_______________________________HAITI ALERT _______________________________
Dominican Republic (Security threat level - 3): On 26 January 2011 the police chief in Santo Domingo announced that more than 13,000 additional police officers will be stationed in the streets of the city in anticipation of protests over fuel and food staple price increases. The Alternative Social Forum (ASF) has announced several demonstrations that are intended to be peaceful but carry a risk of violence. As part of the planned protests, transport workers went on strike in Santo Domingo, bringing all bus traffic to a stop and leaving passengers stranded. One bus operator, Caribe Tours, did not take part in the strike, but the striking workers blocked the Caribe Tours buses and forced them to turn around. Thus far the protests have been relatively peaceful but they may turn violent without warning. Travelers should avoid Santo Domingo in the coming days.
______________________VOLCANO EARTHQUAKE WATCH _____________________
Indonesia (Security threat level - 4): Transportation disruptions were reported throughout the Indonesian resort island of Bali on 27 January 2011 amid the ongoing eruption of the Mount Bromo volcano. Airline managers canceled several flights in and out of Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport (WADD/DPS) as the volcano has begun spewing a large ash cloud that could pose a danger to aircraft engines. Some inbound international flights have been diverted to the Australian cities of Perth, Brisbane and Sydney. The airport remains open, but transportation authorities are monitoring the situation closely and may shut down operations if the eruption intensifies. The large plume has reportedly reached as high as 18,000 ft/5,500 m and has spread with prevailing winds throughout the Java and Lombok regions. Mount Bromo began erupting in November 2010, prompting the Indonesian government to raise the volcano alert in the area to the maximum level. The alert was lowered when the rate of eruption subsided somewhat in early January. As the eruption and air quality conditions in Bali can change significantly with little warning, travelers should monitor local news reports and check with their airline to determine the extent of the ongoing transportation disruptions.
Switzerland (Security threat level - 2): A small explosion occurred at the Post Hotel Morosani in Davos on 27 January 2011. The blast was initially reported to have occurred in a storage room in the hotel’s basement at approximately 0900 local time (0800 UTC), but officials later indicated that it took place at the hotel’s back entrance. The blast caused minor damage but no injuries. The cause of the explosion has not been determined with certainty, but officials stated that it may have been caused by a firework.
The hotel is located approximately 1 mi/2 km from the main venue of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is taking place in Davos from 26 to 30 January. Initial reports indicated that the facility was being used by Swiss officials during the event, but Swiss authorities later corrected that information, stating that there were no officials at the facility. An investigation into the explosion is currently underway; it was disclosed that an anarchist group sent messages threatening to attack the hotel with fireworks prior to the beginning of the WEF. Following the incident, a left-wing group calling itself the Revolutionary Perspective claimed responsibility for the blast via an activist website; the group stated that it conducted a “firebomb” attack at the hotel as a statement to Swiss ministers and representatives of banking institution UBS who were staying there. However, the claim of responsibility has not been verified and it has yet to be confirmed whether the aforementioned were actually guests at the hotel.
There have been no reports of disruptions to the WEF event itself as a result of the incident, but authorities have likely bolstered their already heightened security posture. Security at the hotel has been stepped up, but there have been no reports of disruptions for guests and visitors to the facility
__________________________ASSASSINATION WATCH_____________________________
Egypt (Security threat level - 3): Security remains markedly bolstered in Cairo and other cities and towns in Egypt on 27 January 2011 amid ongoing tensions stemming from two days of protests and unrest in the country. According to reports, a massive security presence remains in Cairo, particularly in the downtown area, and despite reports of sporadic disturbances the situation is overall said to be a tense calm. Small groups of individuals have reportedly continued to defy a government-imposed ban on rallies and attempt to gather in central Cairo, but have been dispersed and/or arrested by security forces. No large-scale protest actions have been reported on 27 January, but smaller incidents are occurring, including in the northern Sinai Peninsula where a group of protesters blocked main roads in response to the 26 January death of a protester in the area. Hundreds of people also participated in a protest in Ismailia, located on the western bank of the Suez Canal in northeastern Egypt; clashes with security forces occurred during the demonstration. Unconfirmed reports also cite disturbances in the northern cities of Tanta and Alexandria.
As of 27 January social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as Gmail, remain blocked by the government in an effort to prevent opposition sympathizers and activists from communicating and mobilizing. However, these services reportedly remain available on mobile phones. Despite some calls for continued protests, the disturbances that continue to arise do not appear to be particularly organized or well-planned. Given the current levels of passion among protesters (particularly in light of the deaths of at least six protesters over the past several days) and feelings of emboldenment inspired by the recent events in Tunisia, disturbances and unrest are expected to continue occurring in various locations across Egypt for the time being. However, the likelihood that protests similar in size and intensity to those that occurred on 25 January will continue occurring is not particularly high given that opposition movements organized and mobilized support for those demonstrations for several weeks and security forces are now using strict measures to prevent rallies. Protests and disturbances are especially likely to occur on 28 January following Friday afternoon prayer services. Security measures will continue to be heightened throughout Egypt and arrests of suspected protesters will continue as well; reports indicate that as many as 1,000 people have been detained since 25 January.
Due to current levels of tension and anticipated continued sporadic outbreaks of protests and unrest, travelers and expatriates in Egypt should be especially vigilant; this includes minimizing exposure on the streets, avoiding any gatherings (and immediately leaving an area in which a protest arises), avoiding security checkpoints where security forces may be gathered and avoiding venues that are particularly prone to experiencing protests such as places of worship, government buildings and local squares. Security has reportedly been bolstered around hotels as a precaution.
Yemen (Security threat level - 4): Thousands of people gathered in Sanaa on 27 January 2011 to call for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to resign. The protesters rallied throughout the city, including Sanaa University, where at least 10,000 people assembled. A total of approximately 6,000 people protested in at least three other locations in the city. Reports indicate that participants made reference to the recent popular uprising in Tunisia. Several hundred people gathered for a separate pro-government rally. There were no reports of violence or arrests.
Lebanon (Security threat level - 4): The situation in Lebanon is reported to be calm on 26 January 2011, following two days of anti-Hizballah protests staged by Sunni supporters of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the March 14 political coalition. There have been no reports of further demonstrations as of 26 January, and the army is still heavily deployed in most major cities to ensure that roads remain open and passable. Since 25 January security forces have worked to clear debris and other barriers from many roads in the northern port city of Tripoli as well as Beirut, two cities that bore the brunt of the recent unrest. Schools and businesses that had closed down as a security precaution on 25 January have reopened on 26 January, and traffic levels are reported to be normal.
Meanwhile, the political situation that inspired the 24 and 25 January unrest has not been resolved. Newly appointed Prime Minister Naqib Mikati began the process of forming a new Cabinet on 26 January. Mikati is backed by the Hizballah-led opposition, and it remains unclear whether Hariri and his former ruling coalition will participate in the new government. Mikati has pledged to work with all parties, but deep divisions remain in the Lebanese political sphere. Although no major violence or demonstrations have been reported as of 26 January, for the time being there remains the potential for disturbances, demonstrations and attacks (including grenade attacks). Saudi Arabia has highlighted concerns about the situation with its 26 January issuance of an advisory against travel to Lebanon. There have been no reports of other governments altering their travel advice for Lebanon. The situation should continue to be closely monitored.
Tunisia (Security threat level - 3): Thousands of people took part in an anti-government demonstration in the central coastal city of Sfax on 26 January 2011, a day after a major union group located in the city called for a strike. Union representatives claim that approximately 50,000 people took part in the protest action. Local sources noted that “several thousand” protesters took to the streets to demand the dissolution of the interim government, which they claim is mainly comprised of former regime figures. There were no reports of any major incidents of violence during the protest.
In a similar development on 26 January, demonstrators clashed with police in another protest in Tunis, the capital, near the prime minister's offices. Tunisian police fired tear gas at the protesters when they attempted to breach security barricades. Daily demonstrations have taken place at the prime minister's headquarters over the last several days.
Thanks for the update Puddy. Here's some cool satellite pictures of Foreclosures in the USA. Yeah...this Recovery is clicking right along alright:
Here's another take of money well spent by our esteemed (sic) central planning government:
ReplyDeleteAfter the U.S. lost 8.36 million jobs over a two year period from December of 2007 through December of 2009, our economy has recovered 1.12 million jobs as a result of the Federal Reserve and U.S. government spending $4.6 trillion on bailouts and stimulus programs. That is over $4 million spent for each job created. Instead of bailing out Wall Street and allowing non-productive bankers to receive record bonuses, the U.S. could have sent a check for $550,000 to each middle-class American who lost their job.
YAHHH! Where's my Bail-out check?!
I'm putting this link up for folks to contemplate. In this man's thesis, we may find some explanations for our present world's condition. You be the judge...
This goes better here even tho I posted it on another thread too...
ReplyDeleteWow...there is just so fuckin' much going on at once...huge animal die-offs all over the world, lots and lots of birds. A cloud of locust the size of France hit Australia. Volcanoes erupting weekly. Floods, earthquakes...rioting, rotting infrastructure rotting economy rotting brains rotting rains. Honey bees and bats are dying in mass. Right here we have been frozen since Christmas.
I'd say a good third of comments on most blog stories regardless of subject, are about Tribulations and the Book of Revelations—yes that and 2012...it's on a lot of people's minds. Mine too.
The Quickening is definitely here.
Thanks for that link Boom [awakeninthedream]
ReplyDeleteI wonder deeply about humanity as well...Homo Vishnu Stoopidus.
I studied cultural and physical anthropology. Something there in the genes that resonates with fear and loathing. Traumas act like windings of clocks and it ticks from neurosis to psychosis depending on how tightly wound.
But there is free will, and moral weakness in that arena abound. Understanding the purposeful trauma inducing system, I think it would be fair to judge that man is more stable in a more natural environment, and that it is very much the system, run by the very worst of us that has spoiled the rest of the crop
Like I was saying "there is something in the genes that resonates with"...that is, it is not the genes themselves, but the affect of environment on the program software.
In a sense, I think what effects the human mind most negatively is betrayal of trust, and especially if there is physical trauma associated with it.~ww
I was thinking primarily of you Rogue1 and Puddy. I thought you'd enjoy it. Rather insightful stuff.
ReplyDeleteHadn't heard of the locusts in AU. That is double trouble on top of the terrible flooding. Has OZ said anything about the locusts?
ReplyDeleteThanks Patrick. Seems the entire world is erupting like a volcano. Egypt shut down the internet but it hasn't stopped the people from protesting.
ReplyDeleteThe question is when will the U.S. start rumbling?
Wow Boom, those are some depressing maps. I see two cities not far from me are in the top 7 to have real estate prices drastically fall this year..Atlantic & Ocean City.
ReplyDeleteBtw, bailing out the people was what I was pushing for all along too. People could pay off those mortgages, buy that new car, appliance etc and so on. But we all know that wasn't the purpose of the bailouts in the first place. They robbed us blind and left us jobless & homeless with a dead economy. Mission accomplished.
no I hadnt:-) theyre around in some places so bad its hard to see to drive, I hear.
ReplyDeletewhere I am a few have come in on the winds but not too bad. ;ast plague I was in the middle of was 10? years back, literally could not see the ground, like a live mudflood just eating their way up my garden in on and over the house and off to the rest:-)
the flood will have drowned the juveniles in some spots, but they lay eggs fairly deep so they probably will survive, the inground moisture will mean good crops and so good feed for the sods next summer:-(
believe me I consider a 10month mouse plague was FAR worse. I slept in day and spent the nights killing mice, they were walking through walls, abseiling up wardrobes etc and chose clothing as a nice place to nest or die in.
I had to upend and rebottom every cupboard in my home.
the magnetic poles are way outta whack and many more volcanos etc will occur. I see the Afar rift in afric has not only lengthened but is now spitting lava from multiple(22) sites. nasty.
maybe? when the downgrade occurs soonish? someho I doubt it, seems revolution only happens when critical mass is starving,/angry and desperate enough to stand and risk death, usa doesnt seem to be at that point.
ReplyDeletemaybe when 50% of the pop is anorexic rather than obese?
"Columbus and Other Cannibals" fails to connect the Wetiko[cannibal] with design.
ReplyDeleteThe process of evolution, origin, design civilization to - Sumerian- Egyptian -Khazar development does suggest the Wetiko gene versus psychosis.
DNA can identify this in my belief. The description of the psychosis is merely a black swan type retrospect of a design. Those promoting it's concept just play into the dialectic for rise and fall.
This Mathusian dialectic has been crafted to the tenth. Whether it's GW, Peak Oil, Famine, Weather, Fiat, Wetik Terror, Alien theories, Mayan or Atlantean outcomes, viral-bacterial pandemic, .........etcetera etc etc
The same forces behind the promotion of the Peak Oil myth are also interested in reducing the population. Peak Oil was deliberately formulated by Royal Dutch Shell and other petroleum giants as a way to ensure obscene profits and control over oil resources but yet again they are just another of the Blue Gene Species
under the Kingdom. They are all interconnected and share lineage from the beginnings.
I cannot understand why non XX+X affected chromosonal mtDNA beings cannot connect the dots from mere historical information let alone the daily happenings.
I had to conclude the specific ongoing procreation and migration patterns from as far back as Sumerian, Egyptian and Khazarian bloodlines and their mingling into these Y peoples has spread the disease.
[1000 ways to die]
The coming bloodbath-eugenics and Y cleansing has more avenues from which to traverse targeted genetic soft kill for the committee. Wars have become messy and expensive and they have run out of our money now.
The "in plain view" material that is accessible clearly links the agenda for G6.
Why is blood typing-testing so important to Gates? Why do they want your info?
Why has there been an enormous effort in collecting this data? Who are they looking for?
You've got to research haplogroups Q, R1a1, R1b, I and "G" in the Committee to determine the secrets. Following their migration, intermingling and infestation around the world is easy to discover.
But the research aside, how can anyone look at the streaming brage of alpha-beta mind programming going on leaning toward this cataclysmic government/fiat bullshit and acceptance for catastrophic human death due to a myriad of theories?
Such a campaign in programmed stimuli in commercials, movies, books, internet and the "open access to science" clear frauds, conspiracy touters and whistleblowers are moving towards a big secret.
This transition to event phase has so many traps and layers as to boggle any man. The rejection of the Mockingbirds is my formula. Repelling Mockingbirds and Woodpeckers is my plan.
Now that I have proof positive of Ionospheric and GW EMR assaulting, I need no other information to decide on my approach. Farraday/Orgone, Organic and Chronic Scepticism of all Salesmen.
I wrote that the Mortgage bubble and financial bailout was another perfect triad.
ReplyDeleteLeft: Bubba-Greenspan, right out of the right: GRAMM-BLILEY-LEACH[1] gate to the
Countrywide greed baiting.
While Barry Soetoro was being groomed, this 'WETIKO?' committee clan, VETTED and FEDDED the derivative scheme[2]
To the Bush-Barry bailouts for the MONOPOLY [2big2fails] [3] that would support the banks to allow them to hold the assets until such time as a bounceback would
allow them to materialize into the largest REAL ESTATE ponzi for pennies.
Who ultimately will hold the LAND GRAB is by committee, sitting the unknown books of total abberation. Phase three will cover this Redistribution to the Committee Capstone with some false flag deflection and catastrophic diversion.
The government, Bush, Obama committed a terrorist act by aiding and abetting the banks and enemy of foreign powers who allow freely the movement of known terror funding.
The WTO and NAFTA were the first part of this scheme, I failed to mention.
ReplyDeleteBy design. You cannot rape someone who's not in your control. Welcome to the Grand Central Fiat Station.
"The last I think; for, O poor old Harry Jekyll, if ever I read Satan's signature upon a face, it is on that of your new friend."- Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
Now that we have you in our clutches, I'd like you to meet our Hyde!
Leave America to succomb to their own vices. Attrition by division, Murder by numbers. Paying for the pill to ultimate euthenasia.
ReplyDeleteThe Committee real time data has a R&D defined strategem. Who's in who's out. Recall Bush's first use of the term "rejectionist" and you get the drift of this blivet.
A heller scenario with no win outcome. Ultimately you will fall into the Zionist or Marxist programming. America largely developed into Zionism has weighted heavily to the reverse. This transition in the paradigm will undo us for certain.
“Wetiko” in Cree is 'witko' in Sioux, as per, “crazy” in Crazy Horse, in the original Sioux.
ReplyDeleteTatanka Witko means crazy bull...but I have forgotten the Sioux word for horse.
At any rate;
The USA is Witko Incorporated.
Here the law is just a bunch of fucking code words. And I don't use the term 'fucking' for mere shock value: You can 'couple' them together any way you want any time you want,to mean anything you want.
There's no business like bullshit, and that is the usual business.
I would have to add to Puddy's therum that it is also true that the human genome can and is effected by "experience" as well--recall Monarch butterfly discovery. This is why generational abuse becomes genetic. And we know about skipped generationals, ie 'balding patterns' due to grandparents v parents. etc.
More than anything though--I agree that it is in the SYSTEMS design by witko's/psycho's that true damnation of the species arrises.
Interesting language= hide and hyde...skin suits, etc. TAXI-dermus woo woo.
Hmmmm...Lol....seems there has been a bit of "slippage". Pop goes the weasel.
For consideration:
Known sites run by Sorcha Faal / David Booth:
Known sites that Sorcha Faal / David Booth writes for:
***http://FourWinds10.com/ ***
Further Information on Sorcha Faal / David Booth:
So why does David Booth do what he does? To understand this you have to understand the nature of COINTELPRO, and how it relates to his "work". In order to do this I am going to have to dissect one of Sorcha Faal's articles, and show you how it is used in COINTELPRO.
~Alternative Intelligence Community