Thursday, January 20, 2011

Doodle Me This

(click on images to enlarge)

Free the Humans

GeoEngineering Is Complete

Catch the Wave


Never Mind Waldo - Find the Terrorist

The O'Reilly Show Just Got Better

If Truth Be Told

Eye in the Sky

Introducing the Bill Maher Dancers

One Second Past Midnight

Inside the Bubble


  1. Very nice pictorial, CasaZaZa! Important Stories encapsulated in each.

  2. A picture, 1000 words not need spoke. Beautiful work Peter. I am especially fond of the Maher Dancers or "Riverrat Dancers" is it?

  3. Thanks - I look forward to every single header graphic on this COTO site, your facility with the tools and originality of ideas always leaves me inspired.

  4. Good job CZ! 9/11 is the key.

  5. Funny JG - that was one of my alternate titles, the other being "Unlock Your Mind"

  6. Totally bitchin' Zaza...most cool and timely as Goya was in his day.


  7. I get the worldwide blues
    From the worldwide news
    It's a worldwide carney
    For the worldwide jews

    ~Pinky Doolittle, 1941

  8. "But, how do you ever ‘know’ that what you’re reading/writing isn’t fanciful nonsense?"~David Longley

    Just because I drew you into the bottom line of the principles of uncertainty does not mean that I live in that bubble as a matter of human existence. I simply wanted to state the bottom line.

    For analysis I use the classical instruments of critical reasoning, as I presume you do. I also pay close attention to intuition, for imagination plays a great role as a superconscious source of inspiration--but such must be checked against data and facts and not let go as the master of your thinking.

    Epistemological introspection. Such as; do I know what I know and how I know it? or have I uncritically accepted some foundational credo? One must investigate ones own thinking as critically as any other aspect.

    The fact that we cannot be certain in absolute terms, doesn't mean we cannot have a working hypothesis that actually takes us forward.

    We could get into the etymology of the word "belief", which derives from the Sanskrit, "Belava"...which would leave us firmly committed to editing the word from our lexicon; as the word originally indicates the jejune, the childlike reBELlion, the war {bellum} against ava {Eve, nurture, mother, nature, wisdom...etc.
    But we have accepted the word into our modern vocabulary on "softened" terms.
    Yet however, I am wary of it's uses and implications always.

    True knowledge is the known which is understood--as to how it is we have come to know it. All else is hypothesis based on the whole of that knowledge and restructuring as new information verifies or disparages old.~ww 7:24 Jan 21 2011
    Just thought I would throw this in from a conversation on McDonnald's Occidenal Observer site--where I am arguing with "White Identity" characters....interesting.

  9. corporate global gang
    talk'n global slang
    chase'n global honey
    suck'n global yang

    ~Himmy Jiggins, 1941

  10. cha cha cha Pod {grin}
