city lock-downs, the whole “airport model” planted right over 'Google Street View'.
This isn't 'doom and gloom' cynicism, this is the script revealed, this is reality world wide.
"Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to
convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences
to influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and
ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations,
groups, and individuals. PSYOP are a vital part of the broad
range of US diplomatic, informational, military, and economic
activities. PSYOP characteristically are delivered as information
for effect, used during peacetime and conflict, to inform and
However, under the new strategic maxim of Full Spectrum Dominance, the 'war theater' is perpetual
and global—including the domestic “audience”. So these PSYOPs are directed to influence the
Amerikan people as well.
Podzemi's Balance sheet
12 - cans friskies
2 - 5 lbs. bags kitty litter
23 - 8oz bags catnip
$ 786.54
Equity ?
purrrrr .....
"Equity ?"~Pod
ReplyDeleteYou only get Equity from horses. [Lexiconist Rex]
At its roots the state serves elitist interests. In this context it is worth quoting George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. An excerpt from a fictitious book, Emmanuel Goldstein’s The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, being read by Orwell’s protagonist Winston sums this point:
ReplyDelete“The war, therefore, if we judge it by standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. [...] But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognise their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word [and conceptualization of] ‘war’, therefore has been misleading.”~Orwell
And that is the "badaboom" and fading cymble sizzle.......
"This is definitly one of those WONDERLAND events…go ask Alice when she’s 10 ft tall."
ReplyDeleteThe Nephilim were here just not breathing yet. Go ask Isis when she's 10 months along.
Mr. Jarred Loiughner was a 'johnny come lately' and a quick fill committee hitman. Anybody lucid and not Lucis can be driven by Whorfian Monarchial mumbo jumbo and see through the Sapir of young Jarred, his handlers agenda and the MSM Newspeak.
P.S. We are in the midst of two snow jobs :)
Yeah, that's a fair description of the badaboom. I find this entire Owner/Subjects wingding rather confounding...
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that essentially, no democracy exists anywhere. It is a figment, a construction, a "container" if you will of the subjects. The entire "voting" scamblam is a shimmysham obviously. The population (er, society) is containerized within the walls of a giant oligarchical movie set. As long as the population doesn't get wise to the fact that they're living "annuities" to the Owners at the top, the shimmysham is perpetuated. It is a blood flow kind of thing. A cow pasture for sheeple. The Owners milk them incessantly until wore out. Then makes footballs and chamois out of them to shine their expensive cars. If there is a stampede or a rogue, well, you know what happens...culled, cut, killed, reprogrammed, or railroaded, there's a number of doors they have waiting at the end of the pen, and none of them good.
So, I'm waiting to see the Ultimate "Pin", or reversal. Just like with wrestling, one guy is on the bottom, the opponent applying pressure, and !Flash!, the tables are turned with a lightning stroke, and the Upper is now the Lower. Why would it be that the Owners remain owners. Its like the Catholic Church saying they have all power on earth -- because THEY say it?! It is penultimate arrogance.
The 1% are arrogant. They've obtained their wealth by many methods over the years, and most of it is very dirty. So -- take it away from them. One by one. What does a population of poor have to lose anyways?
I don't see Americans going along with overt fascism for too long. One day, as they're munching out in the field, something is going to wallop them to where it hurts enough to take notice. Their head is going to come up, their eyes roll back, and with a snort they will be henceforth uncontrollable beasts. That's when role reversals happen. When the herd wakes up and stampedes.
The structure of society, and the faux pillars (government, fiat money, protect & serve) are crumbling into the dust because of greed and corruption. When the rubber meets the road, it will be plain that the "constructs" have been empty words, slogans, window dressing to hide the cage bars from being seen.
Q. Why does Jared Loughner have blue eyes in the before shots, and brown eyes in the mugshot?
How come all his madness and babble is so recent? I'd like to meet the handler and SPLC shill who really transcibed this crud. CNN is going full banana on this and OBarry will be speaking at the memorial.
ReplyDeleteWe had the interview with Brady and Wife and they did their little ditty. Back to the future we go.
Why do some languages use no present/past tense? It's about mind and matter. Time is an illusion. Happy GROUNDHOG DAY!! Butterfly effect. MK shoots politician and the earth floods.
Wow it's really true
"Butterfly effect. MK shoots politician and the earth floods."
ReplyDeleteyes Puddy...there really is a Satan Clause...Lol
I looked into my moms getting my paws on some windshied melter for all the snow on my truck a bitty bit ago and saw Obamaroong on TV sayin somethin'...I dent care whut. Maybee he was doin' his MK wiggle for a giggle.
Really...the guy has blue eyes in photons I saw ob heem...the mug is bruant and woe so crazy look like David Ferrie played by Pisskey...wonder how long it took to set up for that shot. Perfect monster show pic.
hubba hubba hubba, \\ll//
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.~Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDeleteThey are selling so many Glocks is AZ the last few days the gunshops are about to run empty of them. Hmmmm? People seem to be wising up fast.
Ya know...I don't think folks are fallin' for this psyop like they might have in 2001.
The Arizonans can either "gear up", or "go out" to eat again on the town. An individual's natural reaction would be to gear up, I would think. The ones that put their heads down and go back to grazing are just lowering their personal odds of living a long life. For some time, it may only necessary to outrun the "grazers", as they represent the easiest marks. Law of the Jungle kinda thing there.
ReplyDeleteI read a poll on the 2nd Amendment on one of the MSM sites telling the story of the shooting.
ReplyDeleteMore than 80pc were in favor of unrestricted right to bear arms....
That is one of the highest percentages on the subject I have ever seen.
The jungle is closing in fast.
This really bugs me, so I am going to visit it again.
ReplyDeleteLoughner has BLUE EYES in the photos from MyFace and others from the story.
He definitly has BROWN EYES in the mug shot. I have looked at it for a long time trying to see how reflections or something would make them "appear" brown. No, the eyes are brown.
This is too screwy a screw up. I mean, something is too weird if this is a different person. They can't be serious...I mean, it's too stupid.
They need a slap.
...and the gallows.
I think I know what happened with the Loughner mugshot. In order to make it look a sinister as possible someone filtered the blue almost or totally out and pumped the yellow up a notch. I would wager the background behind him is originally blue.
ReplyDeleteTampering for psychological effect is no honest presentation. I've seen this done with darkening Eyebrows, even filling the space between them for that caricature look of evil.
Just shows to go ya, there's no business like bullshit...the usual business, perception manipulation.
Nothing is at it seems... in Klown Land. Scheme, Lie, Run Triads, Steal, and Murder. Maniacs waiting to meet their Maker.
ReplyDeleteEverything is a "trick" for effect. You may be right on on your assumption Rogue1.